We publish this translation to Turkish of the statement by the ICL on Lenin.

Unite the proletarians of all countries!
Lenin, the guide of the International proletariat and the great master of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, illuminates our way for the unity of the International Communist movement.
“ We are the army of the great strategist, the army of Lenin. There is no great honor than the honor of being a member of this army… ”(Stalin)
When the leaves of history showed January 21, 1924, the second largest milestone of the working class and the oppressed peoples of the world became immortalized by leaving a great legacy behind the comrade Lenin. The teachings of Lenin, who transformed the “world of the future olan, whose foundations were laid by Marx and Engels from an abstract likeness to a concrete reality, still maintain update despite a period of centuries -old time period and great upside down on the world. In order to realize the right position in the class struggle, it is an obligation to assimilate and get a guide. This “current” is also the guarantee of belief and determination that a publicist, revisionist and parliamentary foolishness, which includes surrender to all kinds of dominant ideology and reconciliation with dominant ideology and reconciliation, is the guarantee of belief and determination that a communist world is created.
Lenin, the master of communism, who broke the ice against the international bourgeoisie and revisionism
To determine the contradictions correctly in the history of class struggle, to comprehend the moments of historical breaks and to be ready in these moments of breaking, has been the most prominent feature of the whole struggle process until the immortal of the comrade of Lenin. Following the deaths of Marks and Engels, the leadership of the international proletariat for a long time was seized by the 2nd ENTERNATIONAL OPORTÜNISM. "A period in which the second international parties attracted themselves and semiri and the revolution does not want to seriously think of the revolutionary education of the masses…” as continuing. Comrade Lenin played the role of “ice breaking” here. In addition to the theoretical struggle to save the International proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world from the influence of these opportunist and class conciliatory social democrats, he established an organization and form of struggle that would comply with the dynamics of the class struggle of capitalism by establishing the Communist International.
Comrade Communist Party of Lenin and the International Communist Movement “Instead of a revolutionary policy, weak and weak small-bourgeois opportunism, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary combinations watching, politics tradesmen, appearance to save“ revolutionary ”decisions and slogans accept…” She saved the parliamentary foolishness from the grip of parliamentary foolishness, which kesin hiding them in office drawers ”and made them a war tool against the bourgeoisie. He saved the parliamentary foolishness from the grip of parliamentary foolishness, which kesin hiding them in office drawers ”and made them a war tool against the bourgeoisie. …… In the meantime, a new era was approaching the period of imperialist wars and the revolutionary wars of the proletariat. In the face of the unequal power of financial capital, it was clear that the old methods of struggle were insufficient. It was necessary to review the whole effectiveness of the second international, the method of working, and to throw the small-bourgeois opportunist spirit, weakness and narrow-mindedness, quite politician, mentality of denial, social chauvinism and social pacifism. It was mandatory to throw out all the rusted old weapons of the second international, to acquire new weapons. It was useless to enter war with capitalism without making this preparation. Unless this was done, in the new revolutionary war, the proletariat weapon and ammunition was in danger of going into war as incomplete. In general, the general cleaning of Augias stables fell to Leninism. ” (Stalin)
Lenin's comrade's bright genius and the main ring of the contradiction by grasping the burdens loaded on the back of the international proletariat, the struggle against revisionism and opportunism, without showing the real quality of these insights to the masses and practice, the struggle against the masses as much as possible. For this reason, the dialectic and compulsory bond between “the struggle inside” and “outside struggle ında realized the bilateral struggle.
Comrade Lenin left the tremendous lessons of progress by purifying the ranks of the struggle against imperialism and all kinds of dominant reaction, we have left the struggle against the communists, revisionism and opportunism.
To intervene in the deepened contradictions of the imperialist system with lenism
The imperialism, which was comprehensively analyzed by the comrade of Lenin at the beginning of the twentieth century, is “succeeded to keep him alive in the last process, but his contradictions are increasingly concentrated and the unresolved spiral is being varied in terms of the stage. With the disintegration of the USSR, the process of integration in the capitalist restoration in China prevented the transformation of contradictions into major explosions in terms of a certain period, but the inequal development law of capitalism continued and between the imperialist competition evolved into the “dissolution” stage with regional wars. It is an indication that the crisis in which this system is in and the “solutions üzerinden so far does not work. For a long time, there is a blockage in terms of the imperialists who have been carried out by moving the burden of the system to semi-colonies and deepening the looting of semi-colonies sustainable.
One of the explosion points of the structural problems of the imperialist system, which develops in accordance with Lenin's determination of imperialism, is that in recent years, the struggle between the imperialists showing itself in various ways is taking place in regional wars for the time being. Lenin expressed the contradiction between the imperialists as one of the three important contradictions in order of the contradictions of imperialism.
