PC February 17 - In Palermo today hundreds of the Rai headquarters - stop the genocide of the Palestinian people, no to the press enslaved to the Meloni government
Hundreds of solidarity, activists, companions, young students, women protested this morning in Palermo in front of the Rai headquarters also in connection with all the other protests, garrisons that have taken place in these days in different cities from Naples, in Bologna, Turin, Genoa, Rome ... And strong solidarity was expressed towards the protesters eaten by the police
Many interventions of denunciation of the genocide that must be stopped, of the criminal and terrorist action of the Nazisionist state of Israel supported by US imperialism in the first place, of the complicity of European states including Italy with the Meloni government who also wants to impose through the press, the mass media at the mass level a one -way narration Pro/Israel, support interventions for the resistance of the Palestinian people, a Palestinian woman has shouted that now "we are all and all of Palestinians", the need to
Continue the struggle and mobilization that must be extended towards all those social sectors that still do not mobilize also for the nefastic ideological and political action of the government
In this sense, important, we said intervening as comrades of communist proletarians, are the next dates of mobilization of the national strike of February 23 organized by the basic unions and the national event of February 24 in Milan with the initiatives connected in other cities such as Palermo, dates that were then reiterated in other interventions.
Students wanted to keep our signs sharing the message
Free Palestine, fascists, terrorist is the state of Israel, imperialism uses killer, no to the press of the servants of the Meloni government ... many slogans between one intervention and the other.
Intervention of the PC partner
The garrison then occupied the road in front of Rai continuing Slogas and interventions, also denouncing the proposal of the FascioLeghista Salvini, aimed at preventing the demonstrations against Israel ... will not stop us!
from the intervention of the mate PC
The garrison has obtained to be received with a delegation in Rai by the Rai Sicily head-outpower, a report document was delivered, while the press release of the Rai employees was also read at the garrison that have dissociated themselves from the pro-Israel line of the TO. of Rai Sergio.