Current situation: Notes on the global crisis (continuation 6: Agrarian movements in the EU)

Author: Verein der Neuen Demokratie
Description: Agrarian movements in the European Union (today we begin to address the issue "Agrarian movements in the European Union (EU)" ...
Published Time: 2024-02-21T14-52-00-01-00

Agrarian movements in the European Union (EU

Today we begin to Address the theme “Agrarian movements in La Unión European (EU) ”, to raise our position and demarcate with how Official representatives and press monopoly on the protest or Demonstration of farmers (Bauerkampf), where they put everything by way of tailor drawer under that concept of farmers, this is the great monopolists and other capitalists of the Pa¡isses EU imperialists, who exploit agriculture as a special field of the investment of capital and true farmers, to the proletariat Agrarian and peasants.

Protests against "reforms" or agrarian measures of the EU, which show the contradictions, between those of up, which develop in collusion and struggle, which causes the Application of the measures or "reform" of the common agrarian policy of the EU (PAC) of 1962, to serve the strategic interests of the countries Imperialists, who make up that alliance, mainly Germany, the power that heads it, to try to recover the step in its claims of contend for world hegemony.

But, the contradiction of true farmers - the agrarian workers and the peasants - against their exploiters, although relegated in the media by the agrarian crisis, develops and is an objective fact, that the increase in the price of the products food clashes against the mass of consumer of the countryside and the city, the majority of which are the workers; as is also a fact that taxes that the EU allocates to agricultural subsidies for large monopolists are part of the surplusval that capitalists extract from the Exploitation of the proletariat and this encourages contradictions. The agricultural subsidies and EU prices policy favors landowners capitalists and major capitalists in the imperialist countries of the EU and to the semi -feudal landowners and great bourgeoisie in the semicolonial countries inside the EU. Claims for subsidies and agricultural prices go to against the proletariat.

The "reform" is officially To respond to Structural change in agriculture , is defined as "the Situation of the decline of small agricultural farms y increase of size and intensity of the remaining farms in almost all EU-27 regions and countries ”, Where imperialist countries are counted and to the oppressed countries included in that alliance. "This increase (of great farms) has Implications significant for multifunctional paper and the resilience of agriculture European , especially with regard to the maintenance of the activity economic and employment in rural areas , the increase in their value, Environmental quality maintenance, biodiversity protection and the conservation of the landscape and its beauty. ”

The problem of change Structural of their own definition are presented as follows:

"A substantial decrease in Number of agricultural farms in almost all NUTS 2 regions of the EU-27, and a prevalence of the adaptation strategies that entail a significant increase in the size or intensity of farms remaining and/or greater dependence on union with respect to imports agricultural . This tendency to agricultural concentration is especially evident in southern and oriental regions ”.

This leads them to consider a New European Agrarian Model (MAE), which “underlines the change process long -term structural. Unlike cases related to a standard agricultural management prototype, dissipates the notion of a unique model of agricultural exploitation and underlines the need for soil management systems that promote the multifunctionality and the provision of public goods such as central task of European agricultural systems , highlighting the character dynamic of the evolution of soil management in the EU. (…) This change toward a growing diversity of agricultural models has important Implications for governance , but It should also allow an adaptation of agricultural systems according to their Location in all European regions. In the future , el HE will form by adaptation strategies adopted in each exploitation y to throughout the value chains to respond to the specific challenges of Each sector and external that are raised ”(Study synthesis on «the future of the European agricultural model: socioeconomic repercussions and territorial of the decrease in the number of agricultural and farmers farms in the EU ». The full study, available in English, can be downloaded in: , Ipol | Thematic Department of Structural and Cohesion Policies).

"PAC reform" is presented as “a key policy to move towards more food systems sustainable ”. Sustainable development ”, which covers three elements: economic, Ecological, social. About what we just said and the above underlined We will return in the development of the subject.

For now, it is appropriate to contrast With the fact what we have said at the beginning and we will read below in the Marx's theoretical details. Let's start with:

Agricultural and land ownership

The richest farmers of Germany are not farmers at all (web agr heute of 29.12.2023) (...)

Great owners of the industry and commerce.

(...) Some can be learned Statistics things: Of the total of 262,800 registered agricultural companies In the agricultural census of 2020, almost 4 percent or 10,200 were people legal or societies.

Of this group, 3,700 companies or 36 percent belonged to the so -called business group, according to Statistics from Destatis, that is, an agricultural holding company. At that time, These holdings managed an agricultural area of 1.84 million hectares. This represented more than 11 percent of the agricultural area Total of Germany.

