Somalia: Anti-imperialist action leaves soldiers from the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

The United Arab Emirates (EAU) announced that three of their soldiers and a Bahrain military officer were killed in an attack on General Gordon's military base in Mogadiscio, Somalia's capital, on February 10. Initially the information pointed out that, in addition, two soldiers were injured and later it was reported that one of the injured had died. Among the dead soldiers of the United Arab Emirates was Colonel Mohamed Mubarak al Mansouri. The attack was claimed by the armed al-Shabab group, which is waging an armed struggle against the Somalian government.
Several imperialist countries act in Somalia under the justification of “stabilizing” the country. The dead soldiers were part of the EAU troops that train soldiers from the Armed Forces Somalis in the General Gordon field to combat Al-Shabab's armed struggle in the name of Yankee imperialism, mainly. The EAU Armed Forces have been operating in Somalia for decades. In addition to the EAU, the Somalian military receive military support and training directly from USA and its minions, such as Turkey. There is also an African Union “Peace Maintenance” mission supported by the UN in the country, but it is slowly withdrawn and passing responsibility to the Somalian Armed Forces. We have already reported earlier about the action of Al-Shabab against this operation. In an analysis by a think tank From the US, it is described that the presence of EAU troops is important to USA's interests in the horn of Africa, for which al-Shabab represents a great danger, as the USA admitted.
The United Arab Emirates, as well as several Arab states, such as Egypt, condemned the attack and asked for more international efforts to combat “terrorism,” revealing their true sectional nature of American imperialism, despite great speeches.
Despite all the efforts of the imperialists and their minions, Al-Shabab continues to control much of Somalia and has the constant support of the masses in these areas. In 2022, the organization was forced to retreat in some areas by the Somali government forces, but managed to launch a counterfensive, intensifying actions against military bases.