We publish this report from the Rote Fahne.
A loud demonstration marched through Vienna on the evening of February 12, the 90th anniversary of the heroic February Fights in 1934. The Karl-Marx-Hof, a central scene of the resistance at the time, became a place of remembrance for those combatants who are deservedly described as heroes.
Exactly 90 years ago, cannon fire thundered in the Karl-Marx-Hof when the Austrofascist army fired on inhabited workers’ houses. Thousands rose up against Austrofascism in many parts of Austria in February, with guns in hand. Despite military defeat, these battles were decisive for the further development of the resistance struggle against Austrofascism and later against the Nazi occupation. The demonstration on the anniversary was largely fierce: banners, flags, chants, marches and pyrotechnics ensured that the lessons of this struggle are still relevant 90 years later.

The common slogan of the demonstration was “To remember is to struggle”. This was also expressed in the chants and content of the demonstration, which were directed against the current dismantling of democratic and social rights, as well as the increasing policy of prohibition. Slogans against inflation and wage theft alternated with calls against rearmament, against NATO and for the defense of Austrian neutrality. Palestinian flags could also be seen, as a symbolic expression of international solidarity and friendship between peoples, but also against the censorship and “justice of mindset” of the ruling classes against the Palestine-Solidarity.

Striking sight was a red block at the demonstration, which played a key role in starting the chants. This block particularly emphasized the importance of the revolutionary Communist Party of Austria (KPÖ) of the time, which opposed the restraint policy of the Social Democratic Workers’ Party (SDAPÖ), now the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ). This is also important because on this 90th anniversary, the leadership of the Social Democrats is trying to present itself as the “Party of the February Struggles”. However, those who fought and died in the bloody days of February were opposing the line of the Social Democratic party leadership.

The fierce mood at the demonstration showed that the participants did not expect the rulers to “come to their senses” today. On the contrary, the slogan “The February struggles have already shown – fight for the revolution!” spread throughout the demonstration. Today we must not be nostalgic, but – as important parts of the demonstration showed – apply the lessons of these struggles!

We also publish this call for a panel discussion on the civil war in Austria:
“Civil war in Austria: history and the current moment
18th of February 2024
Music and cultural association Orient
Stollgasse 1a, 1070 Vienna
(Uz/Wash Westbahnhof)
Panel guests:
Gerhard Mack (Komintern)
Shirin Ott (ADRV)
A longtime activist of the autonomous women’s movement