Italy - strong demostrations and clashes with police in Italy in solidarity with Palestine - info proletari comunisti/PCm Italy

Author: maoistroad
Description: PC February 18 - Strong dispute at the Arms Fair of Verona L PC February 18 - Turin Palestine: procession with thousands of pei ...
Published Time: 2024-02-19T02-58-00-08-00
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PC February 18 - Strong dispute at the Verona Arms Fair


PC February 18 - Turin Palestine: procession with thousands of people. Burn an image of Meloni with Netanyahu

Turin, Pro Palestine procession and armored synagogue. An image of Meloni with Netanyahu. In centinaia in corteo per la Palestina, slogan e striscioni: “Israele assassino”

A bombing to Gaza is simulated while the children They play soccer. La Russa: "Solidarity with Meloni"

PC February 17 - In Palermo today hundreds of which in front of the Rai headquarters - Stop the genocide of the Palestinian people, no to the enslaved press to the Meloni government

Hundreds of solidarity, activists, companions, companions, young students, women they protested this morning in Palermo in front of the Rai headquarters in connection also with all the other protests, principals that are carried out these days in different cities from Naples, in Bologna, Turin, Genoa, Rome ... and strong solidarity was strong towards i Merganellati demonstrators by the police

Many the reporting interventions of the genocide that must be stopped, of the criminal and terrorist of the Nazisionist state of Israel supported by US imperialism primarily, of the complicity of the States Europeans including Italy with the Meloni government who also wants to impose through the press, the mass media at the mass level a one -way narration Pro/Israel, support interventions for Resistance of the Palestinian people, a Palestinian woman shouted that Now "we are all and all of Palestinians", the need to continue the struggle and mobilization that must be extended to everyone those social sectors that still do not mobilize also for the action Nephasta ideological and government of the Government

In this important sense, we said intervening as companions of Communist proletarians, are the next mobilization dates of the national strike of February 23 organized by the basic unions e of the national event of February 24 in Milan with the initiatives connected to other cities such as Palermo, dates that have been Then reiterated in other interventions.

Students wanted to keep our signs sharing the message
