We publish this unofficial translation to Romanian of the statement by the ICL on Lenin.

Proletarians from all countries, unite!
Comrade Lenin, the guiding light of the proletariat
Mondial and the great teacher of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, illuminates the path of unity for the international communist movement
"We are the ones who form the army of the great proletarian strategist, the army of Comrade Lenin. There is nothing more uplifting than the honor of being part of this army. ” (Stalin)
As the pages of history show, on January 21, 1924, Comrade Lenin, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed peoples in the world, the second great landmark of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, became immortal and left behind a legacy of value. incalculable. The teachings of Comrade Lenin, who transformed the "world of the future", the foundations whose bases were laid by Marx and Engels, from an abstract possibility in a concrete reality, are still fully relevant after a century and after great disturbances in the world. To adopt a correct position in the class struggle, you must accept this "actuality" and orient yourself according to it. This "actuality" is, at the same time, a cure for reformism, revisionism and parliamentary cretinism, which means capitulation and compromised with the dominant ideologies of any kind. It is the guarantee of faith and determination that a communist world can be created.
Lenin as a master of communism that broke the ice and opened the way of fighting against international reaction and revisionism
In order to correctly identify the contradictions in the history of the class struggle, to understand moments of historical breakdown and to be prepared in these moments of breaking was the most remarkable feature of the whole struggle of Comrade Lenin until his immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, the leadership of the International Proletariat was taken over for a long time by the opportunism of the second international, and in the words of Comrade Stalin: "A period when the parties of the second international were not able to take over the theoretical struggle for the release of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world under the influence of these opportunistic social-democrats and compromise. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the World Proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, with the establishment of the communist international, a form of organization and struggle appropriate to the dynamics of class struggle has been developed in the new period of capitalism. "
Comrade Lenin transformed the Communist Party and the Communist International into an instrument to fight the bourgeoisie by issuing the communist party and the communist international from the handcuffs of legal forms:
"Instead of a revolutionary policy, there was a flask philistinism and Sordid political trim, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary intrigues. For the sake
The appearances, of course, were adopted "revolutionary" resolutions and slogans ... "
but which they "keep in the designs of the offices", issued by the control of the legal forms of fighting.
"Meanwhile, a new period of imperialist wars and the revolutionary battles of the proletariat was approaching. The old methods of fighting proved obviously inadequate and powerless in the face of financial capital. It had become necessary to revise the entire activity of the second international, its entire method of work, and to drive away any philistinism, obtuse, politician tricks, renegade, social-chvinism and social-pycifism. It had become necessary to examine the entire arsenal of the second international, to throw everything that was rusty and outdated, to make new weapons. Without this preliminary work it was useless to launch ourselves in the war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat risks waking up inappropriately armed, or even completely disarmed, in future revolutionary battles. The honor of the initiation of this general review and the general cleaning of the Augenian stables of the second international has returned to Leninism. " (Stalin, Leninism's Basics)
Comrade Lenin, with his genius, entered the heart of the contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie cannot be sufficiently effective and successful without shaking the burdens that press on the back of the international proletariat, without combating revisionism and opportunism, without To show the masses the true character of these conceptions in theory and practical, without insulating them as much as possible. Establishing the dialectical and necessary connection between the "internal struggle" and "external struggle", he fought on the two lines.
Comrade Lenin left us, the communists, the extremely important lesson that the fight against revisionism and opportunism cannot be separated from the struggle against imperialism and all the dominant forms of reaction. On the contrary, the fight against imperialism must be cleaned of revisionism and opportunism.
Ascertain Lenin's teachings in the increasingly acute contradictions of the imperialist system
The imperialist system, which Comrade Lenin analyzed in detail at the beginning of the twentieth century, has survived lately, but his contradictions are exacerbated and is in a spiral of insoluble antagonistic contradictions. Although the dissolution of the USSR and the process of integration into the capitalist system that China has gone have prevented the contradictions from exploding for a while, the Law on unequal development of capitalism continued, and the interimperialist rivalry has developed until the "disintegration" stage through wars regional. This shows the crisis in which the system is located and the fact that the previous "solutions" no longer work. The imperialists, who for a long time have kept the crisis under control by transferring the weights of the system over the semi-colonies and intensifying their robbery, arrived in an impasse and here.
One of the explosive points of the inherent problems of the imperialist system, which have developed in accordance with the definition of imperialism given by Lenin, is the fact that interimperialist relations
which have been manifested in various forms in recent years, the interimperialist struggle, is currently being held within the regional wars. When Lenin listed the contradictions of imperialism, he mentioned the interimperialist contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions.
We can see that developments are in accordance with Comrade Lenin's observations on the character and contradictions of imperialism: "The second contradiction is the contradiction between the various financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for the sources of raw materials and for foreign territories. Imperialism is the export of capital to the sources of raw materials, the frantic struggle for the monopolistic possession of these sources, the fight for a new division of the already divided world, a fight carried with a special rage by the new financial groups and powers that seek a "place under Sun ”against the old groups and financial powers. Powers that are desperately clinging to what they have seized. This frantic struggle between the different groups of capitalists is remarkable by the fact that it includes as an inevitable element the imperialist wars, the wars for the annexation of foreign territories. This circumstance, in turn, is notable by the fact that it leads to the mutual weakening of the imperialists, to weaken the position of capitalism in general, to accelerate the emergence of the proletarian revolution and to the practical necessity of this revolution. " (Stalin, the basis of Leninism).
