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Statement by IKF about comrade Lenin

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Proletarians in all countries, unite!

Comrade Lenin, the leading light of the international proletariat and a great teacher of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, highlights the way for the unit for the international communist movement

“We are the ones who form the great proletarian strategist's army, comrade Lenin's army. There's nothing major than the honor of belonging to this army. " (Stalin)

As the story shows, on January 21, 1924, Comrade Lenin became the great leader of the working class and the oppressed peoples in the world, the other great milestone for Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, immortal and left behind a great legacy of incomprehensible value. Comrade Lenin's teachings, which transformed the "world of the future", whose basics were laid by Marx and Engels, from an abstract opportunity for a concrete reality, is still fully relevant after a century of major upheavals in the world. In order to position yourself correctly in the class struggle, one must accept this "timeliness" and orient yourself after it. At the same time, this "timeliness" is a cure for reformist, revisionist and parliamentary cretinism, which means capitulation and compromise with ruling ideologies of all kinds. It is the guarantee of faith and determination that a communist world can be created.

Lenin as a teacher in communism who broke IS and paved the way to international reaction and revisionism

Properly identifying the contradictions in the history of the class struggle, understanding the moments of historical crimes and being ready in these times was the most prominent element of comrade Lenin's entire struggle until his immortality. After Marx and Engel's death, the leadership of the international proletariat was taken over for a long time by the second international opportunism, and in the word of comrade Stalin: "A period when others I the parties of the nternational were not able to Take over the theoretical struggle to free the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world from the influence of these opportunistic and class compromising social democrats. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples in the world, with the founding of Communist I He developed the International a form of organization and struggle adapted to the dynamics of the class struggle during the new period of capitalism. "

Comrade Lenin turned the Communist Party and the Communist International into an instrument for war against the bourgeoisie by liberating the Communist Party and the Communist International's movement from the buoys of legal forms of fighting: “Instead of a revolutionary policy, there was a bottled emotionalness and dirty political negotiations, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary intrigue. For the sake of the shine, of course, "revolutionary" resolutions and slogans were adopted ... " But as it "stores in the drawers", freed from legal forms of struggle. “Meanwhile, a new period of imperialist war and revolutionary battles for the proletariat was approached. The old combat methods proved obviously insufficient and impotent for the omnipotance of financial capital. It became necessary to look over the whole other I The operations of the national, its entire working method, and to expel all the emotional, restraint, politicians' tricks, trend , Social Chauvinism and Social Pacism. It became necessary to analyze All it A Ndra I National Arsenal, to throw out everything that was rusty and outdated, to forge new weapons. Without this preliminary work, it was pointless to start war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat ran the risk of being insufficiently armed, or even completely unarmed, in the future revolutionary battles. The honor of obtaining this general review and general cleansing of others I The national's augical stables went to Leninism. " . (Stalin, the basics of Leninism)

Comrade Lenin, with his genius, took the core of the contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie cannot be sufficiently effective and successful without shaking off the burdens that weigh on the back of the international proletariat, without fighting revisionism and opportunism, without showing the masses the true nature of these Opinions in theory and practice, without isolating them as far as possible. By establishing the dialectical and necessary link between the "internal struggle" and the "outer struggle", he fought the double struggle.

Comrade Lenin gave us communists the extremely important lesson that the fight against revisionism and opportunism cannot be separated from the fight against imperialism and all forms of governing reactions. On the contrary, the fight against imperialism must be cleared from revisionism and opportunism.

Keep high Lenin's teachings within the intersecting contradiction of the imperialist system

The imperialist system, which comrade Lenin analyzed in detail in the early 1900s, has survived during the past period, but its contradictions are tightened and it is in a spiral of insoluble antagonistic contradictions. Although the resolution of the Soviet Union and the integration process in the capitalist system that China went through prevented the contradictions from exploding for a while, the law on the unequal development of capitalism continued and the interimperistic rivalry developed at the stage of "resolution". with regional war. This shows which crisis system is in and that the previous "solutions" no longer work. The imperialists, who for a long time maintained their crisis by moving the system's burdens to the semi -colonies and deepening the looting of the semi -colonies, has also ended up in a dead end.

One of the explosive points in the inherent problems of the imperialist system, which has been developed in accordance with Lenin's definition of imperialism is that the interim materialist struggle, which has been shown in various forms in recent years, is currently being fought in regional war. When Lenin listed the contradictions of imperialism, he mentioned the interimmeristic contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions.

We can see that the development is in line with comrade Lenin's observations on the nature and contradictions of imperialism: “The second contradiction is the contradiction between the various financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for raw material sources, for foreign territory. Imperialism is the exports of capital to the raw material sources, the insane struggle for monopolistic possession of these sources, the struggle for a redistribution of the already divided world, a struggle that is carried out with special rage by new financial groups and powers seeking a "place in the sun" against the The old groups and powers, which persistently cling to what they have arrested. This frenetic struggle between the different groups of capitalists is remarkable in that it includes as an inevitable element imperialist war, war for annexation of foreign territories. This circumstance is, in turn, remarkable by leading to a mutual weakening of the imperialists, to a weakening of the position of capitalism in general, to an acceleration of the advent of the proletarian revolution and to the practical necessity of this revolution. " (Stalin, Leninism's basics).

Russia and China, the former socialist countries that have given the imperialist system a respite with their new markets, have become the main actors in the interim materialist rivalry, in violation of the hegemonic power of the United States. This means that the extent and nature of the contradictions has increased as new and powerful players are gaining increasing commitment to the struggle for the redistribution of territories. The great confrontation with Russian imperialism's invasion of Ukraine took place against this background. It is predictable that this tendency will be further deepened and spread further. As long as there is no direct confrontation between the imperialists, the areas where the split wars are carried out half colonies and colonies. The half -colonies and the oppressed peoples in the world will continue to pay the price for these wars until the imperialists declare direct war against each other.

With this the division of the world into a handful of imperialist nations and a majority of oppressed countries - Masterly analyzed by Lenin - deepens even more. The third contradictions are tightened with the imperialist looting, and the semi -colonial and semi -feodal increase in powerful national liberation war and folk war that shakes the imperialist system.

Parallel to the process where imperialism goes under contradictions, the interimplyistic and the contradiction imperialist countries and oppressed people and nations; All parts of the governing system, especially the imperialist states, become more centralized, militaristic and warlike than before, which paves the way for all fascist emotions to bring society into a corresponding ideological format. This is met either by so -called right -wing extremists or under the veil of social democratic or liberal parties. Communists and the oppressed peoples in the world, in front of the reality of a system that every day becomes more reactionary and aggressive, needs a Leninist party to lead the proletariat's struggle for political power, as comrade Lenin outlined, to organize a strong opposition to this reaction. Only such a party, today a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, can lead an irreconcilable fight against the bourgeoisie.

Lenin's great heritage, the party's Leninist design: The Fight Stab of the Proletariat

A revolution is not a dinner party or like writing an essay or painting a painting or embroidery. It cannot be particularly refined, particularly quiet and mild, especially moderate, friendly, polite, mastered or magnificent. A revolution is a rebellion, a act of violence, where one class crashes another. (Mao Zedong).

It is crucial how the communists define the existing contradictions and how they position themselves before the development. During the hundreds that have passed since comrade Lenin's death, the imperialists have transformed their governing structures into even larger war machines. Their armies, police officers, intelligence services etc. are equipped with capacity that is incomparable to the past. On the other hand, a considerable part of those who call themselves "communists" or "revolutionaries" ignore this reality (although it seems theoretically accepted) and is far from positioning itself accordingly. But by following an ideological and practical reconciliation line that locks the working class and the oppressed masses in the governing system, they dampen the anger of the masses and act as a breakwater. While the imperialists and the governance's governing structures are equating themselves with increasingly violent appliances and institutions, it is necessary as supporters of comrade Lenin, to keep a strong ideological struggle against the fact that those who define themselves as "revolutionaries" and "communists" go further further And further away from reality that the revolution and the revolutionary struggle will be based on weapons and violence. Taking Comrade Lenin's relentless fight against the second international opportunism as a guide against these views is one of the important tasks to make comrade Lenin justice during the centenary of his immortality.

Comrade Lenin defined the new type of Communist Party as the "proletariat's war organization". This definition was necessary because of the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. Both the process that led to the October Revolution and the Civil War that broke out with the October Revolution were the concrete reasons why Comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "The War Organization of the Proletariat". It is a necessity that the Communist Party, which will lead the liberation of the proletariat and the oppressed masses, has this property, while the counter -revolution armed from top to toe with the device's apparatus and means and commits all these terrible massacres against the working class and the oppressed peoples. A revolutionary war needs a fighting party to bring it. Only fools and indefinite auditors who rely on the bourgeoisie can see it differently.

Some people ridicule us as advocates for "the general of war". Yes, we advocate the omniption of the revolutionary war; It's good, not bad, it's Marxist. The weapons of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. Experience of the class struggle during the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only through the power of the weapon that the working class and the work masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landlords; In this sense we can say that only with weapons can the whole world be transformed. (Mao Zedong).

At its founding conference, IKF defined the constituency and reconstitution of the communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the proletarian world revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party developed by Comrade Mao Zedong is in line with the understanding of the Communist Party that Comrade Lenin outlined and also enriched by Stalin, and is the realization of the Leninist understanding of the party in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism's ideology. During the period of imperialism and proletarian revolutions in which we are located, the Communist Party that is capable of opposing the growing imperialist reaction and leading the proletariat and the oppressed peoples in the world must have the quality of being the "proletariat's war organization".

An essential heritage from Lenin is the question of political power as the fundamental issue for each revolution. Lenin showed how "The proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the bourgeois state machinery and without being replaced with a new" and how ”ut an Power is everything in illusion ” . Under Lenin's personal leadership of the world's first socialist state, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established, which specified the proletarian path to power and to maintain it.

After Lenin's death, it was his sequel Stalin who brilliantly defined Leninism, developed it and made it the foundation for the entire international communist movement. Based on the great Lenin's shoulders, chairman Mao was able to bring the proletarian world revolution to higher heights and develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism that is today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism must be embraced, defended and applied today.

As IKF, we will continue to perform the tasks that the great Lenin brought up and benefit from the legacy that Comrade Lenin has left to us.

Comrade Lenin, the great teachers of international proletariat and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism lead and guide our struggle for the proletarian world revolution today as he did yesterday!



International Communist Federation

January 2024

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Italy - strong demostrations and clashes with police in Italy in solidarity with Palestine - info proletari comunisti/PCm Italy

PC February 18 - Strong dispute at the Verona Arms Fair


PC February 18 - Turin Palestine: procession with thousands of people. Burn an image of Meloni with Netanyahu

Turin, Pro Palestine procession and armored synagogue. An image of Meloni with Netanyahu. In centinaia in corteo per la Palestina, slogan e striscioni: “Israele assassino”

A bombing to Gaza is simulated while the children They play soccer. La Russa: "Solidarity with Meloni"

PC February 17 - In Palermo today hundreds of which in front of the Rai headquarters - Stop the genocide of the Palestinian people, no to the enslaved press to the Meloni government

Hundreds of solidarity, activists, companions, companions, young students, women they protested this morning in Palermo in front of the Rai headquarters in connection also with all the other protests, principals that are carried out these days in different cities from Naples, in Bologna, Turin, Genoa, Rome ... and strong solidarity was strong towards i Merganellati demonstrators by the police

Many the reporting interventions of the genocide that must be stopped, of the criminal and terrorist of the Nazisionist state of Israel supported by US imperialism primarily, of the complicity of the States Europeans including Italy with the Meloni government who also wants to impose through the press, the mass media at the mass level a one -way narration Pro/Israel, support interventions for Resistance of the Palestinian people, a Palestinian woman shouted that Now "we are all and all of Palestinians", the need to continue the struggle and mobilization that must be extended to everyone those social sectors that still do not mobilize also for the action Nephasta ideological and government of the Government

In this important sense, we said intervening as companions of Communist proletarians, are the next mobilization dates of the national strike of February 23 organized by the basic unions e of the national event of February 24 in Milan with the initiatives connected to other cities such as Palermo, dates that have been Then reiterated in other interventions.

Students wanted to keep our signs sharing the message

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Turkey - Partizan's work supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people

exposing Israeli Zionism continues.
Attached are the news and visuals of these works.
revolutionary greetings

Imperialism and Zionism will be defeated! The resisting Palestinian people will win!

Istanbul Partisan; "Zionist Israel continues its occupation and massacre attacks against the Palestinian people with the cooperation of the reactionary-fascist states of the region," he said. Partisan "The Turkish state gives all kinds of support to the Zionist war machine. It is an accomplice to these massacres of Israel"

In various parts of Istanbul, Partizan "Zionist Israel will be defeated, Resisting Palestine will win!" By making sticker work, he exposed the attacks of Zionist Israel against the Palestinian people and condemned their massacres.

Bolu Partisan; "Zionist Israel is massacring the Palestinian people with the cooperation of the imperialists and the common interest of the reactionary-fascist states of the region," he said, "The Turkish state is on the side and side of the war, shedding crocodile tears, Israel Imperialism and Zionism will be defeated! The resisting Palestinian people will win!" he said.

In Bolu, Partizan made a sticker work with the phrase "Zionist Israel will be defeated, Resisting Palestine will win!", which exposes the attacks of Zionist Israel against the Palestinian people and condemns the massacres.

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Tunis demonstration in solidarity with Rafah and Palestine

On February 17, a demonstration took place in Tunis organized by the Coordination for Joint Action for Palestine and the Tunisian Campaign of Boycott and Opposition to Normalization with the Zionist Entity in which around 200 demonstrators took part.

The demonstration crossed the center of the capital starting from Bab el Khadra and arriving at Avenue Bourghiba, chanting slogans against the Zionist aggression in Gaza and the announced operation against the city of Rafah, on the border with Egypt. Slogans against some imperialist countries that support Israel such as the USA and France accompanied by the sanctioning of a Carrefour supermarket and the French Institute in Tunisia (the French cultural center).

The demonstration arrived on Avenue Bourgouiba, instead of stopping in front of the Municipal Theater (where political demonstrations traditionally take place in the city centre) spontaneously headed a few dozen meters away, towards the French embassy where slogans such as “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be free”, “Stop Genocide”, “Macron assassin”, “Supporting the Resistance is a duty”, “dear Qassam (qassam missile n.d.a.) hit Tel Aviv”, an Israeli flag was set on fire.

The mobilization in Tunisia for Palestine animated by the two committees that began the day after 7 October has never stopped, but after about two months of limited actions or sit-ins in front of the American embassy or other limited places, the movement pro-Palestine now returns to parade through the streets of the capital.

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CPI (Maoist) Extends Support To Delhi Chalo Farmers Protest

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Melody Grand Prix was greeted by counter -demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinenian people

This year, the Danish Melody Grand Prix will be held in the DR Concert Hall on Saturday. The Melody Grand Prix is the prelude to the annual Eurovision - a decadent imperialist party.

Eurovision is often used as a circus between the imperialists and their allies. This is expressed in how Russia was excluded in 2022, how both countries such as Australia participate, but also other states such as Israel.

Exactly Israel's participation in Eurovision can be considered an expression of the continued support of the imperialists for the genocide against the Palestinian people. This is greeted by resentment and contempt from the masses all over the world, which was also expressed in the prelude to Eurovision in Copenhagen.

On Saturday night in front of the DR Concert Hall, a major demonstration against Eurovision showed up to condemn Israel's continued genocide against the Palestinian people, as well as the continued support of the imperialists.

The audience who on their way to the Concert Hall could not avoid noticing the demonstration as they had to pass the crowd. Many received leaflets for Palestine.

The demonstration demanded condemnation of Israel and stops of all support for the genocide against the Palestinian people. At the same time, more than 400 people and progressive intellectuals related to the Danish music industry have signed a call to exclude Israel from Eurovision, including bigger names like Tessa and Mø.

What should usually have been an imperialist celebration was transformed into a defeat as Danish imperialism has again lost its face to the masses. Danish imperialism continues to cry crocodile tears while letting Palestinian masses be murdered in the bombardment of Rafah. One can see how the dividing line between the people and the bourgeois state is becoming more and more deep and how the interests of the proletariat are fully incompatible with imperialism.

This year, Eurovision will be held in Malmö and the imperialists have Granted That they do not think they can guarantee the security of fear of the masses' anger against Israel. It is now that an Israeli delegation would not be able to participate physically, but would have to perform in Israel themselves and send their appearance via Sattelite.

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SAMOS KKE (M-L) event in Karlovassi on the attack on education

On Saturday, 17/2, the scheduled event-discussion of the KKE (M-L) took place in Karlovassi on the attack on education. About 15 competitors and friends responded to the call of the organization to one, we consider it a successful attempt to develop our view and to answer issues raised by the development of the student movement so far in the big cities and on the island in particular.

The two suggestions sufficiently developed the character of the youth attack on the system through reactionary educational reform, its connection to the overall attack of the system on the lives and rights of the people, as well as the international reality characterized by war developments in Ukraine. and the Middle East and the reactionary ones are produced by intra -imperialist competitions. An attempt has been made to assess the student movement's attempt to respond to this unprecedented attack and to exert the necessary and criticism of the wrong views and tactics followed by the forces that intervene in it. The suggestions were closed with the view of the KKE (M-L) on the necessary and feasible formation of a single and wider popular front between youth, farmers and workers who will go against the overall policy of the system and the government, a front that would improve the better the terms of struggle and would modify the existing association for the benefit of the people.

The following discussion highlighted the concerns about the issue of the attack on education. The main objective of the system, which is no other than the exclusion of the vast majority of young people from higher education and the creation of a low -skilled army of labor rights, has been empha of imperialists. The event ended with attendees to make an appointment at the next rallies that will take place on the island as the student races are ongoing, while stressing the need to massive the strike and strike on 28/2 and to be a springboard for the worker. In his attempt to resist the attack and claim a life in better terms.

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Solidarity with Palestinian Lao-NIKI in Palestinian Resistance!

For over 5 months, the Nazi crime of the Zionists in the Gaza Strip continues with the blessings and support of American imperialists. Without the two "basic" goals of the Israeli leadership have been achieved since the start of the invasion, namely the elimination of Hamas and the overall Palestinian resistance and the release of prisoners. Along with these two goals, the void has fallen in the void of the longing for the Zionists, the Nazi inspiration "final solution". The mass displacement, the genocidal slaughter and the disappearance of the Palestinians from their homeland.

The armed Palestinian resistance has managed to put obstacles and reach significant successes against the plans of the occupation forces. No operational possibility of resistance (which really seemed to have) would be enough if it did not have the support of its people. The heroic Palestinian people are stubbornly refusing to leave their territories despite the mass killings and crimes of the fascist-Sionists.

The cowardly Israeli invaders, because they cannot bend the heroic resistance, crumble and blast as many houses as their bombardment has left. In the face of the important international outcry and the magnificent solidarity demonstrations throughout the globe. In the face of the pressures of US bosses and European imperialists to sign a cease agreement, threaten and blackmail with a large invasion operation on Rafa. Where they have fled more than a million displaced from the Gaza Strip North, a development that will mean a multiple blood bath. At the same time on the West Bank, the pogroms and the murders of the army in collaboration with fascist settlers are intensifying with the aim of displacement of the Palestinians.

The wider developments in the Middle East are very dangerous not only for the peoples of the region but also of the whole planet. The ongoing bombings of American and English imperialists in Yemen. Israeli's adventurous missile attacks on Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, the murderous bombing in Iran a few weeks ago, as well as the deaths of three US soldiers, raise the confrontation and competition at levels of generalized escalation.

The continuing slaughter of the Palestinian people by the Zionists and their support by the Americans and Europeans is a message to the peoples of the world. This will be the treatment and fate of those who resist. The Greek people and the youth, who have been on the streets against anti -educational measures for six weeks, must continue to show its solidarity with the fair struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom massively massives. Require the country's unblocking from the war dangers that the government and bourgeoisie are willing to drag by sending frigates to American and European war missions.

  • Now stop the slaughter of the Palestinian people by the murderers of Israel-US-no country involvement
  • Victory in Palestinian Resistance - Single Independent Palestinian State, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean

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Single Union of Community Television Workers of the State of Oaxaca will make relief of the Executive Committee

This section is designed to give voice to complaints, information and analysis of popular unions, organizations and sectors that fight against the old state. The opinions discharged here do not necessarily reflect the point of view of a mural newspaper.

Suttebceo has been part of the working class struggles in the state of Oaxaca and is part of the Intersindical Federation. To continue with this organized struggle project, a democratic form whose work plan focuses on the search for basification has been registered.

Here we share your statement to know your proposals.

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Thessaloniki Complaint of evacuating the occupation of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

We denounce the evacuation of the occupation of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki that occurred on Monday 19/2. Matt, EKAM (!) And Other Police Forces invaded Law and breaking the glass of classrooms removed students outside the occupation by evacuating it. It has been proclaimed for several days, on the part of the lawyer of the law, the call for police intervening to end the occupation.

After the MAT hit at the NTUA, the successive invasions of the Police at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the evacuation of the occupation at the DUI, we see another incident of state repression and asylum violation. The goal is none other than students' terrorism and basically the "breaking" of the occupations, but has not been able to, for a long time, has been able to do the government in various ways (remotely, DAP-NDFK replacement frameworks or even direct intervention of its intervention Government faction to open occupations see Volos Schools). The big movement that has erupted nationwide for a half months against private universities has been forcing the government, and wants to stop it. So it brings the police to our schools, so it struck the course of last Thursday in the city.

Don't be afraid! We support and safeguard our occupations, we participate in the General Assemblies of our Associations, we continue until the Pierrakakis bill is overthrown!

- Police out of our schools and occupations / down the hands of asylum

- Down the Pierrakaki bill

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Steyr - fee for guest gardens increased by 50 percent

(Local report from Upper Austria)

Many hosts on Steyrer Stadtplatz are pissed off. As early as December, the local council decided with the votes of SPÖ, FPÖ, Greens and MFG by 50 percent. This increase is argued with the 1A location, the city square is an outstanding place to do good business - public good costs something, said Mayor Markus Vogl (SPÖ). The displeasure with the hosts is great. In Wels and Amstetten, the innkeepers learn support, in Steyr they are beaten, Hans Mader criticized the municipal council decision. In all other cities, the fees have remained affordable.

