PC February 19 - In the ports of India, weapons for the war against the Palestinian people - info

Author: maoist
Description: Appeal ...
Published Time: 2024-02-19T19-55-00-01-00


The Indian Federation of Water transport workers, which represents more than 3500 workers of the 11 main ports of the country, has decided to refuse to load or download loads of weapons from Israel, so As from any other country that can move armed loads from Israel or military equipment and its allied load for the war in Palestine.

We port workers, who are part of the unions, there We will always oppose the war and the killing of innocent people such as Women and children.

Killing of innocent people like women and children: the recent Attack of Israel in Gaza who threw thousands of Palestinians in an immense suffering and loss. Women and children were made to pieces during the war, the parents were unable to recognize theirs children killed due to the bombings.
At this moment our union members collectively decided to refuse to Moving all types of armed loads.

The loading and unloading of these weapons helps to provide the ability to kill innocent people.
Therefore, we, port workers and Indian ports of various large ones active ports in the load handling sector, we ask that Anyone who refuses to move all types of armed loads.

We ask our members not to move more ships who transport military material to Palestine/Israel.

We therefore also ask for an immediate ceasefire. As unions We declare our solidarity with those who fight for peace. We appeal to the workers of the world and to the people who love the peace to support the request for a free Palestine.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-19-febbraio-anche-nei-porti.html