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CPI (Maoist) Extends Support To Delhi Chalo Farmers Protest - Redspark

Patiala, District, February 17, 2024: Amidst the ongoing farmer protest, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has extended its support to the demonstrators stationed currently along the Punjab-Haryana border.

According to a copy of the press release issued by the Maoist party, the Maoists have extended their support to the one-day shutdown call given by the farmer unions on Friday, February 16.

Via the press release, the Maoist party has alleged that the incumbent union government is corporate friendly and has been treating the farmers as enemies of the State. Further, while making an appeal to the masses for their support to the said protest the Maoists in the press release alleged that the government has continued to bar the entry of the farmers at the Shambhu village border.

The press release further claimed that all the demands of the farmers are legitimate but the government is not willing to fulfill them.

Source : https://organiser.org/2024/02/17/222182/bharat/amid-security-concerns-banned-maoist-outfit-extends-support-to-delhi-chalo-march/

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ATHENS Commentary on the attitude of the MSc (KNE) and the ESC (ARAS) at the General Assembly of the FS. Puff

During an attempt to co -ordinate a common framework during the general
Assembly by members of ARA and KNE (of any member of both of them
Forces were not a member of FS PAPI) showed complete depreciation until the exhortations of leaving the racing moves from the debate. This reveals the attitude and perspective of the forces that swear in the name of "unity" and "unity". Public affairs
Frames at the General Assembly, two banners of the club in demonstration and organizational confrontations on the road. This is the unity that they are proclaimed, and they exclude political forces from writing a common framework.

On the crucial issue of the Reminder, the KNEAK Conditions concluded "no tooling of the remote control to undermine our struggle and our occupation" (which even this wording even denounces the remoteness). In the sealed framework uploaded by the NCAK the proposal appears. But it does not appear in the sealed
Framework uploaded by KNE. This is part of the overall attitude of these forces that
see clubs as a stamp and have nothing to seal differently
texts and download different banners of the student club in mobilizations.
The denial is also the refusal of counting the votes by the PCS and the
ESAK and the decision, and there was a high possibility that there would be no quorum. THE
The excuse was that the result is clear and that we should not get in "obstacle
In the race. " However, it was the KNE itself who put it that the assembly can not make a decision
no quorum for the remote examination while it can take for occupation without raising the issue
For the remote examination! When we set that the votes should be counted
Challenging answer that we are with government and DAP! These forces
They perceive collective procedures as stamps of validation of their decisions,
without respecting student clubs.

Quorum is not a 'bureaucratic' issue of compliance for formal reasons,
But for politicians. In order to take a decision by a general meeting you must
reflects and represents the student club. If we today accept such
Practices, then DAP and PASP with similar practices and even less people will be able to
decide for us without us. Would these same attitude have the same attitude if
Did they feel that they were not gathering the necessary votes to vote for their context? These
Practices give the DAP to come out to speak minorities who are squatting. THE
Case in the reconstruction of the student movement and the massage of the matches that
gives the student movement, it concerns the students themselves who must become subject to
Fight, without waiting for the "elected saviors" to solve their problems.
Just for this we cannot accept to make decisions for students without
students and without clear results of the decisions made.

Student mobilizations so far are definitely promising and can win.
In view of the vote we must escalate our struggles so as not to pass the
Pierrakakis Bill.


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PC February 17 - Turin, Askatasuna delivers the property occupied to the Municipality - Askatasuna: "So it is, we think" ... - that is?

Now co-planning technical table

The property of Corso Regina Margherita, intended for activities for the community

Changed locks, empty clubs, padlocks at the gates. Yesterday was not a morning like the others. At least not for the neighborhood of Vanchiglia which, after 27 years, saw ending The occupation of the former asylum Opera Pia Reynero , then became the headquarters of the Centro Sociale Freedom . As the psychiatrist had guaranteed Zgo Zamburru , the founder of the Subsonica Max Casacci , Elisa Turro , LUPANO ROSA e LORedana Cancon , the five citizens who proposed to the Municipality to transform askatasuna into a "Common good" , the property of Corso Regina Margherita was freed from the occupants .

Nobody clearing, no strength action. AND From today the co-planning phase can begin to transform the courtyard and the ground floor of the building in a social activity center. However, the path will not be easy. The decision to legalize - of Fact - askatasuna He had raised the criticisms of the oppositions and the police unions themselves.

The city council, however, is willing to move forward and, After the delivery report , the first

passage of today, Friday 26 February, it will be the settlement of the technical table at the headquarters of the Department of Municipalities . In addition to the spontaneous committee of citizens (all close to askatasuna) The officials of the Municipality competent by sector will participate.

Parallel will have to start the investigations of engineers and technicians in charge of carrying out a appraisal on the conditions of the property and the timing of the safety interventions to be performed.
The reports of the firefighters and the ASL speak clearly. After the Digos blitz carried out last December , The Department of Prevention of the Healthcare Company had ascertained the presence of "a central heating system does not functioning, stoves not watertight and environments heated in a manner empirical ", in addition to" electrical systems built and maintained in unsuitable safety conditions ".

The greatest critical issues concern the plans superiors (who are not the subject, at least for the moment of the project of Co-management), but also on the ground floor there is no lack of problems. Brigade of the fire and ASL have found the demolition of a load -bearing wall that «It could lead to the compromise of static security of the building " . A building built in 1892 , probably not with a concrete supporting structure, whose spaces, second the ASL "for how they have been made, maintain and conducted not can be traced back to any activities regulated by current legislation ". An inhabitability also certified by the brigade of fire they had found "a high risk for the occupants in case of fire ». The timing to transform the former kindergarten into a aggregation center, home of cultural events, popular gym and Recording studio do not announce short.

Piedmontese newspaper (Turin)

Turin, Askatasuna delivers the employed property to the Municipality

Tomorrow the co-planning technical table will take place at the headquarters of the Department of Municipalities

TORINO – The Social Center Freedom He handed over to the Municipality the property he occupied. Tomorrow will take place Tomorrow at the headquarters of the Department of Municipalities the technical table of co-design for the property of Corso Regina Margherita 47, of ownership of the city of Turin and intended for activities for the community.

The spontaneous group of citizens and towns will participate in the table Proponents of the project, approved by the city council with resolution of 30 January last, and the officials of the municipal administration competent of the peripheral transformations sectors, common goods, Urban regeneration, heritage, culture and youth policies.

The table starts after the report of Delivery of the property this morning. They will start in parallel also the necessary investigations of the structural technicians in charge of an expert report on the conditions of the property.

Askatasuna: "So it's, we think"

and Centro Sociale Freedom

We have Wait a few days before taking a floor in front of the resolution on the Askatasuna issued by the Municipality of Turin. Let me say, the reactions broken down to which we attended made us laugh under and above the moustache.

We seem to have understood that to collect signatures against askatasuna e For legality, Augusta Montaruli will go, the one sentenced for Pecurated for buying Swarovski bags and luxury dinners with money from the region. Congratulations! Someone a little more awake than her in Party made her understand that, to go and ask for around Askatasuna, the town's right could end up in the air. But We understand that for those who live in politics since he was 16, reality Outside the buildings it may appear a little faded. It seems to us to have understood that there are those who dream of a police station inside the social center. See the level of rovate of the liver reached due to us from those same police unions applauding the killers of Federico Aldrovandi is yet another medal. We then saw four pilgrims with banners against Aska in front of Palazzo di Città in an oceanic manifestation that would not have blocked a not scooter. Finally, we saw a prosecutor in the ball try to intervene in extremis with yet another synchronized precautionary measures with the wishes of the city right. Fleas on the back of one reality that animates their nightmares for almost 40 years. Since the meaning of ridiculous missing these court jesters, it's up to us to be serious and Try to explain what we are and what this “exit represents for us from above".

We do not demand that it makes consent, we understand that many do not go down, we understand that this is incomprehensible to the prosecutor but we start From a fact: many young people have approached and continue to approach the reality of the Askatasuna Social Center. Not for obscure manipulations of a group of violent vicious, as they would like Make the Quaesturini delusions believe, but because the askatasuna feels a respond to a need that goes beyond the property of Corso Regina 47. The need for a common dream, the desire to build a power collective far from the hypocrisy of institutional policy but capable to weigh on the city. It is from this need that a reality was born that, As we have seen in these days, it has grown to become obsession of the right and bad awareness of a left that too much he often abdicated the role of representing his part, that of oppressed. In a world where resignation and individualism reigns we are people with the ball to do politics. In a world to do politics It means getting paid we understand that to do politics you have to pay. Energy, time and also, sometimes, freedom. Why the History of the peoples who fight gives us back the fact that legality does not always coincides with social justice and that serves to fight to do prevailing rights, even the fundamental ones, on the interests of part.

Since we committed the unforgivable sin of giving legs and continuity to the protests in Val di Susa, the state has decided to do pay a very high price to dozens of militants. In about ten years The suspects were over 200, perhaps the highest number for a political collective since the 1970s. This against a level of all in all conflict extremely contained both with respect to history of our country is compared to what we see elsewhere in Europe. But On the other hand, there is little to complain: if there is a laughter it is increasingly difficult swim free. Many, sometimes just teenagers, have served Prison prison, many long house arrest. The processes yes they are resolved for the most part in nothing done, convictions "Bagatellari" or even acquittals. But this cares little, why The intent has always been only to weaken the old and scare the young. Many have continued, however, incredibly, to join to a project that, without many menate, tries to put themselves at the service of the social conflict. Police Headquarters therefore open a second front, the one to try to disarticulate the link between askatasuna and the city, With levels of infamy of primati guinness. If the bad model e Violent does not work, let's try to pass them by Ras and Magnaccia. There Digos comes to chase those who passed off crack in front of the school Elementary of Vanchiglia to snatch a complaint against the boys of the social center that would have dared to pull them a kick in the ass. Traces a violent husband kicked out of a housing employment for Ask him to identify the bad guys who would put him on the door. AND Getting culminating up to the attempted operation "subversive association" of 2022. The model was to be that of the employed kindergarten of via Alessandria: associative crime, eviction and demolition of the building. However, there is a hitch, "the subversive association" is not signed by Gip and, to save part of the theorem, the Review Court pulls Outside the hat the crime of "criminal association", the eviction goes upstream. Therefore the third front opens, that of attrition administrative. Interventions of the firefighters, seals, mezzucci, attempt to pass a recreational space in which no one has ever Taken a lira for disco. The goal is one, remove the ground under the feet to a reality that does not bend and does not break, e The evident sought -after epilogue.

In this context it seemed fundamental to us to resume The initiative. Politically relaunch to get out of the corner in which i our opponents would have liked to keep us. We never had problems with the fact that institutions recognize the value of how much made from below (the after -school, the children's parties, the music, the gym, cinema), indeed. CSA Murazzi himself was granted by the Municipality back in 1989 after a series of occupations, evictions and mobilizations. And from then on, it seems to us that everything can be attributed, except that they have been indulgent with the Turin -left center, from the employment of the DS headquarters to protest against the arrest of Ocalan back in 1999. Following, the harsh disputes against the left of war that bombed Belgrade and the raid in the center social in mode that anticipated what happened to the diaz of Genoa. The story is long ... and it comes until Friday's operation last with about ten new restrictions and prohibitions of residence for Very young companions and companions.

The important thing for us is how we get to what it can be, a Second of the contexts, a useful, useless or deleterious passage. The action politics is shaped upside down by the need to be recognized From the institutions? Worse, you get recognized to try to get A place in the sun for some heads or capes? Or it is built patiently a rooting until a busy space becomes a Reference point essential for the city? Having said that, for We the social center has always been a means and not an end. If for some reason, strictly politicalist, this path in the future should be raised, the fact that it is already evident for one does not change Great slice of Turin. From the children of the kindergarten in via Balbo who come to celebrate the birthday with their friends inside Aska, up to boys who came from the Turin province to dance on the notes of the Tecno nobody waited for a piece of paper to find out that askatasuna is Already a common good of the city.

We specify a couple of points, to dissipate any doubt and remove A few crickets for the head. We are more than available to invest the our energies to improve the safety of the building and guarantee a greater usability and facilitate access. Because we are convinced, together with many others, that the center has now become a common heritage that goes beyond the political collective that has taken care of it until today, ensuring the performance of many activities for the city. Our commitment in this sense, however, does not mean in any way to abdicate bonds that we built with the Vanchiglia neighborhood and our commitment politician in the area. We were there for this neighborhood when it was a desert of services. We were there when the administrations have started a process to transform it into the "table", releasing licenses to the right and missing. We were there when we wanted militarize the neighborhood to repress a nightlife moved there of strength from the wicked choices made at Palazzo di Città. Here we are states to give outdoor activities to the children of the neighborhood during the pandemic when the families were left alone by institutions. We understand that for politicians who think with deadlines electoral at 4 or 5 years are secondary dynamics, but for us who We shaped Vanchiglia's life and were shaped by it, They are central things. As far as we are concerned, we are at the beginning of a path, everything can still happen: it is an unexplored ground for us but We practice it with the same determination and partiality with which from decades are a living part of the struggles in the area, in the city, in the valley and Wherever it will be necessary to mobilize.

