Palestinian Guernica, Tomb of the Zionist State Frankenstein

Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: διεθνη, Κ.Μ., παλαιστινη
Published Time: 2024-02-15T17-09-00-02-00
Images: 000000.jpg
The monumental was the boldness of Picasso's angry response to the question of a German officer in occupied France in 1940, if he was the creator of the flagship table. "No (I), you did it." Similarly, with a host of inadequate, but at the same time fully justified and fair explosion on October 7 in the Schberrot was impressed by the very existence of a stingy state established on a horny homeland and guarded by the most brutal methods. Taking inhumane to such boundaries that until Hitler would feel relic. Another is so unhappy with this Anglo -American state by the current imprisoned - bombarded and former Palestinian owners of its existence. Even if a monk Kafi is left in the martyred soil this year, the conqueror will be anxious.

Therefore, the excruciating dilemma facing the Nazi leadership of the militarized Israel over time is clear and outrageous. There is a mixture of extensive extermination (raw genocide) and "more lenient" uprooting trial of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian population. Otherwise the foundations will be incessant. Intermediate phase is not meant. The conqueror's oppression dipped will supply endlessly fed. Even with diligent leaders (unfortunately the circumstances were taken and this is only corrected ... on the go) and almost orphaned by the necessary communist gum. Until the tears, lazy, today's or future attempts at the forefront of the indigenous population by the Iron Capitalist descendants of Moses (who replaced the swastika with the pendulum) will ultimately be the most guaranteed inspirer of Nikimos.

It is not an idealistic belief and a dreamy approach to the certainty of the certainty, often slow, always tiring, painful and violently projected to pace the human race. His overwhelmed pages of his multifaceted course are brightened by the lame flame of the unmistakable spirit, evolutionary law and the unmistakable torque for prosperity.

Verification; This is how slave societies were demolished. Empires and colonials collapsed, nations were liberated, fascism crushed, imperialism was overthrown. They were overthrown by tsar by guaranteeing class emancipation. This finding does not constitute an unmistakable and idealistic daydream of the impossible. It is simply the story itself. Whose inevitable jokes and recovery of flow to the positive obviously the global reaction cannot capture in the nightmarish present despite its hysterical efforts. Indeed, stating its ending and anchoring at the existing stage of the wrongdoing. Of the third world misery of the masses and the constant vertigo of war conflicts with their fear of fear of a thermal holocaust.

So it does not seek the advice or much more the approval of any theoretical luminous and hierarchy of the system to the struggle of the peoples to inflate and relieve their immediate suffering. While forging the perspective of definitive redemption and passing (and undermining) the current adverse class weigh. Nor did the various European strikers and farmers be faint in front of the "omnipotence of the bosses. The orders were heard from the mature need of bold defense of their interests. Similar is a vital destiny is the heroic armed Palestinian uprising, which is daily confused with the horror of reality on the planetary milestone of Gaza.

Continuously, the exacerbated, exalted and multifaceted crisis of the world capitalist-imperialist, in turn, puts an urgent dilemma in the working class and the peoples of the world: starvation, disgust, slavery and threat of nuclear holocaust; Or the neutralization of this historic gangrene and the accompanying salvation? In some and perhaps not long -term response, it no longer simply determines the dignity and bliss of the masses. But on the eve of mankind on the face of the earth and the avoidance of chaos.

In the drowning in rivers of innocent blood there in the heart of the Middle East, the chained right is once again boring. More rushing, because his stranger becomes unbearable. Certainly burdened with an oak weaknesses, but stunned on the steel will for two concepts, which are difficult to break down. The shutdown of American imperialism based on the elbows (despite the latest pretense, rhetorical, timid and posthumous distancing of) fascist yoke and now clearly the survival of the oppressed in their trampled land.

Ecumenical Lighthouse Palestine

The heart of mankind pulses on the night (and days) of Bartholomew in Mesolongi, Gaza. A people are killed (by tens of thousands), because "they want to say it is less". The perpetrator is not only depicted in the face of Zionism and his American pillar. Just nowadays they are pushing the trigger. However, they are stigmatized by numerous globe. Starting with the short -haired Greek starvation and miserable US port with a disproportionate taller grandeur and adventurism. Who assists in the massacre offering land and frigates. Continuing with the barbaric Arabic and Islamic regimes (and past some Palestinian executioners) whose bite -free barking do not reflect their sincere zeal for the unpleasant and hateful prospect of the prosperity of a genuine struggle and a good manner . Concluding in Russian and Chinese imperialism (Europeans are many times bewildered, tolerate and divide) where they leave and hope that their "inactivity" works geopolitically in their favor.

