DF: School bus drivers descend from vehicles to fix the government's abandoned - the new democracy

Author: Comitê de Apoio – Brasília (DF)
Categories: Nacional
Description: School bus drivers added to residents in the repair to holes of highways abandoned by the government. They denounce that, despite the complaints, nothing is done to improve the condition of the roads.
Link-Section: nacional
Modified Time: 2024-02-21T14:45:42-03:00
Published Time: 2024-02-21T14-45-40-03-00
Sections: Nacional
Tags: educação
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-02-21T14:45:42-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg

Last Monday, the 19th, a group of school bus drivers paralyzed their vehicles and started a joint work to plug the main road holes in the Capão Comprido Rural Center, São Sebastião region, in the Federal District.

In video, you can see the drivers, together with the local residents, covering the roads with soil, stone, paddles and hoes. The solidarity action was motivated by the bad qualities of the road, which have been causing the jam of school buses.

Drivers are part of the School Caminho Program, a project created by the Federal Government to allegedly ensure the access of resident students in rural areas to public schools of basic education. However, despite the purchase of vehicles, the quality of the road follows terrible, damaging or even preventing the arrival of students in the schools.

Even with the various complaints made to the São Sebastião Regional Administration, the government has done nothing to solve the problem of this road, which has long been in poor condition, full of holes, mud and dust, which makes it difficult for buses to pass through and put at risk the safety of students and drivers.

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In an interview with the São Sebastião Notícias portal, one of the drivers reported that they are “tired of jamming on this road, having to push the buses, seeing the children suffering from the balance [of the vehicles] and dust. We have asked the São Sebastião Regional Administration several times to pack this road, but they do nothing. So we decided to take action and do the service they should do. ”

Source: https://anovademocracia.com.br/df-motoristas-de-onibus-escolar-descem-dos-veiculos-para-consertar-via-abandonada-pelo-governo/