Hail the heroic raid by the militant PLGA red warriors on Darmavaram Police camp on 16th Jan, 2024 – CPI(MAOIST)

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Description: Communist Party of India (Maoist)  Central Regional Bureau  Press Release  Date: 21-1-2024  Hail the heroic raid by the militant PLGA red warriors on Darmavaram Police camp on 1…
Modified Time: 2024-02-18T17:23:37+00:00
Published Time: 2024-02-18T17-23-37-00-00
Type: article

Communist Party of India (Maoist)

Central Regional Bureau

Press Release

Date: 21-1-2024

Hail the heroic raid by the militant PLGA red warriors on Darmavaram Police camp on 16th Jan, 2024

Central Regional Bureau of CPI (Maoist) hail the unprecedented heroic attack of PLGA on the Central Armed Police Force Darmavaram camp in Pamed area of Bijapur district, Chhattisgarh established to suppress the revolutionary movement as an integral part of carpet (grid) security. Our PLGA red-fighters along with the involvement of thousands of revolutionary masses were successful to execute such heroic raid on the fascist paramilitary forces. Let us hail their militant raid in the background of “Operation Kagaar-surya Shakti” and salute them. Let us appreciate and convey our revolutionary greetings to those revolutionary masses who participated in the raid.

Around 7:05 PM on 16th January, 2024 the PLGA forces surprisingly carried out the raid on the enemy camp, and it lasted till 10:05 PM. In this 3-hour raid, our PLGA guerillas fired more than 600 hundred grenade launcher shells and other country made grenades with rapid firings before enemy came to know about what is going on. According to our reliable confidential report, 35 police personnel were wiped out and more than 40 were seriously injured in this raid. Our guerillas prior to this raid took under their control the entire periphery of the police camp. To disable the movement of additional forces during the raid the local people blocked the roads with huge tree logs and the militia kept land mines to explode the incoming additional forces. Our 3 beloved comrades Com. Devalu, Coy Commander, Vikram Battalion member and Madkam Devalu People’s militia member who fought bravely and became martyrs in this raid. While trying to reach the epicenter of the camp these three comrades came in the rapid firing of LMGs fitted MPVs. All ranks and files of the Party, PLGA and United Front pays its revolutionary homage to those 3 martyrs beloved comrades who fought with supreme revolutionary spirit against the enemy forces.

The Police officials and the state and the central government are silent regarding the raid and putting all efforts to keep the numbers of police casualties in the 16th January raid in darkness. The enemy remains very serious to hide the losses it suffered to keep the morale of their forces on the eve of “Operation Kagaar-Surya Shakti” which was declared very recently to take Maad area in their hands and began their operation. The police have barricaded the total area and even not allowing the journalists to cover the facts and figures of the raid. Such an act by the enemy amounts to fabrication of facts and injustice to its own personnel who died in the raid and even their ‘sacrifices’ for their corporate masters and police bosses will remain in vain.

Why the police bosses are silent on the casualties? In this month thousands of police personal has been deployed in Bastar division particularly Narayanpur District to establish several new police advanced base camps. In order to keeps the morale high of those recently deployed new forces the police higher officials hiding the facts. Further reason is that the opposition parties will criticize the newly elected BJP government in Chhattisgarh state as it is impotent to tackle the Maoists. The ongoing Ram-Jambhoomi temple consecration politics of BJP- RSS does not get any diversion, keeping this in mind there remains silent from the police officers regarding the casualties they suffered. Finally, in the lieu of the upcoming 2024 General Election and to preserve its power at the center, the BJP under the leadership of Narendra Modi has kept the causalities hidden from the public. After all this, Amit Shah has recently stated in the Seema Suraksha Bal (SSB) forces foundation ceremony that the BJP government under the leadership of Narendra Modi will finish 80 percent of Maoist movement in the coming three years.

16th January attack is a befitting reply to the recently launched fascist “Operation kagar-Surya Shakti” by the Imperialists watch dogs, the Brahmanical Hindutva fascist rulers to eradicate the Maoist movement, and to the ongoing onslaught on the Adivasi people by the military and police forces. It is a peoples’ fitting reply to the enemy’s violence which has been unleashed for the loot of the natural resources by the big corporate sharks like Adani from the tribal belts. 16th January raid by our PLGA forces is a militant resistance to the corporatization-militarization of the forest lands which is causing to massive displacement of Adivasis people from their forest lands and heavy destruction to environment. Revolutionary people will not tolerate the injustices meted out to them anywhere and our Party and PLGA always hail their rights and just demands. The brave masses of Dandakaranya are learning the war through war since the last two decades. They are tirelessly fighting against one after another fascist military campaigns and against corporatization and militarization of their lands and forests since the separate state of Chhattisgarh was formed in the year 2000.

Central Regional Bureau of CPI (Maoist) gives a call to all mass organizations, friends and well-wishers of Indian revolution and oppressed masses to celebrate and propagate the heroic and valiant raid by the PLGA forces on the highly militarized police camp in Dharmavaram in Pamed area of Chhattisgarh on 16th January, 2024 and demand the government to come out with facts to express its grief to the Jawans families. Our Party appeals to all mass organizations, Human Rights activists, Trade Unions, Peasant organizations, students, journalists and democratic and well – wishers of tribal and toiling masses to continue their resistance against the corporatization and militarization of the forest lands, privatization of public sectors and against the ongoing repression on the tribal people and the oppressed masses by the fascist BJP forces under the leadership of Narendra Modi. Our Party earnestly requests to the deceased police families and all police families to call your dear ones from the police camps established in the revolutionary people’s struggle area and appeal them to leave the undignified police jobs. Our Party is once again assuring that that it will carry its revolutionary movement forward whatever and how much fascist military campaigns may be carried out against it, but it will fight until the end of this rotten system.

With Revolutionary Greetings,

Pratap Spokesperson

Central Regional Bureau

Communist Party of India (Maoist)

Source: https://icspwindia.wordpress.com/2024/02/18/hail-the-heroic-raid-by-the-militant-plga-red-warriors-on-darmavaram-police-camp-on-16th-jan-2024-cpimaoist/