"The government has already been defeated, the students are already winners." This has been proclaimed by KNE and the PCS for three weeks. But what does this actually mean? Because someone was a little suspicious of being worried, let alone when the government is decisively moving towards adopting the Pierrakakis bill. What does it mean to "keep the law on paper", which they have appeared before the law is even voted on? The KNE forces (and not only) have already accepted that the law will be voted on. They do not actually believe that student masses can overthrow this law through their movement and collective and organized struggle. They do not believe that the student world, the people and the youth can force the government to withdraw. So while they are sailing (and they) counterattack and the "fighting" (co -ordinating) demands, they have predicted that the student movement will close without having achieved what it can. And they have made it clear that they will put their stone too. For years, they have given their credentials as responsible power to the system.
Let's look at some things more specifically
Occupations ...
Occupations have always been a medium of struggle for the KNE - PCS. Because he could not and cannot realize that occupied schools can become a resistance of claim and struggle, the place where students will be politicized and discussed, where they will be established against the system's policy. That is why even today it is difficult to recognize and does not appear in the Coordination Committees at all times. On the pretext that they are replacing the general assemblies ... So even today she is doing what she is going through to move them away. In associations with self -sufficiency PCS, it does not even raise the question of occupation and then claims that the people who were in the assembly wanted to fight against private universities, but without occupation ... how convenient (!)
The releasing dummy ...
When the ministry announced the remuneration, the first announcement of the PCC saw the government's retreat and the semester securing. This attitude would actually remain exactly the same if the world itself did not push it (which in this case was far ahead) but also the confrontation with the processes of the student movement. After pressures and when he was forced to raise something for the remote stations, he raised the issue of "dilation" (with which only pieces of urban staff and the PCC) and the "tooling of the exam" were involved. That is, we are talking about the complete legalization of the remakes, which did not come to suppress the student movement, but to give students the opportunity to copy ... of course the members of the KNE are normally giving off, claiming that this will not be lost in six months.
The unity and the singleness on the road ...
The USSR all weeks is presented as one of the advocates of uniforms. And we ask. What oneness? Since the PCS is one of the key officials who in various cities are held two separate demonstrations of student associations, two separate coordinating general assemblies and occupations. Since the PCS is one of the main officials who appear two and three banners of the same student club on the street, many times in different places and calls.
Privatization of education?
KNE forces based on their analysis of education see "complete privatization of universities" and "tombstone in public and free education". But is this in reality? Of course not. Higher education has a dual role. To distribute the youth (which will be able to get a degree) in the various jobs and to transcend her the dominant ideology. Obviously, in order to effectively do this job, the state (as a collective capitalist) cannot be fully resigned from the Higher Affairs case. Why are all this important? Because if you cannot properly interpret how the university works and the reasons why they bring private ones, you cannot convince the student world and integrate it into the case of the race. And you end up dealing with co -ordinating demands and resigning from the case of the struggle.
Much more could be written about the first power in universities, the responsibilities of it in the deconstruction of the student movement, its role and attitude in recent weeks and many more. We open all this because we consider our confrontation. In order for people to clarify the reformist line from the race line. To make it clear that along with the attack of the system, there are forces in the context of the movement that in every way they are trying to embellish its struggle (this is not just about the KNE). In order for people to understand, that relying on their own strengths can win.