MA: Armed police threaten peasants in Junco do Maranhão - The New Democracy

Author: Comitê de Apoio – São Luís (MA)
Categories: Luta Pela Terra
Description: Comsolute denounces that PMs invaded the Gleba Campina, in the Vilela community, in Junco do Maranhão, in an attack on the service of land grabbers in the region.
Link-Section: luta-pela-terra
Modified Time: 2024-02-15T15:53:18-03:00
Published Time: 2024-02-15T15-53-16-03-00
Sections: Luta Pela Terra
Tags: Pistolagem
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-02-15T15:53:18-03:00
Images: 000000.webp

According to one complaint do Solidarity Committee to the Fight for the Land (COMSOLUTE) , on February 10, military police broke into the Gleba Campina, in the Vilela community, in Junco do Maranhão, and tried to arrest peasants who worked in the lots. The action was all done on duty and accompanied by local landowners accused of grabbing, particularly Claudemir Moreira, known as "Bill".

The action took place around 1 pm, when six strongly armed police with rifles and pistols invaded the plot to try to hold the arrest. The comosolute organization note describes that:

“Scandalously, the police were accompanied by the“ manager ”of the farm, Claudemir Moreira, the“ Bill ”: subject that is appointed by the gunmen, in a statement collected by the Civil Police, as one of the principals of the armed militia headed by Adilson Secco, which has destroyed the improvements of the peasants in the Campina Gleba, ”says the document.

After not being able to arrest the peasants, the police tried to intimidate the residents of the region with threats so that they "do not return to the plot." According to the activists, the attempted intimidation of the peasants is a response to the growing mobilization in the region, expressed in the Great Peasant Assembly held on 02/04, where the community reaffirmed the path of struggle.
