For the sixth consecutive week, the Educational Training Course against the Pierrakakis Bill and the establishment of private universities.
After another round of general assemblies in the previous days, students decided to continue the occupations and demonstrations.
Unfortunately this time, participation in both the road and the assemblies was smaller than in the past, which proves how solvents in the movement the imposition of the remoteness works. However, today's demonstration was massive, which shows that the youth is not willing to stop its struggle. But it is important that the coming direction of mass abstinence from the remotelying, students to invite this means of repression that the government has imposed on our struggles and to claim an examination after the end of the mobilizations.

The presence of the MATs throughout the demonstration was provocative, as they had the body of the march in narrow. Also, positive and encouraging, to continue the fair struggle of the students who have erupted, is that every student club had a common banner based on the framework voted on the general meeting process and did not exceed organizational controversy.

Students have to continue next week with even more massive general meetings, occupations, and demonstrations until they take back this bill until the win!
Not in the establishment of private universities
No revision of Article 16
Abstinence from tele-examination
Race for Public and Free Education