So it is, it seems to us


Turin repression laboratory is a recurring frame and a reality that those who protest in the city live on the skin. The choice of askatasuna e of the Municipality to undertake a path of dialogue and experiment New, such as the common good and co-design, breaks it.

Leaving glimpse another possible city. And specific: city, because the deliberates on the common good is to be read not as a resolution of a public order problem, but as an idea of a living territory, where the conflict is not neutralized and the participation enhanced. A Another model of democracy. Utopia? The sterilization of a Radical alternative experience?

Mind you. It won't be a Easy route, it stands on a thin balance of balance. On the side of askatasuna, there is the maintenance of a strong radicality in the context of a frame shared with the Municipality; by the institutions, there is the comparison with a political project and a protest that hit e restless. But this is the complexity of a conflicting democracy, it is the indicator of his good state of health. It is a signal countercurrent compared to the image of a democracy that does not tolerate the strikes, which represses eco-activism, which expels thought divergent, as well as an atrophilic democracy.

It's a "antagonist" experimentation, to resume provocatively a label used in a disqualifying and generalizing sense, Compared to the prevailing model: repressive, approval and passiveizing.

Between The most evident connotations of Turin "repression laboratory", yes reports judicial activism attentive to all possible violations law, civil, criminal, administrative, experienced on belonging to the No Tav movement and applied to those who act the conflict social. It affects Reading on the Prosecutor's website that the pool of magistrates who habitually deals with the crimes inherent in the protest is colored under the item «terrorism and subversion of the order democratic". Dissent and protest, far from being ascribable to terrorism (the attempts in this regard were cassated by the same judiciary) are not subversive of the democratic order but element essential of democracy. The concept of a presumed order is Far from a horizon that implies pluralism and discussion.

Certain, The fulfillment of crimes must be pursued, but the criminal liability is staff. Reasonableness and proportionality must be the parameter To determine incriminating cases, precautionary measures and penalties, How, even more so, the prevention measures adopted by the Quaestor, Fascist retailed, of a lot (and more than) dubious legitimacy constitutional. And then there is the violent behavior of the forces of the order in protests. I think about May 1st, where the will to prevent entry into the square at the social broken produces clashes now "classics" (only in 2023 avoid, thanks to an intense dialogue quote), to manganelli on anti -fascist students at university, But the discussion can extend to the evictions of employed buildings or to the Resistance to evictions.

Turin is a laboratory, but the trend is Global: repressing, dissuading, intimidating the protest. It is a part of the world that in the face of unsustainable inequalities, to the effects of a increasingly violent competitiveness, it is armored.

Turin that look beyond the stigmatization of social centers as a lair of illegality and recognizes value to the autorganization of social activities e cultural, to participation from below, indicates another path possible, that - incidentally - it is in the sign of the Constitution. And the attempt to grasp the potential of a category, the "good common », as a way to rethink the public good as" of citizens ", without anesthetizing the divergence, even radical, which ensures the plural dynamism, vitality, the possibility of transformation, of the democracy.

It will be up to the political forces in the field to ensure that this is a different way to maintain "the strength of total criticism" (Pasolini) without slipping into a "comfortable, smooth, reasonable, reasonable Democratic non-libertà "(Marcuse).

It is a small step, the deliberates and not eviction, which refers to the great clash on the way understand democracy: democracy as a control tool e power management or democracy against power, in the sign of one effective social and political emancipation?

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PC February 17 - From the short political/ideological journey to London of some of our communist proletarian companions in the footsteps of Marx: an exciting moment in front of the plaque/monument of Marx

from the counter -information rossusaia 12 at 15/02

We have returned these days from a short journey - but beautiful and exciting - that we can define a journey of Marx and In the footsteps of Marx's life and history, at least for that phase in which he lived in the city of London.

Was a Journey with which on the one hand we wanted to honor Marx's memory and that at the same time we considered a real political initiative through which, retracing some places significant of Marx's life, we reflected on what in These years have studied through the training cycles proletarian and revolutionary, in particular on specific texts of Marx, such as the manifesto or the beginning of the capital.

So a journey which also fits into that concept that we call "guide for revolutionary action ".

A stage main of this trip, which however lasted a few days, is He was at the Highgate cemetery, where Marx is buried.

We arrived at Small village of Highgate, a classically English village, Very picturesque. A cute episode was the fact that in Asking information to get to the cemetery smiled at us saying: "But are you going to Marx's tomb?" In reality apart from the maps we could have had, it was not difficult to reach this place because there was like a sort of pilgrimage of people who they went to the cemetery - and then towards the tomb of Marx - e This has facilitated the path

In a classic English day in gray sky, with a fairly temperature fresh, we arrived at the cemetery, an English cemetery, with scattered tombs, with quite different tombstones, without an apparent scheme.

The part where yes Find Marx's tomb is faced with the biggest one in the cemetery, also considered

the main one, where different are buried Historical characters, writers, artists.

Taking the country road that leads to the tomb, after a few minutes, to say the truth, we immediately started to experience a certain emotion in see the large marble head of Marx from afar from afar that dominates The tomb, however surrounded by people. Approaching the emotion is increased because it is true that we have seen it many times on books, On the internet, in the photos, but seeing the plaque in presence is truly A whole other thing.

We stopped with other people. For a few minutes we have observed the tomb from all sides, without saying anything, reading the Registration with the names of the buried personalities: of course Karl Marx, then his wife Jenny von Westphalen, the faithful Helene Demuth, the daughter Eleanor.

We then have heard that something more than a dutiful visit we should have do, and so we pulled out the flags we had brought Just to honor Marx's memory. And we took pictures, one with the flag of our political organization and the other as companions of the MFPR. Which was appreciated by some passers -by who smiled at us and also gave us notes of assent.

And then, since we had brought some texts by Marx, in particular the manifesto of the Communist Party written together with Engels, and the international worker, we made a sort of celebration, in the sense that we have read some specific passages of these two texts in front of the plaque aloud.

The choice of These passages wanted to try to bring - with so much humility Of course - what is the true spirit of all written work and made by Marx and his inseparable, an exceptional companion of fight, Engels, but above all to remember ourselves, that is to put ourselves today, what are the purposes and what it takes today to the communists and the working class, the class of the proletariat for affirm them.

After that We decided to intone the international. We started a Singing it slowly also in the sense of respect for the place, but in reality, As we spontaneously sang the voice has increased. So Then we sung it with a much higher voice. This created a nice moment for a shed of people around us, almost a circle, with some who started singing together with we, others who have raised the fist, others who smiled at us and they made hints of consent. At the end, some of these people do they wanted to present, in particular a group of Indians that there They greeted with a lot of heat, holding their hand. There were also of young girls very happy and showed up like militants of the Communist Party of Marxist India and wanted Also take a photo with us next to the plaque. So two Chinese young people, another person who wanted to tell us that it was a Brazilian companion. So also two young British.

It was a nice moment, both international and internationalist and this was also a great emotion, which is a bit what Marx said in all his texts: a proletariat, a working class that does not have homeland but which is united by what the struggle must be revolutionary to overthrow the dominant bourgeois and build a Truly different society.

This moment is very beautiful state, with all these companions we were together there, in front of the plaque. We do not hide that when we are there went we were really quite excited and with tears at eyes, on the one hand of joy, on the other of respect, of honor, but Even a little sadness of having to go away from that place.

In the days subsequent we tried to pay homage to Max by visiting other places in his life, particularly in the Soho district, One of the homes where Marx lived for several years, a neighborhood where there was also the library where Marx went to study and a Read and then, much further on, the street where there is Engels' house.

So a journey very beautiful, an exciting journey, a journey full of many things, a political journey, a journey also ideological, which helped us e It helps us to affirm what is the ideology of the proletariat and there encourages to move forward on the necessary revolutionary journey Today to the whole class.

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PC February 17 - demonstration in Turin against repression for Palestine

Against internal repression and war. For a free Palestine!

Event: Saturday 17 February, 2.30 pm, Largo Saluzzo

Against the war and the mission of the Meloni government in Red Sea

THE governments of the West have undertaken a drift more and more Warning through: the Meloni government proceeds. In front of the Prefecture of Turin we want to clearly indicate the responsibilities of the wars in this government and in those preceding it.

Against the genocide that the Israeli regime is committing in Palestine

There solidarity with the Palestinian population is not enough, the city of Turin - Also by virtue of the twinning with Gaza - he must give an answer concrete and cut the memorandum of understanding between Iren and Mekorot (company National Water of Israel).

Against any attempt to repression of dissent

With the increase in the involvement of our country in the current conflicts, We witness the narrowing of any space of political accessibility: Piazze denied for sit-in, violence

police that breaks down on students, anti -fascist teachers, migrants, workers or activists of environmental movements. During the day of remembrance the government Meloni has instrumentally prohibited the demonstrations in favor of the people Palestinian, while those who went down to Piazza shouted that "never again!" It means "never for anyone again!". The management of public order is purely repressive, while - we saw it well in our city and in the Val di Susa- the immoderate use of the precautionary measures and the sheets of via goes to hit those who try to organize themselves and to assert their own voice.

Against the customs clearance of neo -fascist groups

THE fascists are welcomed by the institutions of our country, starting from universities, passing through schools and squares as adapto Laurentia. Fascist propaganda against migrants a protection of the borders of Italy and the European Union. As anti -fascist we intend to be the embankment that opposes what the History and resistance of peoples has already condemned and that today tries again to regain political legitimacy.

Against the internal war that increasingly hits the popular strata and criminalize migrants

The other one face of war is the economy that downloads the Costs of weapons and ammunition. The end of the market protected for light and gas, the increase in prices, hunger wages, the absence of adequate welfare It is accessible to everyone, the dismantling of citizenship income are elements that fit into a climate of war to the poor now become unacceptable.

Against the enslavement of the school and the university to the market and the war

Always The more our schools and universities become accomplices of the war. War -speaking propaganda arrives in our classrooms thanks to "Lessons" of the police and army. We say “money to school and not to war ".

Against the precepts of the strikes of Minister Salvini

The Precepts of Minister Salvini are the last piece in order chronological of a process aimed at dismantling rights at work, affecting workers and conflicting unions. The Minister's line not can pass!

Against any attempt at redwashing and exploitation

In the election campaign that is opening many forces will declare themselves fakely pacifist to ride the moods of a tired people of the war. We will not accept any type of exploitation from whom in Parliament voted and continues to vote for the increase in expenses military.

Change Route, Osa, Notav Torino and Cintura, Notav, Cub, USB, Power to the People, PCI, Communist Network, Coordination against militarization in Schools, Francesca Frediani Piedmont regional councilor.

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Feminicides: Fascism generates a modern patriarchy (from counter -information rossusaia at 12 noon on 15/02)

The last recent feminicides are precisely of the last few days.

On February 14 there was the one in Cisterna di Latina, in which the mother of an ex -girlfriend of the murderer were killed. And the day before yesterday there was the killing of a 61 -year -old woman in Bolzano.

Since the beginning of this year there are already 8 feminicides, sometimes, as has happened in Cisterna di Latina, it is double femicide.

But we want to focus a moment on this of Cisterna di Latina because there is an aspect that have highlighted few newspapers, but it is significant.

The latter femicide was committed by a marshal of finance, but it is not the only committed by the police, of those who have the easy gun, because always in this country - which is not a great country, it is a matter of A reality of just over 36,000 inhabitants - in previous years, coincidentally, there have been 2 more femicides: one in 2018 at the hands of an appointed carabinieri who, not only did he shoot his wife but also killed his two daughters, then yes suicidate. In 2014 another: in this case a prison police officer killed his partner.
How come in the same country - not great - did these feminicides occur at the hands of the police or in any case committed by those who have the opportunity to have weapons?

We immediately link this femicide to the decree that the Meloni government is preparing. It is said that the men of the police can always keep the gun with them, that is, in fact these men even at home, even in private situations, will always have the gun at hand. And clearly this will only feed the killings, the feminicides, by this type of men who evidently consider how "normal" react to situations of different choices from women, other than their will, shooting, killing.

