by counter -information Rossusoia Ore12 of 16/02

We want to take stock and bring for example our work in the places of work, in factories, between workers and workers, that of the necessary battle, of the link between the support for Palestinian resistance and the battle against the imperialist war, that binds the interests - even immediate - of workers with respect to the international situation.
This work The factories are already taking place within a more activity general to raise consciousness and counter -information in places of work, using what is the tool of the Counter -information.
After October 7th We continually intervened, bringing the mobilizations and i contents of the Palestinian struggle and the solidarity campaign e of movements also in the jobs, we did ours part to inform and make workers participate in this battle which is also fundamental for
the defense of working conditions, a defense in the perspective of an attack, with the awareness that only the questioning of the entire system capitalist/imperialist can also make sense of ours everyday claims.
Countryside also started internationally - and that we in Italy have made their own by adhering to the two initiatives of 23 February and 24 February launched by the Palestinian organizations, in particular by the young Palestinians of Italy - it is very important and gives us An additional opportunity to make a specific campaign compared to Those who are the links between the genocidal plan of Israel e imperialism and the intervention and the enlargement of the war then, with the direct sending of our troop imperialism in the Mar Red and therefore the battle that binds the struggle of peoples, the resistance to the factories of our imperialist countries, which is the better support for the Palestinian people, their resistance and everyone The martyrs who are resisting the genocide of Israel.
Let's start with it explain that behind the inhumanity of this genocide, of this Destruction campaign towards the Palestinian people, of annihilation of a people, there is the imperialist system, there is the logic of profit and therefore it is up to us, to us workers and communists, explain what is behind this system that generates these genocides in the silence of all powerful imperialist states, while On the other hand, all peoples are lined up alongside the resistance of the Palestinian people, who are increasingly an example - As we have said several times in the interventions to the factories - the Palestine is the example of the peoples who fight, the liberation of the Palestine is the liberation of all the oppressed.
We have to go down in the square with these objectives and link this solidarity to the people Palestinian, to the fight against those who give us none every day Guarantee: workers in factories are not guaranteeing the I work, for students there is no future, it is a school More and more full of war, full of pieces of shit like Crosetto. Also On Israel and Palestine we see that the Meloni government is not a government like the others, it is always a government of the masters but it is a Government of fascists, where Crosetto is the direct exponent of the military industry, and in other governments there is never this state. So it is very similar to what is also going on in Netanyahu government that is marching towards a regime, also firing of the contrary voices there are in that country.
We have to bring this campaign and this message that are very important For the unity of the struggle of peoples, of the proletarians: that the proletarians they do not have the home of the capital to defend but have only one world to conquer. And for this reason it is very important to come into field of workers, even if not easy because it is difficult in this atmosphere of permanent campaign, disinformation and attack on dissent, of criminalization, with the repression that also in these days is made more feel.
Our intervention that has been done In front of Rai, in Milan, summarizes this climate which is a sign of weakness by the warfounded government, fascist, of the Meloni who deludes himself that with the repression he can stop the right solidarity and the struggle of peoples and proletarians.
The appeal of 23 and 24 binds the importance of solidarity with resistance Palestinian and the fight against the imperialist war and in this sense on the day of the 23rd is a day of strikes that for us wants say assemblies, information, day of struggle organized by basic unions to which the Slai Cobas for the union of class joined. It is a very important day of struggle for bring the right requests of the workers directly Palestinian resistance that want a right peace, a peace with the justice, who want to say enough to the imperialist wars, is enough to the unjust wars, but who know very well that to get everything This must be made a war, the war on the exploiters, the war to Zionists, to the imperialists, the masters of the world, the war on Italian government that is at war against the Palestinian people because just in these days, not only through what are the weapons industries, but also through the direct sending of the soldiers In the Red Sea, he entered the war directly against the Palestinians And therefore against all the proletarians.
This campaign e This activity in the jobs, among the workers, is a lot important because the best help to the Palestinian people is that to hit our government and all its dirty interests that are those of the masters of the multinationals, of the factories of weapons, of Eni. Let's not forget that in front of Palestine there is a Large interest of Eni for oil, for the gas, of a great deposit of the Palestinians who want to be exploited by Israel and his imperialist friends who are not by chance helping Israel and then Shake, also in this case, the booty.
For this it is one The resistance that in Yemen is doing the Yemenity people, defined not correctly as "Houthi rebels", But this is a very important thing because it is an intervention direct that affects the interests of the masters, of imperialists and this is the other question that is very important in These two days, to get to strikes, to stops, to position sockets in the factories, which, we know very well, which is a very long job, but it is a necessary work to which this campaign offers the possibility of give continuity.
The event Milan national of 24 from Piazzale Loreto binds the question internationalist to the question of the struggle here in Italy, because, As we also said in other interventions, the resistance in Palestine is the resistance that is also needed here in Italy.
How was it said in the appeals of the Palestinian Associations compared to these Two days what is necessary is to raise the level of the solidarity that is what you need right now. Because like increases this solidarity increases the repression of the police, As in Vicenza, to the events in front of Rai. Now let's see which increasingly increase these attempts to use the truncheon To stop, but on the other hand it tells us that the state, governments, i masters, they are afraid of the peoples who raise their heads, they are afraid of the example that comes from 7 October and which comes from many other struggles like that of the Communist Party of India, of the struggles of National liberation, popular wars against fascism Hindu in India and in many other countries. These struggles, these people's wars must join in a Antimperialist, anti -capitalist front and the liberation struggle of Palestine must find her way to an effective one liberation through international link and solidarity e internationalist with the organizations that direct these Resistances.