The Meloni government is a racist, imperialist and therefore addresses the problems of the Mediterranean, Africa, the problems of immigrants with a racist and imperialist logic. AND, involuntarily, he declared him on the occasion of the day of the February 15 with the information to the Council of Ministers, when Meloni spoke of "Caivano model".
Caivano, how yes you know, is the neighborhood of the province of Naples where i chilled facts, the violence and exploitation of the girls, where there is a high density of the Camorra presence of various kinds that It has always controlled the territory, with complicity - you want or not - of politicians, state, institutions and part of the forces of the order.
When it's The Caivano case was bursted there was a ambaradam in this reality, with government, interior ministers, etc. etc. who have, in fact, built in the neighborhood, with a logic of militarization, a "Model" of self -styled fight against the Camorra.
Speak about "Caivano model" on the migrants front means objectively consider all
criminal migrants, Camorristi, Violeators and so on. And the imagination you want to build is of a government that addresses and treats the question in this way of migrants, then with a police model, with a model expulsive, with a prison model against migrants, the great mass of migrants who arrives on our coasts later inhuman and inaen -arthire trips, with everything that now all know: what happens in Libya, what happens in other countries of North Africa towards migrants and what happens in sea, and the massacre of Cutro, the shipwreck that also saw die women and children, it is there to represent it during the first Meloni government phase.
This is the logic that guides this government in treating the story of migrants. To this are added the news that the Meloni government has built through the Italian-Albanian pact with which migrants come deported to Albania, locked up in CPR type prison structures, managed directly by Italian military and police personnel with the collaboration of a government of servants of the servants such as the current Albanian government. In order to be able to mistreat them and silence Expel them and fall into hell from which they came.
This is the other I wait, the imperialist aspect of the question. An aspect imperialist who involves a relationship with countries - such as Albania but in particular those who are on the African side of Mediterranean: Libya, Tunisia - with which they establish themselves relationships and relationships by financing them, in exchange for carrying out on behalf of Italy the role of blocking of the wave of migrants, with the goal not only to hunt migrants but also to increase the economic control over the economies of these countries in favor of Masters of Italian multinationals.
State money used to finance under this guise, once called “Piano Mattei ”, another time called in another way, but with the same identical objective: to practice a racist and imperialist policy towards the Mediterranean and the Balkans with whom to establish one neo colonial relationship that distantly recalls African politics of Mussolini and imperialism in general.
It is clear that if Migrants are the main victims of this policy, if the countries On the Mediterranean, through these bonds, they confirm their nature of countries oppressed by imperialism - that is, by our imperialism - Peoples must get rid of their accomplices of imperialism and fight the imperialist presence in the area and in particular the Italian one naturally, in addition to the French one and any other country that operates in North Africa towards these countries, with them intentions of the Italian government and often in competition with the state e The Italian government.
It is in ours Country that is fighting, however, the main battle, it is we who We must fight our racist/imperialist government and no one other. It cannot be rewarded on Europe that every now and then raises the problems of human rights and the character of the action of This government but then it is well that dirty work does it Italy and contributes in this way to curb the wave of migrants who, in the large part, does not remain in Italy, but pours out in the economically strongest countries and where there are migrant communities More, long date and much larger. So you can't count on Europe as a brake on racist politics, imperialist of Italian government. It's up to us to make the "clean work" for this way say, fight against the policies of this government, overturn This government, build another country, another government, another State, welcoming and solidarity, which builds an alternative to capitalist, racist, imperialist of this government, of previous governments, of future governments of the owners and governments European imperialists.
The other question Which binds to politics towards migrants is prison policy.

And on this one The further stage was the meeting with Romania.
They meet Italy and Romania. Italy confirms its role in NATO and a side of Ukraine in the interimperialist war for Interposed person who takes place in this country, who involves sending weapons, soldiers and troops in this chessboard and moreover in Romania in particular, as one of the border countries in this war that It can be involved. To this adds the so -called plan empty-chorches. There is another way to expel migrants and of send them to serve the so -called "pain" in the country of origin e This would concern Romanian prisoners who are in ours village.
We are radically contrary to this plan because if they run away from Romania is because it is an anti -worker and anti -popular regime, it is a Wild capitalist regime, reactionary, is an alleged regime to the interests of imperialism and therefore treats his people in the Worst possible way and it is one of the regimes that you run away. And if you run away, the last thing we have to do is to return them to a regime, moreover if they were migrants detained in ours country for reasons related to crimes that they would have committed in ours country, would be a real prisons, another baroles of a barbaric type, contrary to human rights and rules elementary of international law, for which there are countries in to which the crimes are committed but for their relationship of more countries rich, imperialists, you can take the prisoners and send them in their country to serve the sentence, that is, to contract the prison there.
This is too racism, this too is a liberticidal, inhuman policy, too This is imperialism.
Explain calmly, tranquility, but with decision to the workers, to the proletarians of our country is a task ours that cannot be contracted to the newspapers nor to associations that are solidarity with migrants who already do a lot and less than ever to the Church, which certainly puts its word to us good, which many times sounds like criticism, to denial about policies of the government. However, frankly, we don't think that this action of the Church has never changed substantially nothing in the policies of governments and also of our government. With all due respect to Pope Francis.