Taranto: his partner Concetta left us

Author: fannyhill
Description: Concetta in the front row, with Tunisian immigrants we must communicate to all his companions a very bad news: one of our partner, with ...
Published Time: 2024-02-20T14-11-00-01-00
Images: 000000.jpg
Concetta in the front row, with Tunisian immigrants

We must communicate to all the companions very bad news:
One of our partner, Concetta Musio, a lot of active, until he was able, especially in the MFPR, but also in communist proletarians, in the battles of the Slai Cobas, engaged not only in Taranto but also in national mobilizations, Concetta is no longer there. She died this morning from a tumor against which she had been fighting for some time.

We are very sad but also angry, because it is this assassin reality of Taranto, the troubled life that this society gives above all to women, who have taken it away.

Concetta has always had to fight in his life, both in family relationships and in always precarious work, but always with rebellion, courage, strength, but also a smile; And once we joined us, this strength was his ideology, the hope of the revolution that led everywhere, to everyone.

Let's give a big hug to her children and daughter, whom she loved so much and for which she did not spare sacrifices.

Concetta will remain with us. And its "presence" will give more confidence that we will defeat this lousy system.

Taranto's companions of the MFPR

Source: https://femminismorivoluzionario.blogspot.com/2024/02/taranto-la-compagna-concetta-ci-ha.html