Press Release
Date 26-1-2024
Long Live Bhumkal Day Long Live Jantana Sarkar!
Retaliate and Defeat “Operation Kagaar”(Final War).
Protect, Consolidate and Expand Jantana Sarkar.
Dear Revolutionary people!
We are going to celebrate 114 Bhumkal Diwas on 10th of February. In 1910 Adivasi people of Bastar revolted against British imperialism and established in Barsur their ‘Madiya Raj’ (state). Our heroic Madia people celebrate Bhumkal Day in the memory of that great people’s revolt. After the establishment of Madiya state on 10th February Jantana sarkar was practiced for 40 days. Let us say Jai Sewa and Jai Johar to martyr Gundadhar and all his comrades- inarms who sacrificed their lives while revolting against British colonialism for the establishment of Madiya state. By continuing the glorious history of Bhumkal revolt and by forging unity between Adivasi and non-Adivasi people of Dandakaryana, and carrying forward the ideals of great Bhumkal heroes who laid down their lives for the establishment of Jantana Sarkar, let us pay our revolutionary homage to them. Central Regional Bureau conveys its revolutionary greetings to the people of Dandakaryana who are marching relentlessly on the path laid down by the great Bhumkal warriors.
Dandakaryana (DK) is predominantly an Adivasi area which is composed of different tribal communities. The area is abundant with mineral resources. Adivasi people of DK are struggling for water, land and forest, identity, self-respect and to seize political power since 1980 under the leadership of CPI (Maoist). They are consolidating in the revolutionary mass organizations and struggling against the loot and plunder of natural resources by the Indian state which is a big tool and suppressive machine in the hands of feudal and compradors classes supported by the imperialists. Under the banner of “Land to the tiller-All Powers to the Revolutionary people’s committees”, the people of DK have established alternative Political Power organs- Jantana Sarkara and are democratically executing the people’s power. This jantana Sarkar organs are presenting a new alternative development model in the country. The predatory ruling classes of India are continuously trying to dismantle the alternative people’s state power through its military force. It is trying to legitimize its repression through bourgeois reforms. But our jantana Sarkar is giving a befitting reply to all anti- people measures and machinations to wipe out jantana Sarkar and people are showing extraordinary resilience against the exploitative ruling classes’ actions and policies. Hail the revolutionary DK people who are fighting for the protection, consolidation, and expansion of the jantana Sarkar.
The Indian Central government enacted PESA in 1996 by replicating Jantana sarkar programs and policies to divert the masses from the revolutionary path. As per this law in all 10 states that comes under the fifth scheduled area of the Indian constitution, adivasi people are having guaranteed rights over their forests. The essence of the act is that it is imperative to take the consent of the gram sabha to do any work in the fifth scheduled area. 28 years has lapsed since the enactment of the PESA by the central government but it has never been implemented properly by the state governments. In the various areas of the fifth schedule the Adivasi people are exposing the deceitful nature of the government in the implementation of PESA and they are demanding for the implementation of the act. The state governments are suppressing their just struggles by hook and crook. Adivasi people are continuing their struggle for their rights even during the intensification of severe repression. It is time to take a pledge on 10th of Feb by declaring that “this forest is ours, and it is our birth right over the natural resources of the forests, we have to exercise it, and we will never leave this struggle.”
Why the central government and state governments are suppressing our Jantana Sarkar? Our people must understand this issue conscientiously. Central and state governments are working to hand over all the natural resources including forests to the big corporate houses and MNCs. In the name of the development of nation and people, mess has been created in the lives of the people by the ruling classes. In the name of development multiple mining projects have been started without taking the consent of gram sabha as per PESA.
Unprecedented destruction has happened in all those areas where the mines are in function. And people in huge number have become victim of displacement. In the mining zones people’s agricultural productive lands has turned into toxic and are becoming unsuitable for the agriculture due to capitalist pollution. Drastic destruction of environment is happening at lightning speed. To understand this naked dance of destruction, Surjaghad (Gadchilori), Raoghat (Naryanpur), Amdai (Kondagoan) and Hasdeo (North Chhattisgarh) are few glaring examples in front of our eyes. By hiding this catastrophe and depicting it as development, every one right from PM Narendra Modi to MLAs are signing the same tune of development. By looting our natural resources, the exploitative governments and mischievous political leaders are deceiving people especially our youths in the name of jobs and Job fairs. Giving security guard posts and other menial jobs in mines on meager wages, the government is plundering our invaluable natural resources on an extensive scale. The local middle men of corporate houses are creating a rift among the local people in the name of jobs and development. Actually, they are hiding the real plight of the people.
The central and state governments are colluded with MNCs and Indian corporate houses turning the forests into corpratiztion-militarization. Recently chief minister of Maharashtra, Ek Nath Sindhe has announced that the naxal affected backward Gadchilori district will be transformed into an industrial hub by 2030. On the other side, Chhattisgarh Home Minister and Deputy Chief Minister stated that there is no development without mining projects. All state governments in the fifth scheduled is organizing in the name of vibrant conferences to delight the NRIs entrepreneurs and signing number of MoUs amounting to hundreds of billions dollars and majority of those MoUs are in mining sector.It is crystal clear to the people that their lives will be destroyed in the near future if they allow the execution of those MoUs. So, it is a suitable occasion to take a pledge to save your lives, forests and environment.
The newly formed BJP government of hindutva forces in Chhattisgarh has opened some new police stations on war footing manner in the name of liquidating the Maoist party. Similar steps are being followed in other states like Maharashtra, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, etc; of the central region and in Eastern regions states like Jharkhand, Bihar, etc. In this process the central government has started new military operation in the name of “operation kagaar” (Final War). The stated task of this military operation is to get control over the Maad hills to eliminate the central leadership of the party. But the hidden agenda behind this fascist operation is to grab the hills to exploit the natural resources. So, our party appeals to the masses on the Bhumkal Day occasion to save the pious Maad hills which are abode of tribal gods and goddess, and remains as an ancestral heritage. At the same time our party appeals to all democrats, human rights activists, well-wishers of tribal, students, lawyers, journalists, poets, writers, artists, employees, workers, peasants’ organizations to stand steadfastly behind the particularly vulnerable tribal group (PVTG) of Maad region. To safeguard our major achievements in more than 4 decades, it is our prime duty and responsibility to retaliate and defeat the fascist “Operation Kagaar”. At the same time our party appeals to friends of Indian Revolution abroad to take militant solidarity programs.
*Let us take pledge to protect Jantana sarkar, make it strong and expand it.
* Let us take pledge to retaliate and defeat “Operation Kagaar”.
* Let us take pledge to continue militant struggles to achieve rights on forests.
* Let us take pledge to fulfill the ideals of the martyrs who laid down their lives for the construction of Jantana Sarkar.
With Revolutionary Greetings
Central Regional Bureau
CPI (Maoist)