As we have written other times, it is a war, a low intensity war against women, with femicides who are increasing, who are becoming almost daily, at least those who know each other, who arrive in the press, on television.

These feminicides are made by new men, with certain patriarcalist conceptions, but above all with fascist conceptions, these are modern fascists because they are moved by hatred against women who do not accept to be subordinated, who want to decide on their lives, who want to break bonds that become oppressive chains, and violent in some cases, who do not agree to be the one to "have to have their heads on the shoulders", as Meloni says, To be good women who mainly think about the family.

And fascism, of which we now have an institutional expression in the government and in the representatives of this state, of these institutions, in the ministers that are part of this government, which produces a sort of modern patriarchy Which is not old patriarchism, but is a new one, in a certain sense more social, more political, more ideological, more terrible, institutional, which therefore cannot be fought only with culture, with education, etc., but dev 'be fought with The struggle to overthrow this modern fascist system.

This is because, as a writer said, they are not "ancient men", they are "Modern ancient men, frustrated by the freedom that women rightly want, who feel like the theft of their freedom, of their properties on women ".

Today this war against women is going to intensify because modern fascism is the construction of the system, to normal, of everything that is reactionary, male chauvinist, rotten; And towards which the small, ineffective, measures that the Meloni government boasts are truly an absolute hypocrisy, because, at the same time, the ministers, exponents of brothers of Italy, the government party, issue statements and make campaigns Ideological and political for which the centrality of the role of women must be at home, it must be in taking care of the children and therefore everything that goes against this becomes provocation, it becomes that you have fault if then, in the face of these life choices Different, your husband, your ex, kills you.

Fascist humus makes it normal to react to women. As is normal in the USA, but not only in the United States, that men, boys, frustrated to arms and kill at the mass level, so for men it seems almost "obvious" that the reaction to women must be violent.

In the face of this, however, a response of women rises, a response of struggle.

On November 25, it was not obvious that there was the participation of half a million women and also of men, but above all in the vast majority of women, at the Rome event. It was an imposing event, it was also a different event from the others of the previous years, because it was full of anger, of determination. There were the signs that said "we are furious", "the witches are back".

Today, it is also about March 8th, to raise, extend in every place, in every city, in every workplace - where, among other things, all another series of violence also take place: economic, living conditions , of discrimination, harassment towards women, workers - this struggle of women.

It is a question of giving continuity, of giving strength, but above all we think that it is necessary to direct the struggle of women more and more towards a revolution that is a clean place of men who hate women, governments, states that women hate.

Saying enough to feminicides means more struggle, more mass struggle than women in every place, more dangerous struggle

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North Jutland Police and Aalborg Municipality create special Taskforce

After rising gang crime in Aalborg, with several months of shooting episodes and stabbing, the North Jutland Police and Aalborg Municipality have decided to create a special task force there shall preventing children and adolescents from being drawn into the criminal environments .

According to Police Inspector Claus Danø, police will use the so-called "knock-knock" method, which they should have good experience with in Aarhus and Copenhagen. This method is that when the police see young people being in the company of people who are allegedly criminals or are gang members, they will reach out to the parents of the young people and talk to them. The police will generally also increase their presence in public space.

Police have declared that they are actively working to prevent young people from being involved in crime. But it is obvious that they will never be able to solve this problem. They are already playing a reactionary role in our society, just as the frivolous gang environments do, just the police represent the reactionary bourgeois Danish state. We already know that the police are often out and harassing young children And workers based on their ethnicity, such as happened in neighborhood Vejgaard . Many young people then see a connection between the officers who harass them, and the officers who protect fascists who burn the Qur'an or provoke the masses in other ways, creating a special image.

If the police sincerely want to change, they must start with their own behavior, but it is clear that they will never try to improve or acknowledge that they have a problem. Instead, you will surely see this new task force being abused to harass masses with the origin of oppressed nations further.

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PC February 17 - Video Lenin: speech for the centenary - let's circulate it and discuss it

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PC February 17 - It is you, great masters, government, the managers/killers of the workers who died in Florence!

Four, and perhaps even more, at the moment has not been found under the rubble another worker, are the dead, our dead workers killed in the Megacantiere of Florence, and at least three workers are seriously injured.

A class massacre!

Our anger, pain, our solidarity with the workers, to their families.

We reject the hypocrisy that the managers of these killers are on stage : The Esselunga, whose president yesterday said: "As a sign of mourning in the afternoon, the Esselunga stores of the city of Florence will be closed" ; Meloni whose "conscience" makes her proclaim "a minute of silence".

The masters make profits on the blood of the workers, On their exploitation, using transferring workers, some immigrants! They cut safety, save on the materials, on the times of construction of the structures, on the checks. In the megacantiere there were 30 subcontracting companies; The client company is Villata spa is of Property of Esselunga and its president is the former minister Alfano (where had he ended up? someone wondered ... here after the proceeds as minister had gone to make profits in the contracts)

The Meloni government with the reform of the contract code He gave the go -ahead to the subcontracts, to the custody of the works even without tender, "green light" to the companies that to make more useful cut the costs of safety, contracts, workers' rights; Cuts that especially in construction sites mean accidents, dead. So what the "Minister of Business Consultants" speaks when with "deep

condolence " Announces further interventions? We should say: better that this government is stopped ..., because every provision is a worsening for workers.

And let's not say it so much to say. Now the great works are announced for the realization of infrastructure interventions for the G7 in Puglia in June and is written: "Just yesterday the extraordinary commissioner for the work for the G7, Fulvio Maria Rescdata, was in the Prefecture in Bari to take stock of the Situation. Particularly narrow times led the government to opt for procurement without a race ... ". (Puglia newspaper of 16/E). What it means we can well imagine it: works done by tinated companies with political and institutional characters, beyond the skills, subcontracts entrusted quickly and fury without any preventive control, workers used as "slaughter meat", etc. etc. In a situation where entire cities will be armored (Brindisi, Bari, etc.) and therefore the checks, the interventions of the unions will be prevented at most.

Other dead workers? Damn assassins!

Maximum support for strikes, mobilizations, but of those who, the basic, class unions, fight every day for safety, for the rights of workers and are therefore repressed; Not to the declarations of those who, the leaders of the confederal unions, remember safety after the workers die, and on the other days they collaborate with companies or are absent (In the mega site of Esselunga what union interventions had been, were the RLS, the delegates?)

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Terrified: the Israeli troops of the Givati brigade refuse to return to Gaza - the new democracy

Writing Note: We reproduce below the full translation of an article originally published on the portal Palestine Chronicle .

A group of Israeli elite soldiers of the Givati brigade refused to take part in military operations in the Gaza Strip, accusing the army of neglecting its physical and psychological well-being, according to the publication of the Haaretz portal on Wednesday.

Since the Israeli army began the earthly invasion of Gaza at the end of October 2023, the Givati brigade, which includes elite fighters, has taken part in the most difficult bumps at the enclave and lost many of its leaders and members, forcing the leaders of the leaders army to “temporarily” from the battlefield.

Palestinian resistance groups repeatedly defeated Givati and other elite forces in Gaza, expelling them to certain areas after annihilating and injured many of their soldiers.

Terrified soldiers

During a conversation with commanders, the soldiers claimed that they have no psychological structure to return to the battlefield and expressed fear that returning would put their lives at risk.

The newspaper reported that Army leaders have not yet decided to respond to the refusal of the soldiers to return to the foray.

Thousands of Israeli soldiers have had confirmed deaths and injuries in the Gaza War so far.

The estimate of Israeli military losses are much larger in media vehicles and leaked data from hospitals when compared to the official numbers declared by the Israeli army.

According to the Ministry of Health of Gaza, 28,663 Palestinians were murdered and 68,395 injured in the genocidal foray into Gaza began on October 7.

In addition, at least 7,000 people are not in these data, as they are presumed to be killed among the wreckage of their homes in the Gaza Strip.

International and Palestinian organizations say most of the dead and injured are women and children.

Israeli aggression also resulted in the forced eviction of nearly two million people throughout the Gaza Strip, with the vast majority of the outstanding in the overcrowded city of Rafah, near the border with Egypt - has become the largest exodus in Palestinian mass since the Nakba, in 1948.

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PC February 17 - The "Caivano" model racist and imperialist of the Meloni government against immigrants and its prison policy (as a counter -information Rosso Opera of 16/02)

The Meloni government is a racist, imperialist and therefore addresses the problems of the Mediterranean, Africa, the problems of immigrants with a racist and imperialist logic. AND, involuntarily, he declared him on the occasion of the day of the February 15 with the information to the Council of Ministers, when Meloni spoke of "Caivano model".

Caivano, how yes you know, is the neighborhood of the province of Naples where i chilled facts, the violence and exploitation of the girls, where there is a high density of the Camorra presence of various kinds that It has always controlled the territory, with complicity - you want or not - of politicians, state, institutions and part of the forces of the order.

When it's The Caivano case was bursted there was a ambaradam in this reality, with government, interior ministers, etc. etc. who have, in fact, built in the neighborhood, with a logic of militarization, a "Model" of self -styled fight against the Camorra.

Speak about "Caivano model" on the migrants front means objectively consider all

criminal migrants, Camorristi, Violeators and so on. And the imagination you want to build is of a government that addresses and treats the question in this way of migrants, then with a police model, with a model expulsive, with a prison model against migrants, the great mass of migrants who arrives on our coasts later inhuman and inaen -arthire trips, with everything that now all know: what happens in Libya, what happens in other countries of North Africa towards migrants and what happens in sea, and the massacre of Cutro, the shipwreck that also saw die women and children, it is there to represent it during the first Meloni government phase.

This is the logic that guides this government in treating the story of migrants. To this are added the news that the Meloni government has built through the Italian-Albanian pact with which migrants come deported to Albania, locked up in CPR type prison structures, managed directly by Italian military and police personnel with the collaboration of a government of servants of the servants such as the current Albanian government. In order to be able to mistreat them and silence Expel them and fall into hell from which they came.

This is the other I wait, the imperialist aspect of the question. An aspect imperialist who involves a relationship with countries - such as Albania but in particular those who are on the African side of Mediterranean: Libya, Tunisia - with which they establish themselves relationships and relationships by financing them, in exchange for carrying out on behalf of Italy the role of blocking of the wave of migrants, with the goal not only to hunt migrants but also to increase the economic control over the economies of these countries in favor of Masters of Italian multinationals.

State money used to finance under this guise, once called “Piano Mattei ”, another time called in another way, but with the same identical objective: to practice a racist and imperialist policy towards the Mediterranean and the Balkans with whom to establish one neo colonial relationship that distantly recalls African politics of Mussolini and imperialism in general.

It is clear that if Migrants are the main victims of this policy, if the countries On the Mediterranean, through these bonds, they confirm their nature of countries oppressed by imperialism - that is, by our imperialism - Peoples must get rid of their accomplices of imperialism and fight the imperialist presence in the area and in particular the Italian one naturally, in addition to the French one and any other country that operates in North Africa towards these countries, with them intentions of the Italian government and often in competition with the state e The Italian government.

It is in ours Country that is fighting, however, the main battle, it is we who We must fight our racist/imperialist government and no one other. It cannot be rewarded on Europe that every now and then raises the problems of human rights and the character of the action of This government but then it is well that dirty work does it Italy and contributes in this way to curb the wave of migrants who, in the large part, does not remain in Italy, but pours out in the economically strongest countries and where there are migrant communities More, long date and much larger. So you can't count on Europe as a brake on racist politics, imperialist of Italian government. It's up to us to make the "clean work" for this way say, fight against the policies of this government, overturn This government, build another country, another government, another State, welcoming and solidarity, which builds an alternative to capitalist, racist, imperialist of this government, of previous governments, of future governments of the owners and governments European imperialists.

The other question Which binds to politics towards migrants is prison policy.

And on this one The further stage was the meeting with Romania.

They meet Italy and Romania. Italy confirms its role in NATO and a side of Ukraine in the interimperialist war for Interposed person who takes place in this country, who involves sending weapons, soldiers and troops in this chessboard and moreover in Romania in particular, as one of the border countries in this war that It can be involved. To this adds the so -called plan empty-chorches. There is another way to expel migrants and of send them to serve the so -called "pain" in the country of origin e This would concern Romanian prisoners who are in ours village.