Fees significantly higher than in Linz

For many years, the hosts and traders have been trying to revitalize the city square with events, commercial markets, long shopping night, concerts or beer tapes and the like and to counteract the already high vacancies. In an open letter, the “Sixpack Wirte” turn to the mayor Vogl. It describes the increase of the fee for a garden by 50 percent as disproportionate and unacceptable and criticism expressed that it appears that the administration of the city of Steyr would deliberately try to deteriorate the framework conditions for companies. A comparison of the garden fees shows that for the best location in Linz (country road) with a much higher frequency than the city square in Steyr, the costs at 4.23 euros per square meter are 61 percent cheaper than that of Steyr. It is also emphasized that in summer the hosts organize a “delicacy market” with live music almost every Friday to revitalize the town square. The costs for this amount to around 1,000 euros a week.

Wirtshaus only for a small minority?

The increase in the garden fee certainly does not contribute to the revival of the city square, so that extinction is more likely to be promoted. Due to the enormous inflation of energy costs, rents, and food, the battle of survival of the little innkeepers is a big challenge anyway. In addition, there are the increasingly frequent and more lacking guests who can no longer afford a visit to the host due to the extreme inflations. The wage robbery of recent years shows its effect! If wages would rise accordingly, not so many guests would not be missing. The tribulation of small businesses goes hand in hand with the tribulation of the workers and employees.

Image source: Steyr, Steyr, Imagine , Wikimedia, CC by-sa 4.0 Urkunde

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"Memory means fighting": the 90th anniversary and aspects of the symposium

For the third time in a row, the “Füllnis February 12th” organized a demonstration on the occasion of the annual day of the February fights in 1934, under the solution "Memory means fighting" . Implementing this solution is one of the tasks of democratic and revolutionary forces with regard to such historical anniversaries. This means drawing teachings out of the events and establishing a connection with questions of revolutionary politics today.

In retrospect, we have to ask: Did you do justice to this claim?

Symposium for the 90th anniversary

On February 10th and 11th "In the roar of the Dollfuss' cannons ..." A symposium, organized by February 12, takes place. Although the symposium is now a week ago, it still seems to be relevant to some aspects of it and to assess their importance for the fight today.

Many were surprised in advance about the selection of the lecturers, because most of the historians, professors and so -called "experts" related to the SPÖ were the subject. According to the selection of the speakers, the events in February 1934 were mainly presented at the symposium in the sense of social democracy. However, it was precisely the leadership of social democracy, which in the run -up to the February battles called for years and tried to prevent the armed survey against Austrofascism until the end. Those who fought were against the line of social democratic leadership. It was the then revolutionary KPÖ that represented the most advanced positions within the labor movement. To deny this role of the KPÖ, as was made on the symposium, should prevent the corresponding teachings from being drawn today.

It should be mentioned that the ÖH and the KPÖ can also be found among the supporters of the symposium. It is really weak that the KPÖ indicates this social democratic hegemony in such an uncritical manner, while historians like Hans Hautmann have already found: "If the social democratic leader had been the will, a February 12, 1934 would never have taken place in the form."

Not only did some lectures never manage to mention the KPÖ in their contributions, the historian and author Hans-Peter Weingand even went as far as the communists were the "real enemy" social democracy, not fascism. What most of the SPÖ representatives agreed on is the rejection of the revolutionary struggle and the defense of the bourgeois state apparatus. For example, Florian Wenninger, head of the Institute for Historical Social Research (IHSF), countered the question from the audience, whether it was not a mistake that the struggle was not made in a revolutionary manner, succinctly with "Back then there was no revolutionary situation" . He did not explain how he gets this assessment. Emmerich Talos, a well -known social democrat, critically explained the theory of "class cooperation" in the Austrofascist concept of the stands in his presentation. When asked from the audience, whether the social partnership is not a continuation of this concept of "class cooperation" today was skilfully sewed around. The one -sided concentration on Austrofascism by many of the lecturers, as well as the denial of the role of revolutionary forces, is precisely to prevent the teaching of the teachings of February 34 with questions of today's politics. So "memory means fighting" is made an empty word sleeve.

Lessons from the February fights

"Remembrance means fighting" must mean pulling teachings for today in order to advance and strengthen the democratic and revolutionary movement. Which teachings were drawn by lecturers of the symposium for today? In the panel discussion at the end of the event, the question of the parallels between then and today was replied: "Even today, the ÖVP tries to overtake the FPÖ on the right" . If this is not an indirect voting promotion for SPÖ and the Greens, it can only be the spread of a superficial and bourgeois concept of fascism, because the role of capital and the question of class rule no longer plays a role. There were no answers to questions from the audience who wanted to address the role of the class character of fascist rule, as well as the importance of the workers' unit and folk front.

There were also positive aspects and discussions within the symposium, but overall a hegemony of social democratic positions must be found in the lecturers. A party of capital, as the SPÖ is today to open the door to dominate the content of the content, will not lead to a strengthening of the anti -fascist or revolutionary movement, but on the contrary weaken it. "Memory means fighting" should be taken seriously in both theory and practice!

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PC February 19 - Piaggio workers alongside the Palestinian people. Strike on 23 - info

On Request of the Palestinian unions relating to the Federation World union, Friday 23 February the basic union union e Other class unions promote a series of throughout the country strikes. The workers of Piaggio will be on our territories, guided by the USB, to collect the indication by blocking the factory e promoting an information garrison in front of the company.

One political and internationalist strike, which he assumes in this historical situation a strong antimperialist connotation and anti -colonial, being Israel the perfect synthesis of outpost Imperialist and colonial engraved in Palestine's land to dominate With the brute force, the whole Middle East.

The unheard of ferocity of the Zionists of these months against the helpless population of Gaza It is directly proportional to the western decline, especially of in the face of the regional scale of the resistance forces, who is giving a hard time to Israel and his allies.

The operation "Flood of Al-Aqsa" conducted by the Palestinian resistance on October 7th '23 has made it clear that there can be no peace in medium-orientation without the satisfaction of the historic Palestinian claims, while putting to knot The genocidal nature of Israel.

Self The fate of Zionism have always been linked to the Euro-Atlantic blockade, it is It is necessary to place the political meaning of the Palestinian action in the current historical phase, within a wider conflict and on regional scale, in which the twilight of hegemony are intertwined western and the affirmation of a multipolar world, in a framework of tendency to war and inability to resolve diplomatically conflicts.

This it happens in a region where western hegemony was put in discussion from regional powers - such as Iran -, from the arch of the Resistance of the so-called Shiite crescent, and by geo-political actors global such as the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China, who In a sense, they guide the redemption of global south to a world multipolar.

Also countries that were the pawns of western hegemony such as Turkey - NATO member - and Saudi Arabia draw their model of Development and diplomatic relationships in a more detached way from the plans US.

The In -act genocide does not only put the work of Israel but on trial but his western complicities, constituting a punch in the stomach for those who have erected spokesperson and paladins of the "human rights", which Today, however, they support genocide, such as the Meloni government and the fake "Opposition" of the Democratic Party

THE more conscious workers must draw important teachings from this which is happening in the land of Palestine, in the Middle East but also in Ukraine. Western imperialism in crisis is bringing the world On the verge of war, against the countries and peoples that rebel. The resources for these wars take away from wages and the whole system of Welfare, through an "internal war" against popular classes.

THE Palestinians teach us that it is possible to raise our heads and resist even in the worst conditions. We have to collect this teaching and use it against the common enemies, which are the masters, Imperialists and governments to their service.

AND' the time to transform anger against the Zionist ferocity against The warship and social policies of the Meloni government e of the European Union in a large national event in Rome. There Communist network in the coming months will contribute to the creation of This important political objective.

With the Palestinian resistance, until victory!

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The "" "Initiative of the Regional Talesh Cooperation for Taliban Control
The "Meeting of the Business" of Afghanistan's Regional Cooperation with the Coordination and Coordination of the Iranian Republic of Iran with the aim of determining a roadmap for "
Future of Afghanistan Monday, January 9th, with the participation of representatives of some regional countries in the Ministry of Outside the Taliban
became. The meeting was held like the "Moscow Farmet" meetings by the imperialist countries of Russia, China and the Iranian Republic of Iran
Has been. The UN is scheduled to take place on February 18 and 1 on February 18 and 1. Last year too
The United Nations held a meeting in Doha around Afghanistan.
Meetings that have been held on Afghanistan so far, mainly around the two sale of the Russian -China imperialist countries and the lineage
The imperialist countries have been Europe - Europe. In the meantime, the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the queue of Russia and China is constant
It has been and Pakistan's position -at least in Afghan affairs -fluctuates in this line. Russia, China and the Islamic Republic of Iran to
Including the Central Asian countries, they have yet to express their demands through meetings under the names of Moscow. while
Western imperialist countries maintained their goals mainly through UN meetings in Doha and the Security Council and other pressure expressions
They have made it like sanctions.
For the past two and a half years, relations with the Taliban have had many ups and downs. After the forces' departure
American from Afghanistan, countries such as Pakistan, Iran, Russia, China and Central Asian countries in coordination, their relations
They hid with the Taliban. However, these countries were also in contact with the Taliban in the past and in various ways in the Taliban's strength.
But the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan has created complex and contradictory conditions for these countries.
On one way, the countries of the region reached their demands that US troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan and the region, but on the other hand
The Taliban's strength has turned Afghanistan into a security session and a base and education center of extremism, which boosts growth.
The spirit of extremist groups has become in the region. Relationships and cooperation of the regional countries with the Taliban, on the one hand, to confront the conditions
It has been in Afghanistan and their economic interests, and on the other hand, it is a way to counter the world of imperialism in the region.
Cable meeting; Taleshi to get rid of isolation
Kabul meeting with the level of representatives of the countries in which the Taliban had attended the meeting and the demands of the Taliban
They have made many things clearer than before. Though the Taliban called the meeting a Word's handwriter, but in fact this
The meeting showed the depth of the helplessness and isolation of this group. After two and a half years, even a country of these countries to
The appearance of the friend and supporter of this group has not recognized them. The Taliban hosted a meeting in Kabul after their rule
They do not attend a representative at the Foreign Minister of countries and all participants at the level;
They were for Afghanistan. Even Pakistan also sent Asif Durrani to his special representative in Afghanistan's affairs, but Jarge Dafar
The embassy attended the meeting.

Kabul meeting with the sharing of imperialist powers Russia and China, including Iran, Indonesia, Turkey and India and several other countries in fact
In the midst of the Doha summit, the pressure and sanctions on the Taliban by the US -led Grade Raine
Has been. The goal of the region, while supporting the Taliban on US and European sanctions and pressure, impose their demands on their demands.
It is the Taliban.
At the Kabul summit, the Taliban had three major demands from the region:
"1. The district -centric narrative formation aims to develop regional cooperation for positive and constructive engagement between Afghanistan and the countries
2. The objective realities of the new Afghanistan to the distant directions (I mean by the US and Europe);
3. Respect the current structure of Afghan government and governance. Government copies that enter Afghanistan from outside
It doesn't work. ”I
The Taliban is one of the basis of "a regional view based on the economic focus of" the basic politics of their Emirates politics. Taliban's goal in the first step
Coping with pressures and sanctions "is a regional view based on economic focus" from the plan of international policy, which is mainly on the part of the US
Imposed on this group. The next step is to attract the support of regional powers and address their concerns about the security of the security.
It is as if the Taliban have turned to economist -centered views instead of a security -oriented view, and instead of relying on world powers on regional powers
has paid attention. However, many countries in the region, especially China and Iran
The Taliban have preserved and even expanded in some cases, but their views on Afghanistan under the control of the Taliban are mainly security -oriented.
Another demand of the Taliban "to bring the objective realities of modern Afghanistan to the distant directions (I mean by the US and Europe)."
It is a tactical tool that is a tactical tool that is pressure on the countries.
The imperialist US and European use to recognize the group's sovereignty. It is as if the Taliban still maintain their main purpose
Tawazon is among the world's world powers and its European allies and regional imperialist powers such as China and Russia, but conditions
The global metallic will inevitably throw the Taliban to one side. The Islamic Republic of Iran is now in the Taliban
The axis of countries in the region plays a major role.
"But the third Taliban will be respected by the current Taliban demand. The states of the government that from the outside
He enters Afghanistan, has nothing to do with the Taliban. Imperialist countries of Russia and China and
Also, the Islamic Republic of Iran, whether at the Moscow Farmat meetings and to some extent at the Kabul Summit, their demands from the Taliban: the government "
Undoubtedly, "the" pervasive "in the fight against the Truzism between the", "internationally," the fight against drugs "and" human rights "observance
have been. At least in these cases, the countries of the region are in line with the Western imperialist countries. This is while the Taliban
They consider their government to be firing and deny the presence of extremist groups inside Afghanistan.

It is whether these countries are really seeking to form human rights in Afghanistan. At least on the level and criteria
The imperialist countries of the world and the reactionary countries of the region can be said: Yes, these countries are human rights to respect human rights
are. It means that the Taliban Emirate, whatever the government is, is a matter of Pashtun, and mostly Pashtuns, the field of interaction with the Taliban
It will be difficult, and on the other hand, the more pervasive the Taliban's government, the more these countries and individuals are in their own.
The Taliban will enter.
On the other hand, not only was the concern of these countries to the extremist groups, but also by publishing recent reports of the Council.
There is also more security. According to the Security Council, al -Qaed has training and military centers in five Afghan governors. Al -Qaeda
And other extremist groups are also active in Afghanistan, such as Taliban, East Turkistan Movement and Taliban Taliban in Afghanistan and are active in Afghanistan.
The Taliban are working with these groups.
Taliban and Taliban's relationship with regional countries such as; Pakistan, Iran, China and Central Asia and with extremist groups
The Islamicism of these countries is due to the Taliban's situation as an extremist group that demands under global isolation pressure with
The regional -centric program plan removing itself from global isolation. This is a contradictory situation, on the one hand, resulting from the extremist nature of the Taliban and from
The other side caused by their internal disruption. That part of the Taliban's leadership and ranks that think of jihad and adapting the Shari'a in other countries
They are in the region and the world, trying to help their consistent brothers in the Islamic countries. But the middle faction in response
The necessity of strengthening their emirate needs to have relationships with the governments of the world and the region. Hence the Taliban inevitably relations
They continue duplication and time with the countries of the region and with extremist groups related to these countries. The consequence of this move
Dophlu has still led to the distrust of both sides. Russian analyst Safarov: "After the Kabul meeting
they're playing."
Taliban extremist groups have now expressed bargaining. That means if these groups are present inside Afghanistan
They were not threatened and the security of these countries was not threatened by the neighboring countries less to establish relations and deal with
They were the Taliban. It should not be forgotten that the Taliban do not have complete control over these groups. If the Taliban deal decisively with these groups, they
They will become another problem for the Taliban. Many of these groups now ruined the Taliban's relations with their origin countries.
they do. The Pakistani Taliban, for example, has made the Taliban's Emirates a critical liaison with the Pakistani army. Other extremist groups of the region also
They can use this expression.
Afghanistan ; Black Claus a safe T. or the opportunity to profit economic
The countries of the region have been frustrated with the Taliban, so they have come to terms with cross -sectoral obligations. However, the Taliban from
The security situation in Afghanistan gives bread to these countries, but the situation in Afghanistan for these countries will never be reliable.
Within two years and seven months, countries in the region have come to the conclusion that Taliban officials have been unable to oppose their leadership.
They are very much of your commitment. Another point that has helped the sophistication of Afghanistan's situation, the regional countries' look at relations
The Taliban is with A Merika and their European allies. Regional countries are concerned about the Taliban's "Middle" on the one hand.
But on the other hand, they know that under the global sanctions against the Taliban, many of Callen's economic projects without the American and

European countries in Afghanistan may not. Because global isolation and boycotting Afghanistan, prevent the regional countries from investing in
Afghanistan will be. Therefore, the countries of the region at the Kabul summit called for almost one voice from the countries of the world to not have relations with
Make the Taliban normal.
Interesting interests, colonial and economic projects in China and its investor in Afghanistan and the region depends on stability and security
has it. As insecure in Afghanistan increases, China's interests in the region are at risk, and the progress of the plan "One
Belt and One Way. Therefore, the Chinese government is cautious but consistently pursuing its economic plans within Afghanistan
he does. China's economic activities and programs, however, will be the forefront of its political and cultural influence in Afghanistan.
It was, just as your colonial domination and colonialism, with the Soviet Union, first with economic assistance and capitalist capital in Afghanistan.
A goose. Acceptance of China's Estorenam Ray by China's "Shuj Yen Pay" shows that Chinese imperialism for
Afghanistan has Callen programs.
The Taliban have no problem with the colonial domination of the imperialist countries. The problem of this group mainly with the pervasive government and liberal
Human rights and human rights are women. The Taliban are not willing to divide power with other groups, and in the advent of the Islamic Shari'a
Do. Meanwhile, countries in the region, especially Chinese imperialism, have not put pressure on the Taliban. Therefore
The Taliban are comfortable with China and have become economic.
US imperialist countries and their European allies under public pressure, the regime that deprives girls and women of work and education
They will not know. The goal of the Merica imperialism to grow and strengthen Islamic fundamentalism during the Cold War, hit and weaken
It was the Soviet Union and the left and the Sequal. But now that its Islamic fundamentalism contradicts the interests of the Merica imperialism in
The area has become, A Merika is seeking to control and weaken these groups. Therefore, sanctions and pressure against extremist groups of
The Taliban will continue to be found by imperialist countries, and imperialist and reactionary countries in the region
The cross -section and tactics of the Taliban will not maintain. Such a half -strained relations with the Taliban regime prevented the group from consolidating and stability.
It will be and will be. It is not without reason that various organizations warn of the collapse of the Taliban's economic system.

I Shafqana News

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The "Bukele" Santandereano shows its club of club | Workers Revolution

El “Bukele” santandereano muestra su política de garrote 1
Military patrols in Bucaramanga during the protest on February 12, 2024

On Monday, February 12, in the city of Bucaramanga, a protest day by the motorcyclists who reject the measures implemented by the municipal administrations of the metropolitan area and Bucaramanga was convened, one of those measures is the peak and plate in the Four municipalities in the area, in addition, the 15 Administrative Court of Bucaramanga proposed other measures such as the prohibition of the barbecue, demand that the motorcycle driver be its owner and a possible prohibition of the use of motorcycles at certain times. These measures seek to end informal transport or popularly called as a motorcycle taxi players, many of the people dedicated to this work are unemployed workers who do not find decent work or exceed ages that leave them out of the “labor market”.

However, the response of the mayor of Bucaramanga Jaime Beltrán to this protest day, was the disproportionate deployment of public force, since the early hours of the morning there were police seals in the main roads of the city, in addition, of migratory patrols that they hoped to deport any Venezuelan citizen who participated in the protests, showing their xenophobic mood by Pastor Beltrán, including members of the National Army, they were accompanied by the police. 1

The authoritarian position of the mayor of Bucaramanga has already been proven in practice, which is only looking to build its way to be president, for something it is assumed as the "Bukele Santandereano", therefore, the labor, student movement, of women, the environmentalists Bucaramanga must begin to organize and join forces to combat this representative of the more reactionary bourgeoisie Neutral, bourgeois institutions defend the interests of a social class that in the case of Colombia is the bourgeoisie including mafia, landowners and imperialism.

Likewise, the revolutionaries and communists must advance in the strengthening of their processes in the region, promoting popular assemblies, in which around a common struggle platform, they manage to counteract the attack of such reactionary characters as Jaime Beltrán, as well as to force to the whole of the capitalists and their state to which the demands that the people made in the 2019 national strike and the popular survey of 2021 are met.

The rebellion is justified!

Santander reporter



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PC February 19 - Solidarity with the students of Severi -Correnti Milan

We express our total solidarity towards students e of the students of the Liceo Severi Currenti in Milan, who in the morning of 30 January they occupied their institute to report the genocide in place in Palestine and against indifference to the deaths of dozens of Thousands of people under Israeli bombs.

and Coa tventotto

Starting from the alleged 70,000 euros of damages following the employment, the Minister of Education Valditara, rushed to visit the institute, he decided to grasp the ball at leap, coming to declare even that it would be: “... a military, guerrilla action. Here are several crimes committed, In addition to the interruption of public service there is damage e private violence ". It is actually a matter of hitting students and students with actions never seen before, so as to try to bury

definitively employment and self -management practices in schools, historically put in place by the student movements to express the own dissent. The government, as announced by Minister Valditara, already known for his vision of the school as a place where it is necessary humiliate to educate, now wants to launch new rules against employment of educational institutions through a witch hunt for isolate and punish with the rejection who will be held responsible.

Wednesday 14 February at 2.00 pm students and students Severi currents made a garrison outside the gates, in concomitance with the interrogations of more than 50 of them. The accusation with the which they are called in front of the entire institute council is that of causing damage to the building during employment. THE boys and girls involved risk being expelled from the institute and to lose the school year.

At the very participated garrison, students and students have reiterated with determination that: "During the occupation they are not outlined relationships of strength or power, but each student was able to Live school in an environment of full freedom and self -management. [...] During the occupation it was not participated in a evaluation system, not It was a number, simply was there in learning collectively and even for those who wanted to take a break from all forms of learning, the school has turned into a free, warm place and welcoming every hour of the day and night. ".

Furthermore, the need for students of break the silence of the institutions, therefore also of the school, in against the Palestinian cause. Silence that becomes an accomplice of a Government that openly supports Israel. Valditara's action was So double, on the one hand the goal is to always legitimize plus the repressive push towards students and students, on the other hand it is to continue to reiterate that it should not Talk about Palestine.

Self -management, self -determination and freedom are the instances actively claimed by students through practice employment, widely shared also in different interventions collectives that have expressed themselves in their solidarity.

The garrison was surrounded by dozens of journalists (and not a few policemen) who clearly had the goal of riding the wave of the criminal media scandal implemented by the Minister of education and merit Valditara. The school should not be a laboratory for the repression and criminalization of the struggles, but one of the many places where you can express your critical thinking e one's opposition to liberticide policies, one of the many places in to practice solidarity and not competition. "This is what makes a moment of struggle unique, the interpenetration of several imaginations, which, in a self -managed dimension, are able to place on the plate new ways. All in the direction of the change of the relationships of force ”, concludes the press release of the students who launched the today's garrison.

We do it ours: it is therefore necessary to take sides once again with students and students against a school-company model e of school-galera in which we would like to repress any form of autonomy. From the neighborhoods to schools, we defend all employment.

