Between January and February, Support Committees of AND They made several brigades across the country. Below, we reproduced the reports of the brigade members who sold newspapers in Pinhais and Maringá, Paraná.
More than 150 newspapers sold at UEM
On January 18, at the State University of Maringá (UEM), activists of the and resumed support committee and resumed the activities of the committee and performed a victorious newspaper sales brigade of edition No. 254, entirely dedicated to the Liberation War National Palestinian People.
The direct intervention of activists to a considerable portion of the university mass was very well received, with several people buying more than one newspaper unit and also donating the committee, that sold over 150 units . The activity was extremely victorious, reaching hundreds of people, especially students, who not only stopped listening, but also supported and understood the importance and justity of the heroic Palestinian resistance.

The activity preceded a lecture by journalist Breno Altman, from Opera Mundi, who, as a result of his criticism of Zionism and the State of Israel and forceful defense of the Palestinian people, has been the target of persecution moved by the Federal Police and Zionist organizations in Brazil . The lecture took place at the UEM University restaurant and was attended by dozens of students, teachers and other mass supporters in favor of Palestine.

Brigade members take Palestinian defense to the streets of Pinhais
On February 27th and 10th, activists of the New Democracy New Democracy Support Committee made two brigades for the publication and sale of edition No. 254 in Pinhais.
With the Palestinian flag and the special edition, they traveled to the streets talking to residents and supporters about genocide and the crimes being committed by the Zionist state of Israel, highlighting the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people, the historical origin of conflict and the importance of the international solidarity of the oppressed peoples of the world for their just liberation.
The activity was well received and dozens of copies of new and old editions were sold. In addition to sales of the newspapers, the brigade members also received from residents values in donation to support the work.

In addition to the curiosity of those who witnessed the agitation, many residents brought questions about conflict in the region, distrust about the information conveyed in the press monopolies and demonstrated profound solidarity with the Palestinian people. After all, "if the land is theirs and before everyone lived well, it is fair to take Israel from there," said a young man during an intervention, and "since he can bombard children and women, hospitals and schools like Israel is doing?" resident.
Another resident greeted the brigade initiative and the content brought by And: “Nowadays it is difficult to find correct information about what is happening and in many places you are even judged for defending Palestine, but we have to continue talking and encouraging People to really seek to understand what happens there, so congratulations on your initiative! ”.
New brigades in support of Palestinian National Resistance are planned during February.