CAMPONESES OF THE ALCIO MACHADO camp in Rondônia gain suspension of repossession.
After a decisive mobilization, the Campers of the Campo Élcio Machado had an important achievement in Rondônia: the suspension of Decision of repossession issued against families. Prior to the court decision, the peasants moved a camp in front of the District of Ariquemes, responsible for issuing the eviction order. The National Commission of the Poor Peasants League (LCP) stated that the suspension was a victory that was the result of the “repercussion of the intense mobilization of peasant masses”, which they are producing more than 14 years after making the popular cut. The LCP also denounces that the repossession was a “declaration of war for peasants”.
The suspension of the reinstatement was announced by means of an appeal against the decision rendered by the judge of the case distributed on 01/25 by the 1st Civil Chamber of the Federal Prosecutor in Rondônia. The document, accessed by AND , determines that “the repossession determined by the court and scheduled to be fulfilled immediately is suspended on 01/29/2024 ″. The decision also "asks for the overdraft [suspension] of any effective measure for repossession in the area as long as not formally incra and union."
The report of AND It also contacted the 4th Civil Court of the District of Ariquemes. Asked about the decision, the agency stated that "in fact, a decision of the TJ suspended the repossession and all the progress of the process."
Victory of the Possers
It is a clear victory of the squatters of the camp Élcio Machado fruit of their combative mobilization. Since the beginning of the repossession process, the peasants camped for over 14 years in the land and responsible for extraordinary crop production and milk had made it clear that they would not abandon the floor harshly conquered with the hard and prolonged struggle.
One day before the distribution of the interlocutory appeal, the peasants performed a protest in front of the district of Ariquemes and raised a camp in front of the same building to demand the end of the request for repossession. With hundreds of families present, the mobilization extended ranges printed with consigns contrary to reintegration and exposed to all the complaint about the cowardly eviction of at least 70 of the more than 300 families living in camp.
Contacted by AND , the League of the Poor Peasants said that "we have no doubt: this temporary suspension was ran over the repercussion of the intense mobilization of the peasant masses that camped in front of the local forum, marched, distributed the LCP pamphlets in Rondônia and West Amazon." .
<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>
The peasants also managed to elevate to a new level the complaint about the omission of Incra in the process of repossession, as well as the requirements that the agency plays the most active role in the delivery of the land to the squatters. In recent events, Incra has avoided positioning itself alongside the peasants. In an audience on 01/09, decisive for reintegration, the agency was exempt from determining whether or not the lands were public or not, despite having access to documents that prove that the lands are public and have already classified them That way in 2017.
‘Declaration of War’
But it is evident that the squatters will follow. Regardless of suspended, the repossession, based on a notably fraudulent and without legal basis, imposed against more than 300 families of a longtime camp is a serious case of violation of people's rights. For LCP, the case configures a “declaration of war for peasants”.
“We claim: Although not fulfilled, the possibility of a repossession against peasants who live and produce in an area won with a fight for at least 14 years (the fight had happened before the peasants of the area join the LCP , entering the land and performing the “popular cut”), is a statement of war against the peasants. The lands of the Élcio Machado settlement are public. Incra himself thus declared it, ”said the organization.
In addition, although suspended, the case was not terminated, but transferred to the Federal Court, and there are other cases at the state level moved by land thieves against the camp Élcio Machado. Not that it intimidates the peasant struggle. While the large farmers do not even have a document to prove their possession on the land, peasants accumulate victories in all fields and, above all, have a willingness to fight to defend their lands.
The federal government, now directly related to the case, has attained peasants on other occasions. There is an accumulation of complaints in this regard. The National LCP Commission states that the war against the peasants is maintained in the current government, but in a “disguised, silently hiding in decisions of the unsuspected 'justice' of Rondônia”, and President Luiz Inácio, “who walks of Hands with the Supreme Court, "you know very well what is going on in Rondônia to make a dead, while indigenous, quilombolas and peasants are murdered throughout Brazil."
Apparently, the tendency is for the struggle to proceed.
Read in full the LCP statement sent to the New Democracy newspaper:
Communicated to the newspaper A Nova Democracy, January 30, 2024
Repossession against settlement Élcio Machado is a declaration of war against the peasants
Scheduled for Monday, January 29, the reintegration of inauguration against the peasants of Rondônia of the settlement Élcio Machado was suspended in the light of the lights on January 26, last Friday, after the Court of Rondônia Acting a court Interlocutory appeal filed by the Federal Public Prosecution Service (January 25).
We have no doubt: This temporary suspension was ran over the repercussion of the intense mobilization of the peasant masses that camped in front of the local forum, marched, distributed the LCP pamphlets in Rondônia and Western Amazon.
In this sense there is no way not to highlight the only national coverage of the serious events, giving voice to the peasants, carried out by the new democracy, both on their portal and in the program “by the way”. We thank.
While the Rondônia Garbage Press, their informatives played by the Latifundium, attacked the peasants, the opportunism press once again practiced the criminal silence with which the struggles of the people who wide the service of “their” government (to the generals, to the service. Latifundium, the great bourgeoisie, mining companies and imperialism).
We stated: Although not fulfilled, the possibility of a repossession against peasants who live and produce in an area won with a fight for at least 14 years (the fight had happened before the peasants of the area join the LCP, entering the land and performing the “popular cut”), is a statement of war against the peasants. The lands of the Élcio Machado settlement are public. Incra himself thus declared him before.
If the genocide, boquirroto and weak Bolsonaro, to declare war on the peasants, did so loud and sound, this opportunistic management does so in a disguised way, silently hiding in decisions of Rondônia's unsuspected “justice” (as if not not rest of Brazil was better). The opportunism that walks with arms given with the Supreme Court, the opportunism, which in his previous government suspended the resumption of public lands in the Legal Amazon, and on the contrary legalized the theft of landowners held during the military dictatorship through the infamous CATP's ( A contract of public lands), knows very well what is happening in Rondônia to make a dead, while indigenous, quilombolas and peasants are murdered throughout Brazil.
Let it then not complain and come with the old Cantilena with which the far right and reaction attack us.
Thanks for the space, and our commitment is to substantiate these statements. GREETINGS
National Commission of Poor Peasants Leagues