Finland: Marking of the Labor Revolution and Election Boycott

Author: Tjen Folket Media
Categories: Norden
Description: In connection with the 106-year mark of the Finnish working revolution and the boycott campaign against the presidential election, our comrades in Punalippu have posted an action report that we summarize here.
Modified Time: 2024-02-18T18:48:33+00:00
Published Time: 2024-02-18T07-16-35-00-00
Type: article
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By a commentator for the Earn Folket Media.

In connection with the 106-year mark of the Finnish working revolution and the boycott campaign against the presidential election, our comrades in Punalippu have posted an action report that we summarize here.

On January 27, Finnish Maoists, as well as representatives of the Communist Labor Party (KTP) and the Marxist Labor Association (MTL) gathered at the Kalevankanka cemetery in Tampers to honor the class heroes of the Workers Revolution in 1918. Flowers and lights were placed on the grave of the fallen red guardians, followed by the International and speeches.

The Maoists held the first appeal that dealt with the events and experiences made during the Finnish worker revolution, in addition, it took up the necessity of rejecting reformism and embracing the armed struggle. The election father was also the theme, as well as the international situation. The appeal ended with the slogans: "Living the Finnish working revolution!", "Eternal honor to the 1918 class heroes!", "Live the 130th anniversary of chairman Mao's birth!", "For you under Maoism!", "Fight for the reconstruction of SKP ! »! And "choice, no! Revolution, yes! "

A representative from the Marxist Workers' Association followed up with a speech about the in -depth crisis in imperialism, the danger of a World War II and the old Finnish state's role as recently incorporated a member of NATO.

It is interesting to mention that two police officers appeared during the mark. They first stood a little at a distance to observe, and then try to seek out the participants to ask what kind of plans they had for the rest of the day.

After the mark on the burial ground, the revolutionaries went to the center of Tampers where a demonstration train was held against the bourgeois electrical circus. They marched with red tabs and Palestine flags while shouting slogans as "choices, no! Revolution, yes! "," For you under Maoism! "," Viva Marx, Viva Lenin, Viva Mao Tse-tung! "," Down with the butcher's state! "," For socialism, against imperialism! "," From the River to The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free! ”.

The march ended at the polling stations in the center of the city where one of the revolutionary participants held this short appeal:

“The choice of recession is underway, where bourgeois democracy does not even give us the illusion of a choice. Each candidate is pushing for stronger militarization of society, the interests of Finnish imperialism and also the interests of Yankee imperialism against the oppressed people in the world. They support accelerating exploitation of the oppressed countries and justify the Zionist occupation of Palestine and the genocide of the Palestinians. The working class in Finland and the nations in the world has only one alternative: crushing the rotten imperialist system. We too will crush Finnish imperialism with a socialist revolution. Down with the butcher's state! Long live the socialist revolution! ”

Several appeals were also held on the central square. The Maoists raised much of the same points they had in the appeal at the burial ground, but also added how none of the presidential candidates oppose the Zionist state of Israel. They quoted Lenin there in his time have been talking about how limited the bourgeois democratic dictatorship actually is. It was also concluded here with powerful slogans.

The Marxist Labor Association again followed up with a speech about the ever deeper crisis of imperialism, NATO's function as a world police and the ever -increasing misery of the Finnish masses. It ended with a strong call to revolution to overthrow the old Finnish state.


Also read:

Actions in Tampere and elsewhere in Pirkanmaa against the presidential election and the day of action (27.1) - Red Flag
