by counter -information Rossusoia Ore12 of 16/02

With this unworthy character, the terms "justice" and "guaranteeism" definitively lose their meaning, which is normal in bourgeois law, of the right to the service of the masters, but with this government it sinks even more in the upheaval of laws, in bending The judiciary to government policy, in putting the bavaglio to the press.
It is the end of What the bourgeois call "state of law" is a further step forward in the reactionary transformation of the same bourgeois democracy.
We are talking about the transition to the Senate of the Nordio bill that will go to Room, which has passed with
a wide majority supported by Italy Viva and Action, the miserable Renzi e Calenda, on the face of the yes (104) and the oppositions on that of the No (56).
The design of Nordio's law is not a reform of justice but it is one counter -reform, functional to the objectives of the employment plan of the state by this government - the Meloni government - e it once again highlights what classes this government intends protect and what is his design, his conception of what kind of Building company.
After all, it is the line of the entire government that inspires the Nordio bill: on investigations of the judiciary that affect Minister Santanchè the same Meloni said: “A guarantee notice does not determine in the resignation of a minister automatically "
On Rainews24 - reports Il Fatto Quotidiano - The deputy minister of Forza Italia, Francesco Paolo Sisto, Berlusconi's former lawyer, says that the reform “It has been studied and calibrated over time, with the direct participation "of the man of Arcore, who“ suffered a lot, Too much, because of justice ".
The biggest corrupt and corrupter of Italian politics and master caste, linked to great crime - and here are the processes and years of investigations that prove it - is the model for the counter -reform Nordio of justice.
The reason that it he had pushed to his "descent on the pitch" was definitely for defend themselves from the processes, from the amount of investigations that accused him of corruption, of underworld and ties with crime, as well as implement Gelli's Golder Plan to whose Masonic Loggia Berlusconi was registered. This was the forerunner who allowed the settlement of the worst of this political class representing of the worst politics and main caste in our country.
The administrators, mayors and political caste at local level e provincial will not be pursued for the crime of abuse of office Because this, art. 323 of the criminal code, with this Counter -reform, it has been abolished. The green light is given to contracts without rules, to dizzying profits for the masters and the destruction of the territories, to the impunity of the assassins for the deaths on Work that contracts without rules will certainly increase.
No punishment for Who takes bribes because the trafficking of influences from Nordio is been reduced to the minimum terms: the public will no longer be punishable official that, by violating the law, "intentionally procures to itself or to others an unfair asset advantage or causes others to unjust damage ". If the text becomes law, Italy will become the only country in the capitalist world in which this conduct does not It constitutes a crime. And this writes a bourgeois newspaper.
Not only. For arrest an alleged corrupt or tangentist (who maybe not even he knew he was investigated) we will have to "warn him" with a at least five days advance that will undergo an interrogation.
Is demolished Art. 21 of the Constitution on the freedom to demonstrate freely one's thoughts and on the freedom of the press, aiming at Hit journalists not aligned with the government and put the gag to the right of news and the law of citizens, of the masses, ad be informed, because the Nordio counter -reform prohibits the publication of interceptions.
The 5S Roberto Scarpinato attacks "an anti -democratic system, anti Equilitaria and class ", while Ilaria Cucchi of Alleanza Verdi And left speaks of "an insult to democracy".
For the opposition, from young people, by environmentalists, from the movements of the political and social opposition, only repression and manganelli, heavier penalties, while impunity is guaranteed to the masters e to corrupt politicians.
With this counter -reform the minister Nordio not only rehabilitates and legitimizes the worse than that system that newspapers and investigations once they called "tangentopoli", that system produced by the plot Between corrupt masters and corrupters, finance and political class to government on a national and local level, a system that we have below to the eyes every day with arrests and investigations that are hitting the members of the government parties and some of his ministers, but one step further in the demolition/dissolution of this bourgeois state for structure a new one in the service of a regime, that goal that Gelli had proposed with the Renaissance plan of P2 and who with that disaster of Minister Nordio today creates his plan Golder.