We see that the developments involved in compliance with the determinations of the comrade of Lenin, the character and contradictions of imperialism: “The second contradiction is the contradiction between various financial groups and imperialist states that are in the fight against raw material resources and the lands of others. Imperialism is the export of capital to raw material sources, and the relentless struggle to have the monopoly of these resources: the struggle of new financial groups and states looking for “living space” against the places they take forced, the old groups and states that adhere to ticks. The remarkable side of this struggle between various capitalist groups is that the imperialist wars, wars to conquer the territory of others as an inevitable element of this war. This is remarkable in terms of causing the mutual weakening of the imperialists, the clock of the proletarian revolution, and the necessity of this revolution. ” (Stalin, Leninism's Principles)
Russia and China, one of the former socialist countries that breathe the imperialist system for a while with the new market areas, have become the most important actors of the inter -imperialist competition at the reached stage. This means that the scope and quality of the contradictions is increasing with the increasingly involved of new and powerful actors in the struggle for the re -sharing of shared areas. The great gravity of Russian imperialism with the occupation of Ukraine took place through this background. It is necessary to see that this orientation will continue by deepening and spreading. Until the imperialists face directly, the areas where sharing wars took place are semi-colonials and colonies. Until the moment they will take direct war among themselves, the semi-colonies and the oppressed peoples of the world will continue to be paid the price of these wars. This will inevitably bring about the deepening of the contradiction between the oppressed nations and peoples that make up the rest of the world and the remark of the rest of the world, as well as the comrade of the comrade of Lenin, and the widespread of national liberation wars and public wars.
In parallel with the deepening of the imperialists and the oppressed peoples and the oppressed peoples and the inter -imperialist contradictions, all parts of the sovereign system, especially the imperialist states, shape themselves according to the reality of more central, more militarist and more than yesterday. They pave the way for all fascist mentality in order to take societies into an ideological format. The communists and the oppressed peoples of the world, face -to -face with a system reality that becomes more reactionary and aggressive, have a strong resistance against this reaction. However, such a party, today a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, can lead a uncompromising struggle against the bourgeoisie.
Lenin's great heritage Leninist party understanding: the proletariat
“ The revolution is not a feast, writing an article, drawing a picture or embroidery. The revolution cannot be achieved with that elegance, with that comfort and kindness, or with such sweetness, kindness, manners, prudence, spirit generosity. The revolution is an uprising, a violence movement in which a class overturns another class. ” (Mao Zedung)
It is vital to how Communists define the existing contradictions and how they will position themselves in the face of developments. The imperialists have turned their dominant structures into larger war machines over the last one year period of the death of the comrade of Lenin. The army, police, intelligence, etc. is equipped with opportunities that cannot be compared with the past. On the other hand, a significant portion of those who call themselves as “communist” or “revolutionary düz are ignoring this reality (although it is seen theoretically) in accordance with this reality. However, they follow an ideological and practical conciliatory line that imprison the working class and oppressed people into the sovereign system and damped the anger of the masses and serve as a decisive function. While the imperialists and dominant exploitative structures equip themselves with more violence and institutions, it is the necessity of being a follower of the comrade of Lenin to realize that those who describe themselves as “revolutionary” and “communists çıkan will rely on the reality of revolutionary struggle and revolutionary struggle will be based on arms and violence. It is one of the important tasks of being worthy of the centenary of the immortality of Lenin's immortality, just to guide the relentless struggle of the comrade of Lenin against the second international opportunism.
Comrade Lenin described the new type of communist party as “the establishment of the proletariat. This is a definition that the mutual position of the imperialist system and classes makes it necessary. Both the process leading to the October Revolution and the October Revolution, the exacerbated civil war was the concrete equivalent of the comrade of Lenin as the communist party of the communist party as “the proletariat to establish war”. While the counter -revolution is equipped with devices and tools from head to toe and equipping itself with devices and tools, it is an obligation for the communist party, which will lead the liberation of the proletariat and the oppressed masses while performing terrible massacres on the working class and oppressed peoples. A revolutionary war requires a warrior party that will lead this war. Only the fools that rely on the bourgeoisie and the uncontrollable revisionists may think otherwise.
“ Some people make fun of us by arguing that we are the sides of our ‘war is omnipotent’. Yes, it is true, we are the sides of the revolutionary war to be the power of everything. This is not bad, it's good. Marxist. The rifles of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will also create a democratic republic. The experience of the class struggle in the age of imperialism showed us that the working class and the working sheets can only be eaten with rifle power of the armed bourgeoisie and the landlords; In this sense, we can say that the world can only be changed with rifle power. ” (Mao Zedung)
At the EKB Establishment Conference, he put the construction or reconstruction of the communist parties in the struggle of the World Revolution as an important task. As MLMs, the understanding of the communist party developed by Mao Zedung comrade is in harmony with the understanding of the communist party, in which the comrade of the comrade of the comrade of Lenin is enriched by Stalin, and the Leninist party understanding finds meaning in the ideology. In the era of imperialism and proletarian revolutions we are in, the Communist Party, which will cope with the increasing aggression of imperialist reaction, and lead the people of the proletariat and the oppressed world to salvation, has to be the “proletariat's war”.
The main problem of each revolution is the problem of political power. Lenin, "The bourgeois state apparatus is not possible to demolish and replace the proletarian revolution without being replaced." ve "Everything except in power is an illusion" has shown.
Under Lenin's leadership, the world's first socialist state, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established. Thus, the path of the proletariat to power and the outline of how to protect him were practically demonstrated. After Lenin's death, Stalin was Stalin, who described Leninism in a bright way, developed further and made the basis of the entire international communist movement. President Mao managed to move the world proletarian revolution to higher on the shoulders of the Great Lenin and to improve the ideology of the proletarianism. Today, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism should be adopted, defended and implemented to defend lenism. As the International Communist Union, we will continue to make sense of the legacy of the comrade of Lenin by performing this task.
Comrade Lenin, the great master of the International proletariat and MLM, continues to lead and guide the proletarian world revolution struggle today as it was yesterday!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long live proletariat Internationalism!
International Communist Union
January 2024