PC February 15 - France Creative Solidarity with Palestine and Repression - Info

Author: maoist
Description: In via di transuzione France: arrests and searches for a painted staircase Da ...
Published Time: 2024-02-15T18-38-00-01-00
Images: 000000.webp

in the process of translation

France: arrests and searches for a painted staircase

During the night of Sunday, 11 to Monday, February 12, the steps of The staircase on rue Sainte Marie des Terreaux, in Lyon, were repainted in the colors of Palestine, to visibility the horror of genocide practiced by the Israeli occupation army. Six activists were taken to the fact and put into police custody and three underwent immediate searches (which is illegal, because the rules of police custody normally do not apply to this kind of offense). A ministerial directive is also applied: each action concerning Palestine must lead, as much as possible, to a guard seen, in order to intimidate.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-15-febbraio-francia-solidarieta.html