Championship 'Superbowl' has aired Zionist propaganda while Israel invaded Rafah - The New Democracy

Author: Thiago Dorea
Categories: Plantão Palestina
Description: Israel's Zionist and genocide state paid $ 200,000 per second for its advertising in the National Football Championship final, while intensifying its offensive launching bombs under Rafah, killing dozens of Palestinians, most of them children.
Link-Section: category/plantao-palestina/
Modified Time: 2024-02-16T16:54:46-03:00
Published Time: 2024-02-16T16-54-44-03-00
Sections: Plantão Palestina
Tags: palestina
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-02-16T16:54:46-03:00
Images: 000000.webp

On February 11, the Superbowl Sports Championship published, during the 2024 issue breaks, an advertisement paid for Israel, part of a Zionist state campaign to demand greater billionaire financing from the Ianques imperialists. This year, each space of 30 seconds like what was aired on Sunday cost $ 7 million. In all, the genocidal state paid $ 200 million for advertising, accepted by the imperialist tycoons of the event.

The action was answered by several Palestinian and Solidarity groups Palestinian resistance, which contested the advertisement of the ad and launched their own campaign. They denounce that advertising was conveyed precisely during the period when the Israeli army began its invasion to Rafah, one of the last refuges for thousands of defendant Palestinians and the main entry of humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.

“Is it a coincidence that the same night Israel acknowledged a propaganda commercial during the Super Bowl, for which he paid millions of dollars, also managed to save two hostages in Rafah and, at the same time, bombarded the only place considered as as 'Safe Zone' in Gaza, killing at least 100 Palestinian civilians? ”Said a 'X' user (former Twitter), who propagated the announcement to the Palestinian people.

Recently, the Humanitarian Organization Society of the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCs) reported that Israeli air strikes murdered more than 100 people in the city of Rafah.
