The struggle of workers historically is always the union struggle of workers, and is concentrated on two problems, i.e. working hours and salary like two Central issues that animate the clash between masters and workers. THE Masters always say that "we are in the same boat", if I go Well you will be well workers. And the government the same. He says Meloni explicitly: we work for companies to earn So they earn workers.
We know yes It is a fairy tale. Who has a minimum of brain on the spot of I work well that it doesn't work like this.
But in each case two issues are in the center and which are in the center today because we are in difficulty as a worker movement, like struggles of workers and workers: the question of salary and the question of the time.
In Germany, for example, the struggle of 80,000 steel shadows obtained the reduction time from 35 to 32 hours
paid 33, together with a one -off of 3,000 € that held in 1994 and a 5.5% wage increase from 2025.
There justification of the German unions is simple: after The introduction of new plants will serve less hours of work for the steel production. Hence the speech of the 4 days of I work for the same salary that find a justification in the development of production itself, and in the shortest time of work that It is used to produce what was previously produced in longer.
The masters don't they are never, because for them all that is not necessary work It is surplus value, that is, profit. So says the newspaper of Entrepreneurs in Germany: "Yes, it would be nice but wrong".
The goodsense He says that “a week of 4 days, with the same remuneration, could make a significant contribution to maintaining the car sector attractive for young people. It would be a tested remedy for deficiency of labor ". This does not say it who knows which Marxist or which one Communist but the president of the metalworking union says so main in Germany.
They seem expressions of pure common sense and common sense should be even at the base of the trade union platforms and the struggle in breasts to the factories.
On the other hand It would be enough to ask the workers and in Germany they did it. A survey reported by the French newspaper, the Monde, resumes it and He says: 75% of German workers would like to go to 4 days a Salary equality. And it reaffirms that this would be even more palatable for young people, who certainly think that they must be on workplace 8 hours and then extraordinary and then etc etc. it is not that the It seems an acceptable future.
The struggle for the Reduction from working hours to equal pay is the struggle of Lotte for the worker movement. Today in all the factories of Italy, like in Europe and the world.
Of course, the crisis, the attack on the workplace, the reduction of wages, dissuade from think that this struggle can be done. And then make this struggle It seems more a problem than a solution.
This is this which is to be overturned. We started that this thing happened First of all, among the steelurgicals. Let's think about the crisis of the steel industry - so not to make names of the former Ilva, of Italian steel mills - such as the reduction in working hours to the same pays both the right and necessary claim to face too the states of crisis, conversion/transformation that these industries necessarily have to cross.
But the problem is Always this: the difficulty of fighting for the reduction of the time of work in the face of wages that are not defended. The defense of salary is the food necessary to be able to seriously do the struggle for the reduction of working hours but it is on the wage front that Instead we see the strongest retreat of workers.
The relationship between The inflation and recovery of wages is clearly disadvantage of wages.
The struggle for the salary, however, cannot be made with contracts that produce Salary increases of little more than a coffee per day. If the salary has been cut dryly it is evident that it must be recovered dryly and the roads have always been only two: reintroduction of the escalator to mitigate the effects of caravan, inflation and price increase and wage increase corresponding to productivity, not that calculated by the masters, but the one objectively visible from the amount of work to do The products that are made within the factories.
It is around These two things that are grafted the wage increase that today, for be imposed, it must start from the jobs. So it happened also in France and in other countries. We must not wait for the contracts. When wages descend - and in this period they go down - you have to Starting with real wage disputes, it would take at least requests of € 500 to be able to rebalance. Then they get a little less, But the important thing is to leave, the wage struggle is certain Even in contracts, fight and what is not touched is the request wage. Instead normally we start from a figure and you get to a coffee a day.
Inside, however, the wage issue is the question of discrimination within breast to the factories. And on this we should talk about it for a long time. The wage differences between workers and workers. Wages that They are given to the less protected sectors, to immigrant workers. AND etc. On this there are irrefutable data of the permanence and extension of wage discrimination.
For the same Work must be equal to salary. This applies above all for workers and even more - given the situation - for the immigrant workers.