In recent days it has caused a lot of controversy, and rightly, a video in which the now former Secretary of Culture of Medellín, Manuel Córdoba , he publicly admitted, without shame and burlesque tone, who does not know that it is a library or a record , but that is not important, the important thing is that I could not "get off" in hiring . This shows us once again and as it has always been evident that the bourgeoisie, dominant social class and owner of power, does not interest him at all the social impact and the consequences that their institutional decisions have on workers, and that The only thing that really interests them is from institutional power to protect their source of power: capital .
This specific fact is not unusual, The bourgeoisie has never shown a little respect or at least consideration for cultural struggles That for years has fought our class, and less in a city with such cultural diversity in terms of issues, for example, ethnic or religious such as Medellín.
Federico Gutiérrez,-the Uribist Mayor who had already ruled Medellín (2015-2019) with the support of The Envigado Office and whose electoral campaigns were financed with money from cocaine sent by self -defense to the Italian mafia Ndrangheta and Camorra -, he already dismissed Córdoba from his high position in the Ministry of Culture and cynically said that he feels an "immense responsibility" with the cultural sector of Medellín, which is ironic because Córdoba himself said that when Fico assigned that position he said that "I know that sometimes you have no idea of cultural issues" ... immense responsibility with the cultural sector of Medellín?
And the case is not reduced only to that, but we must remember that Manuel Córdoba was the campaign manager of one of the councilors elected by the party We believe De Fico, Andrés Tobón, today even president of the Council of Medellín , that is, the designation of Córdoba as Secretary of Culture, far from having any positive intention regarding the functions that are held in that position, as we have already pointed out, it was obviously a Politiquera quota of Tobón and the Fico Party in the District Administration. The capitalists and their politicians give the State the best possible use for which it was built as we know it today, to manage institutional power at the service of their individual interests, to satisfy their political aspirations and protect their economic power, because really That is the function of the bourgeois state; But it is not something today, more than a century Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels warned in the communist manifesto (which tomorrow will turn 176 years of publication) than "The State Government (capitalist) is nothing more than the Board that manages the common businesses of the bourgeois class" .
Every day that passes the bourgeois state and the power of the capitalists wears, loses legitimacy and cause misery regardless of who manages it, if the uribists or the petrists, each time we see news about useless and corrupt officials placed to comply with bureaucratic quotas of Such party, left or right, of traditional parties or the historical pact, in local governments and in the national government, then what is the underlying problem? The problem is not who manages the State, whether Petro or Uribe, whether the right or left, These imaginary conflicts are presented by politicans to the people as if it were the fundamental problem of our society , and it is not, with all these problems that are always repeated under any government we can realize that The fundamental problem is the very character of the State, which is bourgeois and was designed to be administered to the service of the interests of large businessmen and landowners .
While the bourgeois state exists there will be no political power that can solve the serious problems that our country has, because for more good intentions that anyone who applies to any position of governance or public legislation can have, the Colombian State is structured in such a way that Any possible effort, if there is, to minimally favor the people will be crushed by the interests of the billionaires businessmen and landowners who They really have political power, because they have economic power .
The working class in Colombia must be united independently around immediate slogans and organize in a revolutionary avant -garde with an effective ideological foundation that really represents us and aims to overthrow the bourgeois state for the construction of a new one, a socialist state; slogans and proposals for unity and organization that by this means we have already raised in different editions of the workers' revolution and in many columns of our portal, because while the Colombian people continue to deposit their confidence and hopes in politicians, left or right, uribists or Petristas will continue to sink into the misery of hunger, poverty and unemployment ... They see us only as figures, as votes, then we must show them that we are conscious workers who will not continue to kneel before their corrupt power.