On February 21, 1848, in the vortex of revolutionary events in Europe, the first Communist Party program was published for the first time. A work that inspired many generations of communists.
The following text was published in 2008 in the magazine "trigger".
"A ghost is wandering in Europe: the ghost of communism."
With this historical phrase Marx and Engels they begin the writing of the Communist Manifesto from December 1847 to January 1848. This text is the first Communist Party Program after being written at the behest of the "Union of Communists".

Marx and Engels lived at a time when the communist movement was in its first steps, where the petty, reactionary, "socialist" ideas were widespread. At a time when the bourgeoisie was in great development based on the defeat of feudalism and the prevalence of capitalism. Finally, at a time when either with feudalism or with capitalism, the people and the ever -growing working class continue to be in hunger, poverty and total exploitation. Down under these conditions Marx and Engels, mainly after the second half of the 19th century, through active participation in the movements of the time and the very good relationships they had developed with a number of workers' associations across Europe, they are in the process of imprinting their thoughts and write their own story (which is intertwined with the history of peoples) on a political, economic and social level. In 1845 Marx is in France as he is exiled to the Prussian government. Somewhere here begins the writing of Marx and Engels with their book "The Holy Family or Criticism of Criticism". In the coming years there are a series of books such as "The Positions for Fuerbach", "Wage Labor and Capital", "The Status of the Working Class in England" and more.
At the same time economic crises are affecting the whole of Europe, and especially France, where under these conditions poverty, poverty and the indignation of the people and the working class is becoming more and more. In these circumstances and on the basis of the relationships of influence they have acquired with the Labor Organization of the "Union of Rights", they are able to influence it on a theoretical and practical level. Immediate result is the conversion of the Socialist "Union of Law" into the first Communist organization "Communist Union". The first founding conference took place at the beginning of 1847 while the second conference, by his decision, commissioned Marx and Engels to write the program of the newly established Communist organization. So at the end of 1848 the most historic book of the Communist movement is now printed by the Communist Manifesto.
Many could say that the Communist Manifesto is a simple book that exposes some views. For us and for its creators, it was essentially the imprinting of a worldview in order to be used as a theoretical and practical alphabet of the communist parties and the communist movement as a whole. The work of Marx and Engels raises issues of historical evolution. It explains in the simplest way as possible the functioning of the world. He is trying to understand the conditions of the passage from feudalism to capitalism. The communist manifesto could not stop there. It explains the relationships developed in the capitalist mode of production, the rise of the bourgeoisie and its terms of existence. Typically he tells us, "The essential term for the existence and sovereignty of the bourgeoisie is the accumulation of wealth in the hands of private individuals, the formation and the increase in capital." It also puts it that wealth, which is a key condition for the existence of the bourgeoisie, is produced through wage labor and the deprivation of goodwill by workers and the working class. It therefore concludes that in the capitalist mode of production the exploitation of one class (working class) by another (bourgeoisie) is an inviolable term of existence of this system.

Finally, she explains and analyzes the world on the part of the working class and the proletariat with the main purpose of reconstruction as a class for herself. He urges the proletariat to organize and break his bonds, to come to the forefront of history and with the guidance of the communist parties to overthrow the existing way ", There will be no profit, individual property and exploitation, the Communist.
One hundred and sixty years after his writing, many have come to say about how anachronistic the work of Marx and Engels is now. And yet the story speaks for itself. The answer to the contribution of the two great theoretics of the Communist movement lies in the struggles of the working class and the proletariat from the 19th century until today. Dozens of generations have been nourished with the ideas of communism through the fiery lines of the Communist Manifesto. Great uprisings, revolutions and reversals, such as the Paris Commune, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Cultural Revolution in China, May 68, the Technical University and the anti -dictatorial struggle in Greece, great leaders and later theorists of the Communist movement, Mao Zedong, Stalin, Che, pressed on the dowry that left Marx and Engels on a theoretical and practical level to ground and constitut the Communist movement.
Finally, with the manifesto in hand, thousands of young people catch the thread of the revolution and do so in today's struggles, always watching with wide open look, like all communists of the past, the future, the overthrow, the revolution, the final victory, the communism .