The mobilization in solidarity with Ilaria Salis does not stop

Author: fannyhill
Description: In Milan last night there was the appointment at the columns of San Lorenzo symbolically facing the Hungarian consulate. We started in ...
Published Time: 2024-02-18T17-34-00-01-00
Images: 000000.jpg

In Milan last night there was the appointment at the columns of San Lorenzo symbolically facing the Hungarian consulate.
We started in the procession through the streets of the Milanese nightlife by chanting anti -fascist slogans, attracting the attention of those who were engaged in the celebrations for the carnival.
In the document read several times during the procession, in addition to the request for the release of Ilaria Salis, it was recalled that Hungary has issued another 14 European arrest mandates for other companions who participated in the anti -fascist event in Hungary a year ago.
The deployment of the police was very high, but the procession paraded undisturbed to end in via Gola.
We participated with one of our banners to express and make our solidarity and our anti -fascism visible.
MFPR Milan