We are radically contrary to this plan because if they run away from Romania is because it is an anti -worker and anti -popular regime, it is a Wild capitalist regime, reactionary, is an alleged regime to the interests of imperialism and therefore treats his people in the Worst possible way and it is one of the regimes that you run away. And if you run away, the last thing we have to do is to return them to a regime, moreover if they were migrants detained in ours country for reasons related to crimes that they would have committed in ours country, would be a real prisons, another baroles of a barbaric type, contrary to human rights and rules elementary of international law, for which there are countries in to which the crimes are committed but for their relationship of more countries rich, imperialists, you can take the prisoners and send them in their country to serve the sentence, that is, to contract the prison there.

This is too racism, this too is a liberticidal, inhuman policy, too This is imperialism.

Explain calmly, tranquility, but with decision to the workers, to the proletarians of our country is a task ours that cannot be contracted to the newspapers nor to associations that are solidarity with migrants who already do a lot and less than ever to the Church, which certainly puts its word to us good, which many times sounds like criticism, to denial about policies of the government. However, frankly, we don't think that this action of the Church has never changed substantially nothing in the policies of governments and also of our government. With all due respect to Pope Francis.

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PC February 17 - In the events of Brescia and Milan the appeal to support the two international days of 23-24 February in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance

Video intervention follows at the Milan garrison last Sunday.


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PC February 17 - No to the Counter -Reformation of Justice of Minister Salvacorrotti Nordio

by counter -information Rossusoia Ore12 of 16/02

Where he was unable to be Berlusconi, that is to put his hands on justice and to silence the non -aligned press, now the minister Nordio of the Meloni government is succeeding.

With this unworthy character, the terms "justice" and "guaranteeism" definitively lose their meaning, which is normal in bourgeois law, of the right to the service of the masters, but with this government it sinks even more in the upheaval of laws, in bending The judiciary to government policy, in putting the bavaglio to the press.

With the minister Nordio "Justice" means injustice and guarantee me means Warranty of impunity for corrupt.

It is the end of What the bourgeois call "state of law" is a further step forward in the reactionary transformation of the same bourgeois democracy.

We are talking about the transition to the Senate of the Nordio bill that will go to Room, which has passed with

a wide majority supported by Italy Viva and Action, the miserable Renzi e Calenda, on the face of the yes (104) and the oppositions on that of the No (56).

The design of Nordio's law is not a reform of justice but it is one counter -reform, functional to the objectives of the employment plan of the state by this government - the Meloni government - e it once again highlights what classes this government intends protect and what is his design, his conception of what kind of Building company.

After all, it is the line of the entire government that inspires the Nordio bill: on investigations of the judiciary that affect Minister Santanchè the same Meloni said: “A guarantee notice does not determine in the resignation of a minister automatically "

On Rainews24 - reports Il Fatto Quotidiano - The deputy minister of Forza Italia, Francesco Paolo Sisto, Berlusconi's former lawyer, says that the reform “It has been studied and calibrated over time, with the direct participation "of the man of Arcore, who“ suffered a lot, Too much, because of justice ".

The biggest corrupt and corrupter of Italian politics and master caste, linked to great crime - and here are the processes and years of investigations that prove it - is the model for the counter -reform Nordio of justice.

The reason that it he had pushed to his "descent on the pitch" was definitely for defend themselves from the processes, from the amount of investigations that accused him of corruption, of underworld and ties with crime, as well as implement Gelli's Golder Plan to whose Masonic Loggia Berlusconi was registered. This was the forerunner who allowed the settlement of the worst of this political class representing of the worst politics and main caste in our country.

The administrators, mayors and political caste at local level e provincial will not be pursued for the crime of abuse of office Because this, art. 323 of the criminal code, with this Counter -reform, it has been abolished. The green light is given to contracts without rules, to dizzying profits for the masters and the destruction of the territories, to the impunity of the assassins for the deaths on Work that contracts without rules will certainly increase.

No punishment for Who takes bribes because the trafficking of influences from Nordio is been reduced to the minimum terms: the public will no longer be punishable official that, by violating the law, "intentionally procures to itself or to others an unfair asset advantage or causes others to unjust damage ". If the text becomes law, Italy will become the only country in the capitalist world in which this conduct does not It constitutes a crime. And this writes a bourgeois newspaper.

Not only. For arrest an alleged corrupt or tangentist (who maybe not even he knew he was investigated) we will have to "warn him" with a at least five days advance that will undergo an interrogation.

Is demolished Art. 21 of the Constitution on the freedom to demonstrate freely one's thoughts and on the freedom of the press, aiming at Hit journalists not aligned with the government and put the gag to the right of news and the law of citizens, of the masses, ad be informed, because the Nordio counter -reform prohibits the publication of interceptions.

The 5S Roberto Scarpinato attacks "an anti -democratic system, anti Equilitaria and class ", while Ilaria Cucchi of Alleanza Verdi And left speaks of "an insult to democracy".

For the opposition, from young people, by environmentalists, from the movements of the political and social opposition, only repression and manganelli, heavier penalties, while impunity is guaranteed to the masters e to corrupt politicians.

With this counter -reform the minister Nordio not only rehabilitates and legitimizes the worse than that system that newspapers and investigations once they called "tangentopoli", that system produced by the plot Between corrupt masters and corrupters, finance and political class to government on a national and local level, a system that we have below to the eyes every day with arrests and investigations that are hitting the members of the government parties and some of his ministers, but one step further in the demolition/dissolution of this bourgeois state for structure a new one in the service of a regime, that goal that Gelli had proposed with the Renaissance plan of P2 and who with that disaster of Minister Nordio today creates his plan Golder.

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PC February 17 - Our work in factories and jobs towards the days of struggle of 23 and 24 for Palestine and its resistance/against war and against imperialism

by counter -information Rossusoia Ore12 of 16/02

We want to take stock and bring for example our work in the places of work, in factories, between workers and workers, that of the necessary battle, of the link between the support for Palestinian resistance and the battle against the imperialist war, that binds the interests - even immediate - of workers with respect to the international situation.

This work The factories are already taking place within a more activity general to raise consciousness and counter -information in places of work, using what is the tool of the Counter -information.

After October 7th We continually intervened, bringing the mobilizations and i contents of the Palestinian struggle and the solidarity campaign e of movements also in the jobs, we did ours part to inform and make workers participate in this battle which is also fundamental for

the defense of working conditions, a defense in the perspective of an attack, with the awareness that only the questioning of the entire system capitalist/imperialist can also make sense of ours everyday claims.

Countryside also started internationally - and that we in Italy have made their own by adhering to the two initiatives of 23 February and 24 February launched by the Palestinian organizations, in particular by the young Palestinians of Italy - it is very important and gives us An additional opportunity to make a specific campaign compared to Those who are the links between the genocidal plan of Israel e imperialism and the intervention and the enlargement of the war then, with the direct sending of our troop imperialism in the Mar Red and therefore the battle that binds the struggle of peoples, the resistance to the factories of our imperialist countries, which is the better support for the Palestinian people, their resistance and everyone The martyrs who are resisting the genocide of Israel.

Let's start with it explain that behind the inhumanity of this genocide, of this Destruction campaign towards the Palestinian people, of annihilation of a people, there is the imperialist system, there is the logic of profit and therefore it is up to us, to us workers and communists, explain what is behind this system that generates these genocides in the silence of all powerful imperialist states, while On the other hand, all peoples are lined up alongside the resistance of the Palestinian people, who are increasingly an example - As we have said several times in the interventions to the factories - the Palestine is the example of the peoples who fight, the liberation of the Palestine is the liberation of all the oppressed.

We have to go down in the square with these objectives and link this solidarity to the people Palestinian, to the fight against those who give us none every day Guarantee: workers in factories are not guaranteeing the I work, for students there is no future, it is a school More and more full of war, full of pieces of shit like Crosetto. Also On Israel and Palestine we see that the Meloni government is not a government like the others, it is always a government of the masters but it is a Government of fascists, where Crosetto is the direct exponent of the military industry, and in other governments there is never this state. So it is very similar to what is also going on in Netanyahu government that is marching towards a regime, also firing of the contrary voices there are in that country.

We have to bring this campaign and this message that are very important For the unity of the struggle of peoples, of the proletarians: that the proletarians they do not have the home of the capital to defend but have only one world to conquer. And for this reason it is very important to come into field of workers, even if not easy because it is difficult in this atmosphere of permanent campaign, disinformation and attack on dissent, of criminalization, with the repression that also in these days is made more feel.

Our intervention that has been done In front of Rai, in Milan, summarizes this climate which is a sign of weakness by the warfounded government, fascist, of the Meloni who deludes himself that with the repression he can stop the right solidarity and the struggle of peoples and proletarians.

The appeal of 23 and 24 binds the importance of solidarity with resistance Palestinian and the fight against the imperialist war and in this sense on the day of the 23rd is a day of strikes that for us wants say assemblies, information, day of struggle organized by basic unions to which the Slai Cobas for the union of class joined. It is a very important day of struggle for bring the right requests of the workers directly Palestinian resistance that want a right peace, a peace with the justice, who want to say enough to the imperialist wars, is enough to the unjust wars, but who know very well that to get everything This must be made a war, the war on the exploiters, the war to Zionists, to the imperialists, the masters of the world, the war on Italian government that is at war against the Palestinian people because just in these days, not only through what are the weapons industries, but also through the direct sending of the soldiers In the Red Sea, he entered the war directly against the Palestinians And therefore against all the proletarians.

This campaign e This activity in the jobs, among the workers, is a lot important because the best help to the Palestinian people is that to hit our government and all its dirty interests that are those of the masters of the multinationals, of the factories of weapons, of Eni. Let's not forget that in front of Palestine there is a Large interest of Eni for oil, for the gas, of a great deposit of the Palestinians who want to be exploited by Israel and his imperialist friends who are not by chance helping Israel and then Shake, also in this case, the booty.

For this it is one The resistance that in Yemen is doing the Yemenity people, defined not correctly as "Houthi rebels", But this is a very important thing because it is an intervention direct that affects the interests of the masters, of imperialists and this is the other question that is very important in These two days, to get to strikes, to stops, to position sockets in the factories, which, we know very well, which is a very long job, but it is a necessary work to which this campaign offers the possibility of give continuity.

The event Milan national of 24 from Piazzale Loreto binds the question internationalist to the question of the struggle here in Italy, because, As we also said in other interventions, the resistance in Palestine is the resistance that is also needed here in Italy.

How was it said in the appeals of the Palestinian Associations compared to these Two days what is necessary is to raise the level of the solidarity that is what you need right now. Because like increases this solidarity increases the repression of the police, As in Vicenza, to the events in front of Rai. Now let's see which increasingly increase these attempts to use the truncheon To stop, but on the other hand it tells us that the state, governments, i masters, they are afraid of the peoples who raise their heads, they are afraid of the example that comes from 7 October and which comes from many other struggles like that of the Communist Party of India, of the struggles of National liberation, popular wars against fascism Hindu in India and in many other countries. These struggles, these people's wars must join in a Antimperialist, anti -capitalist front and the liberation struggle of Palestine must find her way to an effective one liberation through international link and solidarity e internationalist with the organizations that direct these Resistances.

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Article 19 shows concern for the arrest of protesters in São Paulo and for criminalization for attempted abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law - the new democracy

Writing Note: Below is a note published by the portal Article 19 on the recent prison and political persecution launched against protesters of São Paulo arrested in a demonstration against the fare and accused of "attempted abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law."

The year 2024 began with challenges with regard to the protection of the right to protest. On 01/10, it was organized in the center of São Paulo act against the increase of public transport tariffs, when 25 young people, including teenagers, were detained by the Military Police on the departure of Republic of Metro Station. On 01/18, in the second act summoned with the same agenda, 7 people were arrested, including lawyers identified with vests from the OAB Human Rights Commission (Brazilian Bar Association).

Since the end of 2023, protesters have faced the resumption and strengthening of techniques of restriction to the right to protest, especially from the truculence of the police forces of the State of São Paulo. We remember here the demonstration against the privatization of Sabesp (São Paulo State Basic Sanitation Company), which occurred in December last year at the São Paulo State Legislative Assembly (Alesp), when protesters were brutally assaulted by the Military Police of State of Sao Paulo. 1

In addition to truculent actions and violence against protesters, other irregularities and ways to inhibit protests have stood out. An example is the justification of military police to perform approaches during the demonstrations against increasing the passage claiming that young people would be wearing black blouses, masks and backpacks, which would characterize, in the eyes of these security agents, the Black Bloc tactic, point of justifying a “preventive” investigation.

