A regular reader and collaborator of our portal, wrote us the following comment to the article The study of Marxism through Lenin :
"Lenin", thus entitled the research work of 'Gerard Walter', an English historian, who with a lot of historical rigor tells Lenin's history of life emphasizing the historical context and the construction of the party and the internal struggles that They gave rise to the revolution in Russia. It is a text with good vision, without infamous distortions and slander, which cannot be missing in the libraries of the communists.
Unfortunately, it is not available in Bogotá bookstores. I saw him second in Mercado Libre.
We appreciate your comment and biographical recommendation about one of the teachers of the proletariat, Vladimir Ilich Lenin. We trust its revolutionary criteria that, without a doubt, has a proletarian class seal. We want to make a kind correction that, specifically, is secondary order: Gérard Walter was born in France. Finding out on the Internet, we found that it was obviously a historian who dedicated much of his work to document the French Revolution. He wrote "The Russian Revolution", with texts by Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Sukhanov, among others. In addition, he developed several biographies such as Robespierre, Babeuf, Maria Antonieta, Nero, Lenin, among other renowned characters in history.
We attach the book file for download and reading in digital. We end this note, with a brief apart from the book "Lenin" by Gérard Walter, which in the end, not only the biography of a man, but, the history of the construction of the PCUS, of his internal struggles and of the great deeds that The Soviet people fought to conquer their emancipation of capital chains from the point of view of an intellectual, as our reader is very well warned:
«In order to reduce and sanitize the administrative apparatus of the State, Lenin ordered to create a new service called workers and peasant inspection, whose mission should consist only in monitoring the operation of the bureaucratic machine and discovering the haragans and the incapable. Stalin, who already held the position of commissioner of the nationalities, was placed at the head of that institution, which was given that a fearsome power, since it was going to depend on it the fate of the staff of all the police stations and all the Establishments of the Soviet Administration in general. A member of the central committee, Preobrajenski, wanted to protest against that cluster of functions. Lenin put it roughly in his place: Does Stalin have two police stations? And? Who of us has not had to assume several tasks? Could it be otherwise, besides? We need a man in the Nationalities Police Station before whom any indigenous can expose his matter in detail. Where to find it? I think that Comrade Preobrajenski could not name another than Comrade Stalin. The same happens for the labor and peasant inspection. It is a gigantic company. It is necessary that he is directed by a man who has authority. Otherwise, we will be drowned in small intrigues . 44 It is not in any way here to rule for or against Stalin, but one is forced to recognize that, contrary to Trotsky's allegations, whose writings continue to enjoy the superficial auditorium of the bourgeois public, Lenin, at that time , he was very favorably arranged with respect to Stalin and leaned more to favor his rise than to stop him ».
Lenin's words are quoted textually, according to the Congress Taquigraphic Act published in 1922.