Assembly by members of ARA and KNE (of any member of both of them
Forces were not a member of FS PAPI) showed complete depreciation until the exhortations of leaving the racing moves from the debate. This reveals the attitude and perspective of the forces that swear in the name of "unity" and "unity". Public affairs
Frames at the General Assembly, two banners of the club in demonstration and organizational confrontations on the road. This is the unity that they are proclaimed, and they exclude political forces from writing a common framework.
On the crucial issue of the Reminder, the KNEAK Conditions concluded "no tooling of the remote control to undermine our struggle and our occupation" (which even this wording even denounces the remoteness). In the sealed framework uploaded by the NCAK the proposal appears. But it does not appear in the sealed
Framework uploaded by KNE. This is part of the overall attitude of these forces that
see clubs as a stamp and have nothing to seal differently
texts and download different banners of the student club in mobilizations.
The denial is also the refusal of counting the votes by the PCS and the
ESAK and the decision, and there was a high possibility that there would be no quorum. THE
The excuse was that the result is clear and that we should not get in "obstacle
In the race. " However, it was the KNE itself who put it that the assembly can not make a decision
no quorum for the remote examination while it can take for occupation without raising the issue
For the remote examination! When we set that the votes should be counted
Challenging answer that we are with government and DAP! These forces
They perceive collective procedures as stamps of validation of their decisions,
without respecting student clubs.
Quorum is not a 'bureaucratic' issue of compliance for formal reasons,
But for politicians. In order to take a decision by a general meeting you must
reflects and represents the student club. If we today accept such
Practices, then DAP and PASP with similar practices and even less people will be able to
decide for us without us. Would these same attitude have the same attitude if
Did they feel that they were not gathering the necessary votes to vote for their context? These
Practices give the DAP to come out to speak minorities who are squatting. THE
Case in the reconstruction of the student movement and the massage of the matches that
gives the student movement, it concerns the students themselves who must become subject to
Fight, without waiting for the "elected saviors" to solve their problems.
Just for this we cannot accept to make decisions for students without
students and without clear results of the decisions made.
Student mobilizations so far are definitely promising and can win.
In view of the vote we must escalate our struggles so as not to pass the
Pierrakakis Bill.