from the counter -information rossusaia 12 at 15/02

We have returned these days from a short journey - but beautiful and exciting - that we can define a journey of Marx and In the footsteps of Marx's life and history, at least for that phase in which he lived in the city of London.
Was a Journey with which on the one hand we wanted to honor Marx's memory and that at the same time we considered a real political initiative through which, retracing some places significant of Marx's life, we reflected on what in These years have studied through the training cycles proletarian and revolutionary, in particular on specific texts of Marx, such as the manifesto or the beginning of the capital.
So a journey which also fits into that concept that we call "guide for revolutionary action ".
A stage main of this trip, which however lasted a few days, is He was at the Highgate cemetery, where Marx is buried.
We arrived at Small village of Highgate, a classically English village, Very picturesque. A cute episode was the fact that in Asking information to get to the cemetery smiled at us saying: "But are you going to Marx's tomb?" In reality apart from the maps we could have had, it was not difficult to reach this place because there was like a sort of pilgrimage of people who they went to the cemetery - and then towards the tomb of Marx - e This has facilitated the path
In a classic English day in gray sky, with a fairly temperature fresh, we arrived at the cemetery, an English cemetery, with scattered tombs, with quite different tombstones, without an apparent scheme.
The part where yes Find Marx's tomb is faced with the biggest one in the cemetery, also considered
the main one, where different are buried Historical characters, writers, artists.
Taking the country road that leads to the tomb, after a few minutes, to say the truth, we immediately started to experience a certain emotion in see the large marble head of Marx from afar from afar that dominates The tomb, however surrounded by people. Approaching the emotion is increased because it is true that we have seen it many times on books, On the internet, in the photos, but seeing the plaque in presence is truly A whole other thing.

We stopped with other people. For a few minutes we have observed the tomb from all sides, without saying anything, reading the Registration with the names of the buried personalities: of course Karl Marx, then his wife Jenny von Westphalen, the faithful Helene Demuth, the daughter Eleanor.
We then have heard that something more than a dutiful visit we should have do, and so we pulled out the flags we had brought Just to honor Marx's memory. And we took pictures, one with the flag of our political organization and the other as companions of the MFPR. Which was appreciated by some passers -by who smiled at us and also gave us notes of assent.
And then, since we had brought some texts by Marx, in particular the manifesto of the Communist Party written together with Engels, and the international worker, we made a sort of celebration, in the sense that we have read some specific passages of these two texts in front of the plaque aloud.

The choice of These passages wanted to try to bring - with so much humility Of course - what is the true spirit of all written work and made by Marx and his inseparable, an exceptional companion of fight, Engels, but above all to remember ourselves, that is to put ourselves today, what are the purposes and what it takes today to the communists and the working class, the class of the proletariat for affirm them.
After that We decided to intone the international. We started a Singing it slowly also in the sense of respect for the place, but in reality, As we spontaneously sang the voice has increased. So Then we sung it with a much higher voice. This created a nice moment for a shed of people around us, almost a circle, with some who started singing together with we, others who have raised the fist, others who smiled at us and they made hints of consent. At the end, some of these people do they wanted to present, in particular a group of Indians that there They greeted with a lot of heat, holding their hand. There were also of young girls very happy and showed up like militants of the Communist Party of Marxist India and wanted Also take a photo with us next to the plaque. So two Chinese young people, another person who wanted to tell us that it was a Brazilian companion. So also two young British.

It was a nice moment, both international and internationalist and this was also a great emotion, which is a bit what Marx said in all his texts: a proletariat, a working class that does not have homeland but which is united by what the struggle must be revolutionary to overthrow the dominant bourgeois and build a Truly different society.
This moment is very beautiful state, with all these companions we were together there, in front of the plaque. We do not hide that when we are there went we were really quite excited and with tears at eyes, on the one hand of joy, on the other of respect, of honor, but Even a little sadness of having to go away from that place.
In the days subsequent we tried to pay homage to Max by visiting other places in his life, particularly in the Soho district, One of the homes where Marx lived for several years, a neighborhood where there was also the library where Marx went to study and a Read and then, much further on, the street where there is Engels' house.
So a journey very beautiful, an exciting journey, a journey full of many things, a political journey, a journey also ideological, which helped us e It helps us to affirm what is the ideology of the proletariat and there encourages to move forward on the necessary revolutionary journey Today to the whole class.