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PC February 19 - In Milan Solidarity with Ilaria Salis against the reactionary regime of the Dyridonne of Orban - from the blog feminismorivolumentationi

The mobilization in solidarity with Ilaria Salis does not stop

In Milan last night there was the appointment at the columns of San Lorenzo symbolically facing the Hungarian consulate.
Yes He left in the procession through the streets of the Milanese nightlife, chanting slogans anti -fascists, attracting the attention of those who were engaged in Celebrations for the carnival.
In the document read several times during the procession, in addition to the request for release of Ilaria Salis recalled that Hungary has issued Other as many as 14 European arrest mandates for other companions who have participated in the anti -fascist event in Hungary a year ago.
The deployment of the police was very high, but the procession paraded undisturbed to end in via Gola.
We participated with one of our banners to express and make our solidarity and our anti -fascism visible.
MFPR Milan

Orban and Church attack abortion: anti -abortic installation in the largest cathedral in Hungary and among the most visited

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PC February 19 - The death of Navalny brutally used for a war campaign and the service of imperialist rearmament in the world and in Italy

L Meloni/Schlein National Unit is at the service of this warflower campaign

a correspondence - excerpt ..
Aleksej anatolyevich navalny: UN Buen Strano "Santo"

.... while in Italy the sanctification of the party exponent is celebrated Jabloko (in Italian Mela) - even paying homage to one torchlight procession bipartisan which involves all the parties present in the Borghese Parliament - We We cannot, nor do we want to be considered his supporters.

Just go to the Pany is the welce of Aartuation. who concerns him to understand who this character really is; in extreme synthesis, just mention the following passage: «In 2005 he founded the Alternative democracy youth group (abbreviated in Da!), whose Manager receives funding from the US agency National Endowment for democracy ».

We don't think it is necessary to be a graduate to understand that this institution, whose social reason can be translated to the bottom National for democracy, it is nothing more than the current evolution of All those junkies set up by the US imperialists for destabilize third countries during the cold war .... to create the conditions so that the so -called “revolutions can be achieved colorful ”that overthrow the unwelcome institutions to Washington District of Columbia and replace them with puppets that to that administration they answer without discussing: ....

Bosio (AL), February 19, 2024

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Galicia: Açoes boycotting to the new Electoral Circus of February 18 (Galicia Vermelha)

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NRW: Over 100 participants at a cultural event on Palestine in Bochum

Yesterday the first took place in a series of events at the open Palestine meeting in Bochum, in which over a hundred people participated, listened to lectures, performed cultural contributions, ate and discussed Palestinian food together. We received the following report on the campaign from the activists of the Red Federal North Rhine -Westphalia.

As part of the open Palestine meeting in Bochum, we carried out a very important activity for Bochum yesterday, which is a prelude to many other planned actions in the coming months. Together we prepared food, mobilized with posters and distributed leaflets for the evening, organized an infotically and held up the flag of the Palestinian battle. At times we were so many people that although stood and sitting on the ground, participants no longer fit into the new territory, waited in front of the door or, unfortunately, were partly.

5 Mobi 1

We came together on this day of very different backgrounds to express our solidarity together with the resistance of the people of Palestine. The evening was structured in several parts - lectures, cultural articles and open microphone - where many enjoyed, especially comrades from Palestine itself.

The activity was initiated with a lecture by a Greek comrade of the open Palestine meeting, which reported on the situation in his country: thousands also go to the street as part of the revolutionary and mass movement to show their solidarity in the current situation. In addition, the relationship between the Greek government and the Israeli state was also discussed, in which Greece follows the course of the imperialists of Europe and US imperialism. The lecture ended with great approval and applause.

Afterwards, another comrade gave a twenty -minute lecture on the subject of the resistance struggle in Palestine. It dealt with the various facets of the struggle, from various expressions of resistance in culture such as Mural, anti -imperialist music and films, to mass demonstrations and country invasions to resistance to settlement policy by the poor farmers. In the lecture, special importance was primarily placed on the role of the armed resistance battle. It was emphasized that the resistance of the people of Palestine against her occupiers, i.e. against the state of Israel, and the imperialists behind him, especially US imperialism, is justified. But also the role of the Federal Republic as a weapon supplier for the genocide was made clear and in particular underlined that the oppressed nations and peoples of the world have every right to choose their might leadership and organizational forms themselves and that every deviating position is imperialistic chauvinism. Again and again the lecture of applause and very combative slogans from the audience such as “Free Free Palestine! Free Free Gaza! ”Or“ From the River to the Sea, Palestine wants to free! ”.



After the lectures were held, we went to the many cultural contributions that were held that evening. A comrade from the West Bank, for example, presented a poem about the current situation of the people in Gaza and the need that is imposed on them by terror and bombing of the Israeli forces. According to the cultural contributions, there was the opportunity for an open microphone. A dozen people took the opportunity and the word, and told the audience in a lively and combative way about their experiences in Palestine and other oppressed nations or kept themselves written. The campaign was also supported by the comrades of the Sdaj Bochum, Palestine Solidarity Duisburg and the Students for Palestine Kleve initiative.

2 6

In conclusion, it is for us and many of the participants to say that the campaign is a great prelude to the upcoming actions in the following weeks. As many said that evening: "With these activities we fill out a vacuum in Bochum". As part of the preparations for March 8, we distributed leaflets and posters from the Red Women's Committees, which were enthusiastically accommodated because they have a special reference to the struggle of the oppressed in Palestine. Several planned lectures in North Rhine -Westphalia were also advertised for this occasion. Many different editions of the Red Post, in which the question of Palestine was taken up over the years, were sold. Above all, it is particularly important that the event was of course only the first of a number of other activities that are already being planned:

On Friday, March 22nd, 2024, the demo organized by the open Palestine meeting takes place in Bochum (further details will follow)
The next open Palestine meeting will take place on Sunday, March 3rd. at 6 p.m. in Neuland (Rottsttr. 15) in Bochum.

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ICSPWI calls to two new international days 23/24 february

I in solidarity with Palestinian Resistance against Israel/imperialism plan of genocide for the national liberation

against imperialist intervention in red sea/ and attacks to Syria and Iran

against the march towards imperialist war

in support to anti imperialist people’s struggles and people’s wars.

in all countries and in international aerea the call proposed that the two days are organised by Palestinian Solidarity Commitees that include Palestinian associations - trade unions /antimperialists and progressive forces /youth and students mouvements/ intellettuals lawyers/artists etc

the two days are organised 23 february strikes, demonstrations in popular areas, meetings and

24 national demonstrations in central places and all others national actions

info csgpindia@gmail.com

ICSPWI support last statement of CPI(Maoist)

COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MAOIST) International Affairs Central Committee

Fight against the Imperialist design to escalate the ongoing war on Palestine and to expand the war horizon in West Asia.

Protest and build Militant mass movements for immediate peace in Palestine and in West Asia.


CC CPI(Maoist) appeals to all friends and comrades of Indian Revolution and all other revolutiontary Maoist forces of the world to built militant mass movement against the Zionist Israeli state genocidal war on Palestine and to built movements for immediate peace and unconditional humanitarian support to Palestinian people. CC of our Party gives call to organize and built militant mass movements in the support of the liberation struggle of Palestine and punish the Zionist war criminals.

Down with Zionist-Apartheid Israeli state and Imperialism!

Say No to Imperialist wars on Oppressed Nations!

Workers and Oppressed people of all countries, Unite!

Long live Proletarian Internationalism!

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AM: 9 PMs are arrested for diversion of half ton of drugs - the new democracy

On February 15, nine PM crowded in Tactical Force and 26th Cicom were arrested in operation that was investigating the deviation of half ton of drugs seized in the Mundo Novo neighborhood, in the northern zone of Manaus. The case is already this year this year of the second PM involvement scandal with drug trafficking.

The agents are the Cables Michael Melo, Diego de Araújo, Judah Chaves and Keliton da Silva; Soldiers João Alves and Ewerton Gomes; Sergeants Nelson Ribeiro and Charles Almeida and First Lieutenant Ricardo Martins. Of these, 8 of them are associated with the Tactical Force - PMAM group equivalent to the Paulista Route. Important to highlight the recent involvement of other police officers of the same force in clandestine executions .

The military used a private car and a PM car to transport drugs. Despite the arrests, however, the whereabouts of the diverted narcotics have not yet been identified, suggesting that there may be more involved in the case than the arrested agents. At the time of arrest, about $ 20,000 in cash were also seized.

Other arrests

Still in January 2024, Four PMs were arrested in the 29th Cicom , also accused of diverting about 250 kg of cocaine, valued at $ 6 million. At the time of arrest, these military personnel were also found with about $ 70,000 in kind.

Far from being coincidences, both cases show the patent involvement of the repressive forces of the old state in the region with the groups they say "fight", at the expense of massacres, executions, violations of rights and crimes against the people.

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RS: residents of Capela de Santana block road in protest against the installation of abusive tolls - the new democracy

On February 18, about 300 residents of the cities of Capela de Santa and Montenegro blocked RS-250 in protest against the installation of two tolls from the Caminhos da Serra Gaucha (CSG) company. The company charges absurd prices to the city's workers. Most, workers live in other municipalities and need to pay the fee every day, both ways.

Residents gathered at km 30 of RS-240, near the border between Chapel de Santana and Montenegro, to protest against the installation of tolls. One of them costs $ 9.00 in both directions, and the other $ 12.30, also in both directions. There is no exemption for residents of any city. Traffic was periodically stopped by protesters, causing countless financial losses to CSG.

During the act were made harsh criticism of the state government, the municipalities and the CSG. In an interview residents denounced the lack of credibility in deputies and mayors, who in addition to supporting the concession of roads to CSG, also did not consult with the population for the installation of the toll and failed in all their electoral promises. During the act, a deputy went to the microphone to try to wash the hands of the situation, saying that he was always against the installation of the toll, but was rejected and demoralized by the masses.

In September last year, residents of the neighboring city of gate organized a protest against another CSG toll, the mobilization of residents led the company to close the toll and reopen the deviations it had blocked. And covered the demonstration .

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PR: Military Police makes slaughter in Londrina and people rebel - the new democracy

Six people were murdered by military man from the Military Police Shock Battalion on February 7, in Jardim da Felicidade, Londrina, a city that has been the scene of a strong increase in police violence. The men were Vitor Cesar Chaves, 30, Luiz Guilherme de Oliveira, 33, Douglas Costa Vieira Sena, 23, Kauan de Oliveira, 20, Wesley Henrique Niero, 32, and João Victor, 28. AND He talked to witnesses of the slaughter, who denounced the police action.

Kauan de Oliveira, one of the murdered young people. Photo: Reproduction

Witnesses claim that the six executed were friends and were combining a barbecue together at about 2 pm. One of them, Luiz, was sleeping in the bedroom, when 5 or 6 police officers of the shock arrived armed with rifles and immediately surrendered the men who were in the living room, expelling and threatening a child and a woman who were at the scene. The version, given exclusively to the AND , denies that directly given by the police that the case was "confrontation."

‘It was a massacre’

The shots were heard all over the neighborhood. Two of the young people were executed in the bedroom while they slept, and while the others were murdered by the rest of the house, most of them with shots in their chests. After the crime, the police, planted weapons and drugs, left the house and fled, while another police team already covered and banned the street. Three of the victims did not die immediately, but were not rescued in time and died. One of the witnesses told the AND that “they [the police] killed without pity. It was a massacre. ”

The IML only sought the bodies many hours later, at night. Relatives and friends who visited the house after the release of the building found a scene of horror. The furniture was shot, broken, overturned and spots and puddles of blood took the entire floor of the house.

To justify the alleged "confrontation", the police said they seized were 6 caliber 38 revolvers, drugs and money. According to complaints, weapons and drugs were planted by the police. Already the money was won by the family with the sale of ice cream. All the documents in the scene also disappeared.

Families also say that, in the visit to the IML, marks of beating in the bodies of men were identified. Many were disfigured.

People rebel in protest

To denounce the slaughter and demand justice, relatives of the victims and residents nearby where the crime occurred left in protest in the late afternoon of February 15th by Rua da Wisdom, blocking for about two hours the Carlos João Strass highway. With many posters and a track, the residents shouted several slogans like: Justice!, Justice!, Justice! , It was not confrontation!, It was not confrontation! e It was cowardice!, It was cowardice! . In the track, the consign It was not an isolated case, it is extermination denounced the growth of police violence as a widespread phenomenon.

The demonstration began with about 50 people, but other residents joined the protest. By the end of the demonstration, hundreds were already taking the roads in rebellion against police violence.

Police tried to intimidate protesters by appearing with several 12 -caliber shotguns and shotguns. Drones were also sighted as well as underlining police (P2) taking pictures near the demonstration.

Already with two hours of locking there was no more traffic, given the reorganization of traffic by the PM, so the protesters marched up the highway to the roundabout where the SCUDERIA POST is, in order to lock more streets to bring attention to their cause. The masses tried to disrupt traffic as much as possible alternating the locks between Sylvio Barros Avenue and Carlos Alberto Strass in both directions of the roundabout, making the police run into desperately between one and the other locking to guide the traffic of a road that was always being released by the protesters.

After two hours of protest, the protesters followed the highway to the roundabout where the Scuderia post is. There they looked back to the police slaughter. The blockage continued alternated between Sylvio Barros Avenue and Carlos Alberto Strass. At the end of the demonstration, around 21 hours, protesters promised, with a spirit of revolt and vigor, a new protest.

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GO: Activists perform Pro -Palestina agitation in Goiânia - The New Democracy

The Solidarity Committee to the Palestinian people of Goiás made an act of support to the Palestinian people in Campinas, traditional neighborhood of Goiânia, this Saturday. The supporters of the Palestinian cause gathered at Joaquim Lúcio Square at 8am and performed a bustle throughout the morning, armed with banners, flags, leaflets and a speaker, calling the Goianiense people for the next demonstration on February 26.

The activists again unmasked the lies of the Zionist war propaganda about the Flood Operation of Al Aqsa on October 7, as the false story of “40 beheaded babies by Hamas”. Much of the agitation focused on explaining to the masses that passed through the genocidal aggression of the state of Israel is not a religious war, but a war for the interests of imperialism; and also in defending Palestinian resistance, its organizations and its just struggle for national liberation.

Protesters denounced genocide, much larger in proportion than the Nazi Holocaust, and Israel's recent desperate aggression against the refugee population in Rafah, as well as their refusal from the Paris Agreement for ceasefire. Two activists of Lebanese origin defended the need for the creation of the Palestinian State and stressed that the most decided lebanese support comes from the people of Lebanon, especially in the south of the country, and not from their parliamentarians. The act followed by Avenida 24 de Outubro and received several demonstrations of support from cars and commerce workers.

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Cebraspe - Brazilian Center for Solidarity to Peoples

CAMPONESES OF THE ALCIO MACHADO camp in Rondônia gain suspension of repossession.

We reproduced below news by Enrico Di Gregorio and published on the News Portal The New Democracy on January 31, 2024.

The camponees of the camp Élcio Machado gained the suspension of a repossession marked for 01/29. The LCP stated that the reintegration was a “statement of war” and that the suspension was the result of the “repercussion of the intense mobilization of peasant masses”.

After a decisive mobilization, the Campers of the Campo Élcio Machado had an important achievement in Rondônia: the suspension of Decision of repossession issued against families. Prior to the court decision, the peasants moved a camp in front of the District of Ariquemes, responsible for issuing the eviction order. The National Commission of the Poor Peasants League (LCP) stated that the suspension was a victory that was the result of the “repercussion of the intense mobilization of peasant masses”, which they are producing more than 14 years after making the popular cut. The LCP also denounces that the repossession was a “declaration of war for peasants”.

The suspension of the reinstatement was announced by means of an appeal against the decision rendered by the judge of the case distributed on 01/25 by the 1st Civil Chamber of the Federal Prosecutor in Rondônia. The document, accessed by AND , determines that “the repossession determined by the court and scheduled to be fulfilled immediately is suspended on 01/29/2024 ″. The decision also "asks for the overdraft [suspension] of any effective measure for repossession in the area as long as not formally incra and union."

The report of AND It also contacted the 4th Civil Court of the District of Ariquemes. Asked about the decision, the agency stated that "in fact, a decision of the TJ suspended the repossession and all the progress of the process."

Victory of the Possers

It is a clear victory of the squatters of the camp Élcio Machado fruit of their combative mobilization. Since the beginning of the repossession process, the peasants camped for over 14 years in the land and responsible for extraordinary crop production and milk had made it clear that they would not abandon the floor harshly conquered with the hard and prolonged struggle.

One day before the distribution of the interlocutory appeal, the peasants performed a protest in front of the district of Ariquemes and raised a camp in front of the same building to demand the end of the request for repossession. With hundreds of families present, the mobilization extended ranges printed with consigns contrary to reintegration and exposed to all the complaint about the cowardly eviction of at least 70 of the more than 300 families living in camp.

Contacted by AND , the League of the Poor Peasants said that "we have no doubt: this temporary suspension was ran over the repercussion of the intense mobilization of the peasant masses that camped in front of the local forum, marched, distributed the LCP pamphlets in Rondônia and West Amazon." .

<The image of this location is in the list above, but in order to protect the site's traffic costs, it cannot be displayed here, sorry.>

Peasants rose against the repossession of their lands. Photo: Database/and

The peasants also managed to elevate to a new level the complaint about the omission of Incra in the process of repossession, as well as the requirements that the agency plays the most active role in the delivery of the land to the squatters. In recent events, Incra has avoided positioning itself alongside the peasants. In an audience on 01/09, decisive for reintegration, the agency was exempt from determining whether or not the lands were public or not, despite having access to documents that prove that the lands are public and have already classified them That way in 2017.

‘Declaration of War’

But it is evident that the squatters will follow. Regardless of suspended, the repossession, based on a notably fraudulent and without legal basis, imposed against more than 300 families of a longtime camp is a serious case of violation of people's rights. For LCP, the case configures a “declaration of war for peasants”.

“We claim: Although not fulfilled, the possibility of a repossession against peasants who live and produce in an area won with a fight for at least 14 years (the fight had happened before the peasants of the area join the LCP , entering the land and performing the “popular cut”), is a statement of war against the peasants. The lands of the Élcio Machado settlement are public. Incra himself thus declared it, ”said the organization.

In addition, although suspended, the case was not terminated, but transferred to the Federal Court, and there are other cases at the state level moved by land thieves against the camp Élcio Machado. Not that it intimidates the peasant struggle. While the large farmers do not even have a document to prove their possession on the land, peasants accumulate victories in all fields and, above all, have a willingness to fight to defend their lands.

The federal government, now directly related to the case, has attained peasants on other occasions. There is an accumulation of complaints in this regard. The National LCP Commission states that the war against the peasants is maintained in the current government, but in a “disguised, silently hiding in decisions of the unsuspected 'justice' of Rondônia”, and President Luiz Inácio, “who walks of Hands with the Supreme Court, "you know very well what is going on in Rondônia to make a dead, while indigenous, quilombolas and peasants are murdered throughout Brazil."

Apparently, the tendency is for the struggle to proceed.

Read in full the LCP statement sent to the New Democracy newspaper:

Communicated to the newspaper A Nova Democracy, January 30, 2024

Repossession against settlement Élcio Machado is a declaration of war against the peasants

Scheduled for Monday, January 29, the reintegration of inauguration against the peasants of Rondônia of the settlement Élcio Machado was suspended in the light of the lights on January 26, last Friday, after the Court of Rondônia Acting a court Interlocutory appeal filed by the Federal Public Prosecution Service (January 25).

We have no doubt: This temporary suspension was ran over the repercussion of the intense mobilization of the peasant masses that camped in front of the local forum, marched, distributed the LCP pamphlets in Rondônia and Western Amazon.

In this sense there is no way not to highlight the only national coverage of the serious events, giving voice to the peasants, carried out by the new democracy, both on their portal and in the program “by the way”. We thank.

While the Rondônia Garbage Press, their informatives played by the Latifundium, attacked the peasants, the opportunism press once again practiced the criminal silence with which the struggles of the people who wide the service of “their” government (to the generals, to the service. Latifundium, the great bourgeoisie, mining companies and imperialism).

We stated: Although not fulfilled, the possibility of a repossession against peasants who live and produce in an area won with a fight for at least 14 years (the fight had happened before the peasants of the area join the LCP, entering the land and performing the “popular cut”), is a statement of war against the peasants. The lands of the Élcio Machado settlement are public. Incra himself thus declared him before.

If the genocide, boquirroto and weak Bolsonaro, to declare war on the peasants, did so loud and sound, this opportunistic management does so in a disguised way, silently hiding in decisions of Rondônia's unsuspected “justice” (as if not not rest of Brazil was better). The opportunism that walks with arms given with the Supreme Court, the opportunism, which in his previous government suspended the resumption of public lands in the Legal Amazon, and on the contrary legalized the theft of landowners held during the military dictatorship through the infamous CATP's ( A contract of public lands), knows very well what is happening in Rondônia to make a dead, while indigenous, quilombolas and peasants are murdered throughout Brazil.

Let it then not complain and come with the old Cantilena with which the far right and reaction attack us.

Thanks for the space, and our commitment is to substantiate these statements. GREETINGS

National Commission of Poor Peasants Leagues

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Cebraspe - Brazilian Center for Solidarity to Peoples

LCP denounces attack on Pataxó in Bahia and demarcates resistance at camp Mother Bernadete.

Below is an important statement sent by the League of the Peasants to the ED and the recent attack of the group "Zero Invasion" to the people Pataxó huh huh, in Ti Caramuru-Catarina. The document also brings updates on the Mother Bernadete camp . The note can be accessed in the form of pamphlet here .

Indigenous leadership is beaten and murdered by landowners in southern Bahia

Against the armed flocks of the landlord: the right of self -defense armed defense of indigenous peoples, peasants and quilombolas!

Armed bandits called “Zero Invasion Movement” formed by landowners, gunmen and police advance in Bahia with PM cover. On January 21, the indigenous Maria de Fátima Muniz, known as Negaxó, the pajé of the people Pataxó Ham-Hãe was shot in the Caramuru Catarina Paraguassu Indigenous Land and Chief Nailton Muniz was seriously injured, as well as others Indigenous during attack by the infamous paramilitary group.

In addition, the flock of over 200 landowners who organized themselves and prepared the attack, set fire to 2 cars and other indigenous belongings. A young Pataxó who resisted the bombing coward was absurdly taken by the Military Police, the same who covered that criminal and cowardly action, as the videos prove.

The armed flocks of the large estates act inside the old Brazilian state

Bahia has the second largest indigenous population in Brazil, more than 90% of it lives outside its territories, being the state that has one of the largest concentrations of land ownership in Brazil. In the country, there is virtually no demarcation of indigenous lands and quilombola territories and equally no agrarian reform policy, and the government claims that it has no resources for it. Meanwhile released 364 billion in 2023 for the agribusiness crop plan.

