We have received reports on political graffiti being made in the capital of India, New Delhi in support of the New Democratic Revolution and demanding the release of revolutionary political prisoners associated with it.
The comrades who sent this information to us wrote the following: In February 2024, large-scale wall writing appeared in Delhi in support of New Democratic Revolution in India. Delhi, as the capital of the old Indian state and the centre of white power, is the stronghold of the ruling comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the landlord classes. Even in the belly of the beast and the urban centre of reaction, the spark of New Democratic revolution continues to burn in symphony with the people’s war in the countryside, even under times of of utmost reactionary violence against the masses, charged by brahmanical Hindutva fascism of the Indian state.
Wall writing near Delhi University area in support of New Democratic Revolution

Wall writing near Vishwavidyalaya Metro station area in support of New Democratic Revolution

Another wall writing near metro area in support of New Democratic Revolution

Wall writing near Delhi University area in support of New Democratic Revolution

Wall writing demanding the release of Delhi University professor Dr. G.N. Saibaba, deputy secretary of Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), a united front of various organizations which was banned by the Indian state under the charges of being a frontal organization of Communist Party of India (Maoist). He was at the forefront of the democratic campaign that opposed Operation Green Hunt. Dr. Saibaba is 94% physically disabled and remains incarcerated even after he was acquitted by the Bombay High Court.

Wall writing demanding the releases of Pramod Mishra and Hem Mishra. Pramod Mishra is a Politburo and Central Committee member of Communist Party of India (Maoist). He was previously a member of the erstwhile Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI) and led large-scale land struggles in the state of Bihar after the death of MCCI leader com. Kanhai Chatterjee. Mishra was in-charge of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir after MCCI merged with CPI ML (People’s War) to form CPI (Maoist) in 2004. Even the American imperialists took note of him during this period and featured him in their Country Reports on Terrorism in 2006. He was arrested by the Indian state in 2008 but was acquitted and released in 2017. He was re-arrested in August 2023. Hem Mishra, a student of Chinese language in Jawaharlal Nehru University, was a popular cultural activist with Revolutionary Cultural Front (RCF) in Delhi. His activism raised awareness of the Indian state’s genocidal war on people in Bastar, particularly against the Adivasi peasants, the imperialist resource loot of India’s natural resources as well as the semi-feudal violence prevalent in Indian society. He was arrested in 2013 under the charges of being a “courier” for Maoists and remains incarcerated.

Wall writing in Delhi demanding the release of Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Central Committee member of the CPI (Maoist) and the secretary of the Western Ghats Zonal Committee. Rao was a member of the Central Reorganization Committee, CPI (Marxist-Leninist) (Raouf) and later formed CPI-ML (Naxalbari) in 1999 along with leaders like K. Murali (Ajith). This group merged with the CPI (Maoist) in 2014 bringing Rao in the CC. Rao was meticulously working both in urban and rural areas to intensify protracted people’s war. He was arrested in September 2023.

Wall writing demanding the release of Sheela Marandi, member of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist). She worked to intensify, organize and consolidate the role of women in the New Democratic struggle against the Indian state, against brahmanical patriarchy, feudalism and imperialism. She was arrested initially in 2006 in Odisha but was acquitted in 2016. She was re-arrested in November 2021.

Wall writing uphold people’s militant struggles against the Indian state.

Wall writing against the Indian state’s counter-revolutionary Operation SAMADHAN-Prahar initiated in 2017 against the CPI (Maoist) and the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) which also oversaw genocidal policies against the Adivasi peasants in resource-rich regions of India. The counter-revolutionary operation grew into the Surajkund Offensive in 2022, after the Indian state decided to intensify its Chiang Kai-shek-style encirclement campaign against the guerrilla zone. Just like the erstwhile Operation Green Hunt, SAMADHAN-Prahar and the Surajkund Offensive will be defeated by the Indian masses, its vanguard the CPI (Maoist) under the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.