These large agricultural companies They are especially concentrated in eastern Germany and their owners usually Be a multimillionaires or multimillionaires of industry and commerce . In the east, in MECKLEMBURGO-Western Pomerania, manage among 19 percent of the total agricultural area and 37 percent in Turingia, depending on the federated state

Agricultural holdings have huge surfaces

And to make it clear again this High surface proportion: depending on the federated state, the farms have in total between 230,000 hectares and almost 300,000 hectares "Under the plow." The typical thing is that the money with which Buy the holdings as a whole comes from sources completely different from agriculture .

The names of the great owners, who like to work in secret, sound almost like the "Who is who" of industry and commerce: agricultural holding The best known German was undoubtedly the missing Ktg-Agrar, with Siegfried Hofreiter at the head, to be back with the law in 2023 entered into conflict.

The big company that quotes in Bag sometimes managed up to 45,000 hectares of land, mainly in Mecklemburg-Western Pomerania and Brandeburg. Of these, about 20,000 hectares were their own.

After the bankruptcy of Ktg-Agrar In 2016, the newly founded Deutsche Agrar Holding (DAH) took over a Much of the KTG surfaces and associated biogas plants and Keep managing until today. The DAH is a foundation subsidiary Gustav Zech, based in Bremen. Behind this there is a construction company and Investor

The Munichre insurance company He also bought many lands from KTG AGRAR assets and subsequently He also bought other companies.

The more land, the more money than Brussels

Other great investors with Thousands of hectares of agricultural land are the pharmaceutical company Merkle, the Founder of Remondis, rethmann, the heating technology manufacturer Martin Viessman and the furniture manufacturer and owner of a conglomerate Steinhof.

There are also the great industrialist Silvio Dornier, retailer Aldi Nord and the owners of the company of Logistics Fiege. To name a few.

However, there is a way of find the owners and the land behind the huge farms agricultural and, therefore, at least part of the money that flows towards these Companies: are the direct payments that all agricultural companies receive .

Some time ago, the government Federal first published a summary of the structures of the great agricultural holdings in Germany and EU agricultural payments assigned to the numerous subsidiaries .

According to this data, Dah Holding, based in Oranienburg, Brandeburg, is the largest agricultural holding German with more than 36 agricultural subsidiaries, or what is the same: it has the largest amount of land . In 2019, around 5.36 million euros In agricultural payments of the EU of the first pillar they were allocated to the DAH.

Bill Gates: the biggest owner of agricultural lands of the United States "

That is the subsidy system which favors "structural change" for the benefit of great farms agricultural in the EU-14 and the great estates in the EU-13. Like it The European Commission studies say :

The driving factors of the decline of agricultural farms are mainly structural, economic and social and, to a lesser extent, environmental.

Factors such as subsidies and agricultural prices, and macroeconomic and demographic variables They play a greater role in the new Member States and affect different from the different types of farms.

Previous studies on Business factors of agricultural structural change in the EU-27 indicate that the main determinant of the agricultural structure is the agricultural structure itself in the past.

- The strong dependence on structural trends regarding local conditions, which show that The main structural factor of the decrease in the number of farms It is a market structure that favors intensive production and large -scale farms, linked to increasingly reduced margins and to the low negotiation capacity.

- In addition, barriers to the entry aggravate the problems of demographic change (aging of populations) and the rural exodus.

- Although there is concern about The Union Subsidies System, the consensus is maintained regarding such aids are indispensable, but must adapt even more to reverse the Negative effects ( Our summary of “The European Agricultural Model (MAE) (…) Dynamics of the MAE”, of the Summary of «The future of the European agricultural model: repercussions socioeconomic and territorial of the decrease in the number of farms agrarian and farmers in the EU ». The full study, available in English, can be downloaded in: ). We will use this full version in the development of the topic with your own translation.

Who favors subsidies?

1. To landowners: Official data indicate that more than 60 percent of farms Agricultural are capitalist tenants who pay capitalist income from the land or to the tenants in the new member countries that pay the income or tribute to landowners of those countries in "transition process", which for now the We will call like this to use an official euphemism.

2. To the great capitalists who They invest in agriculture and the greats of bureaucratic capital in the New EU member states, as the aforementioned study says:

"Since the PAC focuses fundamentally in addressing economic issues (agricultural income, Competitiveness, pressures of market), a disproportionate part of spending is assigned to Great farms, accelerating thus implicitly the concentration processes ”(political responses of the cited study. PAC: common agrarian policy).

You have to differentiate the Agricultural subsidies of compensatory policies .

Governments mix both To cover up the first prohibited by the rules of national competition and internationally (WTO), go against the rules of competition between capitalists, at present, in the conditions of monopoly capitalism or imperialist .

