exposing Israeli Zionism continues.
Attached are the news and visuals of these works.
revolutionary greetings
Imperialism and Zionism will be defeated! The resisting Palestinian people will win!
Istanbul Partisan; "Zionist Israel continues its occupation and massacre attacks against the Palestinian people with the cooperation of the reactionary-fascist states of the region," he said. Partisan "The Turkish state gives all kinds of support to the Zionist war machine. It is an accomplice to these massacres of Israel"
In various parts of Istanbul, Partizan "Zionist Israel will be defeated, Resisting Palestine will win!" By making sticker work, he exposed the attacks of Zionist Israel against the Palestinian people and condemned their massacres.
Bolu Partisan; "Zionist Israel is massacring the Palestinian people with the cooperation of the imperialists and the common interest of the reactionary-fascist states of the region," he said, "The Turkish state is on the side and side of the war, shedding crocodile tears, Israel Imperialism and Zionism will be defeated! The resisting Palestinian people will win!" he said.
In Bolu, Partizan made a sticker work with the phrase "Zionist Israel will be defeated, Resisting Palestine will win!", which exposes the attacks of Zionist Israel against the Palestinian people and condemns the massacres.