The far-right landowner that was institutionalized in this old state, organized, set up and strengthened during the Bolsonaro government continues to act freely and encouraged by government cowing, particularly in Bahia. The approval of the temporal framework represents a blow to the original peoples and further fosters these attacks. In December 2023 Cacique Pataxó, 31 -year -old Lucas Kariri Sapuyá was shot dead in an ambush in the same indigenous territory. In August last year, the Pacific Bernadete Quilombola leadership was murdered with 14 heads in the head.

Throughout the country, there are hundreds of attacks against indigenous peoples, peasants and quilombolas and their leaders and as in the recent case, the police often act to cover the armed flocks of the landlord, threatening, intimidating and disarming communities. In addition, there are several complaints from the performance of police directly in these strongly armed paramilitary flocks, along with gunmen, through private security companies that set up, train, finance and run the extermination groups, such as Mariele Franco.

The governor of Bahia Jeronimo Rodrigues has now announced the creation of a PM company to “mediate” agrarian conflicts in the state. You see, the police that kill the most poor slum and black in Brazil; The police who turned his back, pretending not to see the gang of armed landowners until the teeth announcing that he would attack the Pataxós; Now you will have the task of “mediating” agrarian conflicts! No. This is definitely not what peasants, quilombola and indigenous people in Bahia need to live and work in peace in their lands.

Cacique denies Pataxó: Present in the fight!
Long live the resumptions and self -maming of indigenous lands!

Mother Bernadete camp resists

The Mother Bernadete camp in Carinhanha, made up of squatters living in the lands abandoned by Calsete for over 20 years has been resisting and denouncing the performance of these bands of criminals involving gunmen, police, timber, farmers, businessmen and even the lawyer (he would have the lawyer (he would have the lawyer (he would have the lawyer (he would have Received as a promise of payment a part of the landed lands, where families live) who blatantly uses their influence with the judiciary in the city and family relationships to intimidate and threaten families and makes a point of ridiculously placed themselves in charge of eviction operations, including Cutting wires.

From January last year until this year the local court judge has already issued 3 orders of repossession against the families and carried out two dumping police operations, joint with gunmen. Families have returned and reaffirmed the conviction that the lagoons of Lagoa dos Portables, which are embargoed for environmental crimes of Calsete, are from the peasants, that if a thousand times they are removed, a thousand times will come back because there are where they were born, grew and always lived!

Calsete, through its manager Lineu Fernandes, directly runs a base of operations built NABR 030 after taking the land, spends rivers of money trying to recruit people in the city and region, falsely

To be equity guards, but they soon discover that they are actually being agreed for gun. Many poor people of the people do not accept to serve as a cannon bushing and soon dismiss the coward, others risk their necks for rich people who sand the lives of the people. And there are those who are with their hot backs, manure that always explored and stepped on the people's neck to accumulate goods, serving the old colonels.

We repudiate another ongoing campaign to try to intimidate and criminalize families of squatters. Several peasants are being summoned to testify at the city's police station on charges of committing crimes, being pressured and threatened in an attempt to

criminalize and individualize a collective cause. When in fact crimes are committed by Calsete and their agents.

The risk that runs the stick, runs the ax

What all true Democrats can understand by taking the history of our country and the struggle of our people against the secular violence of the landlord is that more than ever, the indigenous, quilombolas and peasants, in the struggle for their rights, in defense of their Leaders, their families and relatives, from their sacred lands and territories, and their right to live in peace must apply their legitimate right to self -defense that can only be guaranteed by the people in struggle, organized and united.

There is no other way for the people to face the reactionary offensive that promotes the chacinas in the slums of cities and that in the field points to greater violence against indigenous, quilombolas and peasants, greater criminalization of the struggle for land, more evictions, no agrarian reform Demarcations, greater coverage and impunity of landlord crimes.

The answer should be to take all land of the landlord, greater organization and preparation to respond to the attacks and bar the crimes of the landlord. This is the path of the agrarian revolution, which will deliver land to all the poor of the countryside!

Long live the agrarian revolution!
Long live the Mother Bernadete camp!

Palestine resists! Palestine will triumph!

League of poor peasants in the north of Minas and southern Bahia

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PC February 19 - MIN. CALDERONE: "Making the laws more incisive" ... but it was your laws that allowed the massacre of workers!

On the dead, on the wounded workers, on the pain of family members, of the other workers, yesterday the min. Calderone in Florence staged the script of the government, skiing: more effective rules, perhaps a new rule on "murder at work", narrow On subcontracting, on contracts, more controls, more inspectors (but those already planned, while there are 2,600 missing), together with prizes to virtuous companies and safety training in schools of all levels and grade ...

It was actually an office defense of the government, e Nothing said about his contract code which gave the green light to cascade subcontracting, to direct assignments without a pre -verification, to the complaints and protests made in recent months by the work inspectors for the impossibility of working in a few and without tools, to have ministerial directives that point to limit their function in order to have "practices"; nothing said about the condition of exploitation of immigrant workers who are good to work and die but not to have rights, not even a rag of a residence permit and, therefore, of the contract.

You are the killers! They are your laws, of liberalization for the masters that cause these tragedies.

On this blog we had denounced the new contract code when it was launched. We remember the main points:

"On March 28, 2023, the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of Giorgia Meloni and on the pressing action of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Salvini approved the new contract code ...

The keywords of the new legislation are: "simplification" and "timely". Under the tempting propaganda to streamline the procedures and bureaucracy, standards change, a series of constraints are spotted that at least imposed controls, and limits (clearly increasingly formal and not substantial), so that The construction sites are faster and the works take place in much more restricted times.

The lack of controls, or the only paper checks leads to getting contracts to companies

Irregular, those created, managed, or close to the organized criminality that has control of the territories and hands in public administrations.

Another "principle" would be the legitimate, transparent and correct "confidence" in the action of the public administration, its officials and economic operators ". Here if it were not tragic, it would be grotesque.

We can find an example of this "transparency and fairness" as it is doing, at the same time as the launch of this procurement code, the Minister of Labor, Calderone - already in enormous conflict of interest, having been, until before being Appointed in the Meloni government, the president of the Order of Labor Consultants, who in principle and action are to protect the interests of companies, master profits, cutting costs on the skin and workers' rights -; This minister, through the Order of Labor Consultants (left to inherit to her husband Rosario De Luca) wants to bring his work consultants through work on the labor inspectorate (the organ that should supervise violations of workplace) their insertion in the "Inspective activity center center". Already this order of the Order of Consultants and Ministry of Labor in 2014, as the newspaper informed, had given birth to a protocol so that the consultant (i.e. the owner's professional) certifies that in the previous year the company did not commit illegal and is in compliance with the Durc and the CCNL, and for a year it does not receive checks, is calm; Now this inspectorate/consultants link becomes much closer, structural, so the inspection is planned together with these "trustees" of the masters. Those who should be checked, check the controller, which makes the controlled account.

Going to the substance new contract code.

The code establishes the Green light to direct contracts and subcontracts. Contracting stations can decide to activate negotiated procedures or direct custody with the liberalization of contracts below 5.3 million euros .

In fact, a multiplication and fragmentation and contracts will even more experience to encourage many masters (already today 98% of the contracts, for a value of almost 19 billion, concerns works of less than 5 million) to more easily evade the tax; This will lead to an increase in costs, other than savings. Of course, these direct assignments, as the data show, already happen, but even more than now, it will not count the competence, the regularity of the company with respect to work on the work, security, as the direct knowledge of the contracting public body, of his officials; "Friends and relatives" will have more and more contracts.

Then there are the "novelty": the integrated contract, the liberalization of the cascade subcontracting, without limits.

Therefore, on the one hand, municipalities, entities will be able to entrust the contract to a single operator to make both the executive design and the execution of the works; on the other i subcontracting will be chain: in which one brings another . The consequence is on the one hand a centralization of the skills, so those who perform the works is the same that has decided how to do them, with the inevitable impossibility of third party checks; on the other one Difficulty of controls given the chain "without limits" of the subcontracts, the increase in black or gray work, the greater facilitation of hiding, cover violations of laws on work, safety ..

The completion of this legalization of illegality then comes from the introduction in the new contract code of a form of decriminalization for officials and public managers if they commit illegal.

Finally, the icing on the "nationalism" cake could not be missing. In fact, there is also a standard called "Italy first" in this code, justified as a "safeguarding of Made in Italy" clause. This clause provides reward criteria for the percentage value of the original Italian products or EU countries, compared to the total supplies necessary to perform the contract.

It is obvious that all this will give even more go -ahead for the procurement to the maximum reduction - where the maximum can even reach 99/100% of the downward offer - whose consequences are evidently and immediately downloaded on the workers, with worsening of the conditions of work, for which he wonders a lot and give miseries, attack on normal contractual rights; But also with cutting costs on materials, poor and sometimes dangerous, non -existent equipment, all things that still fall on workers in terms of health effects, greater effort in work, risks on safety.

The cascade subcontracting in some central sectors, building, logistics, will mean even more a myriad of companies, cooperatives in which workers are divided, with the consequence, not only of the worsening of working conditions and the risk of losing the workplace, especially in the contract passages, but also, on the fight front, of not being able to weigh larger and united strength relationships.

But most of all The new contract code will lead to a further and legalized cutting of safety costs, therefore more accidents and more workers' dead , in a liability of liability between contractor and subcontractors.

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PATRA | Call for Monday's 19/2 afternoon course

To connect our struggle with the people of the city. In the face of the seizure attack of the system that recruits the tele-education, a tele-destruction of the student struggles, at the same time as they send MAT and EKAM teams to the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki to break the occupations to give a massive answer!

ALL today 19/2 at 7:00 pm at Georgiou Pl. to join our voices with the working people of Patras.

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PC February 19 - Florence - Presidium of the basic unions today under the Prefecture - Infosolidale

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KKE (M-L) | Announcement of KO of the KKE (M-L) for the death of S. Sifi Stavridis

Announcement of KO of the KKE (M-L) for the death of S. Sifi Stavridis

We express our sincere condolences to the death of Comrade Sifi Stavridis, a member of the CC. of M-LKKE, who passed away last night, after a brief hospitalization in Hippocrates.

Born in Alexandria, Egypt in 1948, when he came to Greece he came out of a young age in biopal, but also in the struggle. He emerged in the anti -dictatorial struggle, while he was a student in the Athens Agriculture, participated in the occupation of the Technical University in November '73, and joined the dictatorship since the illegal OMEL and the PPP. He was always characterized by special modesty, consistency and dedication to the labor and popular affair, and his concern for the peasantry struggles was special.

With S. Sifis we found ourselves together, in a particularly demanding for the people, when after the first cycle of the attack of the "Memorandums" and the great popular mobilizations in the squares, the false "outlets" were promoted to the people. "First time left". And when this attack continued and slapped, while denouncing the false "hopes". When the clouds of the war were thickened on the planet, the confrontation of the imperialists were exacerbated, the war risks were increasing, new armies of refugees and immigrants were created. We found ourselves on the streets, in the blocks of popular resistance - leftist anti -imperialist cooperation, in demonstrations against imperialism and war, against anti -labor attack, fascism, to defend refugees and immigrants. But also in the political events of the Popular Resistance - AAS, its processes, discussions and concerns of its secretariat, either by agreeing or disagreeing with issues, but also to local assemblies and mobilizations of L -AAA, Agioi Anargyroi and Ilion. We shared with him the common anxiety about the development of a mass popular resistance movement against the daily attack of the barbaric system of dependency, oppression and exploitation and for a racing way out for workers and the people, for their revolutionary perspective, "Exites".

We transfer our condolences to the M-LKKE comrades as well as to his family, their partner and their daughters. We will always remember him!

MR. of the KKE (M-L)

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THESSALONIKI New mobilization at CERTH Wednesday 21/2 at 8:30

The Joint Meeting of the Associations (SMT, SETP, SEES) and employees who took place Monday 12/2 decided to continue the mobilizations in CERTH against the redundancies of at least 15 of our colleagues. Significant was the mass involvement of EKETA employees who took the floor and imprinted both work insecurity and exploitation which means the block and fixed -term contracts, as well as their racing disposition to continue the mobilizations against redundancies.

The mobilization of the unions and the organization on the basis of workers is the one that can build a wall protection against redundancies and lay the foundations for the imposition of the fair claims of the labor movement.

The first mass mobilization on 31/1 broke the showcase of "Work Paradise" and showed the path of collective and racing response to the employer.

Give fighter continuity to the previous successful mobilization. We are massively involved in the mobilization Wednesday 21/2 at 8:30 out of CERTH and claim:

- to stop the layoffs

- Immediate re -recruitment of redundant

- to remove the block

- Permanent and steady work for all

- Collective contracts with real salaries in wages

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PC February 19 - In the ports of India, weapons for the war against the Palestinian people - info


The Indian Federation of Water transport workers, which represents more than 3500 workers of the 11 main ports of the country, has decided to refuse to load or download loads of weapons from Israel, so As from any other country that can move armed loads from Israel or military equipment and its allied load for the war in Palestine.

We port workers, who are part of the unions, there We will always oppose the war and the killing of innocent people such as Women and children.

Killing of innocent people like women and children: the recent Attack of Israel in Gaza who threw thousands of Palestinians in an immense suffering and loss. Women and children were made to pieces during the war, the parents were unable to recognize theirs children killed due to the bombings.
At this moment our union members collectively decided to refuse to Moving all types of armed loads.

The loading and unloading of these weapons helps to provide the ability to kill innocent people.
Therefore, we, port workers and Indian ports of various large ones active ports in the load handling sector, we ask that Anyone who refuses to move all types of armed loads.

We ask our members not to move more ships who transport military material to Palestine/Israel.

We therefore also ask for an immediate ceasefire. As unions We declare our solidarity with those who fight for peace. We appeal to the workers of the world and to the people who love the peace to support the request for a free Palestine.

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Teacher Racing Movements The farmers go down to Athens. To win! All in the Constitution on Tuesday 20/2, 6:30 pm

Tuesday 20/2, 6.30pm Constitution:

Farmers "go down" to Athens

Victory in the Farmers' Struggle! The people To be on the streets!

Here And for several days farmers are mobilized in blocks and streets. Not They are the "established" mobilizations as the channels are used to saying.

THE Farmers is fighting for her survival. For this they rise up fairly against to policies that want to destroy them. For decades the various CAPs (EU Common Agricultural Policy), constantly compress the poor and medium peasantry in one direction until it is extinct. The cost of producing them has been launched so that their income reaches its limits survival. Especially for the farmers of Thessaly where they have to face The catastrophes from the floods are openly raised the issue of continuing to They exist and work as farmers.

The crumbs that the prime minister "raised" In the meeting with them, they don't seem to They convinced the majority of them, and they certainly can't mitigate the disaster that has been said. The battle they give is not a battle for the "Honor of weapons", but it is the accumulated indignation and anger they feel. It is indicative that farmers are expressing the same rage throughout Europe. That is why they are mobilized on common problems with joint claims.

The farmers have decided on Tuesday to go down to Athens . The government He warns that he will not let tractor into the city. Is indicative of repression by farmers in Larissa at the beginning of the mobilizations by MATs with chemicals when they tried to go on the highway symbolically.

Must Tuesday to be a day of parallel mobilization . To be together On the streets with the students of the farmers and the whole people. All the and struggling pieces. The attack is common so common must be yes answer. The dissolution of rights in public free education, leveling of our labor rights, terrorism and repression, as well as Attack on poor and medium -sized peasants will be answered with common struggles!

The only choice the common front for the ours. We can win!

Tuesday 20/2 in the afternoon ALL in roads

Farmers-Neoa-Educators, DOWN THE SYSTEM THE POLICY!


Down the reactionary politicians in EDUCATION-COMMON FRIEND-COMPLETE PARTY



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Strikes in public transport

Last week there were again great strike measures across the country.

Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Münster, Bielefeld, Bonn, Wuppertal, Solingen, Remscheid, Lüdenscheid, Cologne, Leverkusen, Krefeld, Mönchengladbach, Dortmund, Bochum, Essen, Oberhausen, Herne, Gütersloh and many other cities also called in North Rhine-Westphalen. Tue the workers of local public transport to the warning strike before the tariff negotiations went into the second round. On Thursday last week there was a full -day strike, which affected around two and a half million passengers. The buses, trams and subways remained in the depots from shifting between 3 and 4 a.m. on Thursday. In many places, only the few line buses that are operated by private subcontractors drove.

In Saxony, Zwickau, Chemnitz, the Erzgebirge, Hoyerswerda, the Oberlausitz, Görlitz and Plauen were affected by the employment measures.

In Schleswig-Holstein, 2,500 people gathered a large demonstration in the state capital of Kiel. On Wednesday, bus drivers of the municipal bus companies in Kiel, Lübeck, Flensburg and Neumünster had put their work down. On Thursday, employees of the private bus companies that belong to the North Omnibus Association entered the warning strike. Until the start of the service on Saturday, traffic across Schleswig-Holstein was largely suspended. There was no emergency or replacement service in many places. Ferry connections were also strike, such as in Lübeck.

In Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg, Halle, Dessau-Roßlau and the Burgenland district were carried out in Saxony-Anhalt. Also today and also on Tuesday was and will be carried out in Lower Saxony in Hanover, Braunschweig, Osnabrück, Göttingen, Wolfsburg and Goslar. Today, about one and a half a thousand people came to the central strike demonstration in Hanover.

In Baden-Würtemberg, public transport will be on Tuesday in Karlsruhe and Baden-Baden on Tuesday and on Wednesday in Stuttgart and Esslingen.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Ludwigslust, Parchim, Nordwestmecklenburg, Rostock and Greifswald in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are to follow.

The strike involvement is high, even if the union's demands are again a maximum of an inflation exclusion. The morals of striking workers are high and they know that they are part of a development in which the working class in this country has taken a step forward in questions of the struggle for daily demands - against the bosses, against government (s) and also Against the resistance of the union bureaucracy.

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More armed clashes in multiple districts of Manipur – The Red Herald

Featured image: municipality’s building in Churachandpur burnt by the locals. Source: NDTV

In the last week the situation has become very tense in Manipur. There have erupted armed clashes in numerous districts at the same time, and also there have been numerous lootings of weapons and mobilizations of various types. Since we reported on the armed clashes in Moreh , the situation continues highly tense.

On Tuesday night it was reported that in Imphal East a group of people looted the weaponry of the 5 th Indian Reserve Battalion, taking about 200 weapons and 20,000 cartridges. There was also a shooting with the local forces, a soldier was eliminated and three more were injured. After this operation, the total number of looted weapons that are unaccounted for is about 4,000. Among the weapons looted on this occasion, there are military weapons such as assault rifles like INSAS, AK, etc.

After this looting, the conflict erupted in Churachandpur , where on Thursday night there were two dead people and dozens of injured people in marches of the people towards the police station. The protesters denounced that a Kuki local policeman has been fired for collaborating with armed groups, but when the same happened with Meitei agents, nothing happened. The protesters have pointed out the complicity of the local repressive forces with the Meitei militias. The protest was harshly repressed and inhabitants of Churachandpur recorded how the Indian repressive forces attacked the mobilization, being similar to being in a war zone, with shooting with lethal ammunition and using explosives against the protesters.

After the strong repression by the Indian troops, the protesters assaulted several buildings of the repressive forces and several State buses were burned. After the violence, a total shutdown of the city’s services and businesses was called for on Friday 16 th of February. The conflict there has continued, and the Indigenous Tribal Leaders Forum – ITLF are calling for a general strike in all State services in the city as a protest against the old Indian State.

Additionally in Sugnu, in the Kakching district, a border security guard agent has been injured in a gunfight. The officer who reported the facts also reported that there have been consistent armed attacks in the last three days in Sugnu, thus showing increasing instability in the area. Last Wednesday there was also another gunfight between several armed groups.

Map of the districts of Manipur. Source: Mapsofindia website

When the old Indian State announces that it has pacified the situation or that “it has returned to normalcy,” then the conflict erupts in many other places. The reality is that Manipur has not been pacified and will not be pacified soon. The situation is still not controlled despite the large number of troops deployed there, which is 60,000 . Even the Prime Minister of Manipur, N Biren Singh constantly urges the State repressive forces to act more firmly. But from May, all this has been insufficient for stopping the protests and the struggle of the people in Manipur.

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India: Graffiti in Support of the New Democratic Revolution – The Red Herald

We have received reports on political graffiti being made in the capital of India, New Delhi in support of the New Democratic Revolution and demanding the release of revolutionary political prisoners associated with it.

The comrades who sent this information to us wrote the following: In February 2024, large-scale wall writing appeared in Delhi in support of New Democratic Revolution in India. Delhi, as the capital of the old Indian state and the centre of white power, is the stronghold of the ruling comprador bureaucratic bourgeoisie and the landlord classes. Even in the belly of the beast and the urban centre of reaction, the spark of New Democratic revolution continues to burn in symphony with the people’s war in the countryside, even under times of of utmost reactionary violence against the masses, charged by brahmanical Hindutva fascism of the Indian state.

Wall writing near Delhi University area in support of New Democratic Revolution

Wall writing near Vishwavidyalaya Metro station area in support of New Democratic Revolution

Another wall writing near metro area in support of New Democratic Revolution

Wall writing near Delhi University area in support of New Democratic Revolution

Wall writing demanding the release of Delhi University professor Dr. G.N. Saibaba, deputy secretary of Revolutionary Democratic Front (RDF), a united front of various organizations which was banned by the Indian state under the charges of being a frontal organization of Communist Party of India (Maoist). He was at the forefront of the democratic campaign that opposed Operation Green Hunt. Dr. Saibaba is 94% physically disabled and remains incarcerated even after he was acquitted by the Bombay High Court.

Wall writing demanding the releases of Pramod Mishra and Hem Mishra. Pramod Mishra is a Politburo and Central Committee member of Communist Party of India (Maoist). He was previously a member of the erstwhile Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI) and led large-scale land struggles in the state of Bihar after the death of MCCI leader com. Kanhai Chatterjee. Mishra was in-charge of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir after MCCI merged with CPI ML (People’s War) to form CPI (Maoist) in 2004. Even the American imperialists took note of him during this period and featured him in their Country Reports on Terrorism in 2006. He was arrested by the Indian state in 2008 but was acquitted and released in 2017. He was re-arrested in August 2023. Hem Mishra, a student of Chinese language in Jawaharlal Nehru University, was a popular cultural activist with Revolutionary Cultural Front (RCF) in Delhi. His activism raised awareness of the Indian state’s genocidal war on people in Bastar, particularly against the Adivasi peasants, the imperialist resource loot of India’s natural resources as well as the semi-feudal violence prevalent in Indian society. He was arrested in 2013 under the charges of being a “courier” for Maoists and remains incarcerated.

