We reproduce the editorial of the number 9 of the printed edition of serving the people for January and February, which has been circulating for some time.

Condemned to succeed
Who does not fear dying cut into a thousand pieces, dares to disassemble the emperor
Mao Tse-Tung in the speech before the National Conference of the Party
Communist on propaganda work on March 12, 1957
The heroic Palestinian national resistance, which has been fighting decades against the Zionist invader (faithful agents of Yankee imperialism), gave a strong blow to the table when on October 7 began the operation "The Flood of Al-Aqsa". Months later, the fighting continues and the state of Israel does not see an exit where it comes out as victorious. Moreover, militias and guerrillas from all over the region (such as the hutis, in Yemen) are launching attacks against Yankee and Allied military objectives.
Contrary to what the bourgeois media said, directly or indirectly, Palestine has not surrendered. The state of Israel has not defeated. The war, concentrated in the Gaza Strip, which is nothing more than a few kilometers, has shown that the people, and only the people, is the motor force of history. A small nation, only with the strength of his people, is planting one of the most prepared professional armies in history. Not even the famous iron dome was able to stop the Palestinian Embite those days of October. Palestinian national resistance demonstrates that the force of the masses can knock down imperialism, and are doing it.
Imperialism is a paper tiger
President Mao Tse-Tung said that Imperialists, however strong they seem, are weak in the long term. He pointed out that they are "paper tigers with mud feet", making the metafora that are strong in principle (strong feet), but very weak in the long term (paper body) because they cannot bear the organization, anger and struggles of the town by a long time sustained over time. Said the following:
“I have said that all reactionaries, held by strong, are nothing more than paper tigers. The reason is that they live divorced from the people. Look! Wasn't Hitler a paper tiger? Wasn't it knocked down? I also said that the Tsar of Russia, the emperor of China and Japanese imperialism were all paper tigers. As you know, they have all been shot down. American imperialism has not yet been shot down and has the atomic bomb. I am sure that it will also be shot down. It is also a paper tiger "
Faced with the "critical support" of opportunists, which is nothing more than imperialist chauvinism, we must support the Palestinian cause without reservations
The progressive revolutionaries and Democrats of the world must support without reservations to the heroic Palestinian national resistance. It is especially important when we speak "without reservations", since sometimes it falls into the imperialist chauvinism of opportunists and all kinds of reactionaries who disguise themselves from the left. These false friends of the Palestinian people claim to support national resistance, but with facts, betray it and passively collaborate with the story of the bourgeois media.
They say: "Support for Palestinian resistance, but not Hamas" or "Support for secular Palestinian resistance, but not Islamic." Do Palestinian national resistance form more groups in addition to Hamas? Of course. Is Hamas who currently leads her? Obviously, it is so. Therefore, those who do not defend the war actions of the Palestinian militias for "not supporting the Islamism of Hamas" from their lay imperialist and "left -wing" chauvinism, really what he is doing is to deny the direction of the Palestinian resistance, he is denying all the actions that until now are carrying out. The flood of Al-Aqsa is denying the entire operation. What kind of "critical support" is that!?
We talk about the national liberation struggle of an oppressed people against imperialism; of an oppressed nation to be more exact. Of course, the National Liberation Movement, by its own essence, encompasses the elements of the nation that wants to free itself from the invading yoke. And the nation is formed by classes and elements of all kinds. In this sense, it is normal for different classes and ideologies to live within national resistance.
The position of the "critical support", which while denies most of the actions of the National Liberation War of Palestine (and therefore, deny the liberation itself in the facts), aims to help in some way the construction of the construction of the Socialism in Palestine, is entirely absurd and far from the reality of the class struggle.