LCP denounces attack on Pataxó in Bahia and demarcates resistance at camp Mother Bernadete.

Indigenous leadership is beaten and murdered by landowners in southern Bahia
Against the armed flocks of the landlord: the right of self -defense armed defense of indigenous peoples, peasants and quilombolas!
Armed bandits called “Zero Invasion Movement” formed by landowners, gunmen and police advance in Bahia with PM cover. On January 21, the indigenous Maria de Fátima Muniz, known as Negaxó, the pajé of the people Pataxó Ham-Hãe was shot in the Caramuru Catarina Paraguassu Indigenous Land and Chief Nailton Muniz was seriously injured, as well as others Indigenous during attack by the infamous paramilitary group.
In addition, the flock of over 200 landowners who organized themselves and prepared the attack, set fire to 2 cars and other indigenous belongings. A young Pataxó who resisted the bombing coward was absurdly taken by the Military Police, the same who covered that criminal and cowardly action, as the videos prove.
The armed flocks of the large estates act inside the old Brazilian state
Bahia has the second largest indigenous population in Brazil, more than 90% of it lives outside its territories, being the state that has one of the largest concentrations of land ownership in Brazil. In the country, there is virtually no demarcation of indigenous lands and quilombola territories and equally no agrarian reform policy, and the government claims that it has no resources for it. Meanwhile released 364 billion in 2023 for the agribusiness crop plan.
The far-right landowner that was institutionalized in this old state, organized, set up and strengthened during the Bolsonaro government continues to act freely and encouraged by government cowing, particularly in Bahia. The approval of the temporal framework represents a blow to the original peoples and further fosters these attacks. In December 2023 Cacique Pataxó, 31 -year -old Lucas Kariri Sapuyá was shot dead in an ambush in the same indigenous territory. In August last year, the Pacific Bernadete Quilombola leadership was murdered with 14 heads in the head.
Throughout the country, there are hundreds of attacks against indigenous peoples, peasants and quilombolas and their leaders and as in the recent case, the police often act to cover the armed flocks of the landlord, threatening, intimidating and disarming communities. In addition, there are several complaints from the performance of police directly in these strongly armed paramilitary flocks, along with gunmen, through private security companies that set up, train, finance and run the extermination groups, such as Mariele Franco.
The governor of Bahia Jeronimo Rodrigues has now announced the creation of a PM company to “mediate” agrarian conflicts in the state. You see, the police that kill the most poor slum and black in Brazil; The police who turned his back, pretending not to see the gang of armed landowners until the teeth announcing that he would attack the Pataxós; Now you will have the task of “mediating” agrarian conflicts! No. This is definitely not what peasants, quilombola and indigenous people in Bahia need to live and work in peace in their lands.
Cacique denies Pataxó: Present in the fight!
Long live the resumptions and self -maming of indigenous lands!
Mother Bernadete camp resists
The Mother Bernadete camp in Carinhanha, made up of squatters living in the lands abandoned by Calsete for over 20 years has been resisting and denouncing the performance of these bands of criminals involving gunmen, police, timber, farmers, businessmen and even the lawyer (he would have the lawyer (he would have the lawyer (he would have the lawyer (he would have Received as a promise of payment a part of the landed lands, where families live) who blatantly uses their influence with the judiciary in the city and family relationships to intimidate and threaten families and makes a point of ridiculously placed themselves in charge of eviction operations, including Cutting wires.
From January last year until this year the local court judge has already issued 3 orders of repossession against the families and carried out two dumping police operations, joint with gunmen. Families have returned and reaffirmed the conviction that the lagoons of Lagoa dos Portables, which are embargoed for environmental crimes of Calsete, are from the peasants, that if a thousand times they are removed, a thousand times will come back because there are where they were born, grew and always lived!
Calsete, through its manager Lineu Fernandes, directly runs a base of operations built NABR 030 after taking the land, spends rivers of money trying to recruit people in the city and region, falsely
To be equity guards, but they soon discover that they are actually being agreed for gun. Many poor people of the people do not accept to serve as a cannon bushing and soon dismiss the coward, others risk their necks for rich people who sand the lives of the people. And there are those who are with their hot backs, manure that always explored and stepped on the people's neck to accumulate goods, serving the old colonels.
We repudiate another ongoing campaign to try to intimidate and criminalize families of squatters. Several peasants are being summoned to testify at the city's police station on charges of committing crimes, being pressured and threatened in an attempt to
criminalize and individualize a collective cause. When in fact crimes are committed by Calsete and their agents.
The risk that runs the stick, runs the ax
What all true Democrats can understand by taking the history of our country and the struggle of our people against the secular violence of the landlord is that more than ever, the indigenous, quilombolas and peasants, in the struggle for their rights, in defense of their Leaders, their families and relatives, from their sacred lands and territories, and their right to live in peace must apply their legitimate right to self -defense that can only be guaranteed by the people in struggle, organized and united.
There is no other way for the people to face the reactionary offensive that promotes the chacinas in the slums of cities and that in the field points to greater violence against indigenous, quilombolas and peasants, greater criminalization of the struggle for land, more evictions, no agrarian reform Demarcations, greater coverage and impunity of landlord crimes.
The answer should be to take all land of the landlord, greater organization and preparation to respond to the attacks and bar the crimes of the landlord. This is the path of the agrarian revolution, which will deliver land to all the poor of the countryside!
Long live the agrarian revolution!
Long live the Mother Bernadete camp!
Palestine resists! Palestine will triumph!
League of poor peasants in the north of Minas and southern Bahia