Wall writing in Delhi demanding the release of Sanjoy Deepak Rao, Central Committee member of the CPI (Maoist) and the secretary of the Western Ghats Zonal Committee. Rao was a member of the Central Reorganization Committee, CPI (Marxist-Leninist) (Raouf) and later formed CPI-ML (Naxalbari) in 1999 along with leaders like K. Murali (Ajith). This group merged with the CPI (Maoist) in 2014 bringing Rao in the CC. Rao was meticulously working both in urban and rural areas to intensify protracted people’s war. He was arrested in September 2023.

Wall writing demanding the release of Sheela Marandi, member of the Central Committee of CPI (Maoist). She worked to intensify, organize and consolidate the role of women in the New Democratic struggle against the Indian state, against brahmanical patriarchy, feudalism and imperialism. She was arrested initially in 2006 in Odisha but was acquitted in 2016. She was re-arrested in November 2021.

Wall writing uphold people’s militant struggles against the Indian state.

Wall writing against the Indian state’s counter-revolutionary Operation SAMADHAN-Prahar initiated in 2017 against the CPI (Maoist) and the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) which also oversaw genocidal policies against the Adivasi peasants in resource-rich regions of India. The counter-revolutionary operation grew into the Surajkund Offensive in 2022, after the Indian state decided to intensify its Chiang Kai-shek-style encirclement campaign against the guerrilla zone. Just like the erstwhile Operation Green Hunt, SAMADHAN-Prahar and the Surajkund Offensive will be defeated by the Indian masses, its vanguard the CPI (Maoist) under the banner of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

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Turkey: Call for solidarity with Ecevit Piroğlu – The Red Herald

We publish an unofficial translation of the article published on European News Center.

Ecevit Piroğlu has started a hunger strike again to protest the unlawful attitude of the Serbian state.

Ecevit Piroğlu, who was arrested in Serbia on June 1, 2022, went on a hunger strike that lasted 136 days last year,due to Turkey’s extradition request, and the extradition decision was stopped with great international solidarity.

Piroğlu, who was released on January 12, 2024, was arrested again by the Serbian immigration police waiting in front of the prison, and taken to another prison-like extradition camp.

Ecevit Piroğlu, who did not accept these unlawful practices, started a hunger strike once again for his freedom. A press conference is being held by the ” Freedom for Ecevit Piroğlu Initiative ” to condemn the unlawfulness of the Serbian state, to raise revolutionary solidarity with Ecevit Piroğlu, who has been detained in Serbia for 32 months, and make the people conscious of it.

All sensitive groups and the press were invited to the press conference to be held today at 14:00 at the Cologne AVEG-KON office.

Date: Monday , February 19, 2024 Time: 14:00

Address: Homarstraße 64, 51107 Cologne

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Stop the genocide - with the Palestinian resistance

February 23 strike
24 Feb. National event

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Racing moves Or by tele-examination or with the student movement

Or by tele-examination or with the student movement

The message of the government and the system is clear. Free studies must be abolished and the Pierakakakis law on private universities must be implemented. And to do this every means is recruited. Police violence and repression, remembering days of junta and invading the universities, threats and blackmail for lost exams and semesters. A weapon in the hands of the system are the tele-extensions used to break the students' struggle and their mass mobilizations.

From the first moment the racing moves we stood against the tele-examination without any illusion and We called in APPROVED , stating that it is a suppression of just student mobilizations. At the same time, however, it is also a "strike" for the forces that choose to support the tele-examination or not to talk about it.

The first and worse is the MSc-KNE who ran to support it because it would ensure it was supposed to be supposed to be semester. There is no problem with the PCE-KNE with the fact that tele-examinations break the occupations and drive away the world by the struggle. On the contrary, they rejoice because they come out of the difficult position. It is clear that this force crawls behind students' moods but also their mobilizations. It is obvious in schools that are self -sufficient and there is no antagonism (nursing, Athens dentistry, etc.), it makes no proposal for occupation, resulting in dozens of clubs staying outside the mobilizations. Next to their Aris (EAKA) waters who support and promote the same line. These forces are so submissive that they do not hesitate in consultation with the systemic factions (PASP etc) to change the hours of the General Assemblies and to carry them afternoon (PAFE, ASOEE) so as not to disturb the telephones at all. They are so tragic that they come to the schools and the occupations with the books of Paraschas and while the student movement is struggling they sit and give lessons.

From behind the other forces of the EAKA (ARAS, NAP) and the autonomy -anarchy. All of them do not dare to raise the issue of the aftermath have swallowed it and crawl into submission and compliance with government and system politics. They all sign in common frameworks with the PCC that says nothing about abstention rather than stay in a general complaint. The hollow they make is hollow, because the more empty the tin the more noise it makes. The culmination of the logic of subordination is the decisions of A/A (see Thessaloniki Geological Survey) in front of this situation to invite students of occupied schools in a group reading with notes to give diarrhea lessons.

Things are clear. Who is today with the massive matches is absent and struggles in the General Assembly to make a decision. Mass matches will bring the victory and secure the semester, exams, degree and life itself

We continue as long as we need-consolidated to NIKI

  • Abstinence from tele-examination
  • With assemblies -ups -outs

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Racing moves KNE - PCS: Kolotubes, opportunities and subordination to urban legitimacy behind verbalisms and bigotomies

"The government has already been defeated, the students are already winners." This has been proclaimed by KNE and the PCS for three weeks. But what does this actually mean? Because someone was a little suspicious of being worried, let alone when the government is decisively moving towards adopting the Pierrakakis bill. What does it mean to "keep the law on paper", which they have appeared before the law is even voted on? The KNE forces (and not only) have already accepted that the law will be voted on. They do not actually believe that student masses can overthrow this law through their movement and collective and organized struggle. They do not believe that the student world, the people and the youth can force the government to withdraw. So while they are sailing (and they) counterattack and the "fighting" (co -ordinating) demands, they have predicted that the student movement will close without having achieved what it can. And they have made it clear that they will put their stone too. For years, they have given their credentials as responsible power to the system.

Let's look at some things more specifically

Occupations ...

Occupations have always been a medium of struggle for the KNE - PCS. Because he could not and cannot realize that occupied schools can become a resistance of claim and struggle, the place where students will be politicized and discussed, where they will be established against the system's policy. That is why even today it is difficult to recognize and does not appear in the Coordination Committees at all times. On the pretext that they are replacing the general assemblies ... So even today she is doing what she is going through to move them away. In associations with self -sufficiency PCS, it does not even raise the question of occupation and then claims that the people who were in the assembly wanted to fight against private universities, but without occupation ... how convenient (!)

The releasing dummy ...

When the ministry announced the remuneration, the first announcement of the PCC saw the government's retreat and the semester securing. This attitude would actually remain exactly the same if the world itself did not push it (which in this case was far ahead) but also the confrontation with the processes of the student movement. After pressures and when he was forced to raise something for the remote stations, he raised the issue of "dilation" (with which only pieces of urban staff and the PCC) and the "tooling of the exam" were involved. That is, we are talking about the complete legalization of the remakes, which did not come to suppress the student movement, but to give students the opportunity to copy ... of course the members of the KNE are normally giving off, claiming that this will not be lost in six months.

The unity and the singleness on the road ...

The USSR all weeks is presented as one of the advocates of uniforms. And we ask. What oneness? Since the PCS is one of the key officials who in various cities are held two separate demonstrations of student associations, two separate coordinating general assemblies and occupations. Since the PCS is one of the main officials who appear two and three banners of the same student club on the street, many times in different places and calls.

Privatization of education?

KNE forces based on their analysis of education see "complete privatization of universities" and "tombstone in public and free education". But is this in reality? Of course not. Higher education has a dual role. To distribute the youth (which will be able to get a degree) in the various jobs and to transcend her the dominant ideology. Obviously, in order to effectively do this job, the state (as a collective capitalist) cannot be fully resigned from the Higher Affairs case. Why are all this important? Because if you cannot properly interpret how the university works and the reasons why they bring private ones, you cannot convince the student world and integrate it into the case of the race. And you end up dealing with co -ordinating demands and resigning from the case of the struggle.

Much more could be written about the first power in universities, the responsibilities of it in the deconstruction of the student movement, its role and attitude in recent weeks and many more. We open all this because we consider our confrontation. In order for people to clarify the reformist line from the race line. To make it clear that along with the attack of the system, there are forces in the context of the movement that in every way they are trying to embellish its struggle (this is not just about the KNE). In order for people to understand, that relying on their own strengths can win.

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Vietnamese: Statement by the ICL on Lenin

We publish this unofficial translation to Vietnamese of the statement by the ICL on Lenin.

Proletariat in the world, solidarity!

Comrade Lenin, the guide for the international proletariat and is the great teacher of Marx-Lenin-Mao, who illuminates the solidarity for the international communist movement

We meet the army of the great proletariat strategist, the army of Comrade Lenin. Nothing is as noble as the title of Party member of the Party that the founder and leadership is Comrade Lenin. ” (Stalin)

Through the history pages, we know that, on January 21, 1924, Comrade Lenin, the great leader of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples in the world, the second great milestone of Marx-Lenin-Mao, has left and leaves great and valuable heritage. The teachings of Comrade Lenin, who has transformed the "future world", with the platform set by Marx and Engels, from a non -realistic ability into a specific reality, still completely suitable after a position. Knight with great fluctuations of the world. In order to have the right attitude in the class struggle, people must accept "reality" and towards it. That "reality" is also a remedy for reformed reformers, reviewers, "fascinated parliamentary", those who surrender and compromise with all kinds of bourgeois thoughts are dominating. It is a guarantee for belief and determination for a communist society.

Lenin - the great teacher of communism, who broke the deadlock and opened the struggle against the revision and international reactionaries

Identify conflicts in the history of class struggle, grasp the nature of historical failures and be ready for them are the most important points for comrade Lenin until the person leaves. After Marx and Engels died, the right to leaders of the proletariat has fallen into the opportunity in the International Second International, according to Comrade Stalin: “A time when the International Second Party's political parties could not absorb the theoretical struggle to liberate the proletariat and the oppressed peoples around the world from the influence of democracy - society. Political opportunities and class compromise. Supplementing the theoretical struggle to liberate the proletariat and oppressed peoples in the world as the birth of the Communist International, it has developed a new form of organization and struggle appropriately. With the motivation for class struggle in the new era of capitalism. ”

Comrade Lenin turned the Communist and International Communist Party into weapons to fight the bourgeoisie by liberating the Communist Party and the Communist International movement from the shackles of legal struggle: “There should be a revolutionary policy, it is a weak Philistineism, a vile political trick, a parliamentary commune and parliament tricks. Of course, to keep the face, people have passed the "revolutionary" resolutions and slogans ... " Burying that form deep into the drawer, far from the clamping of legal forms of struggle.

But a new period, the imperialist war and revolutionary fighting of the proletariat, was approaching. Facing the great power of the financial capitalist, the old struggle methods have been clearly not enough and have no strength anymore.

It is necessary to reconsider the entire work and working methods of the Second International; Philistine's mind must be excluded, small narrow disease, political tricks, betrayal spirit, socialism, peaceful socialism. It is necessary to check the entire arsenal of the Second International, throw away all that has been rusty and old, forging new weapons. If you do not do that opening work, do not attempt to attack capitalism. Without doing so, the proletariat is at risk of not being fully armed, or even without weapons before new revolutionary battles.

Leninism has been honored to conduct the re -examination and disinfect the Augean cow cows of the Second International.

The method of Leninism has arisen and trained in such conditions. ”

(Stalin, principles of leninism)

Comrade Lenin, with his genius, grasped the core element of the conflict and realized that the bourgeois struggle could not be effective and successful without the burden on the shoulders. international proletariat, not fight against revisionism and opportunities, do not let the masses see the true nature of these views in theory and practice and not isolate them as far as possible as possible. . By consolidating dialectic and necessary relationships between "internal struggle" and "Foreign Affairs", he has conducted two parallel struggles at the same time.

Comrade Lenin has left us, the communists are extremely important that the struggle against the revision and the inseparable opportunity for the struggle against imperialism and the people reactionary top. On the contrary, the fight against the empire must also eliminate the revision and opportunities.

Maintain Lenin's teachings about serious conflicts in the imperialist system

The system of imperialist imperialism was detailed by Lenin in the early twentieth century, continued to exist in the past era, but the conflicts inside it became more and more serious and gradually being Falling into the vortex of antagonistic contradictions cannot be resolved. Although the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the process of integration into China's capitalist system have temporarily blocked the explosion of these conflicts, the law of uneven development of privateism. The continuous version and the competition between imperial countries continue to develop to the "disintegration" stage with regional wars. This shows the crisis of the system [imperialist-N.D.] And previous "solutions" are no longer effective. The empires, who maintained the crisis by venting their burdens to the semi -colonial countries as well as intensified the looting of those countries, there was no way.

One of the explosive points on the inherent issue of the imperialist system that has been developed under the definition of Lenin on imperialism, is the conflict between imperial countries, shown with each other. Different forms in recent years, it is now shown through regional wars. When Lenin lists the contradictions of imperialism, he sees it as one of the three most important types of contradictions.

We can see those progress is suitable for the observations of Comrade Lenin about the nature and conflicts of imperialism: “The second conflict is the conflict between financial groups and imperialist powers struggling to win raw materials, to win other territories. Imperialism is capital export to places where raw materials, a crazy struggle to monopolize those sources of raw materials, is the struggle to divide the world that has been divided, the struggle Especially fierce of new financial groups and powers are looking for a "sun in the sun", against the old financial and powerful groups trying to cling to what they have seized. The characteristics of that crazy struggle between capitalist groups, is that it includes the inevitable element, that is, the imperialist wars, the wars to appropriate territories. other country. This situation is characterized by the empire to weaken each other, causing the status of capitalism in general to weaken, causing the proletariat revolution to quickly broke out, causing it That revolution became inevitable. ” (Stalin, the principles of Leninism).

Russia and China, countries that used to be socialism have created a postponed time for the empire of their new markets, have become the main factors in the competition between the empire countries. , scrambling for the hegemony with the United States. This means that the level and nature of the contradictions have increased with the increasing participation from emerging and powerful forces in the struggle to redistribute the territory. The big deal with the invasion of the Russian Empire with Ukraine is taking place in that context. It can be seen that this trend will be deeper and spread stronger. As long as there is no direct confrontation between the empire countries, the wars will continue to be promoted in colonial and semi -colonial countries. The semi -colonial countries and oppressed peoples around the world will continue to pay for these wars until the empires declare each other directly.

World division became imperial countries and oppressed countries accounted for the vast majority in the world - Intimate analyzed by Lenin - has been further expressed. The third conflict has become more serious with the looting of the empires and the rise of national liberation wars and strong people's wars in the semi -colonial and semi -feudal countries. vibrating the imperialist system.

In parallel with the mode of operation of imperialism, it is operated by conflicts between empire countries and conflicts between empire countries and oppressed nations and peoples; All parts of the ruling system are increasingly concentrated, militarized and aggressive than before, paving the way for the rise of fascist thought, conspiracy to bring society into an ideological pattern for ideological patterns for ideology. rule. This is done by the so -called extremely righteous thought or under the curtain of Democratic - Social and Free Party parties. Communists and oppressed peoples in the world face the reality of an increasingly reactionary and aggressive system, need to have a Leninist political leader to lead the struggle of the class. Properties to gain political power, as Mr. Lenin outlined, to conduct strong counterattacks against this trend. Only one political party, today is the Marxist-Leninist-Maiist Party itself, can lead a non-air-conditioning struggle with the bourgeoisie.

Lenin's great heritage, a Leninist political party; Battle Staff of the proletariat

The revolution is not a party, not a literary writing, not a flower embroidery painting, it is impossible to be elegant, leisurely, polite and polite, unable to be peaceful, gentle Good, respectable, reserved and humble. The revolution is violence, the fierce act of one class to destroy the class. ” (Mao Zedong).

It is important that the communists must identify how conflicts and identify their status before development. One hundred years since the death of Comrade Lenin, the empires turned their ruling system into a giant war machine. The army, police, secret agents, etc. were much more terrible than before. On the other hand, there are a number of people who claim to be "communist" or "revolutionary" worrying ignoring reality (even if they accept it theoretically), and those people still still have long time ago. However, the way of reconciliation in terms of thought and practice has tightened the proletariat and the masses were oppressed into the ruling system, calming the anger of the masses and acting as a dike. Wave shield. While the empires and their exploitation systems are equipping themselves more violent machines and institutions than ever before, that is necessary, because those who follow the path of Comrade Lenin will progress. Accompanying a strong ideological struggle against the truth is that those who claim to be "revolutionaries" and "communists" are increasingly far from reality that the revolution and revolutionary struggle will be based on the dance. Trang and violence. Taking the relentless struggle of comrade Lenin against the opportunity of the Second International is the way to enlighten the struggle against the above views is one of the important tasks to perform justice. Give Lenin's comrade to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his death.

Comrade Lenin defined a new type of communist party to be "the battle team of the proletariat". This definition is essential due to the imperial system and the general position of the class. The process led to the October Revolution and the civil war broke out along with the revolution were the specific reasons that Lenin called the Communist Party as "the battle team of the proletariat". It is a necessity for a Communist Party, the political party leading the struggle to liberate the proletariat and the oppressed masses, in the context of the anti -revolutionaries, which are being armed from the top to the top. With violent machines to carry out terrible massacre in the proletariat and oppressed peoples. It is necessary to have a fighting party to promote the revolutionary war. Only ignorant people and the reviewers do not know how to repair them based on the bourgeoisie to see the problem.

"Someone laughed at us as the" universal war theory ". Yes, we are universal war theory, which is not bad but good, is Marxist. The gun of the Russian Communist Party has created a socialist country. We must create a Democratic Republic. The experience of class struggle in the empire of the imperialism shows that, only by the power of the gun, the working class and the labor mass will win the bourgeoisie and the landlords dancing. page ; With that meaning, we can say, only guns can change the world. ” (Mao Zedong).

At the establishment conference, the International Communist Federation determined that the construction and re -establishment of the Communist Party was an important task in the international proletariat struggle. The concept of the Communist Party developed by Mr. Mao Zedong is in line with the concept of the Communist Party outlined by Comrade Lenin, enriched by Stalin and realized the concept of Leninist about the Party in the ideological system of Marx-Lenin-Maoism. In the era of imperialism and the proletariat revolution, where we find ourselves, the Communist Party wants to be able to withstand the increasing war of invasion of the reactionaries and leadership. The proletariat and oppressed peoples around the world come to the liberation, the Communist Party must be "the battle team of the proletariat".

Lenin's weak heritage is a political power issue as a basic issue of every revolution. Lenin pointed out that " The proletariat revolution could not be done without a violence against the bourgeois state apparatus and replaced it with a new form of state ”. and "Everything, except for power is just a bunch of illusions." . Under the leadership of Lenin, the first socialist state in the world, the first proletarian dictatorship was born, concretized and maintained the path to the power of the proletariat.

After Lenin died, his successor, Stalin defined Leninism excellently, developed and turned it into a foundation for the international communist movement. Stepping shoulder to shoulder with Lenin, President Mao brought the international proletariat to the peak and developed the idea of the proletariat to a higher step. Marx-Lenin-Maoism, ie Leninism of today's era, must be supported, protected and applied.

Our International Communist Federation will continue to perform well the tasks that Lenin has set and promote the heritage that he has left for us.

Comrade Lenin, the great teacher of the proletariat and Marx-Lenin-Mao, the leader and illuminated the path for the international proletariat struggle today. old!

Long-lasting Marx-Lenin-Maoism!

For years of proletariat internationalism!

International Communist Federation

January 2024

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Romanian: Statement by the ICL on Lenin

We publish this unofficial translation to Romanian of the statement by the ICL on Lenin.

Proletarians from all countries, unite!

Comrade Lenin, the guiding light of the proletariat
Mondial and the great teacher of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, illuminates the path of unity for the international communist movement

"We are the ones who form the army of the great proletarian strategist, the army of Comrade Lenin. There is nothing more uplifting than the honor of being part of this army. ” (Stalin)

As the pages of history show, on January 21, 1924, Comrade Lenin, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed peoples in the world, the second great landmark of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, became immortal and left behind a legacy of value. incalculable. The teachings of Comrade Lenin, who transformed the "world of the future", the foundations whose bases were laid by Marx and Engels, from an abstract possibility in a concrete reality, are still fully relevant after a century and after great disturbances in the world. To adopt a correct position in the class struggle, you must accept this "actuality" and orient yourself according to it. This "actuality" is, at the same time, a cure for reformism, revisionism and parliamentary cretinism, which means capitulation and compromised with the dominant ideologies of any kind. It is the guarantee of faith and determination that a communist world can be created.

Lenin as a master of communism that broke the ice and opened the way of fighting against international reaction and revisionism

In order to correctly identify the contradictions in the history of the class struggle, to understand moments of historical breakdown and to be prepared in these moments of breaking was the most remarkable feature of the whole struggle of Comrade Lenin until his immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, the leadership of the International Proletariat was taken over for a long time by the opportunism of the second international, and in the words of Comrade Stalin: "A period when the parties of the second international were not able to take over the theoretical struggle for the release of the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world under the influence of these opportunistic social-democrats and compromise. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the World Proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world, with the establishment of the communist international, a form of organization and struggle appropriate to the dynamics of class struggle has been developed in the new period of capitalism. "

Comrade Lenin transformed the Communist Party and the Communist International into an instrument to fight the bourgeoisie by issuing the communist party and the communist international from the handcuffs of legal forms: "Instead of a revolutionary policy, there was a flask philistinism and Sordid political trim, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary intrigues. For the sake
The appearances, of course, were adopted "revolutionary" resolutions and slogans ... "
but which they "keep in the designs of the offices", issued by the control of the legal forms of fighting.

"Meanwhile, a new period of imperialist wars and the revolutionary battles of the proletariat was approaching. The old methods of fighting proved obviously inadequate and powerless in the face of financial capital. It had become necessary to revise the entire activity of the second international, its entire method of work, and to drive away any philistinism, obtuse, politician tricks, renegade, social-chvinism and social-pycifism. It had become necessary to examine the entire arsenal of the second international, to throw everything that was rusty and outdated, to make new weapons. Without this preliminary work it was useless to launch ourselves in the war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat risks waking up inappropriately armed, or even completely disarmed, in future revolutionary battles. The honor of the initiation of this general review and the general cleaning of the Augenian stables of the second international has returned to Leninism. " (Stalin, Leninism's Basics)

Comrade Lenin, with his genius, entered the heart of the contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie cannot be sufficiently effective and successful without shaking the burdens that press on the back of the international proletariat, without combating revisionism and opportunism, without To show the masses the true character of these conceptions in theory and practical, without insulating them as much as possible. Establishing the dialectical and necessary connection between the "internal struggle" and "external struggle", he fought on the two lines.

