The last recent feminicides are precisely of the last few days.
February 14th There was the one in Cisterna di Latina, in which the Mother and sister of an ex -girlfriend of the murderer. And the day before yesterday is It was the killing of a 61 -year -old woman in Bolzano.
From the beginning of This year there are already 8 feminicides, sometimes, as has happened to Cisterna di Latina these are double femicide.
But we want us focus a moment on this of Cisterna di Latina because there is a aspect that have highlighted few newspapers, but it is significant.
The latter femicide was committed by a financier but is not the only one committed by the police, of those who have the easy gun, why always in this country - which is not a great country, yes it is a reality of less than 40,000 inhabitants - in previous years, coincidentally, there have been 2 more Feminicides: one in 2018 at the hands of an appointed carabinieri who, not only did he shoot his wife, but also killed his two daughters, Then he committed suicide. In 2014 another: in this case an agent of Penitentiary police killed his partner.
Why in the same country - not great - these feminicides occurred for hand of the police or in any case committed by those who have the Possibility to have weapons?
We immediately link this femicide to the decree that the Meloni government is preparing. It is said that the men of the police can keep with them always the gun, that is, in fact these men also at home, too in private situations, they will always have to have the pistol. And clearly this will only feed the killings, The feminicides, by this type of men who consider evidently as "normal" to respond to situations of different choices by women, other than their will, and react by shooting, react by killing.
How do we have written other times, it is a war, a low war intensity against women, with feminicides that are increasing, who are becoming almost daily, at least of those who do They know, who arrive in the press, arrive on television.
These feminicides are made by new men, with certain conceptions patriarcalists, but above all with fascist conceptions, it is modern fascists because they are moved by hatred against women who do not they accept to be subordinate, who want to decide their own life, which want to break bonds that become oppressive chains and violent in some cases, who do not agree to be them to “have have a head on the shoulders ”, as Meloni says, and who must Being good women who mainly think about the family.
And the fascism of which we now have an institutional expression in the government and in representatives of this state, of these institutions, in ministers which are part of this government produces a sort of modern patriarchism that is not old patriarchism, but it is a new one, In a sense more social, more political, more ideological, more terrible, institutional, which therefore cannot be fought only with culture, with education, etc., but must be fought with the struggle to overthrow this modern system fascist.
This because, As a writer said, it is not these "ancient men", they are very modern ancient men, frustrated by the freedom that the women rightly want, who feel like the theft of theirs freedom, of their property on women.
Today this war against women goes to intensify because the modern Fascism is the construction, normal, of all that everything that it is reactionary, male chauvinist, rotten and towards this the little ones, ineffective, measures that the Meloni government boasts are truly of absolute hypocrisy, because, at the same time, precisely the ministers, exponents of brothers of Italy, the party al government, issue statements and make real campaigns, ideological and political for which the centrality of the role of women it must be at home, it must be in taking care of the children and that So everything that goes against this becomes provocation, Become that you have fault if then, in the face of these life choices Different, your husband, your ex, kills you.
The fascist humus It makes normal and justified to react to women. How normal it is in the US, but not only in the United States, that men, boys, Frustrated harness the weapons and kill at the mass level.
Therefore it must be normal that the police, through a decree, they can always have the weapon with them. Fascism brings one "Normality" of reaction: it seems almost obvious that the reaction must be violent, a reaction that then leads to this daily massacre of women.
In the face of However, this rises a response from women, a response of struggle.
November 25th It was not obvious that there was that participation of half a million of women and also of men, but above all in the vast majority of women, at the Rome event. It was a imposing event, it was also a demonstration different from the others of the previous years, because it was full of anger, of determination. There were the signs that said “We are Furious "," The witches are back ".
Today it is, also looking at next March 8, to raise, extend in each place, in every city, in every workplace - where among other things There are also a whole other series of economic violence, of conditions of life, discrimination, harassment towards women, The workers - that this enormous tide of women extends.
It is about giving continuity, to give strength, but above all we think it is it is necessary more and more to direct the struggle of women towards one Revolution that is cleaning the clean men who hate the women, governments, states that hate women.
Say enough to femicide means more struggle, and mass struggle than women in every place, more dangerous struggle