Lā yet another massacre factory Girl occurrence al construction site in Florence Of long S require the organization of a national network for security and health in the workplace against the masters and government that it is I am the managers
5 Our dead workers killed in the Megacanto of Florence, and at least 3 workers they are seriously injured: I am dead Luigi Coclite , 60 years, close to retirement, the worker Tunisian, Mohammed Arrogance , 54 years, e Three Moroccan, Mohammed El Farhan , 24 years, e reconcile Haider , 43 years old, residing in Bergamo e Memorially Compassionate , 56 years old. The three wounded, extracted from the rubble shortly after the collapse, They originate from Romania: they have 37, 48 and 51 years old.
Yes He also speaks of workers without residence permit, invisible for the state but slaughter meat for the profits of the owners!
They did The same job but were 3 different companies. A class massacre!
As in Brandizzo where 5 died and like the long trail of deaths on work that only in this year, so far, in February has arrived to 145 dead workers killed on the altar of profit.
There our anger, our pain, our solidarity with the workers, to their families.
ā In deaths at work there are no fatality. Only violation of Rules ... The problem is not the rules. It is the work that has changed. First you entered a construction site and you knew there was a company with the
his carpenters, electricians, workers, painters, who mounts The scaffolding. Then came the cascade subcontracting. And all rules have jumped " : this is a complaint of a Inspector of the work we share and that we support.
There We want to finish once with the words: "Fatality", "Culture of security" (which is then overthrown on workers)? Deny safety in the workplace together with precarious contracts, at low wages, at black work: they are all Conditions that prepare mortal accidents! As murders premeditated.
What Have you led to this worker massacre? There are more than 30 companies of subcontracting in the same construction site that means undersular, absence of training, building taken as metalworkers because the masters So they save costs. And this occurs in all contracts, also in factories with "multiservices" contracts, with false cooperatives that only serve to divide workers for better exploit them within the system created by the masters, by Stellantis, at the former Ilva, at Marcegaglia, at the warehouses of the logistics, in the railways, on construction sites.
There Client company of the Site Assassino di Firenze is of the former Minister Alfano and is the same as the accident in Genoa in 2023 in A construction site always for a Esselunga supermarket in San Benigno where 3 workers were injured.
There they are precise responsibilities and that is why we call the masters Assassins!
AND How to call this government of the owners - the Meloni government - that More than the other governments of the masters is deployed exclusively on their interests, their profits?
The Meloni government with the reform of the Salvini procurement code - which provides for the "cascade subcontracting" - has given the green light to the subcontracting, to the custody of the works even without a tender, eliminating the constraints of the companies that to make more useful cut the costs of the safety, contracts, workers' rights; cuts that Especially in construction sites mean accidents, dead.
So What is the "Minister of Business Consultants" about when with "deep condolence" announces further interventions of the government?
Not It is perhaps to encourage black work when she, the minister of masters of this government, Marina Calderone, intends to insert the amnesty on social security contributions evaded by companies in Package that wants to bring to the Council of Ministers? This minister even eliminated the penalties for the corporals, rules provided by the anti submerged plan of the Draghi government! To companies that they violate the rules at work and also on safety and health come denied bonuses and regulatory benefits. But if these companies do "Regularize", the bonuses come back! The minister says nothing and nothing It does to increase inspectors and controls! It's the same Minister who cut the amounts paid by the support fund for the families of the victims of serious accidents at work (the minimum from 6 thousand to 4 thousand euros and the maximum from 22,400 to 14,500 EUR)!
We insist for the self -ganized unit in a national health network e safety at work to bring the struggle on a national plan, give him a voice and visibility to change strength relationships against masters and government.
There is need to combine all those who really commit themselves to this front, by the basic and class unions that fight every every day for the security and workers' rights - while i confederal, who tear their clothes the day after the dead workers at work, instead they collaborate with companies, to the RLS combatives, as well as work inspectors, the students who do they rebel against the murders of state and masters of alternation school/work, lawyers, family associations, Intellectuals, doctors ... ..
Join On this to launch campaigns and events for the election of the RLS from below that are actually representative not appointed within the RSU and who have full freedom of Action in the departments, for inspection and health stations in the adults companies, in construction sites, in warehouses.
None request, no delegation, neither to government nor to parliamentarians for one law that introduces the crime of murder at work: this It must be the goal of a struggle from below!
This It is the road we indicate.
Yes He wants to understand that it is a necessary struggle that must aim for the causes of the deaths at work which is the system of the killers and the governments that represent them and that the reversal of this power who is based on profit is the only true and real defense of life of the workers? The work itself does not kill, it is the profit of the masters who kills!
We have to put in place the real justice justice that needs of struggles and actions against the assassins. Enough with theirs obscene impunity!
Net National for security and health in jobs