PC February 15 - Still charged to Telemeloni di Bologna .... but they do not understand the repression does not turn off but feeds the rebellion!

Author: maoist
Description: Info Bologna, protest at the Rai headquarters: Manganellate on young Palestinians ...
Published Time: 2024-02-15T20-19-00-01-00
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Bologna, protest at the Rai headquarters: Manganellate on young Palestinians

The demonstrators asked to read a statement against the "Filoisraelian propaganda" of public TV

Obogna voltage, police feeds and carabinieri and launch of objects by the demonstrators in via della Fair in Bologna, near the Rai Regional headquarters where it was in progress The manifestation of the young Palestinians. The front row of the garrison is It is approached to the sided agents, they have been matched and shots. shield, and launch of objects and firecrackers from the rear of the group. There tension got up after the demonstrators, about a thousand, have said that Rai had not given a guarantee of not reading the whole proposed document: the demonstrators approached and were Rejected with manganelli and shields.

The demonstrators had asked to be able to read a television on television Document entitled: "Communication against the denial of the genocide In progress, the censorship and the pro -Israeli narration of Rai ".


the protesters, who ask for the resignation of the AD Roberto Sergio e information without censorship on Palestine and not "Zionist thread", They then left in the procession to Piazza dell'Unità

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-15-febbraio-ancora-cariche.html