Russia and China, the former socialist countries that gave the imperialist system a break with their new markets, became the main players in the interimperialist rivalry, in dispute with the hegemonic power of the United States. This means that the magnitude and nature of the contradictions have increased with the increasing involvement of new and powerful players in the fight for the redistribution of territories. The great confrontation with the invasion of Russian imperialism in Ukraine took place in this context. It is predictable that this trend will intensify and spread further. As long as there is no direct confrontation between imperialists, the areas where division wars are worn are semi-colonies and colonies. The semi -colonies and oppressed peoples of the world will continue to pay the price of these wars until the imperialists declare war directly to each other.
With this, dividing the world into a minority of imperialist nations and a majority of oppressed nations - Masted Lenin -analyzed - more intensifies. The third contradiction is exacerbated with the robbery and imperialist predation and with the semi -liquid and semifudal ascension in the powerful national liberation wars and the popular wars that shake the imperialist system.
At the same time with the process in which imperialism is located in the interimperialist contradictions, and the contradiction between the imperialist countries and the peoples and the oppressed nations; All parts of the dominant system, especially imperialist states, become more centralized, militaristic and warrior than before, which opens the way for all fascist feelings to bring society into an appropriate ideological format. This is done either by the so-called far right, or under the veil of the social-democratic or liberal parties. Communists and oppressed peoples of the world, confronted with the reality of a system that becomes more and more aggressive as the passing day, need a Leninist party to lead the struggle of the proletariat for political power, as sketched by Comrade Lenin, to to organize a strong resistance against this reaction. Only such a party, today a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, can lead an irreconcilable fight against the bourgeoisie.
Lenin's great legacy, Leninist conception of the party: the General Staff of the Proletariat
A revolution is not a dinner, nor the writing of an essay, nor painting a painting, no embroidery; It cannot be so refined, so relaxed and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, detained and marvelous. One revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overturns it. (MAO țze-Dun).
It is crucial how the Communists define the existing contradictions and how they position themselves in the face of developments. In the hundred years since the death of Comrade Lenin, the imperialists have transformed their driving structures into even larger war cars. Armies, police, secret services, etc. Their are equipped with incomparable capabilities with those of the past. On the other hand, a considerable part of those called "communists" or "revolutionaries" ignores this reality (even if it seems to be theoretically accepted) and are far from positioning according to it. However, following an ideological and practical line of reconciliation that blocks the work of the working class and the masses oppressed in the governing system, they mitigate the anger of the masses and act as some protective dams. While the imperialists and the dominant operating structures are equipped with increasingly violent devices and institutions, it is necessary, as followers of Comrade Lenin, to carry a strong ideological struggle against the fact that they who define themselves as "revolutionary" and " Communists ”are increasingly departing from the reality that the revolution and the revolutionary struggle will rely on weapons and violence. Starting from Comrade Lenin's unclear struggle against the second international opportunism as a guide against these points of view is one of the important tasks to do justice to Comrade Lenin in the Centenary Year of his immortality.
Comrade Lenin defined the new type of communist party as the "Proletariat's war organization". This definition was necessary because of the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. Both the process that led to the October Revolution and the Civil War that broke out with the October Revolution were the concrete reasons why Comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "The Proletariat's War Organization". It is a necessity that the Communist Party, which will lead the emancipation of the proletariat and the oppressed masses, have this feature, while the counter -revolution is armed from top to down with devices and means of violence and commits all these terrible massacres against the working class and peoples. oppressed. A revolutionary war needs a fighter party to wear it. Only the fools and the incarigible revisionists who are based on the bourgeoisie are of another opinion.
Some people ridicule us as supporters of the "omnipotence of war". Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war; That's good, not bad, it's Marxist. The weapons of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. The experience in the class struggle from the era of imperialism teaches us that only through the power of the weapon the working class and the working masses can overcome the armed bourgeois and the estate; In this sense we can say that only with the weapons can the whole world be transformed. (MAO țze-Dun).
At his establishment conference, the International Communication League defined the establishment and reconstitution of communist parties as an important task in the fight for the world proletarian revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party developed by Comrade Mao Țze-Dun is in accordance with the understanding of the Communist Party presented by Comrade Lenin and also enriched by Stalin, and is to achieve the Leninist understanding in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. During the period of imperialism and proletarian revolutions in which we are, the communist party that is capable of opposing the increasing aggression of the imperialist reaction and leading the proletariat and oppressed peoples to liberation, must have the "war organization of the proletariat".
An essential legacy of Lenin is the problem of political power as a fundamental issue of any revolution. Lenin showed that "The proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the machinery of the bourgeois state and without replacing it with a new one" and that "Everything except for power is an illusion" . Under Lenin's personal leadership, the first socialist state in the world was established, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established, materializing the proletarian road to power and maintaining it.
After Lenin's death, his continuator Stalin was the one who brilliantly defined Leninism, further developed and made him the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the experience of the great Lenin, President Mao managed to bring the world proletarian revolution on the peaks to develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism, which is today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, must be adopted, defended and applied.
As an international communist league, we will continue to carry out the tasks drawn by the great Lenin and use the inheritance left by Comrade Lenin.
Comrade Lenin, the great teacher of the World Proletariat and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism leads and guides our struggle for the world proletarian revolution today, as he did in the old days!
Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Live proletarian internationalism!
International Communist League
January 2024