Another element of attention is the typification proposed by police forces and members of the São Paulo prosecutor: criminal association and attempt to abolish the Democratic Rule of Law. The crime of criminal association, instituted through Law 12.850/2013, has been systematically used for this purpose since 2013, when manifestations that initially had the central agenda the repudiation of the increase in public transportation also took to the streets of the country . The greatest example is the arrest and conviction of 23 people in Rio de Janeiro, after participation in protests between 2013 and 2014. 2

The crime of attempted abolition of the Democratic Rule of Law is more recent: it is incorporated into the Brazilian legal system in 2021, in the Package of Democratic Rule Protection Devices (Law 14.197/21), also elaborated for the purpose of revoking the National Security Law (Law 7.170/83). The latter, dating from the military regime in mid-2021, was being widely mobilized by the Bolsonaro government to criminalize and inhibit the criticism of dissident voices, criticizing the management of the Covid-19 pandemic associating the then president with genocide. 3

At that moment we warned of the risks of these new typifications for social movements and people exercising the right to protest. Therefore, even during the processing of the legislature, it was included a device that prohibited the application of this law in cases of “critical manifestation to constitutional powers or the journalistic activity or the claim of constitutional rights and guarantees through gadgets, meetings, strikes , of agglomerations or any other form of political manifestation for social purposes ”. This article, however, was vetoed by then -President Jair Bolsonaro.

If there is no safeguard for this application, we find ourselves in the scenario in which people exercising their fundamental and human right to demonstration are accused of trying to abolish the Democratic Rule of Law. The arguments for this are fragile: After all, like a few dozen or hundreds of people, gathered by protesting on matters of local and public interest, without planning or attempting to injure the physical integrity of third parties, could they be trying to practice this act?

In this sense, it is noteworthy that neither the posting of content that encourages participation in protests, or reporting ways of defending themselves from police violence at these times, nor the use of “clothing in black”, “masks”, hoods or “backpacks ”They are sufficient to infer that these people would come to commit violence, crimes or even to make against the Democratic Rule of Law - contrary to what police arrest police say in the act, by justifying preventive repressive action. Even with these latent impossibilities, there are legal operators endorsing the narrative of police forces. And in this wake, people on the streets for the claim of rights have been criminalized and stigmatized.

A Article 19 expressed profound concern for this context. This is because, more than 10 years after the episodes of extreme police violence and criminalization of protesters during and after June 2013, we see the repetition of inhibition techniques of people who defend and claim rights, plus new elements that allow these violations of rights. It is necessary for the public power - and, in particular, the public security forces and the judiciary - to be aware of the improper application of the mentioned predictions, avoiding restricting human and fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression, manifestation, meeting and protest.

(Image Credit: Ninja Media)


  1. Article 19. Civil society and political representatives repudiate the violent action of the Military Police of the State of São Paulo during a vote at Alesp in defense of the right to participation and protest. December 11, 2023. Available at: https://artigo19.org/2023/12/11/sociedade-civil-e-representantes-politicas-repudiam-a-acao-violenta-da-policia-militar-do-estado-de-sao-paulo-durante-votacao-na-alesp-em-defesa-do-direito-a-participacao-e-ao-protesto/ ↩︎
  2. Article 19. Condemnation of 23 Protesters is serious for the right to freedom of expression. July 19, 2018. Available at: https://artigo19.org/2018/07/19/condenacao-de-23-manifestantes-e-grave-para-direito-a-liberdade-de-expressao/ ↩︎
  3. More information on the use of LSN by the Bolsonaro government and the process of elaboration and approval of Law 14.197/21 can be found in: Article 19. The institutionalization of violence against communicators in Brazil. December 16, 2021. Available at: https://artigo19.org/wp-content/blogs.dir/24/files/2021/12/A-Institucionalizac%CC%A7a%CC%83o-da-viole%CC%82ncia-contra-comunicadores-no-Brasil-compressed.pdf ↩︎

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PC February 17 - The third international against imperialism and Zionism in Palestine (February 1925)

The third international against imperialism and Zionism in Palestine (February 1925)

The "appeal of the Eastern Office of the International Communist against imperialism and Zionism in Palestine ”, a document from February 1925 (*)

Appeal of the Eastern Office of the IC against imperialism and Zionism in Palestine (February 1925)

The English imperialists and Zionist colonizers have again The revolutionary avant -garde of the workers and peasants of the Palestine.

Dictatorial master of Egypt and Sudan, English imperialism He wants to eradicate the Palestinian revolutionary and national movement. For maintain "order" and tranquility in the Suez region, England has started a furious repression campaign in Palestine. The local bourgeoisie and the Zionist settlers carry out for her i lower services.

Remembling Zionism, English imperialism tries to break the National emancipation of the Arabs. The Israelite bourgeoisie Zionist gets, in reward for his good and loyal services, the privilege of "dominant nation", while the population of Palestine It includes only 13% of Jews. Using this privilege, protected by machine guns and English planes, the organization Zionist strives to remove the land from the Arab farmers. Ally e accomplice of

oppressors, the rich Arab feudal aristocracy - the "Effendi" - willingly sells its lands to Jewish capitalists, without take care of the fate of the Arab farmers who cultivate from Dozens of these properties.

Every day, from the beginning of the Zionist colonization, of Arabic growers are driven out of their lands. They are painful Conflicts between Jewish settlers and small Arab farmers.

Each piece of land purchased by Zionist colonizers is taken to price of the ruin of hundreds of Arab families. The English government knows well how to exploit the national antagonism that arises from these abuse. Exciting the Arabs against the Jews and the Jews against the Arabs, English imperialism then presents itself in the part of referee, of "Protector of peaceful populations". One way like any other for justify its domination.

The coalition of English imperialism, Jewish Zionism and of Arabic feudalism to exploit the proletariat and the peasants in common In Palestine, he found a devoted auxiliary in the Socialist Party Achduct Kavoda of Palestine, section of the second international. This "Socialist party" encourages the ignominious task that the settlers Zionists call the "holy conquest of the earth", of the land of Arab farmers. The Jewish workers, sadly unconscious, who follow Achdu Kavoda kill each other with the fellah Arabs; The Zionists and the effendes are enriched.

The ruthless expropriation of fellah ruined before be brutally driven out of their outbreaks, misery, penalty and the hunger for the Jewish and Arabs workers, cynically exploited by the bourgeoisie Jewish and from the Arab nobility, they give birth to deaf riots among the Palestine workers.

The events of Afula [a town in northern Palestine - n.], Where The blood of the Arab farmers and the Jewish colonists is last in one battle for the earth, they proposed on the agenda the Malopte of the Anglo-subjerable colonizers.

Palestine Communist Party condemns hypocrisy and infamy of the British oppressors and their Zionist vassals. The party Communist of Palestine condemns the miserable "socialists" of thechdu Kavoda and the "yellow" managers of the Histadrut union.

The Communist Party wants the organization of workers Palestinians, Arabs and Jews, without distinction of nationality, and the establishment of union federations united on a struggle platform class. Palestine Communists resist the formation of a privileged Zionist caste, susceptible to come one day thrown against the workers and defenseless Arab farmers.

So all the reactionary forces of the country, from the English police to the socialists, declared war on our party.

The bands of the Zionist fascism are seen to attack and massacre the Revolutionary workers. The workers' circles are closed. The arrests yes multiply.

Workers' companions! Require the liberation of the arrested revolutionaries! Demand the liberation of all political prisoners and all Arab nationalists fighting against the Anglo-Sionist oppression!

I lower the white terror!

Long live the Communist Party of Palestine!

Long live the fraternal and revolutionary union of the exploited Arab and Jews!

(*) and The third international. Documentary history , edited by Aldo Agosti, II 1924-1928, vol. 2, Editori Riuniti, 1976, pp. 635-6.

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P.C.B. CC – The New Democratic Revolution and the main force of the World Proletarian Revolution – The Red Herald

We republish this article that was published yesterday on Communist International.

On the 25th of December we published the document The New Democratic Revolution and the main force of the World Proletarian Revolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil. We have corrected some errors in the layout and so fourth and you find the new version of the document here . We have been informed by the Brazilian comrades that they are preparing translations of the document into both English and Spanish. As soon as we receive these we will be glad to publish them to make them available for all our readers. For those of our readers who are able to understand Portuguese [and those who knows how to use translation programs…] we strongly recommend to take a first look now at the document, which is dealing upon questions such as Marxist philosophy, the understanding of imperialism and democratic revolution and interesting insight on Marxist political economy.

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PC February 17 - Monday 19 Basic trade unionism strike in Florence - Infosolidale

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PC February 17 - Presidia in L'Aquila and Pescara for the freedom of Anan Yaeesh, against repression and censorship for Palestine

Head of this morning at the L'Aquila for the freedom of our Palestinian brother Anan Yaeesh, arrested by the fascist government Meloni at the request of the Nazi-subjisty state of Israel.

Anan it comes from the West Bank and It was one of the most lively and combative Palestinian activists who animated the events that took place in L'Aquila since 7 October, a great loss for the entire pro-Palestine movement. D Opo having participated in the second Intifada and after being in prison for 4 years and tortured by the Israeli authorities on charges of terrorism for the defense actions of the refugee camp where he resided, Anan left Palestine to go to Norway and take care of the traumas reported due to the injuries suffered in prison, undergoing various surgery. Since 2017 he lived and worked in L'Aquila, where since 2019 he held a regular residence permit for special protection.

His arrest took place quietly on January 29th. Initially held in the L'Aquila prison, he was recently transferred to the Terni prison in the AS2 section waiting to be extradited to Israel, but it will be the Court of Appeal of L'Aquila which will have to express himself on the procedure that Nordio started illegally for its extradition. Therefore we invite everyone to supervise, mobilize and express maximum solidarity.

To write to Anan He lives:

District House of Terni, Str. Delle Campore, 32, 05100 Terni TR

Resistance is not a crime, Anan free! No to its extradition to a genocidal state and torturer! Nordio-Meloni accomplices of the Nazi-Sionist state of Israel!

Freedom for the Palestinian people, freedom for all political prisoners!


Garrison under the Rai headquarters in Pescara

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News from the Armed Struggle in Ireland – The Red Herald

We publish the War News section from the An Phoblacht Abú newspaper that we have received.

“Ireland unfree shall never be at peace” -PH PEARSE

Since the beginning of 2024, armed actions against the British Occupation and partition of Ireland have continued. As the report below shows, armed actions by Republican armies have taken place in all 6 British Occupied Countries since the beginning of January, demonstrating that despite censorship the fight for freedom is very much alive.

Monday January 1 – The media reports that a viable explosive device was left in the Drumgullion Avenue are of Newry. The occupation of our country was highlighted on the first day of the year as the alert brought armed British soldiers onto the streets of Occupied Ireland. The RUC stated the device was taken away for further examination.

Saturday January 6 – Republican Youth in Derry City confront and throw fireworks at the RUC in support of 3 pro Palestinian activists who scaled a crane and unfolded a large Palestinian National Flag. 3 pro Palestinian activists are subsequently arrested and charged by RUC.

Monday January 8 – Media in Derry report that an improvised explosive device was located by the British Army following reports of a suspicious device in the Ballymagroarty area of the city. The device was taken away for forensic examination.

Tuesday January 9 – Kevin Conway, a drug dealer, was shot dead in West Belfast. The mainstream media has reported that this was an operation carried out by Republicans, but no group has yet made a claim.

Friday January 19 – Reports state that a number of armed men stating they are from the Republican Movement toured a number of bars in Dungiven, South Derry reading a statement against drug dealers in the area and warning them to cease activities. A number of people have been arrested and charged with these incidents. There are also media report that similar action took place in Belfast in recent weeks.

Friday January 19 – A security alert in Coalisland County Tyrone during which the British Army located a viable explosive device which they state that they took away for further examinations.

Monday January 29 – Security alert in Newtownbutler County Fermanagh responded to by the British Army who carried out a controlled explosion on what they described as a viable device.

Tuesday January 30 – Security alert in Derry responded to by the British Army. Video showed armed British terrorists on the streets exactly 54 years after Bloody Sunday, operating under the armed protection of the RUC.

Wednesday January 31 – The media reports that a viable device exploded in Armagh overnight resulting in a British Army operation in the area. The RUC state that they are also investigating and explosion in the same are on Friday Jan 26.

February 7 – The media published a video that shows a Republican military group holding a volley of shots for Republican ex-Prisoner Sean McKinley from the Divis area of Belfast. The media state that 2 of the armed Republicans in the video are brandishing 3D printed guns, beside a photo of Sean McKinley before a 3rd Republican steps forward and fires a volley of shots. The media further states that the volley was fired by Oglaigh na h-Éireann also known as ONH, a group currently on ceasefire.

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Galiza Vermelha: Boycott the new electoral circus of 18th of February – The Red Herald

We publish an unofficial translation of the article of Red Galicia .

