509 Edition of Revolution Worker | Workers Revolution

Author: Revolución Obrera
Description: Attention dear readers!
Modified Time: 2024-02-16T12:27:18-05:00
Published Time: 2024-02-16T12-21-13-05-00
Section: Actualidad política
Type: article
Images: 000000.png 000001.jpg 000002.jpg
Edición 509 de Revolución Obrera 1

Attention dear readers!

Companions workers, peasants, students, unemployed, people of the town, exploited and oppressed: the 509 edition of the workers' revolution is ready for action!

This new printed number of working revolution can be found in the main cities of the country.

In addition, today we present to all our followers the 509 edition, Also for reading and downloading in PDF .

Find in its content the most recent publisher, articles of interest on political news, international situation, mass struggle, women's emancipation, restructuring of the trade union movement, on the construction of the party and more

We need your support and dissemination to continue facing this rotten capitalist system. Its contributions are key to this detachment of communists, which does not cease in its efforts to build the Revolutionary Communist Party in Colombia, the main tool to organize the struggle that will lead us to the transformation of society.

Join the work of the workers' revolution!
Join work for the construction of the party!

Edición 509 de Revolución Obrera 2
Edición 509 de Revolución Obrera 3

"The revolution is made by the masses, the revolution is financed by the masses"

Source: https://revolucionobrera.com/actualidad/revolucion-obrera-509/