In each new “feast of democracy”, revisionism tries to convince the Galician proletariat that the Spanish regime is a neutral instrument, which is the enemy of the Galician people. Revisionism tries to hide that the Spanish regime is the instrument of the alliance between the Galician bourgeoisie and the Spanish bourgeoisie, in addition to other allied secondary classes and social strata, such as clergy, unconscious sectors, etc.
The political practice of revisionism always strengthens the bourgeois state because it always keeps alive the idea that through elections, institutes and reforms of the bourgeois state it is possible, eliminating the destructive character of capitalist society, or that it is possible to eliminate the tendency for new Interimperialist wars, which is possible to eliminate the capitalist accumulation law that determines that the increase in the wealth of a few people implies the poverty of many other people in the world, or that the maximum differences between bourgeoisie income and the salary of working class through taxes, etc.
Revisionism always tries to "save" to the worker class of its "disilusom" in the bourgeois state. Even when revisionism calls for "abstençom" it is always because "nengumha of the options is adequate." Although revisionism calls for the “abstençom”, unconsciously wants to make it clear that he wants to consider the bourgeois state as the enemy, who does not fight false illusions in the reform of the bourgeois state.
Other revisionists will choose, just as other times, for keeping silent over the parliamentary scam. For many there is always the "Less Malo" option. A less malo that never end, because there is always something worse but it is the “least Malo” in the face of the new even more element.
For revisionism the eleiçons sound the eternal process of “accumulation of forces”. An eternal “accumulation of forces” that never ends and only serves to “accumulate” the common sense of bourgeois ideology. A "accumulation of forces" that justifies everything but that does not fit nothing if we want a "guide to Açom."
In the current situation of the Galician proletariat, where there is no communist party that creates bonds that unite the avant -garde and the masses, any other political position different from boycott, means renouncing bourgeois ideology. It means deviating from the fair political line. Because renouncing to detach and denounce the class character of the state is to contribute to spread the bourgeois ideology. So much so that revisionism will talk a lot about unionism, anti -fascism, socialism, communism, etc., because its program and practice only serve to justify some obrequin, or postmodern, from bourgeois ideology.
Draw the class character of the Spanish regime as the political power of the Galician bourgeoisie in alliance with the Spanish and polo bourgeoisie as much as, the main enemy of the Galician people is fundamental in the work of communist agitation. Without becoming aware of the class character of the Spanish regime it is impossible to be aware of the social reality of the world.
Draw to the Spanish regime as the enemy of the people!