PM kills with rifle shot the protruding clothes in the slum of the tide.
We protested vigorously against another attack on the rights of the people to protest against the violations that the police daily commit against residents of slums and poor peripheries of Rio de Janeiro.
The residents of Maré precisely protested against the police operation that took place in the community for more than 1 hour police and Caveirão shot the community streets with children in day care centers, children on the street, preventing circulation, trips to health facilities and work. As usual, houses were invaded without a court term
Citizens do not have to accept in good man to live under this hell. Nothing justifies exposing workers, children and the elderly to this risk of death. Much less supposed to recover thefts, well materials from large insurance companies.
It is not just Claudio Castro to blame for these slaughter. And also the federal government that continues to pass on funds to the state without demanding counterparts of respect for people's rights.
The state thinks that terrorizing the population, killing those who protest will repress the popular revolt. All democrats in this country need to give a vigorous repudiation of this genocidal policy against the poor population, the black and brown majority of our state.