Comrade Lenin left us, the communists, the extremely important lesson that the fight against revisionism and opportunism cannot be separated from the struggle against imperialism and all the dominant forms of reaction. On the contrary, the fight against imperialism must be cleaned of revisionism and opportunism.

Ascertain Lenin's teachings in the increasingly acute contradictions of the imperialist system

The imperialist system, which Comrade Lenin analyzed in detail at the beginning of the twentieth century, has survived lately, but his contradictions are exacerbated and is in a spiral of insoluble antagonistic contradictions. Although the dissolution of the USSR and the process of integration into the capitalist system that China has gone have prevented the contradictions from exploding for a while, the Law on unequal development of capitalism continued, and the interimperialist rivalry has developed until the "disintegration" stage through wars regional. This shows the crisis in which the system is located and the fact that the previous "solutions" no longer work. The imperialists, who for a long time have kept the crisis under control by transferring the weights of the system over the semi-colonies and intensifying their robbery, arrived in an impasse and here.

One of the explosive points of the inherent problems of the imperialist system, which have developed in accordance with the definition of imperialism given by Lenin, is the fact that interimperialist relations
which have been manifested in various forms in recent years, the interimperialist struggle, is currently being held within the regional wars. When Lenin listed the contradictions of imperialism, he mentioned the interimperialist contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions.

We can see that developments are in accordance with Comrade Lenin's observations on the character and contradictions of imperialism: "The second contradiction is the contradiction between the various financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for the sources of raw materials and for foreign territories. Imperialism is the export of capital to the sources of raw materials, the frantic struggle for the monopolistic possession of these sources, the fight for a new division of the already divided world, a fight carried with a special rage by the new financial groups and powers that seek a "place under Sun ”against the old groups and financial powers. Powers that are desperately clinging to what they have seized. This frantic struggle between the different groups of capitalists is remarkable by the fact that it includes as an inevitable element the imperialist wars, the wars for the annexation of foreign territories. This circumstance, in turn, is notable by the fact that it leads to the mutual weakening of the imperialists, to weaken the position of capitalism in general, to accelerate the emergence of the proletarian revolution and to the practical necessity of this revolution. " (Stalin, the basis of Leninism).

Russia and China, the former socialist countries that gave the imperialist system a break with their new markets, became the main players in the interimperialist rivalry, in dispute with the hegemonic power of the United States. This means that the magnitude and nature of the contradictions have increased with the increasing involvement of new and powerful players in the fight for the redistribution of territories. The great confrontation with the invasion of Russian imperialism in Ukraine took place in this context. It is predictable that this trend will intensify and spread further. As long as there is no direct confrontation between imperialists, the areas where division wars are worn are semi-colonies and colonies. The semi -colonies and oppressed peoples of the world will continue to pay the price of these wars until the imperialists declare war directly to each other.

With this, dividing the world into a minority of imperialist nations and a majority of oppressed nations - Masted Lenin -analyzed - more intensifies. The third contradiction is exacerbated with the robbery and imperialist predation and with the semi -liquid and semifudal ascension in the powerful national liberation wars and the popular wars that shake the imperialist system.

At the same time with the process in which imperialism is located in the interimperialist contradictions, and the contradiction between the imperialist countries and the peoples and the oppressed nations; All parts of the dominant system, especially imperialist states, become more centralized, militaristic and warrior than before, which opens the way for all fascist feelings to bring society into an appropriate ideological format. This is done either by the so-called far right, or under the veil of the social-democratic or liberal parties. Communists and oppressed peoples of the world, confronted with the reality of a system that becomes more and more aggressive as the passing day, need a Leninist party to lead the struggle of the proletariat for political power, as sketched by Comrade Lenin, to to organize a strong resistance against this reaction. Only such a party, today a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, can lead an irreconcilable fight against the bourgeoisie.

Lenin's great legacy, Leninist conception of the party: the General Staff of the Proletariat

A revolution is not a dinner, nor the writing of an essay, nor painting a painting, no embroidery; It cannot be so refined, so relaxed and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, detained and marvelous. One revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overturns it. (MAO țze-Dun).

It is crucial how the Communists define the existing contradictions and how they position themselves in the face of developments. In the hundred years since the death of Comrade Lenin, the imperialists have transformed their driving structures into even larger war cars. Armies, police, secret services, etc. Their are equipped with incomparable capabilities with those of the past. On the other hand, a considerable part of those called "communists" or "revolutionaries" ignores this reality (even if it seems to be theoretically accepted) and are far from positioning according to it. However, following an ideological and practical line of reconciliation that blocks the work of the working class and the masses oppressed in the governing system, they mitigate the anger of the masses and act as some protective dams. While the imperialists and the dominant operating structures are equipped with increasingly violent devices and institutions, it is necessary, as followers of Comrade Lenin, to carry a strong ideological struggle against the fact that they who define themselves as "revolutionary" and " Communists ”are increasingly departing from the reality that the revolution and the revolutionary struggle will rely on weapons and violence. Starting from Comrade Lenin's unclear struggle against the second international opportunism as a guide against these points of view is one of the important tasks to do justice to Comrade Lenin in the Centenary Year of his immortality.

Comrade Lenin defined the new type of communist party as the "Proletariat's war organization". This definition was necessary because of the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. Both the process that led to the October Revolution and the Civil War that broke out with the October Revolution were the concrete reasons why Comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "The Proletariat's War Organization". It is a necessity that the Communist Party, which will lead the emancipation of the proletariat and the oppressed masses, have this feature, while the counter -revolution is armed from top to down with devices and means of violence and commits all these terrible massacres against the working class and peoples. oppressed. A revolutionary war needs a fighter party to wear it. Only the fools and the incarigible revisionists who are based on the bourgeoisie are of another opinion.

Some people ridicule us as supporters of the "omnipotence of war". Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war; That's good, not bad, it's Marxist. The weapons of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. The experience in the class struggle from the era of imperialism teaches us that only through the power of the weapon the working class and the working masses can overcome the armed bourgeois and the estate; In this sense we can say that only with the weapons can the whole world be transformed. (MAO țze-Dun).

At his establishment conference, the International Communication League defined the establishment and reconstitution of communist parties as an important task in the fight for the world proletarian revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party developed by Comrade Mao Țze-Dun is in accordance with the understanding of the Communist Party presented by Comrade Lenin and also enriched by Stalin, and is to achieve the Leninist understanding in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. During the period of imperialism and proletarian revolutions in which we are, the communist party that is capable of opposing the increasing aggression of the imperialist reaction and leading the proletariat and oppressed peoples to liberation, must have the "war organization of the proletariat".

An essential legacy of Lenin is the problem of political power as a fundamental issue of any revolution. Lenin showed that "The proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the machinery of the bourgeois state and without replacing it with a new one" and that "Everything except for power is an illusion" . Under Lenin's personal leadership, the first socialist state in the world was established, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established, materializing the proletarian road to power and maintaining it.

After Lenin's death, his continuator Stalin was the one who brilliantly defined Leninism, further developed and made him the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the experience of the great Lenin, President Mao managed to bring the world proletarian revolution on the peaks to develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism, which is today Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, must be adopted, defended and applied.

As an international communist league, we will continue to carry out the tasks drawn by the great Lenin and use the inheritance left by Comrade Lenin.

Comrade Lenin, the great teacher of the World Proletariat and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism leads and guides our struggle for the world proletarian revolution today, as he did in the old days!

Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Live proletarian internationalism!

International Communist League

January 2024

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Turkish: Statement of the ICL on Lenin

We publish this translation to Turkish of the statement by the ICL on Lenin.

Unite the proletarians of all countries!

Lenin, the guide of the International proletariat and the great master of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, illuminates our way for the unity of the International Communist movement.

We are the army of the great strategist, the army of Lenin. There is no great honor than the honor of being a member of this army… ”(Stalin)

When the leaves of history showed January 21, 1924, the second largest milestone of the working class and the oppressed peoples of the world became immortalized by leaving a great legacy behind the comrade Lenin. The teachings of Lenin, who transformed the “world of the future olan, whose foundations were laid by Marx and Engels from an abstract likeness to a concrete reality, still maintain update despite a period of centuries -old time period and great upside down on the world. In order to realize the right position in the class struggle, it is an obligation to assimilate and get a guide. This “current” is also the guarantee of belief and determination that a publicist, revisionist and parliamentary foolishness, which includes surrender to all kinds of dominant ideology and reconciliation with dominant ideology and reconciliation, is the guarantee of belief and determination that a communist world is created.

Lenin, the master of communism, who broke the ice against the international bourgeoisie and revisionism

To determine the contradictions correctly in the history of class struggle, to comprehend the moments of historical breaks and to be ready in these moments of breaking, has been the most prominent feature of the whole struggle process until the immortal of the comrade of Lenin. Following the deaths of Marks and Engels, the leadership of the international proletariat for a long time was seized by the 2nd ENTERNATIONAL OPORTÜNISM. "A period in which the second international parties attracted themselves and semiri and the revolution does not want to seriously think of the revolutionary education of the masses…” as continuing. Comrade Lenin played the role of “ice breaking” here. In addition to the theoretical struggle to save the International proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world from the influence of these opportunist and class conciliatory social democrats, he established an organization and form of struggle that would comply with the dynamics of the class struggle of capitalism by establishing the Communist International.

Comrade Communist Party of Lenin and the International Communist Movement “Instead of a revolutionary policy, weak and weak small-bourgeois opportunism, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary combinations watching, politics tradesmen, appearance to save“ revolutionary ”decisions and slogans accept…” She saved the parliamentary foolishness from the grip of parliamentary foolishness, which kesin hiding them in office drawers ”and made them a war tool against the bourgeoisie. He saved the parliamentary foolishness from the grip of parliamentary foolishness, which kesin hiding them in office drawers ”and made them a war tool against the bourgeoisie. …… In the meantime, a new era was approaching the period of imperialist wars and the revolutionary wars of the proletariat. In the face of the unequal power of financial capital, it was clear that the old methods of struggle were insufficient. It was necessary to review the whole effectiveness of the second international, the method of working, and to throw the small-bourgeois opportunist spirit, weakness and narrow-mindedness, quite politician, mentality of denial, social chauvinism and social pacifism. It was mandatory to throw out all the rusted old weapons of the second international, to acquire new weapons. It was useless to enter war with capitalism without making this preparation. Unless this was done, in the new revolutionary war, the proletariat weapon and ammunition was in danger of going into war as incomplete. In general, the general cleaning of Augias stables fell to Leninism. ” (Stalin)

Lenin's comrade's bright genius and the main ring of the contradiction by grasping the burdens loaded on the back of the international proletariat, the struggle against revisionism and opportunism, without showing the real quality of these insights to the masses and practice, the struggle against the masses as much as possible. For this reason, the dialectic and compulsory bond between “the struggle inside” and “outside struggle ında realized the bilateral struggle.

Comrade Lenin left the tremendous lessons of progress by purifying the ranks of the struggle against imperialism and all kinds of dominant reaction, we have left the struggle against the communists, revisionism and opportunism.

To intervene in the deepened contradictions of the imperialist system with lenism

The imperialism, which was comprehensively analyzed by the comrade of Lenin at the beginning of the twentieth century, is “succeeded to keep him alive in the last process, but his contradictions are increasingly concentrated and the unresolved spiral is being varied in terms of the stage. With the disintegration of the USSR, the process of integration in the capitalist restoration in China prevented the transformation of contradictions into major explosions in terms of a certain period, but the inequal development law of capitalism continued and between the imperialist competition evolved into the “dissolution” stage with regional wars. It is an indication that the crisis in which this system is in and the “solutions üzerinden so far does not work. For a long time, there is a blockage in terms of the imperialists who have been carried out by moving the burden of the system to semi-colonies and deepening the looting of semi-colonies sustainable.

One of the explosion points of the structural problems of the imperialist system, which develops in accordance with Lenin's determination of imperialism, is that in recent years, the struggle between the imperialists showing itself in various ways is taking place in regional wars for the time being. Lenin expressed the contradiction between the imperialists as one of the three important contradictions in order of the contradictions of imperialism.

We see that the developments involved in compliance with the determinations of the comrade of Lenin, the character and contradictions of imperialism: “The second contradiction is the contradiction between various financial groups and imperialist states that are in the fight against raw material resources and the lands of others. Imperialism is the export of capital to raw material sources, and the relentless struggle to have the monopoly of these resources: the struggle of new financial groups and states looking for “living space” against the places they take forced, the old groups and states that adhere to ticks. The remarkable side of this struggle between various capitalist groups is that the imperialist wars, wars to conquer the territory of others as an inevitable element of this war. This is remarkable in terms of causing the mutual weakening of the imperialists, the clock of the proletarian revolution, and the necessity of this revolution. ” (Stalin, Leninism's Principles)

Russia and China, one of the former socialist countries that breathe the imperialist system for a while with the new market areas, have become the most important actors of the inter -imperialist competition at the reached stage. This means that the scope and quality of the contradictions is increasing with the increasingly involved of new and powerful actors in the struggle for the re -sharing of shared areas. The great gravity of Russian imperialism with the occupation of Ukraine took place through this background. It is necessary to see that this orientation will continue by deepening and spreading. Until the imperialists face directly, the areas where sharing wars took place are semi-colonials and colonies. Until the moment they will take direct war among themselves, the semi-colonies and the oppressed peoples of the world will continue to be paid the price of these wars. This will inevitably bring about the deepening of the contradiction between the oppressed nations and peoples that make up the rest of the world and the remark of the rest of the world, as well as the comrade of the comrade of Lenin, and the widespread of national liberation wars and public wars.

In parallel with the deepening of the imperialists and the oppressed peoples and the oppressed peoples and the inter -imperialist contradictions, all parts of the sovereign system, especially the imperialist states, shape themselves according to the reality of more central, more militarist and more than yesterday. They pave the way for all fascist mentality in order to take societies into an ideological format. The communists and the oppressed peoples of the world, face -to -face with a system reality that becomes more reactionary and aggressive, have a strong resistance against this reaction. However, such a party, today a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist party, can lead a uncompromising struggle against the bourgeoisie.

Lenin's great heritage Leninist party understanding: the proletariat

The revolution is not a feast, writing an article, drawing a picture or embroidery. The revolution cannot be achieved with that elegance, with that comfort and kindness, or with such sweetness, kindness, manners, prudence, spirit generosity. The revolution is an uprising, a violence movement in which a class overturns another class. ” (Mao Zedung)

It is vital to how Communists define the existing contradictions and how they will position themselves in the face of developments. The imperialists have turned their dominant structures into larger war machines over the last one year period of the death of the comrade of Lenin. The army, police, intelligence, etc. is equipped with opportunities that cannot be compared with the past. On the other hand, a significant portion of those who call themselves as “communist” or “revolutionary düz are ignoring this reality (although it is seen theoretically) in accordance with this reality. However, they follow an ideological and practical conciliatory line that imprison the working class and oppressed people into the sovereign system and damped the anger of the masses and serve as a decisive function. While the imperialists and dominant exploitative structures equip themselves with more violence and institutions, it is the necessity of being a follower of the comrade of Lenin to realize that those who describe themselves as “revolutionary” and “communists çıkan will rely on the reality of revolutionary struggle and revolutionary struggle will be based on arms and violence. It is one of the important tasks of being worthy of the centenary of the immortality of Lenin's immortality, just to guide the relentless struggle of the comrade of Lenin against the second international opportunism.

Comrade Lenin described the new type of communist party as “the establishment of the proletariat. This is a definition that the mutual position of the imperialist system and classes makes it necessary. Both the process leading to the October Revolution and the October Revolution, the exacerbated civil war was the concrete equivalent of the comrade of Lenin as the communist party of the communist party as “the proletariat to establish war”. While the counter -revolution is equipped with devices and tools from head to toe and equipping itself with devices and tools, it is an obligation for the communist party, which will lead the liberation of the proletariat and the oppressed masses while performing terrible massacres on the working class and oppressed peoples. A revolutionary war requires a warrior party that will lead this war. Only the fools that rely on the bourgeoisie and the uncontrollable revisionists may think otherwise.

Some people make fun of us by arguing that we are the sides of our ‘war is omnipotent’. Yes, it is true, we are the sides of the revolutionary war to be the power of everything. This is not bad, it's good. Marxist. The rifles of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will also create a democratic republic. The experience of the class struggle in the age of imperialism showed us that the working class and the working sheets can only be eaten with rifle power of the armed bourgeoisie and the landlords; In this sense, we can say that the world can only be changed with rifle power. ” (Mao Zedung)

At the EKB Establishment Conference, he put the construction or reconstruction of the communist parties in the struggle of the World Revolution as an important task. As MLMs, the understanding of the communist party developed by Mao Zedung comrade is in harmony with the understanding of the communist party, in which the comrade of the comrade of the comrade of Lenin is enriched by Stalin, and the Leninist party understanding finds meaning in the ideology. In the era of imperialism and proletarian revolutions we are in, the Communist Party, which will cope with the increasing aggression of imperialist reaction, and lead the people of the proletariat and the oppressed world to salvation, has to be the “proletariat's war”.

The main problem of each revolution is the problem of political power. Lenin, "The bourgeois state apparatus is not possible to demolish and replace the proletarian revolution without being replaced." ve "Everything except in power is an illusion" has shown.

Under Lenin's leadership, the world's first socialist state, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established. Thus, the path of the proletariat to power and the outline of how to protect him were practically demonstrated. After Lenin's death, Stalin was Stalin, who described Leninism in a bright way, developed further and made the basis of the entire international communist movement. President Mao managed to move the world proletarian revolution to higher on the shoulders of the Great Lenin and to improve the ideology of the proletarianism. Today, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism should be adopted, defended and implemented to defend lenism. As the International Communist Union, we will continue to make sense of the legacy of the comrade of Lenin by performing this task.

Comrade Lenin, the great master of the International proletariat and MLM, continues to lead and guide the proletarian world revolution struggle today as it was yesterday!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Long live proletariat Internationalism!

International Communist Union

January 2024

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Italian: Statement of the ICL on Lenin

We publish this unofficial translation of the statement of the ICL on Lenin.

Proletarian of all countries, join!

Comrade Lenin Faro of the international proletariat and great master of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism illuminates the path of the unity of the international communist movement

"We are those who form the army of the great strategist of the proletariat, the army of Comrade Lenin. There is no greater honor than that of belonging to this army. " (Stalin)

As the pages of history show, on January 21, 1924, Comrade Lenin, the great leader of the working class and oppressed peoples all over the world, the second milestone of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, became immortal leaving a great legacy of incalculable value. The teachings of Comrade Lenin, who transformed the "world of the future", whose foundations were laid by Marx and Engels, and who from an abstract possibility have turned into a concrete reality, are still relevant after a century of great upheavals in the world. To position yourself correctly in the class struggle, this "current affairs" and orientars of its direction must be taken.

Lenin as a master of communism that broke the ice and paved the way against the international reaction and revisionism

Correctly identifying contradictions in the history of class struggle, grasping moments of breakage in history and being ready in these moments of breakage was the main task of the entire struggle of partner Lenin until its immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, for a long time the opportunism of the second international had taken on the leadership of the international proletariat, an interval that in Stalin's words was "a period during which the parties of the second international were not able to continue to conduct the theoretical struggle to free the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world by the influence of these opportunists and class collaborators of social-democrats. Otre to the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and oppressed peoples, with the foundation of the communist international he developed a form of organization and struggle appropriate to the dynamics of the class struggle in the new phase of capitalism ".

Comrade Lenin has transformed the Communist Party and the Communist International into a war instrument against the bourgeoisie by freeing the Communist Party and the movement of the Communist Internazionale from the hindrances of the legal forms of struggle: "Instead of a revolutionary policy, smidulized philistism e Breast politicianism, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary combinations. To save the appearances, of course, "revolutionary" resolutions and words were approved, but to pass them to the archives (...) it was necessary to review all the work of the II International, all its working method, ban on philistyism, Mental stenten, politicantism, the repudiation of Marxism, social scores, socialpacifis. It was necessary to verify all the arsenal of the II International, throw away everything there was rusty and antiquated, forge new sorts of weapons. Without this preliminary work it was useless to start at war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat risked being, faced with the new revolutionary battles, insufficiently armed, or even completely unarmed. The honor of this general revision, of this general cleaning of the wishes of Augìa of the International II was touched on Leninism ". (Fundamentals of Leninism, Stalin)

Comrade Lenin, with his genius, understood what the core of the contradiction was and has caught that the fight against the bourgeoisie cannot be sufficiently effective and winning without shaking off the weight that weighs on the shoulders of the international proletariat, without fighting the 'opportunism and revisionism, without showing the masses the true character of these visions both from a theoretical point of view and from a practical point of view, without isolating such ideas as much as possible. By establishing the necessary and dialectical connection between "internal struggle" and "external struggle", Comrade Lenin has carried out a double struggle.

Comrade Lenin left us communists the extremely important lesson on the inseparability of the fight against revisionism and opportunism from the fight against imperialism and all forms of the dominant reaction. The fight against imperialism must be purged by revisionism and opportunism.

Keep Lenin's teachings high within the deepest contradictions of the imperialist system

The imperialist system, which his partner Lenin analyzed in detail at the beginning of the twentieth century, survived until the present day, but his contradictions are welcoming and has entered a spiral of insoluble antagonistic contradictions. Although the dissolution of the USSR and the integration process in the capitalist system of China has crossed, making contradictions did not explode for a while, the law of the unequal development of capitalism continues to advance and the inter-imperialist rivalry develops until the Stadium of the "disintegration" through regional wars. This shows the crisis in which the system is currently located and that the "solutions" proposed in the past no longer work in the current phase. The imperialists, who for a long time have maintained the crisis by downloading the weight of the system on the semi-colonies and plundering its resources have now reached a deadly point.

One of the explosive nodes of the problems inherent in the imperialist system, which developed according to the definition of imperialism of Lenin, is that the inter-imperialist struggle, which has manifested itself in various forms in recent years, is currently fought through regional wars. When Lenin enumerates the contradictions of imperialism, he cites inter-imperialist contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions.