In each new “party of democracy” revisionism tries to convince the Galician proletariat that the Spanish Regime is a neutral instrument, that it is not the enemy of the Galician people. Revisionism tries to hide that the Spanish Regime is the instrument of the alliance between the Galician bourgeoisie and the Spanish bourgeoisie, in addition to other allied secondary classes and social strata, such as the clergy, sectors without class consciousness, etc.

The political practice of revisionism always strengthens the bourgeois State because it always keeps alive the idea that through elections, institutions and reforms of the bourgeois State it is possible to eliminate the destructive character of capitalist society, or that it is possible to eliminate the tendency for new inter-imperialist wars, that it is possible to eliminate the Law of Capitalist Accumulation which determines that the increase in the wealth of a few people implies the poverty of many other people in the world, or that it is possible to regulate the maximum differences between the income of the bourgeoisie and the salary of the working class through taxes, etc.

Revisionism always tries to “save” the working class from its “disillusionment” in the bourgeois State. Even when revisionism calls for “abstention” it is always because “none of the options is adequate”. Even though revisionism calls for “abstention”, it unconsciously wants to make it clear that it does not want to consider the bourgeois State as the enemy, that it does not want to combat false illusions in the reform of the bourgeois State.

Other revisionists will choose, as on other occasions, to remain silent about the parliamentary farce. For many, there is always the “less bad” option. A less evil that never ends, because there is always something worse but it is the “least evil” in the face of the new, even more evil element.

For revisionism, elections are the eternal process of “accumulation of forces”. An eternal “accumulation of forces” that never ends and that only serves to “accumulate” the common meaning of bourgeois ideology. An “accumulation of forces” that justifies everything but is of no use if we want a “guide to action”.

In the current situation of the Galician proletariat, where there is no communist party that creates links that unite the vanguard and the masses, any other political position other than boycott means giving up fighting bourgeois ideology. It means deviating from the just political line. Because renouncing to uncover and denounce the class character of the state is to contribute to spreading bourgeois ideology. So much so that revisionism talks a lot about trade unionism, anti-fascism, socialism, communism, etc., because its program and practice only serve to justify some workerist, or postmodern, version of bourgeois ideology.

Uncovering the class character of the Spanish Regime as the political power of the Galician bourgeoisie in alliance with the Spanish bourgeoisie and as much as the main enemy of the Galician people is fundamental in the work of communist agitation. Without becoming aware of the class character of the Spanish Regime, it is impossible to be aware of the social reality of the world.

Boycott the electoral farce!

And mask the Spanish Regime as an enemy of the people!

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International repression against anti-fascists – The Red Herald

Featured image: I International Protests Against Fascists in Budapest. Source: Young World

We publish this article from Serve the people .

On February 11, Europe’s largest Nazi march, the so-called “Day of Honor”, once again took place in Budapest. Last year, there were attacks on participating fascists. There was repression in several countries against allegedly participating anti-fascists. Let’s take a look at the current situation.

On January 29, the first verdict was handed down in the trial against anti-fascists who opposed the annual Nazi march in the Hungarian capital Budapest last year. The verdict was against Tobias E., a German antifascist from Berlin. He stood trial together with two other defendants. The Italian anti-fascist Ilaria S. and the anti-fascist Anna M., also from Germany.

The defendants were originally accused of carrying out attacks on fascists on the fringes of the so-called “Day of Honor”. However, as there is probably no evidence, the accusation of having directly committed a violent crime against the fascists was dropped against the two German anti-fascists. Instead, the public prosecutor’s office, accused them, with a clear political will to judge, to be member of a criminal organization. Tobias confessed to this accusation at the last trial, whereupon he was sentenced to three years in prison.

Tobias and Ilaria have been in pre-trial detention in Hungary for around a year, where they have also been subjected to torture in the form of solitary confinement, physical violence and other harassment by the prison guards. While the two Germans are not accused of any direct involvement in violent crimes, the situation is different for Ilaria. In addition to membership of the criminal organization, she is also accused of “three attempted life-threatening bodily injuries”, which means she faces maybe a prison sentence of up to 24 years

However, the three defendants are not the only defendants in this trial. In addition to them, the Hungarian public prosecutor’s office is also searching for 14 other people, including ten Germans, who are wanted on European arrest warrants. The German authorities, for their part, are making every effort to work hand in hand with the Hungarian public prosecutor’s office against the anti-fascists. In this sense, there have been numerous actions by the reaction. From house searches, public manhunt to a medial propaganda campaign. In December last year, these actions proved successful. The anti-fascist Maja was arrested by a special unit in a Berlin hotel, where she was thrown through a glass door and was injured by this. But even though the reaction succeeded in arresting one person, there are still nine German anti-fascists that the political police cannot find. And these are only those who are being targeted because of the actions in Hungary.

The imprisoned anti-fascist Maja and the nine other Germans, If they are caught, face not only imprisonment in Germany, but also extradition to Hungary and thus years or even decades in prison under Hungarian detention conditions. In addition to being far away from their families and friends, this also means, as their lawyers and various human rights NGOs put it, inhumane prison conditions. The anti-fascists which detained there have already reported being locked up for 23 hours a day, being denied contact with relatives for months on end, suffer under malnutrition, having vermin such as cockroaches, mice and bedbugs in their cells, inadequate ventilation in summer and no heating in winter. In addition, there is then the physical violence and daily harassment by the guards too.

It is not only the lawyers and comrades of the accused, who are resisting the possible extradition of Maja and the other anti-fascists. Also their families fight too. For example, the parents of the accused published a letter which opposing the extradition to Hungary and the media smear campaign against their children.

The fact that the possibility of extraction for the anti-fascists still exists shows impressively how much the FRG actually values its frequently propagated human rights. Ultimately, the policy of the German state does not depend on any “European values”, but rather on political calculation. The antifascist forces must together resolutely resist against the state attacks that are taking place in this context.

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PC February 17 - In Palermo today hundreds of the Rai headquarters - stop the genocide of the Palestinian people, no to the press enslaved to the Meloni government

Hundreds of solidarity, activists, companions, young students, women protested this morning in Palermo in front of the Rai headquarters also in connection with all the other protests, garrisons that have taken place in these days in different cities from Naples, in Bologna, Turin, Genoa, Rome ... And strong solidarity was expressed towards the protesters eaten by the police

Many interventions of denunciation of the genocide that must be stopped, of the criminal and terrorist action of the Nazisionist state of Israel supported by US imperialism in the first place, of the complicity of European states including Italy with the Meloni government who also wants to impose through the press, the mass media at the mass level a one -way narration Pro/Israel, support interventions for the resistance of the Palestinian people, a Palestinian woman has shouted that now "we are all and all of Palestinians", the need to Continue the struggle and mobilization that must be extended towards all those social sectors that still do not mobilize also for the nefastic ideological and political action of the government

In this sense, important, we said intervening as comrades of communist proletarians, are the next dates of mobilization of the national strike of February 23 organized by the basic unions and the national event of February 24 in Milan with the initiatives connected in other cities such as Palermo, dates that were then reiterated in other interventions.

Students wanted to keep our signs sharing the message

Free Palestine, fascists, terrorist is the state of Israel, imperialism uses killer, no to the press of the servants of the Meloni government ... many slogans between one intervention and the other.

Intervention of the PC partner

The garrison then occupied the road in front of Rai continuing Slogas and interventions, also denouncing the proposal of the FascioLeghista Salvini, aimed at preventing the demonstrations against Israel ... will not stop us!

from the intervention of the mate PC

The garrison has obtained to be received with a delegation in Rai by the Rai Sicily head-outpower, a report document was delivered, while the press release of the Rai employees was also read at the garrison that have dissociated themselves from the pro-Israel line of the TO. of Rai Sergio.

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A gathering was invited today Saturday 17/2 at 12:00 in St. Venizelou by members of the Palestinian community and organizations and colleges in a continuation of the mobilizations co -organized in the city. The demonstration started from the statue and moved to Tsimiski, at the American Consulate, where it stopped with the concentrated shouting slogans against the involvement of our country in the Palestinian people.

The tone was once again given the participation of Palestinian fighters in the head of the demonstration that shouted slogans in their language and expressed their anger about what is happening in their home country and on the other the goal of recognizing the Palestinian state by the Mediterranean to the Mediterranean.

With the slaughter of the Palestinian people continuing, there is a need for mobilizations and solidarity events to continue and intensify.

The next designed action of the co -organization of members of the Palestinian community and organizations and collectives of the city is the screening of the documentary "Gaza Fights for Freedom" on Sunday March 10th at the Labor Center.

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In Palermo, hundreds of Rai no to the genocide of women, children, of the Palestinian people - against the Meloni government thanks to the Nazisionist state of Israel - the press of modern fascism is the press

Many women, companions and young students determined in the square.
Around 8 March/Women's strike alongside Palestinian women and the resistance of the Palestinian people

The intervention of the partner of Communist proletarians and MFPR

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[Editorial SAP Nº9] condemned to succeed

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Progressive rock from England

Cover von Billy Bragg's Album "Workers Playtime" von 1988 (Those: www.billybragg.co.uk )

In the second half of the 1970s, especially in London and New York City, the punk rock scene grew up and produced two internationally successful bands in the British capital with the sex Pistols and The Clash. The punk scene grew up in the context of the rise of the fascist "British National Party", reflected the rebellion of young people against the monarchist authorities and fascist elements in the United Kingdom; Nevertheless, the scene was repeatedly hiked by fascist elements, which hiked brawls at concerts of bands with progressive songs such as Sham 69.

The sex pistols were particularly known with the two songs "God Save the Queen" and "Anarchy in the U.K.". Her “protest” also included the obvious wearing of fascist symbols such as swastika t-shirts; But her songs were better, like the parody of the British national anthem:

God save the Queen
The fascist regime
They made you a moron
A potential H bomb

God save the Queen
She ain't no human being
There is no future
In England's dreaming

Many of the advanced bands were part of the "Rock Against Racism" concert series, which was directed against British pop stars, among other things, who drew attention to themselves with evil reactionary headlines, as Eric Clapton ("Keep Britain White!") Or or David Bowie (expressed his support for fascism and his admiration for Hitler in interviews with the "Playboy", among others). Also in the FRG there was quickly a counterpart to "Rock Against Racism" with "Rock against Right", which-from the communist federal government-was not yet such a bourgeois-democratic meaning. In these actions in England, however, it can also be kept in mind that many activities against the British National Party and their influence of leadership of the Trotskyists were subject to.

The Clash - also part of "Rock Against Racism" - landed their biggest hits with "London Calling" and "Should I Stay or Should I Go", but also had far more political and combative numbers. In 1979 - before the London workers' part of the London was actually an uprising against the police - the song "Guns of Brixton" was released, which deals with the situation of a son of Jamaican immigrants in the quarter, which between police force and the consequences of the Economic crisis grows up. In keeping with this, “Guns of Brixton” already consists largely of elements of the rocksteady / reggae, which at that time became popular by the migrants in England. However, only a few black bands were commercially successful, most likely to be called the song "Pass the Dutchie" from the musical Youth, 1982. In 1979 the label 2 Tone Records was founded, under which the Ska - Sprover of Rocksteady and Reggae in Jamaica - a revival in the United Kingdom experienced, where mainly white bands like "Madness" made a name for itself with their cover version of "One Step Beyond", "The Specials" or "The Beat". In addition to these groups, the fusion of elements of the SKA and the skinhead scene also found their expression in “2 tone”, the best-known example was the “Bad Manners”. Among the most advanced known "2 tone" songs are:

"Rock Against Racism" and "2 Tone" musicians like Elvis Costello also had an important influence on later left folk singers such as Billy Bragg, who started his music career in 1981 after he had bought up from the British Army for £ 175, and end the 80s and early 90s had some successes.

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Ioannina Response from the Solidarity demonstration to the Palestinian people (17/2).

Today, Saturday 17/2 in the city center, there was a solidarity demonstration of the Palestinian people and based on the very serious developments in Rafa. Student clubs and left -wing organizations in the city participated.

The call came from the processes of student associations and the direction that puts the need to express solidarity with the people of the city on the road, not by collecting food or road racing that do not give a substantial response as proposed by the KKE forces.

On the basis of this necessity, it was also called by the KKE (M-L) and a meeting was held in the past few days for the existence of the rally and its fulfillment with the most massive conditions.

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Discount from ADGB in Stuttgart

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Stuttgart | 17.02.2024 | In Stuttgart, call papers were distributed by the European Democratic Power Union for the anti -AFD rally, which will take place on Saturday, February 24th. In Germany, protest actions that have started after the emergence of a meeting in which people close to AFD are included and that the planning of deportation for immigrants discussed were discussed.