So behind the drama of Gaza lies an entire cluster of criminals and conflicting interests and designs. It condenses, captures and foreshadows the forthcoming tricks and suffering of many peoples or even. Because that's how it feeds, rearrange and perpetuated capitalism and imperialism. With the pain and flesh of the peoples. For about two hundred years, nothing changed in its downfall. In addition to short -lived pauses of "serenity" and alternations in the severity and geographical extent of the conflicts. Until the Red armies crush the last capitalist, the prosperity for the social majorities will be utopian and peace will be shaken by nightmares or suffer from serial rape.

The gangs of the exploiters are justified and dislike (despite the hypocrisy of many) the resistance of the Palestinians. Thorn annoying in their eye. Because it is the brightest symbol and the most indisputable example of the office, that the scourge will react instinctively against its torture.

Middle Eastern strikes travel to the planet. However, he is accompanied by a breathing crush, which permeates the muscles of each devastated. Of the working class, which for crumbs plays the life of the crown letters in employers. Of Africans and Latin Americans, who, although living in rich but looted continents, are starving. Unlucky Iraqi, Yugoslav, Syrollyvians and Ukrainians, whose fate threw them between the Complexes of imperialist competitions. Mourning millions of their dismembered and charred relatives. Any generally released, which generously receives the hopeless consequences of the existential extension of a rotten, bankrupt, vandal system.

In the Palestinian tragedy, the peoples detect gentle aspects of their own tests. By admiring the steel vigor and determination of the Palestinians, trust in their own fist emerges. On the contrary, in the face of Israel they recognize signs of their own tyrants.

This crush cracks the despair and encourages. It flashes the cowardly, bent -hearted reasoning. Demonstrating the lame impulse of man even in the most rugged circumstances and in the midst of the darker horizon to open the scratches of optimism. To fight for what he deserves and to sail that he crushes him.

Yes true. We give courage and strengthen the Palestinians with our solidarity. More fertile when we are opposed to converting our country into a warprint of the slayers. At the same time, however, we draw so much inspiration and encouragement. We are taught the palpitation and carving of the outlet to cancel our own paths.

Of course, Zionist criminals forget in the vertigo of overthrowing a ... "detailed" rule. The strange tree of freedom, the more it is watered with blood, the more it reaps ...

Petsas, as a cynical bearer of the rule of the rulers, advised the people to adapt to the new conditions, otherwise he would die. That is, to succumb to the trap of the system by planting and unhappy. On the other hand, their politics- just as Israel unintentionally unleashes armed uprising- outscor the people in the awareness of the necessity, that they will be hungry and dying if it does not flood the paths of confrontation.

Students and farmers are already becoming a bit of "Palestinians". They resist, they fight. Stumbling too, in turn in their own various deficits. An important of these is the incomplete understanding of the common origin of crushing policy on bread, good care, free public education, unmistakable trade unionism, uninterrupted capacity to claim nationalism, myriad equipment fever and involvement in war. And when the understanding is lagging behind, the conjunction of the struggle fronts is fatal.

If it is still mediated and acts on the movement one left of the truce with the system, the resistance of the below is severely suffering. Within four months Israel's US war machine has transformed into ruins the largest - as they say correctly - prison on the planet. Not to release the prisoners, but to destroy them. He set up 30,000 souls. Number of non -negligible. Number of sparact, outrageous. Number that concerns no mice loss. But how harmonized with the size of the massacre was the Communist in front of her organized condemnation on the streets of mobilization? So let's answer the shameful count of four -month gatherings and demonstrations, which were decided in the big cities. Especially in the last period of unacceptable silence-inaction and addiction to macabre announcement by the news of the daily hills by the victims.

There is an invasion of the Rafa of the crowded land of about one and a half million refugees. The Zionist Macquariers are self -denial when urged civilians to move to this supposedly safe refuge, to escape the inquisitive leveling of the northern part of Gaza. The destruction of a new Asia Minor Smyrna is being prepared. The descendants of survivors from the Auschwitz camp set up a new crematorium.

What does he have to prioritize as a duty of direct, dynamic and mass complaint of this abominable aggressive choice of the Jewish staff? Humanitarian, internationalist, anti -imperialist, anti -fascist or anti -war debt? But all together. There is no distinction. On the contrary, the separation arises between the Pharisee forces that claim to be friends and supporters of the Palestinian struggle (while deliberately omitted) and those who strive for the maximum.

The Resistance Initiative is organizing the documentary on Friday 17/2, 7pm at the Labor Center «GAZA FIGHTS FOR FREEDOM» And then there will be a discussion.

Kapetanakis Manolis Member of the Resistance Initiative
