We have found this article in El Heraldo Rojo (Heraldorojo.org)

A loud manifestation marched through Vienna on the afternoon of February 12, the 90th anniversary of the heroic uprising of February in 1934. Karl-Marx-Hof, a central scene of the resistance at that time, became a place of memory of all those Combatters that, deservedly, are described as heroes.
Exactly 90 years ago, a flamethrower threw in Karl-Marx-Hof when the Austrian fascist army used it in the houses of the workers. Thousands rose in February against Austrian fascism in many parts of Austria with weapons in their hands. Despite the military defeat, these battles were decisive for the future development of the struggle for resistance against Austrian fascism, and then against Nazi occupation. The manifestation for the anniversary was fierce: banners, songs, marches and pyrotechnics denoted that the lesson of these struggles are still relevant 90 years later.

The common slogan of the demonstration was "to remember is fight." This was also expressed in the songs and in the content of the demonstration, the CUL was directly against the current dismantling of democratic and social rights, as well as the increase in prohibition policies. The slogans against inflation and theft of salary with appeal against reaming, against NATO and for the defense of Austrian neutrality. The Palestinian flags could also be seen, as a symbolic expression of international solidarity and friendship between peoples, but also against censorship and the "mentality of justice" of the ruling classes against Palestinian solidarity.

The red block was a great position in the demonstration, which played an important role in the beginning of the songs. This particular block emphasized the importance of the Austria Communist Party (KPö), now the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPö). This is also important because on this 90th anniversary, the leader of the Social Democrats is trying to be present as the "February uprising party." However, those who fought and died on the bloody days of February were opposed to the line of the Social Democratic Party.

The fierce atmosphere of the demonstration showed that the participants did not expect the rulers to "come into reason" today. On the contrary, the slogan "the February uprising has already shown it - fight for the revolution!" It spread throughout the manifestation. Today, we should not be nostalgic, but - as the important parts of the demonstration showed - we must apply the lessons of these struggles!
[Note to serve the town: for a larger photographic record, click on the following link]