Rede Globo was rejected by the Portoalegrense people in a pro-Palestinian demonstration on February 17. The protest began at the Pope's kneecap, Bairro Azenha, and followed Avenida Érico Veríssimo until the RBS group building, the Globo -affiliated press monopoly branch. In front of the group's headquarters, the activists made complaints against the murder of journalists in Gaza and the support of the monopolistic press to the genocide perpetrated by Israel.
More than 100 people participated in the demonstration, among representatives of the Palestinian community of Porto Alegre and activists linked to organizations such as the gaucho solidarity to the Palestinian people, the Support Committee to AND from Porto Alegre. The interventions made denounced the Zionist genocide and exalted the Palestinian National Resistance.

Despite being harassed by the Military Brigade, protesters managed to close Ipiranga Avenue, one of the main ones in the city, for a few minutes, before opening a road to traffic. In a solemn action and protest, photos and a list of all the names of each of the Palestinian and foreign journalists murdered in Gaza was left at the entrance of the monopoly headquarters.