We resume this week at 12 noon counter -information Rosso Operaia First of all, informing those who listen to us that the new number has come out of the printed newspaper which is taken from the counter -information daily we do four times a week in this new year. The printed number has a particular function, that of Select between the themes and pieces covered in the daily Audio counter -information and make a direct intervention tool Among the workers, the workers, the masses, both first of all to the places of work, to the concierge of the factories, in the assemblies of workers held by the Slai Cobas or by the various organizations trade unions and be used in participation in the events and They are held in various realities during the week.
This number contains and resumes the problem of the war and the role of Italy in the war commenting on the interview with that pig who is the Minister Crosetto, peak minister of the Meloni government, linked e salary - as has been shown - by the big industries Belliche, in particular by Leonardo. This minister is now the Official voice of the worst wing of militarism and imperialism Italian.
Did An interview that we commented. This comment is present in printed number of 12 hours to be released today under the title "The Meloni/Crosetto government goes to the wars for profits and wants i reservists ".
Another article which is contained is that relating to Meloni's journey in Japan who, beyond how it was presented and uncensized and al beyond the objective fact that Meloni went to Japan to collect the scepter for the management of the new G7 - which this year It is held in Italy, in Puglia, around mid -June - that It will be very important both for our country and at the level world. We are among those who want this G7 to be strongly contested in June, with a great participation national and international. But in the meantime the trip to Japan is was also much more, like all the recent trips of Meloni: On the one hand the placer of the masters, he goes there to tighten bonds cheap with large industries, with the large multinationals of Japan, to favor both the ties with Italy and serve them on a silver plate within the criticality of Italian situations such as Economic platform at the service of general economic interests of imperialism and masters. Think of the car sector, think to steel, etc. etc.
The other element of these travels are to bind militarily, organize the Military Italian presence - In this case in the great and strategic Pacific indoor chessboard where the reasons are also accumulating there of the clash between the imperialist powers, primarily US/China in march that unfortunately seems unstoppable towards a third conflict World - And in this context Meloni acts as a Piazzista of the war industry, cannon merchants, as the title says.
The other part of This printed number is linked to the protest of farmers. The title says everything: “The protest of farmers also represents The interest of workers and masses? ”To this question the articles made by the audio counter -information say no and try to explain it by giving a tool to the proletarians and popular masses for to orient themselves between the right things and the wrong things of this great protest.
Finally two pages We have dedicated this young man to the freedom of Ilaria Salis anti -fascist, truly courageous, active, which went to challenge the Nazis and the regime that protects them with Orban, great friend of Salvini And Meloni, it is a real heroine of our time. And for this, As many times it has happened to the heroes and heroines in the events historical, it is treated like a beast chained when the real Beasts are in government and real beasts are friends in Italy of This government.
A page is dedicated to the struggle and contradictions present in the two greats Industrial factories or complexes of our country: to Stellantis Mirafiori where the workers took to strike and this is one very good news against the closing plans of reduction of masters and the contradictions between masters and government downloaded to workers.
And the other is the Infinite affair of the former Ilva where - in particular in the Ilva contract - A life is fought for life and death, certainly not of the establishment - or we would also say of the plant - but first of all The life of the workers of the contract that are all at home in the cashier integration, anteroom of redundancies and layoffs, while it continues The theater of the absurd of the comparison masters - Arcelmitittal in primis - government that, now as now, is downloaded to workers, First of all also through non -payment of credits to companies of the contract, many of which depend on these payments for their business continuity.
This Counter -information rossusoia is a small number but with large ones reasons and with great themes it addresses, which we distribute a contribution or free of charge to workers, because workers must have in their hands a concrete tool in the workplace for be able to orient themselves on things and to be able to stabilize as a subject real of our work, which then means worker autonomy, organization, intensification of the class struggle against masters and government but, in perspective, to overthrow government masters and the their system.
The newspapers of Today two things particularly highlight: what happens in Palestine, where the regime of Zionist monsters, neo -Nazis, represented by the state of Israel and its Netanyahu government, protected armed from American imperialism and supported among all governments, he wants to conduct another stage of the ongoing genocide, he wants attack Rafah to massacre the Palestinians, drive them out like mice from their land and get their hands on the entire strip of Gaza e They make another piece of the state of Israel. A crime against humanity, a genocide in place, as the Court of European justice that opened a process on this - has it declared admissible - that we must help to stop First of all with the worker and popular mobilization, which serves not only to express solidarity, but to force governments, institutions, however they are, to contribute to the ceased the fire and to stop the Genocida of Israel.
The other aspect is The potential agreement that would be made with a wing of Movement of farmers, the one called "agricultural redemption" and the government through the meetings that there were with the Minister Lollobrigida. This agreement are the crumbs for whom he really fought for survival, which serve to stop the fight, both in the right reasons and in the reasons we call unjust, that is, of those claims that we do not share and that they are also linked to the relationship between the agricultural world and the government, that certainly does not arise in these hours, but it is previous and is a part of that world, that of landowners, medium producers, who has already supported the government in his ascent.
So of this agreement of one thing we are sure: it will not solve the problems of the small agriculture, will not solve the problems of the workers of the earth, will not solve the problems that originate unhealthy agriculture and a frightening increase in prices, of agriculture products, through the infamous chain that transforms them into profit for the large trade multinationals.