Within the framework of these actions, domestic and migratory organizations will organize an action against racist parties with the motto ım Let's break the right wave “at Stuttgart Marktplatz at 14:30 on Saturday, February 24th.

The European Democratic Power Association, including Atik, was distributed in Stuttgart Königstraße for calling the action to be organized. In the distribution of the declaration, the people of Stuttgart gave information about the rally and a call for participation.

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BT CPI(Maoist) - 2024-02-17T99-99-99

CPI(Maoist Annals of 2023 , by Amrut, International Affairs, Central Committee, CPI (Maoist). Not dated but received and posted on February 17, 2024, 8 pages. This is an important CPI (Maoist) summary of the world situation and the situation in India as of the end of 2023. English: PDF format [373 KB]

PDF Content:

PDF Source:

International Affairs
Central Committee

CPI (Maoist) -Annals of 2023

Dear Comrades,
Red Salutes!
Let us express our heartfelt revolutionary greetings on behalf of our Party on the eve of new
year to each and every of the Maoist Party and revolutionary forces including all the democratic,
national liberation and anti -imperialist forces across the world. The CC, CPI (Maoist) conveys its
hearty revolutionary greetings to all the well -wishers, friends and supporters of In dian Revolution
abroad who rendered their great contribution in propagating the Indian State‟s encirclement and
annihilate military campaigns against the Indian Revolution and help advance it with the utmost
steadfastness, revolutionary zeal and spirit.
Our Party is retaliating the „Reactionary Surajkund Strategic Offensive Plan‟ since last one
year with great sacrifices and contributions of Indian toiling masses and well -wishers, friends,
supporters of Indian People‟s Democratic Revolution and gaining new achievements. It is
advancing the New Democratic Revolution in semi -colonial, semi -feudal India in the path of
Protracted People‟s War with the aim of establishing Socialism -Communism all over the world.
This is a brief report of the important aspects our Party‟s efforts in the Ideological -Political,
Military and United Front including Cultural front of CPI (Maoist) during the past one year for
friends and comrades of Indian Revolution abroad.
Firstly we pay humble revolutionary homage to all the martyrs an d heroes who shed their
blood for the cause of Indian Revolution. Our party met with a great loss of a member of the Polit
Bureau of the Central Committee Comrade Katakam Sudarshan apart from another 78 comrades.
Nearly 20 of the martyrs are woman comrades . The entire Party, PLGA red warriors, United Fronts
and revolutionary masses conveys its red salute to those brave hearts who sacrificed their lives
from the liberation of the masses from the shackles of semi -colonialism and semi -feudalism. We
pledge to t ake forth their ideals.
We hail the great revolutionary determination of our comrades, members of the CC
Comrades Jaspal, Mohit, Janardhan (PBM) and Mangtu and hundreds of activists of the Party,
PLGA, RPC and RMOs who are in the dungeons of Indian State a nd reiterate that we would take
forth the efforts for their unconditional release.
International situation
The year 2023 was one more year of the intensification of Imperialist crisis and inter-
Imperialist wars on oppressed nations and oppressed people in a bid to redivide the world for loot
of land, natural resources and labour power . The Zionist Israeli state highly intensified its bloody
war on Palestine making genocide with the backing of US Imperialism together with its western
imperialist alliances. N evertheless it could not defile the aspirations of the heroic Palestinians with
the great solidarity of world people.
The last 22 months of uninterrupted US -Russia bloody proxy war in Ukraine has entered the
year 2024 with the cost of hundreds of people‟s lives. 2023 was the year of strikes against the loot

and exploitation of capitalist system and its war mongering. US declared it year of Strikes. In the
semi colonial semi feudal countries India, Philippines, Turkey, Peru, Afghanistan and Brazil where
New Democratic Revolution with socialist perspective is marching forward under the banner of
Marxism -Leninism -Maoism. The revolutionary movement went through gruesome repression by
the reactionary governments with the support of Imperialism, mainly US Imperial ism.
In the background of the intensification of the general crisis of capitalism there are
considerable changes in world politics. US hegemony over the world has suffered a setback and it
is no longer a super power in t he multipolar world. However, US continues to be the Number One
enemy of the people of the world. Global capitalist system is in a state of generalized and
protracted stagnation and decline. Presently, intense mass unemployment, homelessness,
inflation, ra cism and fascism characterize the Imperialist countries. Artificial Intelligence, Robotics,
Nanotech, Biotech technologies are leading to retrenchment of lakh of toilers, employees and
technicians and to employment less growth in developed and developing c ountries.
There is collusion and contention between the Imperialist powers but contention is the main
and primary. Trade wars between Imperialist powers reached a new height especially in semi -
conductor commodities that is popularly known as „chip war‟ bet ween US and China. The US is
steadily increasing its military presence in Asia. It is handing over large numbers of deadly
weapons to Philippines and Taiwan in opposition to China. China is utilizing the G -77 alliance of
the most backward countries for i ts interests of world hegemony. US has now based Nuclear -
capable B -52s in Darwin (Australia) and in Guam in order to target China and maintain its
hegemony over the Pacific Ocean. The situation is increasing the danger of World War III.
We have been witnes sing a spate of anti -imperialist struggles in the backward countries and
a spate of working class struggles in capitalist -imperialist countries all over the world. The
sharpening fundamental contradictions at the international level are – 1. The contradict ion between
imperialism and oppressed nationalities and people 2. The contradiction between bourgeoisie and
proletariat in capitalist, imperialist countries 3. The contradictions among imperialist countries and
among monopoly capitalist groups. The contrad iction between imperialism and oppressed
nationalities and people is the main contradiction. These developments show that in 2024, the
situation would be more favourable for revolution.
Domestic Situation
India is deeply impacted by the intensification of contradictions between Imperialist powers
and other contradictions at the international arena. In this situation the major contradictions of
India are also intensifying. US Imperialism utilized G -20 and e specially India‟s Presidentship to
further its interests. Lakh of crore were spent for the G -20 meeting at the cost of decline in the
economy of the country. During his tenure, Modi is playing the role of a salesman in inviting
Finance Capital from MNCs i nto the country.
India‟s accession to the US -led Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) is bound to create a
conducive environment for establishment of Special Export Zones of raw materials in a large scale
to G-7 countries. Just after few days of this deal, Indian government under BJP rule has amended
Environmental laws and Minerals Acts to facilitate the loot and plunder. Indian ruling classes are
lackeys in the hands of the Imperialist countries. Currently, India is one of the largest importers of
arms and weapons in the world and is also bound to increase its arms exports to Asian and African
countries by 5 billion dollars annually by 2025 with the help of US. It is a fact that most of this goes
to the MNCs.
In the name of ease of doing business, the fascis t BJP government is making amendments
to several laws and abolishing the earlier laws, few of which were achieved through people‟s
struggles in the interests of domestic and foreign corporate companies. Corporatization and
Militarization is the trend in th e last one year of Modi‟s rule. The government took a drive for hyper
privatization of national resources and productive forces to provide excessive profits to Comprador
capitalist class and Imperialist powers. India is witnessing an unprecedented liveliho od crisis in its

The central government repeatedly states that India is going to become the third largest
economy in the world at 5 trillion dollars. But its announcement to provide 5 kgs. of rice per month
to 80 crore people reveals the reality o f the rising inequality in its rule. The growth being boasted
by Modi is only corporate and jobless growth, the three major sectors of the economy i.e.
Agriculture, Industry and Service being corporatized. The growth without improvement in the living
stand ards of the toiling classes is nothing but sham. While speaking of corruption free India, Modi
is in fact helping the Comprador Bureaucratic Bourgeoisie such as Adani and Ambani to increase
their wealth. Adani was given a clasped hand to overcome the effec t of Hindenburg report on his
empire of wealth.
Agricultural sector on which 60 percent of the Indian population remain dependent is in a
dire situation. Cost of production in agriculture has skyrocketed by 20 percent in the past one year.
The income of sm all and medium farmers has a miniscule increase of 2 percent. Real Wages of
the agricultural labourer that comprises 15 crore labour force further declined. According to new
wage codes the minimum wages of workers is fixed at Rs. 178 per day that is an all -time low.
Unemployment among the educated youth is at all -time high.
India is moving towards a fascist state at a rapid pace under the regime of Brahmanic
Hindutva fascism since the last 10 years. There is an unprecedented rise in exploitation and
oppress ion on the proletariat, semi -proletariat and the peasantry. The struggles of workers,
farmers and students are being suppressed in fascist manner . There are increasing attacks and
military suppression on the struggle for national liberation of the people of Kashmir. The Supreme
Court of India passed judgment in favour of annulment of Article 370 A and asserted the
nullification of the nominal status of a special state to Kashmir. Religious thinking and religious
frenzy are introduced into politics to sprea d communal hatred in the people.
Modi‟s rule turned absolutely bureaucratic involving violence and deception together and
continuously. This turned to be daily gimmicks of the government. Attacks on Muslims, Christians,
Dalit, tribal, women, students, you th and all other oppressed people and sections has surmounted
and they are being consigned to second -class citizen in their own mother land. The criminal
elements in the BJP are encouraged to unleash all kinds of inhuman, cruel deeds on the people of
the c ountry.
Nearly half of the MPs of BJP are involved in criminal cases related to women, one of them
being the infamous President of Wrestling Federation of India (WFI). The world witnessed how the
police manhandled the woman wrestlers who achieved great fam e to the country, on their way to
the new Parliament building on the day when Modi was involved in its inauguration in the outdated
mode of Hindutva rituals. In a series of developments, three wrestlers expressed their strong
dissent to the government. The atrocities committed on the Kuki -Zoma tribal people of the North
Eastern state of Manipur is another clear and recent example. Bulldozer has become the symbol of
nationalism under the fascist BJP rule and especially in states of double -engine government
(states under BJP rule). Unable to cope up with the situation there is a rise in suicides in these
Crore of rupees are spent on building Hindu temples, mainly Ram mandir instead on
education, health and other such basic needs of the people of the country. The aim of these
activities is to instigate religious fundamentalism in various forms in a bid to divide the people on
religious lines . It is meant to take them back to the medieval times and shed them of their scientific
and secular ideas as true citizens of the country. The BJP government brought several draconian
laws like new three criminal laws and Data Protection bill to curb the dissent and the revolutionary,
democratic voices of the country.
The BJP government wants all its ill deeds go unq uestioned and continue its oppressive
governance. The suspension of 146 Parliament Members of the opposition parties in the recent
session of Parliament is a clear example of Modi government‟s autocracy. The policies of BJP
reveal that it does not respect even the nominal federal, democratic aspects of bourgeois
democracy. However, the „INDIA‟ alliance is no exception. Whichever the party is, the ruling
classes of India possess Brahmanic Hindutva ideology. In this situation, workers, students, youth
and wom en are taking up militant struggles to live a normal life.