“We can see that the developments are in line with the observations of Comrade Lenin on the characteristics and contradictions of imperialism: the second contradiction is the contradiction between the different financial groups and the different imperialist powers in their struggle for the sources of raw materials e for the territories of others. Imperialism is the export of capital to the sources of raw materials, struggle fierce for the exclusive possession of these sources, struggle for a new division of the world already divided, a struggle that is conducted with particular harshness, from new financial groups and from the powers in Try to "place in the sun", against the old groups and the powers that do not want to abandon the booty at any cost. This fierce struggle between different groups of capitalists is noteworthy because it contains, as an inevitable element, the imperialist wars, the wars for the conquest of other people's territories. This circumstance, in turn, is noteworthy because it leads to the mutual weakening of the imperialists, to the weakening of the positions of capitalism in general, because it brings the moment of the proletarian revolution closer, because it makes this revolution practically necessary ". (Stalin, principles of Leninism).

Russia and China, the former socialist countries who gave the imperialist system a truce with their new markets, have become among the main actors of inter-imperialist rivalry, in dispute with the hegemonic power of the United States. This means that the scope and nature of contradictions have increased with the growing involvement of new and powerful actors in the struggle for the redistribution of the territories. The great confrontation with the invasion of Russian imperialism in Ukraine took place in this context. It is foreseeable that this trend will deepen and spread further. Until there is a direct comparison between the imperialists, the areas where the division wars will be fought will be semi-colonies and colonies. The semi-colonies and the oppressed peoples of the world will continue to pay the price of these wars until the imperialists are declared direct war.

With this, the division of the world into a handful of imperialist nations and a majority of oppressed countries- masterfully analyzed by Lenin- has been deepened even more. The third contradiction takes care of the robbery and the imperialist looting, and the semi-colonial and semi-feudal rise in powerful national liberation wars and popular wars that shake the imperialist system.

Parallel to the process in which imperialism is passing under the inter-imperialist contradictions, and the imperialist countries in contradiction, the peoples and the oppressed nations; All parts of the dominant system, especially the imperialist states, are becoming more centralized, militarist and belligerent than before, paving the way for all fascist feelings to bring society to a corresponding ideological configuration. This is achieved both with the so -called extreme right, and under the veil of social democratic or liberal parties. The Communists and the oppressed peoples of the world, in the face of the reality of a system that becomes more reactionary and aggressive every day, need a Leninist party to guide the struggle of the proletariat for political power, as outlined by his partner Lenin, to organize one Strong resistance against this reaction. Only such a party, today Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, can lead an irreconcilable struggle against the bourgeoisie.

Lenin's great legacy, the Leninist conception of the party: the major staff of the proletariat

“Revolution is not a gala lunch, it is not a literary party, it is not a drawing or embroidery, it cannot be done with so much elegance, with such serenity and delicacy, with so much grace and courtesy, the revolution is an act of violence in which one class overturns the other ". (Mao Zedong)

It is crucial as the communists define existing contradictions and how they position themselves in the face of developments. In the hundred years spent from the death of Comrade Lenin, the imperialists have transformed their government structures into even larger war machines. Their armies, police, secret services etc. They are equipped with skills incomparable to those of the past. On the other hand, a considerable part of those who call themselves "communists" or "revolutionaries" ignore this reality (even if it seems theoretically accepted) and are far from positioning themselves in agreement with it. However, following an ideological and practical reconciliation line that blocks the working class and the oppressed masses in the dominant system, they dampen the anger of the masses and act as dams. While the imperialists and the dominant structures of exploitation are equipped with increasingly violent devices and institutions, it is necessary, as followers of Comrade Lenin, to conduct a strong ideological struggle against the fact that those who define themselves as "revolutionaries" and "communists" yes They move more and more from the reality that the revolution and the revolutionary struggle will be based on weapons and violence. Taking the implacable struggle of Comrade Lenin against the opportunism of the International II as a guide against these opinions is one of the important tasks to do justice to Comrade Lenin in the centenary year of his immortality.

Comrade Lenin defined the new type of communist party as "the proletariat's war organization". This definition was necessary due to the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. Both the process that led to the October revolution and the civil war that broke out with the October Revolution were the concrete reasons for why Comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "War organization of the proletariat". The Communist Party, which will lead the emancipation of the proletariat and the oppressed masses, must have this characteristic, while the counter -revolution is arm itself from top to bottom with the apparatus and means of violence and is committing all these terrible massacres against the working class and oppressed peoples. A revolutionary war needs a fighter party to do it. Only the fools and incorrigible revisionists who rely on the bourgeoisie can see it differently.

Some people ridicule us as supporters of the "omnipotence of war". Yes, we are supporters of the omnipotence of the revolutionary war; This is good, not bad, it is Marxist. The weapons of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. The experience of the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that only with the power of the rifle the working class and the working masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and the landowners; In this sense we can say that only with weapons can the whole world be transformed. (Mao Zedong)

In its foundation conference, the LCI defined the construction and reconstitution of communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the world proletarian revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party developed by his partner Mao Zedong is in line with the understanding of the Communist Party outlined by his partner Lenin, and also enriched by Stalin, and is the realization of the Leninist understanding of the party in the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. In the period of imperialism and the proletarian revolutions in which we are, the Communist Party capable of opposing the growing aggression of the imperialist reaction and to conduct the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world to liberation must have the quality of a "war organization of the proletariat ".

An essential legacy of Lenin is the question of political power as a fundamental question of every revolution. Lenin showed how "the proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the bourgeois state machine and without its replacement with a new" and as "everything except power is an illusion". Under Lenin's personal guidance, the first socialist state in the world, the dictatorship of the proletariat was established, which materialized the proletarian path towards power and to keep it.

After Lenin's death, it was his continuator Stalin who brilliantly defined Leninism, who developed it further and to make the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the shoulders of the great Lenin, President Mao was able to bring the world proletarian revolution to higher levels and to develop the ideology of the proletariat. The Leninism that today is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism must be embraced, defended and applied to the current situation.

Like LCI, we will continue to carry out the tasks raised by the great Lenin and we will make good use of the inheritance that his partner Lenin left us.

Comrade Lenin, the great master of the international proletariat and Marxism Leninism-Maoism, guides and guides our struggle for the world proletarian revolution today as yesterday!

Live Il Marxismo-Leninism-Maoism!

Long live the international proletariat!

International Communist League, January 2024

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Finnish: Statement of the ICL on Lenin

We publish this translation to Finnish of the statement of the ICL on Lenin.

Proletars of all countries, join together!

Comrade Lenin, an international proletariat star and a great teacher of Marxism-Leninism Maaism, illuminates the path of unity on the international communist movement

We are the ones who form the Army of the Great Proletarian Strategist Army. There is no higher glory than it is an honor to belong to this army. ”


As the pages of history show, January 21, 1924, the great leader of Toveri Lenin, the working class and the world's oppressed nations, the second major milestone of Marxism-Leninism-Maoisism, became immortal and left behind an immeasurable value. The teachings of Comrade Lenin, which changed the "future world," on which Marx and Engels, from an abstract opportunity to become concrete reality, are still relevant after century and major upheavals in the world. In order to be correctly positioned in a class struggle, you need to accept this "actuality" and orientate. At the same time, this "actuality" is a remedy against reformist, revisionism, and parliamentary critics, which means capital and compromise with all kinds of dominant ideologies. It is a guarantee of trust and determination that the communist world can be created.

Len's as a Communism teacher who broke the ice and leveled the way against international recession and revisionism

In order to identify the contradictions correctly in the history of class struggle, to stick to the moments of the historical breakthrough, and being ready at these breaks was Comrade Lenin's most excellent feature of his immortality. After the death of Marx and Engels, the leadership of the international proletariat was hijacked by another International, and in the words of Comrade Stalin: The season in which the parties of the second International could not take over the theoretical battle to release the international proletariat and the oppressed nations of the world due to the influence of these opportunistic and classmate Social Democrats. In addition to the theoretical battle, to release the international proletariat and the oppressed nations of the world, with the establishment of a communist international, she developed the dynamics of class struggle in the new season of capitalism. In addition to the theoretical battle, to release the international proletariat and the oppressed nations of the world, with the establishment of a communist international, he developed the dynamics of class struggle in the new season of capitalism.

Comrade Lenin converted a communist party and a communist international as a tool against war against the bourgeoisie by freeing the communist party and the communist international movement of the legal shapes: Instead of revolutionary politics, there was a peak reindeer balcony and dry rail politics, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary compositions. For the sake of course, it was accepted revolutionary Decisions and IDs… ” However, they "keep in the desk box", released from the legal shapes of the battle. But a new period of imperialist wars and proletariat revolutionary battles made its way. Old combat methods proved to be obviously inadequate and ineffective against the Almighty of financial capital. We had to check the entire operation of II Internationale, the entire work method, to clean it from reindeer herding, short-sightedness, politician, dungeon, social-chauvinism and social pacifism. We had to check the entire weapon warehouse of II Internationale, to be discarded everything that was rusty and rotting, forging new weapons. Without such pre -work, there was no going to war against capitalism. Without it, there was a risk that the proletariat would be inadequately armed, even in the unarmed new revolutionary matches. This honor, the general inspection and major cleaning of the II Internationale in Ageia, fell to part of Leninism. ” (Stalin, the basics of Leninism)

Comrade Len's, his genius, grabbed the core of the contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie could not be sufficiently effective and successful without shaking the back of the international proletariat, without a struggle against revisionism and opportunism, without showing the true nature of these views in theory and in practice far as possible. By setting a dialectical and essential connection between the "inner battle" and the "external battle", he wore a double battle.

Comrade Lenin left us with extremely important teaching that the fight against revisionism and opportunism cannot be distinguished from the battle against imperialism and the dominant recession against all forms. On the contrary, the fight against imperialism must be cleaned of revisionism and opportunism.

Log high in Lenin's teachings in the escalating conflicts of the imperialist system

The imperialist system, which Comrade Lenin analyzes in detail at the beginning of the 20th century, has survived the past period, but its contradictions are escalating and is in the cycle of unresolved antagonistic contradictions. Although the breakdown of SNTL and China -through the capitalist system The integration process prevented conflicts from exploding for a while, the law of uneven development of capitalism continued, and the inter -imperialist competition evolved to the degree of "distinction" with regional wars. This shows the crisis where the system is and that the previous "solutions" no longer work. Imperialists who longed for their crisis by transferring the burden of the system to half -transfer and deepening the robbery of the semi -transplant countries have also reached a dead end.

One of the explosive points of the built -in problems of the imperialist system, which has evolved, in line with Lenin's definition of imperialism, is that an inter -imperialist battle that has expressed itself in a variety of forms in recent years is now a fight in regional wars. When Lenin listed the conflicts of imperialism, he mentioned the interior of the imperialist contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions.

We can see that development is in line with Comrade Lenin's observations regarding the nature of the conflicts of imperialism: Another contradiction is the contradiction between different financial groups and imperialist powers in their fight for raw materials and foreign areas. Imperialism is the export of capital to the sources of raw materials, a fierce struggle for the monopolistic ownership of these sources, the struggle for the redistribution of the world, the struggle that new financial groups and states, search Place under the sun “, They go with special rage against old groups and states that firmly hold on to what they have stolen. This ferocious battle between different capitalist groups is special about the fact that it contains an essential material imperialist wars, wars to conquer foreign areas. This fact, in turn, is significant in that it leads to the weakening of the imperialists between each other, usually to the deterioration of the position of capitalism, to the practical necessity of this revolution. (Stalin, the basics of Leninism)

Russia and China, the former socialist countries that gave the imperialist system a respite with their new markets, have become the main players in the Imperialist competition, with the United States of hegemonic power. This means that the dimension and nature of contradictions have increased with the growing participation of new and strong players in battle for regional redistribution. A major confrontation with Russian imperialism invasion in Ukraine took place against this background. It is predefined that this trend will deepen and expand further away. As long as there is no direct confrontation between imperialists, areas where Jakosotia is conducted are semi -transfer and colonies. Semi -transplants and oppressed nations in the world will continue to pay the price for these wars until imperialists declare the direct war against each other.

With this the world division of a handful of imperialist nations and the majority of oppressed nations - What Lenin is masterfully analyzed - deepens. The third contradiction is escalated with imperialist robbery and robbery, and semi -colonial and semi -functional countries rise to the strong wars and folk wars of national release, which shaking the imperialist system.

Similarly, with this process that imperialism goes through inter -imperialist contradictions, and between the nations and nations of imperialist countries and oppressed; All parts of the prevailing system, especially the imperialist states, are becoming more centralized, militarist and militia than ever before, smoothing the way for all fascist concepts will bring society to a similar ideological formation. This is enforced either by so -called right -wing xtremist or social democratic or liberal parties. Communists and the oppressed nations of the world, encountering the reality of the system that becomes more recently and aggressive day by day, need the Lenin Party to lead a proletariat for political power, as Toveri Lenin outlined, to organize a strong resistance against this recession. Only such a party, today, Marxist-Lenin-Maoan, can lead to a non-restored battle against the bourgeoisie.

Lenin's great heritage, Lenin's perception of the party: The General Staff of the Proletariat

The revolution is not about being in dinner invitations or writing an essay, painting a painting or a jewelry sewing; It cannot be so sophisticated, so sluggish and subtle, so moderate, friendly, polite, restrained and sublime. The revolution is a rebellion, a violent activity in which one class defeats the other. ” Mao Tse-Tung).

It is crucial how communists define existing contradictions and how they position themselves in the face of development. In one hundred years after Comrade Lenin's death, imperialists have transformed their power structures into even bigger war machines. Their army, police, secret services, etc., are equipped with unmatched abilities. On the other hand, a significant part of those who call themselves "communists" or "revolutionary" ignore this reality (although it seems to be awarded in theory) and are far from positioning themselves accordingly. In any case, following the ideological and practical line of mediation, which locks the working class and oppressed troops into the prevailing system, they dampen the troops' anger and act as a breakwater. As the imperialists and the power structures of the deprivation are equipped with increasingly violent machinery and institutions, it is necessary to follow the strong ideological battle of Comrade Lenin, contrary to the fact that those who define themselves as "revolutionary" and "communists" are shifted further away from the reality weapons and violence. Taking the second International Opportunism of Comrade Lenin's Battle Battle as a guide to these views is one of the important tasks to do the right to Comrade Lenin in the hundred years.

Comrade Lenin defined the new type of communist party as a "proletariat war organization". This definition had become necessary due to the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. Both the process leading to the October Revolution and the Civil War that broke out of the October Revolution were concrete reasons why Lenin called the Communist Party as a "war organization of the proletariat." It is a necessity for a communist party that will lead to the liberation of proletariat and oppressed troops should be this feature when the counter -revolution is arranging itself on the toes with violence's apparators and tools and performing all these harsh massacists against the workers' and oppressed nations. The revolutionary war needs a fighting party to run it. Only fools and hardened revisionists who lean on the bourgeoisie can see it differently.

Some people mock us as the "Alliance" of the war. Yes, we are the half of the Revolutionary War of the Revolutionary War; It's good and not bad, it's Marxist. The rifles of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We will create a democratic republic. The experience gained during the imperialism period in class struggle teaches us that only the rifle of the working class and working troops can win the armed bourgeoisie and the space; In this sense, we can say that the whole world can only be changed with rifles. ” Mao Tse-Tung).

In his founding conference, KKL defined the construction and reconference of communist parties as an important task in battle for the Proletarian World Revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party, developed by Comrade Mao Tung, is in line with the understanding party outlined by Toveri Lenin, and also by Stalin enriched by Stalin, and is the implementation of the Leninian understanding in the ideology of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. During the period of imperialism and proletarian revolutions, where we live in a communist party that is capable of opposing the growing aggression of imperial imperialist recession and leading the proletariat and oppressed nations of the world must be a feature of the "proletariat war organization".

Lenin's essential inheritance is about political power as a basic issue for every revolution. Lenin showed how The proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the bourgeois machinery and without replacing it with a new and how All without power is an illusion . Under the personal leadership of Lenin, the world's first socialist, proletariat's state of dictatorship was established, in concrete the power of the proletarian road and its preservation.

After Lenin's death, his successor Stalin, who brilliantly defined Leninism, further developed it, and made it the basis of the entire international communist movement. Based on the shoulders of the Great Lenin, President Mao was able to promote the proletarian world revolution to greater heights and develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism, which is today Marxism-Leninism Maoism, has to embrace today, defend and apply.

As a KKL, we will continue to perform the tasks raised by Lenin and use the legacy of Comrade Lenin well.

The great teacher of Comrade Lenin, International Proletariat and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, leads and guides our battle for the Proletarian World Revolution today as she did yesterday! The great teacher of Comrade Lenin, International Proletariat and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, leads and guides our battle for the Proletarian World Revolution today as he did yesterday!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Long live proletar internationalism!

International Communist Association

January 2024

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Danish: Statement of the ICL on Lenin

We publish this unofficial translation to Danish of the statement of the ICL on Lenin.

Proletarians in all countries, unite!

Comrade Lenin, International Proletariat's Lead Star and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism's Great Teacher, says the Unity's Way for the International Communist Movement

"We are the ones who make up the great proletarian strategist's army, Comrade Lenin's army. There is nothing higher than the honor of belonging to this army. "

As the story shows, comrade Lenin, on January 21, 1924, the great leader of the working class and the oppressed people of the world, the other great milestone in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, became immortal, and left a great legacy of invaluable value. Comrade Lenin's teachings, which transformed the "world of future", whose foundation were laid by Marx and Engels, from an abstract opportunity to a concrete reality, is still fully relevant after a century and major upheavals in the world. In order to be able to position itself correctly in the class struggle, one must accept this 'timeliness' and orientate to it. This "timeliness" is also a cure for reformist, revisionist and parliamentary Cretinism, which means capitulation and compromise of prevailing ideologies of all kinds. It is the guarantee of faith and determination that a communist world can be created.

Lenin as the teacher of communism who broke the ice and paved the way to the international reaction and revisionism

To identify the contradictions in the history of the class struggle correctly, to understand moments of historical break and to be clear in these moments of bride was the most excellent feature of the whole friend of Lenin's struggle up to his immortality. After the death of Marx 'and Engels' death, the leadership of the International Proletariat was taken over for a long time by opportunism in the second international, and with mate Stalin's words: » A period when the parties in the second international were unable to take over the theoretical struggle to free the international proletariat and the world's oppressed people from the influence of these opportunistic and class -promoting social democrats. In addition to the theoretical struggle for the liberation of the international proletariat and the oppressed people of the world, he developed with the founding of the communist international an organizational and fighting form that suited the dynamics of the class struggle in the new period of capitalism. «

Comrade Lenin transformed the Communist Party and the Communist International into a war instrument against the bourgeoisie by freeing the Communist Party and the movement of the Communist International from the Legal Forms' Links: » Instead of a revolutionary policy, philisminism and dirty political negotiations, parliamentary diplomacy and parliamentary intrigues were escaped. For the sake, of course, "revolutionary" resolutions and passwords were adopted… « , but as it "stores in the offices of the offices", freed from the grip of legal forms of fighting. » Meanwhile, a new period was approaching imperialist wars and the revolutionary struggles of the proletariat. The old fighting methods appeared obviously inadequate and impotent towards the omnipotence of financial capital. It became necessary to revise the entire international activity of the other international, the entire working method, and to expel all philistinism, narrowness, politics tricks, Renegat name , social chauvinism and social pacifism. It became necessary to investigate the entire International Arsenal, to throw away all that was rusty and outdated, forced new weapons. Without this preparation, it was useless to go to war against capitalism. Without this work, the proletariat risked finding itself inadequately armed, or even completely unarmed, in future revolutionary struggles. The honor of implementing this general overhaul and general cleansing of other international Augias stable accrued to Leninism. « . (Stalin, about the basis of Leninism)

Comrade Lenin, with his genius, caught the core of contradiction and realized that the fight against the bourgeoisie cannot be sufficiently effective and successful without shaking the burdens that weigh the back of the international proletariat, without fighting revisionism and opportunism, without showing the masses of these views true character in theory and practice, without isolating them as far as possible. By establishing the dialectical and necessary connection between the "internal struggle" and the "external struggle", he led the double battle.

Comrade Lenin left us communists the extremely important lesson that the fight against revisionism and opportunism cannot be separated from the fight against imperialism and all forms of prevailing reaction. On the contrary, the fight against imperialism must be purified of revisionism and opportunism.

Keep Lenin's teaching loud in the imperialist system's sharpened contradictions

The imperialist system that Comrade Lenin analyzed in detail in the early 20th century has survived over the past period, but its contradictions are sharpened and it is in a spiral of insoluble antagonistic contradictions. Although the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the integration process in the capitalist system that China underwent preventing the contradictions of exploding for a while, the law of the unequal development of capitalism continued, and the interimperialist rivalry evolved into the "disintegration stage" with regional wars. It shows which crisis system is in and that the previous "solutions" no longer work. The imperialists, who for a long time maintained their crisis by moving the system's burdens to the semi -colonies and deepening the plundering of the semi -colonies, have also reached a dead end here.

One of the explosive points of the inherent problems of the imperialist system that has evolved in accordance with Lenin's definition of imperialism is that the inter-imperialist struggle that has manifested itself in various forms in recent years is currently being fought in regional Wars. When Lenin listed the contradictions of imperialism, he mentioned the interimperialist contradiction as one of the three most important contradictions.

We can see that the development is in line with comrade Lenin's considerations of the nature and contradictions of imperialism: » The second contradiction is the contradiction between the different financial groups and imperialist powers in their struggle for sources of raw materials, for foreign territory. Imperialism is the export of capital to the sources of raw materials, the crazy struggle for monopolistic possession of these sources, the struggle for a new division of the already divided world, a struggle that is led with special rage by new financial groups and powers seeking a » space in the sun « Against the old groups and powers, which stubbornly hold on to what they have conquered. This crazy battle between the different groups of capitalists is remarkable because, as an inevitable element, it includes imperialist wars, wars for annexing foreign territories. This circumstance, in turn, is remarkable because it leads to a mutual weakening of the imperialists, to a weakening of the position of capitalism in general, to an acceleration of the coming of the proletarian revolution and to the practical necessity of this revolution. « (Stalin, on the basis of Leninism).

Russia and China, the former socialist countries, which have given the imperialist system a respite with their new markets, have become the main players of the interimperialist rivalry with the hegemonic power of the United States. This means that the scope and nature of the contradictions have grown as new and powerful actors have been involved in the struggle for the redistribution of territories. The great confrontation with Russian imperialism's invasion in Ukraine took place on this background. It is predictable that this trend will be elaborated and spread further. As long as there is no direct confrontation between the imperialists, the areas where the division wars are waged, semi -colonies and colonies. The semi -colonies of the world and oppressed people will continue to pay the price of these wars until the imperialists declare each other direct war.

With this will the division of the world into a handful of imperialist nations and a majority of oppressed countries - Masterfully analyzed by Lenin - become even more elaborated. The third contradiction is sharpened with the imperialist looting and looting, and the semi -colonial and semi -feudal uprising in powerful national liberation wars and folk wars shaking the imperialist system.

