Of love and war

Author: protovant
Labels: Γρηγόρης Νιόλης, ποιηση, πολιτισμος, Πολιτισμός, χανια
Published Time: 2024-02-21T10-55-00-02-00
Images: 000000.jpg

by Gregory Niolis
(Republished in Haniotian news )

Love and war the two elements quarrel
They do not fight with tanks with swords and cannons
Only wakes love with the little wings
He touches his boogie and does the war:

- I'm not afraid of a city, and let's be armored.
I have the sunshine, and the moon brothers.
I am the edge of life and the beginning of the world.
They match my eye on the contrary they have.
I sow with my shutches the vigor and forests.
I sow beautiful and male warriors,
And as you crumble and spoil, I will always be in front of you.

- Baby bastard, don't be deceived!
I spread out my handle and catalyze if I want
To idea what the beginning and the beginning of the world is.
Your job is that you nourish me, law that you feed me

- We will come a day of city, sit down in your cave
And to be the day of May to flood the sun
As we measure the two together, in the green meadows!
And to be a crowd of people, Zerva, Right and our umbrella
With Peace the swords, the sneakers of love
To see how life begins and how the law changes.
Myriad will be the disabled and the unknown soldiers
And the sailors and the engineers and their belovers,
With the tail of dolphin, with the wings on the shoulders
And the kids of Icarus, with the winds of the wind.

With Lambrakis leader and with Belogiannis
And with the son of nun, Diako and Mars
With Antipa Teacher and Daskalogiannis
And Androutsos the summer, which we were in the earth and the world
And from afar Bolivar along with Guevara
Rosa and Spartacus and with Soukatzidis
With Cornaro Hugo and with Mayakovsky
With Electra, Mando and Bouboulina
And with Passionaria with Duruti
Bibba the legendary, legendary Kistakis
And still the lion -hearted Iro Constantopoulou
And her second mother, Lela Karagiannis.
And with Martin Luther King and Patrice Lumumba
And Sarafi General and Nikiforidis

But also with the tragic Ploumbidis-Zachariadis
With Sotiris Petroula and with Diomedes
Michalakis Karaolis and Palikaridis
And teachers teacher, Nikos Temponera
And with the Turkish poet Nazim Hikmet and still
With the ghost child and with Katerina

With first and foremost walking walking
Master of the master the beautiful woman
Whole and proud and brownish
To get out of her rum
But zerva and more right and other umbrella and back
For the peoples to pass, the nobles tremble.
Both the generals and the admirals and the traders of discord
With you, eternal prison in the thick darkness.

This is not a dream, it is a tragic celebration
And I will be the festival, the magician and the magician
See what the beginning and the beginning of the world is
Why we don't bother you anymore yes you get out of youth,
Eat the world of the world ...

Source: https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/02/blog-post_21.html