In this international and domestic situation, the fundamental contradictions in the country
namely - 1. The contradiction between imperialism and the Indian people; 2. The contradiction
between feu dalism and the broad masses; 3. The contradiction between capital and labour; 4. The
internal contradictions among the ruling classes – are further intensifying creating favourable
conditions for revolution.
The reactionary Surajkund strategic offensive pl an
The BJP works under the dictates of the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) in order to
take forth its agenda of Brahmanic Hindutva, the establishment of a Hindu state in the country.
Putting together all the ongoing repressive measures, it reviewed in 2 023 December the
reactionary Surajkund strategic offensive plan that it brought forth in the end of October 2022. The
Prime Minister personally attended the meeting that was stated to have discussed about Left -Wing
Extremism (LWE) as they call it, cyber -crime and terrorism.
The main objective of the offensive plan is to eliminate the Party, PLGA and the organs of
people‟s organisation, Revolutionary People‟s Committees and the entire revolutionary movement.
The state apparatus of Central and State governments was made more im petuous “by deploying
police, Para -military, Commando, Military and Airforce in a big scale in the areas of revolutionary
movement, extension and strengthening of carpet security”. There were aerial strikes on
revolutionary masses and leadership of the par ty. There is massive war of negative propaganda with
the help of corporate media against not only the revolutionary movement but on each and every
voice of dissent. Intellectuals, Writers, Poets, Human Rights activists, Students, Tribal activists,
Trade Un ion leaders, farmer leaders and all progressive forces are being targeted through this
policy in the name “pen -yielding” Maoists.
Surajkund policy is crucial for the BJP to win the General Election in 2024 and to fulfill its
design to make India into a cou ntry of Brahmanic Hindutva. The government is intensifying various
reform programs in the name of „development‟ in Maoist areas, Kashmir and the North East.
Instead of developing cordial relations with the neighbouring countries, Modi's government is
strengthening border security and coastal security and heightening the war like tensions with the
neighbouring countries . In the light of 2024 General election, it is launching various repressive
campaigns in Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtr a, West Bengal, Keralam and so
on. It is putting an iron heel on the struggling oppressed sections in all states of the country.
Intense and unceasing campaigns are being unleashed in the Special Areas, Guerrilla Zones and
Guerrilla Bases and areas of revo lutionary movement. The government stipulated a time period of
2 years initially and had been continuously extending it, the recent one being 5 years. Presently it
decided to launch “Operation Kagaar” to encircle the area of Maad.
Now let us look at some o f our efforts comprising ideological - political, military,
organisational spheres and in United Front.
Ideological -Political Work
The party took up varied tasks centralizing the main task of overcoming the temporary
setback in the revolutionary movement at the all India level.
1. The document on „Changes in Relations of Production in India -Our Political Program‟
released by the CC was taken among the entire ranks of the party as an educational campaign.
This is being followed by an in -depth understanding of the situation in the respective areas and
adopting corresponding tactics.
2. A campaign was launched for two years and a Key paper released on the occasion in
October in order to fight back Brahmanical Hindutva Fascism. The paper highlights the concrete
conditions that led to the emergence RSS in the year 1925, its role in the freedom struggle and its
rise to political power in the year 2014. The essential features of Brahmanical Hindutva Fascism
have been made out in the key paper. Theoretical analysis h as been done on the issue of religion
and Indian society from Marxist perspective. The paper defines Indian fascism as “comprador
bureaucratic, feudal fascism”. In order to combat Hindutva fascism, our party framed a program.
The campaign shall be a large scale propaganda and agitation in the coming two years against the
theoretical ideology of the Sangh Parivar, its politics and its fascist practice and attacks, by

mobilizing the vast revolutionary, democratic, secular, patriotic forces and oppressed peopl e so as
to politically isolate and defeat it and contribute to advance the New Democratic Revolutionary
3. Our Party participated in the seminar through sending a Paper to the seminar held on
„Imperialism and War ‟ conducted by NDFP in mid -October last year in a European country. T he
seminar paper based on the analysis of imperialism made by the great Marxist teacher Comrade
Lenin. It stated that the present situation shows the intensification of the fundamental
contradictions of capitalism in the era of imperialism. The paper wrote about the earlier World
Wars and analysed the present situation of looming danger of another World War. It wrote about
its understanding provided by Comrade Lenin that the world proletariat must fight to end imperialist
war and in case it starts, must take up the task of „transforming the war into a civil war‟. It ended
with the quote of the great Marxist teacher Comrade Mao that the present trend in the world is of
4. It issued a Joint Statement on Russia -Ukraine war and a joint declaration on the occasion
of the 130th Birth Anniversary of Comrade Mao.
5. It issued a statement and a video on the occasion of the 55th Foundation Day of Communist
Party of Philippines.

Coming to ideological -political work within the party, applying the Marxist principle of „from
the masses to the masses‟, our Party was successful in conducting several political campaigns
and movements in the last one year with the active involvement of P arty committees, PLGA,
United Front and revolutionary masses. The CC called upon the democratic, revolutionary
organisations to fight back the various anti -people bills brought forth by the BJP government at the
centre such as Uniform Civil Code, Digital P rotection Data Bill and the New Forest Conservation
Act. It exposed the reality in the Women‟s Reservation Bill that would not come into
implementation for a long time even so. It extended solidarity to the people of Manipur struggling
against the divisive policies of the BJP government also in the state. It extended solidarity to the
national liberation movement of Palestine where the people are facing heavy bombings and
killings from the Israeli Zionists with the support of US imperialists and other weste rn powers.
A statement was issued by our CC on the occasion of World Proletariat May Day for consolidating
the proletariat class against the threat of Imperialist wars. Messages were circulated by our CC on the
occasion of observation of Martyrs day on July 28, the celebration of Party Foundation Day on 21st
September and the PLGA Day on 2nd December. These celebrations and other occasions of
meetings and demonstrations where the effigies of Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu and Narendra
Modi were burnt in protest to Israel war on Palestine, Corporatization and Militarization was
opposed invigorated the Party and the revolutionary masses with revolutionary zeal and in
countering the h einous propaganda on our Party and the revolutionary movement by the enemy.
The party took up several political and military education campaigns to educate the cadres
of the Party, PLGA and United Front. Special meetings of women activists of various ranks were
held in continuation to those in the earlier years. These meetings helped to deeply understand the
problems faced in the process of their participation in the revolutionary movement and to work for a
better understanding of the cadres towards patriar chy. With the efforts in the past years the
revolutionary movement witnessed increase in women‟s leadership at various levels and also
recruitment. Recruitment Campaigns were taken up at the mass level in villages, towns, districts
and cities of India. Spe cial classes were held on Mode of Production, Nationality question and the
Political Resolution of the CC in the Special Areas, Special Guerrilla Zones and States.
Military work
The main effort in the military sphere was to defeat Brahmanic Hindutva fascis m and
counter -revolutionary Surajkund policy as a part of overcoming the temporary setback in the
revolutionary movement. Following the dictum of “learn warfare from warfare”, PLGA comrades
gained new experience in the battlefield. The enemy forces compris ed of National Security Guards
and Garuda forces of the Indian Air Force under the direction of Home Minister Amit Shah

launched an aerial attack to inflict severe damage to our leadership. But the alertness and strong
counter offensive tactics of our PLGA comrades nullified the nefarious plan of the enemy. In that
retaliatory action 3 commandos of Garuda and NSG forces were annihilated and 6 commandos
were injured. Further, three modern combat helicopters were badly damaged. This heroic counter -
offensive h ighly motivated the PLGA forces and revolutionary masses whereas the morale of the
enemy forces was profoundly demoralized.
In the last one year under the guidance of our Party several guerrilla actions were taken up
by our PLGA forces. PLGA made efforts t o intensify and widen guerrilla war with the aim to
overcome the temporary setback and advance the revolutionary movement. Some of the
prominent ones are as follows:
On 26th April, 2023 in Darba Division in Aranpur our PLGA guerrillas annihilated 10 Distri ct
Reserve Guards (DRG) in IED blast through Tactical Counter Offensive Campaign. This has
brought nightmares to enemy forces. The daring Aranpur ambush was unexpected and shocked
the enemy with a tunnel being dug beneath the main road where mines were arr anged.
In Bihar -Jharkhand of Eastern Regional Bureau region, our brave PLGA warriors are
showing infinite courage and war skills in resisting fascist onslaught from past one year. In West
Singhbhum region of Jharkhand, our PLGA comrades wiped out 15 polic e and injured 90 police
forces in the unceasing patrols of the government armed forces of the central and the state
In the several guerrilla actions in guerrilla zones and red resistance areas a total of 75
police personnel were wiped out and 163 were injured. Our PLGA annihilated some police
informers, 10 anti -people elements, particularly fascist BJP leaders in the past one year. Our Party
has taken special TCOCs during elections to state assemblies.
The revolutionary people and their militia , the base force of PLGA dug thousands of spike
holes in order to restrict the capricious movements of the police personnel. Revolutionary masses
developed general alert system like firing crackers when the police personnel enter revolutionary
There are incidents where the PLGA could break the encirclement of the police forces
through strong retaliation like in Odisha. There were serious losses too. In Bihar -Jharkhand, five
comrades of which two are members of SAC were killed through poison in an ene my covert action.
In Dandakaranya a DvC member died in a covert operation in firing. Three comrades were caught
as they were going to make a guerrilla action in Gadchiroli. A Commander of Local Organising Squad
(LOS ) was caught and killed in Telangana.
Special Military leadership training programs were held in several zones and divisions in the
last one year, with the objective to train the Politico -Military leadership corresponding to the
changes in the military tactics of the enemy.
United Front
The Revolutionary People‟s Committees (RPC) and the Revolutionary Mass Organisations
(RMO) worked with the task to fight back the present reactionary Surajkund strategic offensive of
the enemy in order to overcome the temporary setback in the revolutionary mov ement. Thousands
of revolutionary masses were mobilised in the revolutionary land reform campaign of the RPC held
early every year. Other revolutionary development activities were taken up to raise the living
standards of the people. The RPCs also held peo ple‟s courts to eliminate the enemy‟s intelligence
network in the villages.
The RMOs took up struggles against the setting up of new police camps in the areas of
revolutionary movement and against fake encounters. lakh of people mobilised to observe the
Martyrs week and to celebrate other revolutionary days. The people participated with utmost vigor
in the meetings. The RMOs also implemented the call given by ICSPWI to celebrate Martyrs Day
for the whole month of July. This helped the masses of our country to know about the revolutionary
heroes of the world who laid down their lives for the cause of socialist revolution.
Several mass movements such as against Brahmanic Hindutva Fascism, displacement,
Corporatisation -Militarisation both legal and underground mass movements were built in the past

one year in towns, plain areas and cities, against Corporatization -Militarization of Forest belts,
against imperialist loot of natural resources of the country, against displacement due to corporate
development model, against the amendments of Forest Conservation Act and the draconian Acts
and for the implementation and protection of Panchayats Extension to Special Areas Act (PESA ).
On various occasions along with intellectuals, students, human rights activists and civi l
society we form ed united platforms against state repression, illegal arrests, detentions, fake
encounters and aerial bombings. The RMOs took up the program of boycott of elections called by
the party. The people of Guerrilla Base Areas totally boycotted the elections.
People demonstrated in large numbers against the fake encounter of two villagers of
Gomme near Koyilibeda of Kanker district in C hhattisgarh. Following this, an indefinite
demonstration was launched.
People‟s Cultural Organizations in the pa st one year undertook several programs including
making of audio and video presentations to propagate progressive, New Democratic and
communist values in the masses. It also took up special programs to expose Brahmanical Hindutva
Fascism in forms of songs, plays, dance, poetry and short films. The revolutionary cultural artists
are upholding the mass struggles in their cultural programs and immediately responding to the
ongoing developments in the domestic and international spheres, against state repression and
Several students and teachers organisations are working together against the New Education Policy
of RSS -BJP to saffronise and privatise the education system. They are also raising their voice against the
rise in the cost of education and cur tailment of "academic freedom" in higher education institutes. Several
urban Mass Organisations are working together such as the students‟ organisations against
ragging, several kinds of organisations against BHF and in solidarity to Palestine. Acting on t he
call of the party to take up demonstrations in solidarity to Palestine, people of various areas of the
revolutionary movement in the country held meetings, processions and protest activities. A special
propaganda campaign was taken up in protest to the repressive measures on the revolutionary
movement in Jharkhand that was followed by all India Bandh on December 22nd. People blocked a
Railway line in Jharkhand on the occasion demanding a stop to police patrols into the villages and
setting up of police c amps.
In the given international and domestic situation, there is a rise in the people‟s struggles and
resistance. There is a rise in people‟s struggles for right to land and forest, against land mafia and
against corporatization -militarization even in those areas from where our Party had to temporarily
retreat due to enemy's severe repression. The process of organising the people in secret organs,
building armed formations, joining youth in PLGA and thus rebuilding the revolutionary movement
in such areas is going on. The people of the country are further in the path of fighting for their right
to jal -jungle -zameen -ijjat-adhikar (water -forest -land-self-respect -political power ). The situation is
growing further favourable for revolution.
The part y understands that the fascist repression is going to intensify in the coming days
and also that anti -Brahmanic Hindutva Fascist movements will come into being with great intensity.
Isolating the enemy politically is the need of the hour. We need to unite the anti -Brahmanic
Hindutva Fascist, anti -Comprador Bureaucratic Bourgeois, anti -feudal and anti -Imperialist forces
and work to bury Imperialism. The party pledges to strengthen its ideological -political, military,
organisational efforts to fight back the reactionary Surajkund strategic offensive, overcome the
temporary setback in the revolutionary movement and advance it. With its decades long
experiences in working among the people fighting back fierce repressive campaigns of the Indian
state, the party is strongly determined to take forth the New Democratic Revolution in India as a
part of the World Socialist Revolution. It steps ahead in the path of Protracted People‟s War
through Agrarian Revolution as an axle of New Democratic Revolution, uniting the four oppressed
classes on the basis of worker -peasant alliance.

Workers and Oppressed people of all countries, Unite!
Long live Marxism -Leninism -Maoism!

Long live Proletarian Internationalism!

i/c, International Affairs
Central Committee
CPI (Maoist)

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