Parallel to the process that imperialism undergoes during the interimperialist contradictions, and the contradiction between imperialist countries and oppressed people and nations becomes all parts of the prevailing system, especially the imperialist states, more centralized, militaristic and warlike than before, which paves the way for All fascist feelings to bring society into a similar ideological format. This is fulfilled either by so -called right -wing extremists or under the guise of social democratic or liberal parties. The Communists and the oppressed people in the world who face a system that becomes more reactionary and aggressive day by day needs a Leninist party to lead the proletariat's struggle for political power, as outlined by comrade Lenin, to organize a Strong resistance to this reaction. Only such a party, today a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party, can lead an irreconcilable battle against the bourgeoisie.

Lenin's great heritage, the Leninist perception of the Party: The General Staff of the Proletariat

A revolution is no dinner party or like writing an essay or painting a picture or embroidering; It cannot be particularly refined, particularly stylish and gentle, especially moderate, friendly, polite, restrained and magnificent. A revolution is an uprising, an act of violence through which one class overthrows another. (Mao Tsetung).

It is crucial how the communists define the existing contradictions and how they position themselves in relation to development. In the hundred years that have passed since comrade Lenin's death, the imperialists have transformed their ruling structures into even larger war machines. Their armies, police, intelligence services, etc. are equipped with capacities that are incomparable to the past. On the other hand, a significant part of those who call themselves "communists" or "revolutionary" ignore this reality (although it appears to be theoretically accepted) and is far from positioning themselves in accordance with it. But by following an ideological and practical reconciliation line that locks the working class and the oppressed masses stuck in the ruling system, they dampen the anger of the masses and act as breakwaters. While the imperialists and the ruling exploitation structures are equipped with increasingly violent devices and institutions, it is necessary, as supporters of comrade Lenin, to have a strong ideological fight against the fact that those who define themselves as "revolutionary" and "communists ", Moving further and further away from the reality that the revolution and the revolutionary struggle will be based on weapons and violence. Taking comrade Lenin's relentless struggle against opportunism in the second international as a guide to these views is one of the important tasks of doing comrade Lenin justice in the 100th anniversary of his immortality.

Comrade Lenin defined the new type of Communist Party as the "proletariat's war organization". This definition was necessary because of the imperialist system and the mutual position of the classes. Both the process that led to the October Revolution, and the civil war that broke out with the October Revolution, were the specific reasons why comrade Lenin called the Communist Party "the proletariat's war organization". It is a necessity that the Communist Party, which will lead the proletariat's and the oppressed masses, have this trait, while the counter -revolution is armed from top to bottom with violence and funds and commits all these terrible massacres against the working class and the oppressed people. A revolutionary war needs a fighting party to lead it. Only fools and unresolved revisionists who are dependent on the bourgeoisie can see it differently.

Some people make fun of us as advocates of the "omnipotence of war", yes, we are advocates of the omnipotence of revolutionary war; It's good, not bad, it's Marxist. The rifles of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We want to create a democratic republic. Experience in the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only by the power of the rifle that the working class and the working masses can beat the armed bourgeoisi and the armed gentlemen; In this sense we can say that only with rifles can be transformed with rifles. (Mao Tsetung).

At its founding conference, IKF defined the building and reconstitution of communist parties as an important task in the struggle for the proletarian world revolution. The understanding of the Communist Party developed by Comrade Mao Tsetung is in line with the understanding of the Communist Party that Comrade Lenin outlined, and which was also enriched by Stalin, and it is the realization of the Leninist understanding of the party in Marxism- Leninism-Maoism's ideology. During the period of imperialism and proletarian revolutions that we are in, the Communist Party, which is capable of opposing the growing aggression of the imperialist reaction and leading the proletariat and the oppressed people of the world to liberation, must have the quality of a 'proletariat's war organization '.'

An essential heritage from Lenin is the question of political power as the basic question of any revolution. Lenin showed how » The proletarian revolution is impossible without the violent destruction of the bourgeois state apparatus and without its replacement with a new « , and how » anything but power is an illusion « . Under Lenin's personal leadership, the world's first socialist state, the dictatorship of the proletariat, was established, cementing the proletarian path to power and preserving it.

After Lenin's death, it was his successor Stalin, who brilliantly defined Leninism, further developed it and made it the basis of the entire international communist movement. On the shoulders of the great Lenin, President Mao was able to lead the proletarian world revolution to greater heights and develop the ideology of the proletariat. Leninism, which today is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, must be embraced, defended and used today.

As an IMF, we will continue to perform the tasks that the great Lenin raised and make good use of the inheritance that Comrade Lenin has left us.

Comrade Lenin, International Proletariat and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism's great teacher, leader and guide our struggle for the proletarian world revolution today, as he did yesterday!

Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Live the proletarian internationalism!

International Communist Association

January 2024

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Ecevit Piroğlu was taken to the camp

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News Center | 19.02.2024 | The Solidarity Committee with Ecevit Piroğlu issued a statement and gave information about the arbitration of Piroğlu and then to the camp under the supervision of police. Description is as follows;

Ecevit Piroğlu, who was released from Serbian Prison on January 12, 2024, was re -arrested by the police waiting in the prison and taken to another prison named ‘camp’.

Despite the decision of the Supreme Court of Serbia to be returned to Turkey, Ecevit Piroğlu, who has been imprisoned for 32 months for 32 months, is suspended for law and universal human rights. Piroğlu's application for keeping hostage in the name of political bargaining continues.

Ecevit Piroğlu'nun 136 -day hunger strike after the right to treatment for health problems is prevented, the hospital is not carried out with the bureaucratic excuses.

For Ecevit Piroğlu, the decision of the Ministry of Interior of the Serbian Ministry of Interior means ignoring the ECtHR, the UN and the court decisions. The State of Serbia says Piroğlu leave the country on the one hand, and on the other hand it violates its own decisions by keeping it in prison.

In accordance with this decision, Ecevit Piroğlu has been left unanswered for weeks, and illegally detained their freedom. Piroğlu's attempt to dismissal for a country that he does not want and forced to a country he does not want will allow Turkey to illegally kidnap.

The Serbian State committed a crime against the Internationalist revolutionary Ecevit Piroğlu, which suspends the rights and freedoms of the people.

We call on the international public opinion against Serbia's intentional deprived of the right to health and treatment from Ecevit Piroğlu's freedom, health and treatment.

Ecevit Piroğlu is an internationalist revolutionary who fought against AKP fascism and ISIS terror from Gezi to Kobane. This is the reason for the attacks of Tayyip Erdoğan against Piroğlu. Ecevit Piroğlu started a hunger strike last Monday to stop this injustice.

Serbia should stop doing Erdogan's guard and comply with the international conventions she has signed. Serbia should stop doing Erdogan's guard and comply with the international conventions he has signed.
Ecevit Piroğlu should be released immediately! "

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Raise the red flag of unification under the MLM to carry out the tasks of the new situation!

We publish this unofficial translation of the ICL document “Raise the red banner of Unification under MLM to fulfill the tasks of the new situation!”

Proletarians from all countries, unite!

In the middle of the anniversary of the 130 years since the birth of President Mao Țze-Dun, we celebrate the first anniversary of the International Communist League:

Raise the red flag of unification under Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to carry out the tasks of the new situation!

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the establishment of the International Communist League (LCI), we send to the International Proletariat and to the people of the world our firm proletarian greeting. Our greeting is addressed to the international communist movement and the folk wars, which, in the middle of the new storms of the world proletarian revolution and the intensified reaction attacks, strive to provide orientation and management: by creating and making communist parties as struggle tools for the conquest of political power. . With profound feelings of proletarian internationalism, we currently convey our greeting greeting to the heroic struggle of national resistance in Palestine!

This year, the communists and revolutionaries celebrate the 130 years since the birth of the Great Cut, President Mao Tze-Dun, who personally led two of the greatest events in the history of proletariat: the Chinese Revolution, which opened the way of the new democratic revolution in the countries. oppressed; And the great proletarian cultural revolution, a titanic battle that planted the seeds of the revolution throughout the world, which flourished in the current popular wars and in the new wave of firm struggle for the reconstruction of communist parties under the leadership of Maoism in several countries worldwide. With President Mao Ţze-Dun, the proletarian movement has developed the most powerful and invincible weapon, its ideology, in the third and new stage of Marxism; Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the weapon with which the proletariat and the people of the world will sweep the imperialism and the reaction on the face of the earth.

With class hatred, we condemn revisionism and opportunism. The capitalist restoration in China has left the communists without a supporting basis for the world proletarian revolution. We reject the reactionary Xi Jinping who, with "his thinking XI Jinping" and his fascist "socialism with Chinese characteristics", tries to deceive the people of the world about the meaning of socialism and struggle against imperialism. But for proletariat there is no definitive defeat; As President Mao stressed, the only logic of the people is to fight, to fail, to fight, to fail and so on until victory. The capitalist restorations of the USSR since 1956 and from China in 1976 cannot stop the revolutionary march of international proletariat on its way to the final installation in power. These defeats are only moments in the development of the contradiction between revolution and counter -revolution, from which we draw learning to prevent restorations in the future.

The international communist movement and the national liberation movement go through decisive moments, we are witnessing the beginning of a turning point in the fight between revolution and counter -revolution, at the opening of a new period of revolution in the world proletarian revolution.

Just a year ago, it was proudly announced by class and heroism to establish a new international proletariat organization - International Communist League. 15 communist parties and organizations were united at the international (humorous) international conference around three basic lines: 1) mlm, 2) fight against revisionism and 3) the world proletarian revolution. The common statement of principles and foundations defined the establishment of the International Communist League as being "A step to reunify and overcome the dispersion from the international communist movement (...), being opened a new stage of the struggle organized for the reconstruction of the communist international under the leadership and guidance of the Maoism." .

One year after this event, the objective situation of the world is characterized by an additional intensification of fundamental contradictions, especially the main contradiction between imperialism and oppressed peoples and nations. The general crisis of capitalism in its imperialist stage has reached a new culminating moment in which seizures and rashes of great importance take place. From an economic point of view, at present the deepest crisis of the world imperialist system of World War II is in progress, forming the basis of serious political crises, which, in turn, deepest the economic crisis. American imperialism, as the only hegemonic superpower, is in decline and tries by all means to advance in achieving its strategic objective to maintain and extend its position, even if it is increasingly difficult to make its plans to It snatches the status of nuclear superpowering of Russian imperialism and preventing the ascension of the social-immperialist China. After the failures in Syria and Afghanistan, the development of the Ukraine war is also a clear example of the degree to which the political crisis of imperialism has renewed and renew our next position. "The only way to follow for the people of Ukraine is to rely on their own forces and to defend the nation, against the foreign invader and the traitors selling the country." . From the interimperialist contradiction, a tendency to expand the imperialist war is detached, which is currently expressed by the strong impulse of the armor, militarism and the reintensing of their failed counter -revolutionary offensive. In order to maintain its position, American imperialism strengthens its hegemonic ambitions on its alliances and allies, especially on NATO countries, but instead deepens its crisis and reveals its character of "Colossus with clay legs" . Although there are clear and certain signs of a new world war, it is not imminent, and the communists have the task of leading all those forces that are mobilized in the face of this situation and who return spontaneously against imperialism. The assessment of the principle statement that "... the movement against the imperialist war will increase with the revolt against the exploitation and oppression of the class and the increasing poverty of the masses ..." It proved to be correct and oriented towards the future. In addition to the mass movements in the oppressed countries, the struggles of workers and peoples in the imperialist countries also intensified, highlighting the great revolts of the masses in France.

From the international proletariat and the oppressed peoples and nations, we see that a new wave of revolutions-in an unequal development. The popular wars led by the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties in Peru, India, Turkey and Philippines not only resisted the attacks of the counter-revolution, but have developed new initiatives and have managed to advance, while the preparation of new folk wars are underway. . In oppressed countries, peasant movements continue to develop on a huge scale and, wherever they are under proletarian leadership, their role as the main force of the new democratic revolution against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism becomes clear. With the offensive of the National War of Palestinian Resistance, not only the fight for a free and untouched Palestine has entered a new stage, but also favors the conditions for world-scale anti-imperialist struggle, being "A sharp spear stuck in the imperialist beast which, by its example, inspires and calls the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world to battle and resistance." , as we stated in our statement on October 8th. We renew our appeal here that the communists must be the ones who must take over the leadership of this movement, in order to apply the universal teaching that the liberation of the nation under imperialism can only be victorious under the leadership of the proletariat.

Comrade, is not the evolution of the world situation an excellent evidence that the establishment of the LCI took place exactly at the right time? That the struggle for reunification of communists worldwide corresponds to the need for objective situation? We see that the essential assessments and definitions of the fundamental declaration have found their expression in this situation and have been fulfilled, that it is a good starting point for the development of the struggle for a deeper understanding of the proletarian ideology in its concrete conditions. The revolutionary unit made within the international Maoist International Conference through the fight between the two lines, under the banner of the great Marx classics, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and the president of Mao Ţze-Dun, must be developed as a living unit, which must be consolidated and further extended by deepening. discussions and strengthening the fight between the two lines. Let's rely firmly on Stalin's teachings, which, in full construction of the communist international, insisted on the development of the fight between the two lines. "Abstract, but concretely, based on the political situation" in which the Communists develop their struggle.

In the first year of existence of the LCI, a total of ten statements and resolutions were issued and five campaigns, with international events and holidays, which were organized in over 25 countries. The international events and activities organized or supported by the LCI have managed to expand the scope and beyond the LCI member organizations and represented important steps against fragmentation and division. We welcome all parties, organizations and companions who have contributed to the fulfillment of these activities. In addition to achievements, we must recognize our limits and weaknesses to strengthen and deepen these steps. The situation in which the international communist movement is located is complex, and the challenges are large. Therefore, it will be essential to implement the tasks set with the establishment of the LCI, the objectives defined in our resolutions and statements, with even more regular and consciousness, fighting against subjectivism. In addition, the development of anti-imperialist activities, whose axis must be the defense and support of popular wars, is currently decisive to increase the LCI ranks and to broaden the basis of member organizations.

The establishment of the LCI was an important climax of a complex fight over 40 years to overcome the fragmentation of the communists and to establish the unit based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It is very important to understand this process, based on the great achievements of the first, the second and third international, as well as taking into account the contributions of the Communist Information Bureau, to understand the strategic importance of the task of reconstitution. of the communist international. This process teaches us that the proletarian unit has always been consolidated only in the fight against revisionism, opportunism and cleavage. Therefore, it must also be clear that the dispersion of forces has not been overcome, but the dispersion tendency was reversed towards the tendency of unification. The ideological, political, political and organizational unit made by the Unified International Maoist Conference has opened the way to develop the fight on two lines, the law of the development of the proletarian unit, in a more efficient and organized way. Therefore, we want to greet all the contributions that have been made by the respective parties and organizations from the establishment, to increase the debates and discussions and we would like to emphasize that the basis for a larger international unit is the development of the independent construction of national parties and organizations, the bases that LCI will advance. We also want to greet the statements that were addressed to us by the Maoist parties and organizations outside the international communist league. We welcome them as an important position on a debate raised by the LCI, which will serve to strengthen the international organization through two lines, through "unit-unit-unity", critical and autocritical, and to its transformation even more firmly an instrument of the world proletarian revolution. Thus we confirm our will to deepen these contacts and we hope to be able to make this effort soon in the form of an ideological debate and other bilateral meetings.

The International Communist League is an instrument of the struggle of international proletariat and oppressed peoples and nations. The objective evolutions insistently demand the strengthening and strengthening of this instrument to respond to the call of organization, leadership in the world struggle against imperialism. The great political storms that develop today will turn into a subjective force of the communists only if we fulfill our main task, to make the only scientific, true, the center of international and party unity and to apply it to the concrete conditions. . Therefore, we express the need to double our efforts in the second year of LCI existence. On the one hand, to strengthen and promote international unification by organizing bilateral meetings, events, forums, debates and also to unite with those who have expressed criticisms and doubts. Division and fragmentation serve revisionism and create a fertile time. Differentiation and unification, on the other hand, will serve the main task of the new international "To fight for Maoism as the sole guide and command of the world proletarian revolution, to serve the constitution or reconstitution of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist parties (exceptional strategic task) and to serve when initiating, developing and coordinating the popular wars For the reconstitution of the communist international ” . And on the other hand, to strengthen and extend the basis among the masses and to intensify the fight within the national framework for the reconstruction/establishment or continuation of the construction of the respective parties in the service of the international communist movement. As the MAO president said, the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party has forever changed the face of the whole Chinese revolution. Today, the reconstruction of communist parties within Marxism-Leninism-Maoism will also change the face of the revolution in each country and the world proletarian revolution. For this, it is necessary, first of all, the making of the management, of the nuclei leading by comrades united under Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

There are two forces that act in the revolutionary movement around the world: the international proletarian movement and the national liberation movement. Lenin, developing Marx, lays the foundations of the World Revolution Strategy to undermine imperialism, to unite the struggle of national liberation with the struggles of the international proletarian movement and to develop the revolution. "Proletarians from all the oppressed countries and peoples in the world, unite!" MAO president - developing the strategy and tactics of the world revolution specified at that time: "Marxist-Leninists from all countries, unite! Revolutionary peoples around the world, unite; Overthrow imperialism, contemporary revisionism and all reactionaries in different countries! ”

Live the new International Proletariat Organization, International Communist League!

Live the 130th anniversary of the birth of President Mao!

Live the national heroic resistance of the Palestinian people!

Unite under Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Down with revisionism!

Live the world proletarian revolution!

December 26, 2023

International Communist League

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Anti -racist march organized in Dornbirn

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In Europe and Austria, the struggle against racism has been on the agenda for a long time, constantly organizing walks and rallies in various cities. One of these actions was organized in Dornbirn, Austria. Five thousand people participated in the march against racism. It was successfully organized to the rally organized by the Austrian democratic mass organizations. The state of Voralberg continues to be one of the most racism in Austria. He attended the event in Atik. The fact that the masses go to the streets against racism in this process and appeal to the widest segment shows that the actions will continue in the coming process.

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Announcement of KO of the KKE (M-L) for the death of S. Sifi Stavridis-KKE (M-L)

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We express our sincere condolences to the death of Comrade Sifi Stavridis, a member of the CC. of M-LKKE, who passed away last night, after a brief hospitalization in Hippocrates.

Born in Alexandria, Egypt in 1948, when he came to Greece he came out of a young age in biopal, but also in the struggle. He emerged in the anti -dictatorial struggle, while he was a student in the Athens Agriculture, participated in the occupation of the Technical University in November '73, and joined the dictatorship since the illegal OMEL and the PPP. He was always characterized by special modesty, consistency and dedication to the labor and popular affair, and his concern for the peasantry struggles was special.

With S. Sifis we found ourselves together, in a particularly demanding for the people, when after the first cycle of the attack of the "Memorandums" and the great popular mobilizations in the squares, the false "outlets" were promoted to the people. "First time left". And when this attack continued and slapped, while denouncing the false "hopes". When the clouds of the war were thickened on the planet, the confrontation of the imperialists were exacerbated, the war risks were increasing, new armies of refugees and immigrants were created. We found ourselves on the streets, in the blocks of popular resistance - leftist anti -imperialist cooperation, in demonstrations against imperialism and war, against anti -labor attack, fascism, to defend refugees and immigrants. But also in the political events of the Popular Resistance - AAS, its processes, discussions and concerns of its secretariat, either by agreeing or disagreeing with issues, but also to local assemblies and mobilizations of L -AAA, Agioi Anargyroi and Ilion. We shared with him the common anxiety about the development of a mass popular resistance movement against the daily attack of the barbaric system of dependency, oppression and exploitation and for a racing way out for workers and the people, for their revolutionary perspective, "Exites".

We transfer our condolences to the M-LKKE comrades as well as to his family, their partner and their daughters. We will always remember him!

MR. of the KKE (M-L)

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Greeting Message for Marty Week

We publish this unofficial translation of the message of salutes of the ICL to the Martyr’s Week.

Proletarians from all countries, unite!

Dear comrades,

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the Martyrs of the Party and Revolution. The proletarian avant-garde in Turkey, TKP/ml, decided in February 1978, during its first conference, to organize an annual week of martyrs to honor and commemorate the fallen fighters for the party and revolution. On this important occasion of the 45th edition of the Martyrs Week, we send our warm proletarian internationalist greeting to all those who commemorate the heroes martyrs through their fight against imperialism-for the proletarian world revolution-during this week. Through powerful events, actions and by shafting flags on dozens of graves of the militants, they show the weight of the fallen heroes on duty that continue to open with their blood the way of the new democratic revolution in Turkey.

The Martyrs Week takes place this year in the context of the 100th anniversary of the death of the great Titan of the World Proletarian Revolution, V. I. Lenin. This great teacher of communists around the world not only raised the scientific ideology of proletariat to a new and higher level, but it was also a great example of what it means to put your own life in the last class of history. The teachings of V. I. Lenin must be adopted and applied firmly today as an indispensable part of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

The martyrs of the People's War in Turkey, led by TKP/ml, embody all those laws that will eventually lead to victory over imperialism, to defeat the order of exploitation and oppression. The leaders of the folk war, like Comrade Nubar, are the proof that the class enemy is not able to extinguish the revolution not even through terror, bombs and the lowest violence. Comrade like Rosa, who rejected capitulation and joined guerrillas, are examples of the fact that the fight against imperialism must go hand in hand with the fight against revisionism and liquidatorism. In the lives of Nubar and Rosa, as well as of the other immortal heroes of the People's War in Turkey, the path of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya is realized and continuous. By firmly relying on the activity of Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, we honor the three immortal generals of TKP/ml, Süleyman Cihan, Kazım çelik, Mehmet Demirdağ, who, at that time, best embodied the leadership of the Communist Party. The International Communist League joins the Call of Martyrs Week "The martyrs of the revolution are immortal" and expresses their deep pride of having in his ranks heroes like them.

Comrade, we welcome all the communists, the revolutionaries and all the anti-immperialist forces participating in the Martyrs Week. Remember all those heroes of the peoples who have given their lives in the fight against imperialism, such as the fearless fighters of the Palestine liberation struggle, who in these weeks and months give harsh blows. Price the fighters of the popular wars that embodiment the most advanced ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and who will live forever in the hearts of the international proletariat.

The martyrs of the party and the revolution are immortal!

In the year of the centenary of his death-you adopt even more firmly the teachings of the great Lenin as an indispensable part of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Live TKP/ml, as well as Tikko and TMLGB led by it!

Live the proletarian world revolution!

International Communist League

January 2024

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