PC February 18- "Libya is not a safe harbor", delivering migrants to the Libyan coast guard is a crime: now the Cassation also states it

Author: prolcomra
Description: But to counteract this sentence are the Cutro decree, the funding of the Memorandum Italia-Libia and the "Mattei Piano" of the Melo government ...
Published Time: 2024-02-18T19-39-00-01-00
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But to counteract this sentence are the Cutro decree, the funding of the Memorandum Italia-Libia and the "Mattei Piano" of the Meloni government to the Libyan Coast Guard and to the anti-medicine concentration camps for rejections ....

..and the profits of Eni. To deliver migrants to Libyan torturers, a tugboat of the Libyan state oil company of which Eni is shareholder

Ainzara concentration camp financed by the Italian government

Libya is "non -safe port" and facilitating the return of migrants to the Tripoli authorities is a crime. Now there is a definitive sentence, which will have consequences on the processes and investigations in progress, as well as repercussions on political choices. The Court of Cassation confirmed the sentence for the commander of an Italian tug that had rescued 101 migrants and then entrusted them to a Libyan patrol boat.

Receiving indications via radio from an official never identified by a private company, also remained unknown to the investigations, and of which the captain never wanted to reveal the identity, the tugboat instead of heading towards Italy took the Libya route where "He brought back the 101 shipwrecked shipwasters, making them translative on a Libyan patrol boat, providing them with serious damage, consisting of their collective rejection, as a conduct prohibited by international conventions".

For the maximum court, performing this order means illegally rejecting migrants and forcing them to land "in a non -safe port", due to the high risk of being "subjected to inhuman or degrading treatments in detention centers for foreigners".

Libyan coast guard

Ace 28 is a tugboat of the Augusta company, supporting oil platforms off Libya. ENI had intervened on the matter on the same day of rejection, denying that he was involved. «The Ace 28 ship that operates on behalf of the company Mellitah Oil & Amp; Gas (managed by Noc, the Libyan state oil company of which Eni is a shareholder, editor's note) In support of the Sabratah platform - an Eni spokesman at Ansa explained on 30 July 2018 - he loaned to a boat with 101 migrants on board arrived near the platform due to adverse weather conditions ". Then he added: "The rescue operation was managed entirely by the Libyan Coast Guard who imposed on the Ace 28 commander to report migrants to Libya". Words that had to play like a defense, but who then condemned the captain.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-18-febbraio-la-libia-non-e-porto.html