Compensatory policies:

They are the ones that apply, when has come to a situation in which the peasant all its gain (plusproduct) but has to deliver part of what It is his livelihood to stay, it means that he has entered below the Minimum physical salary. For historical reasons, fall for Under the minimum physical value, then the compensation plans apply social, philanthropy; "The peasant, the traditional settler was sunk in the humiliation of poverty and everything under the pretext of being owners private. "That is what afflicts small farmers, that afflicts The miifundistas. The little peasant worldwide.

Governments, states reactionaries, the European Union and the large agricultural organizations, in Redoblada collusion and reactionary struggle, which traffic demanding with the interest of the peasantry and who claim to represent it only represent the Agrarian capitalists and the conservative peasantry, never the revolutionary.

We do not intend, in these lines, offer a study or article finished on the subject of movements agrarian in the EU, which are widely and deep through the set data The situation in agriculture in the EU or in a given country, such complex theme; These lines are nothing but notes about the subject, like a effort necessary to point out the complexity of the problem, seeking to advance in your clareciminto and promote your study and discussion to mobilize With the correct slogans to this part of the population (the rural proletariat and the peasantry) in the imperialist countries and of the oppressed countries that They belong to the European Union, Imperialist Alliance to seek to contend for World hegemony.

The solution for the proletariat And the peasantry in imperialist countries is his red republic, this is make the socialist revolution and develop it with the dictatorship of proletariat and in oppressed countries develop the democratic revolution in uninterrupted march to the socialist revolution, both through war popular led by the Communist Party.

1. It is necessary to specify The relationship between theory and reality :

- The scientific value of all Marx's abstract theory thesis "is the ideal of production capitalist, but never the reality of this ". All the laws of capitalism discovered by Marx describe only the ideal of the Capitalism, but never its reality.

- "We only propose - Marx wrote - present here the internal organization of the mode of production capitalist in its ideal extent "(in ihrem ideal in dirtchschnitt. das Kapital, III, 2, 367; trad. Russian, p. 688)

- Capital theory supposes that the worker receives the total value of his workforce. This is the ideal of capitalism, but in no way its reality. Income theory supposes that the agricultural population is totally divided into landowners, capitalists and salaried workers. This is the ideal of CA Pitalism, but in no way its reality.

- You have to differentiate , therefore, When we talk about theoretical problems , d E when We talk about concrete historical problems . In the case of "Movement Agrarian in the EU "," The abstract truths of the theory only represent there The role of conductive thread, instrument for data analysis concrete ”.

The first three details, They precede, come from a Lenin appointment, complete works, volume 4, p. 86 and The last of the same work cited p. 89.

-The rent of the Earth, we only approach it to the extent that part of the surplus value generated For capital it goes to the landowner. Therefore, we assume that agriculture, Like manufacturing, it is dominated by the mode of production capitalist, that is, agriculture is carried out by capitalists which initially differ from other capitalists only in the element in which their capital and wage labor are invested in Movement for this capital.

- If the mode of production capitalist generally presupposes the expropriation of the conditions of workers' work, then in agriculture presupposes expropriation of the land of rural workers and their subordination to a capitalist which is dedicated to for profit.

- The previous requirement for The capitalist mode of production is as follows: true farmers They are salaried workers, employed by a capitalist, the lessee, that only practices agriculture as a special exploitation field of the Capital, as an investment of its capital in a special production sphere.

-This capitalist lessee pays the landowner, the owner of the land that explodes, a sum of contracts contractually (as does the borrower of monetary capital) on certain dates, for example annually, by the permission to use its capital in this particular field. of production. This sum of money is called land rent, regardless of whether it comes of cultivable land, construction works, mines, if you pay the fishing, the forests, etc.

- Earth's rent, pays for all the time during which the owner of the land lent or rented contractually the land to the lessee. Here, Earth's rent is way in which property is done and used economically.

- In addition, we have here The three classes that constitute the framework of modern society, together and Faced: the salaried worker, the industrial capitalist and the landowner.

The theoretical details that preceded belong to Carlos Marx, capital, t. III, Sixth section: Transformation of plusganance into basic income, introductory information.

Intensive agriculture and extensive, capitalist estates and semi -feudal estates. Agriculture Commercial and subsistence and mixsta agriculture of small producers Agrarian .

It is important to have an idea clear of what these concepts mean to differentiate character capitalist or semi -feudal of agriculture in the EU, both in the 14, especially southern Italy and Spain, as to these countries, with the 13 East of Europe. Thus, we can differentiate large agricultural companies capitalists of the big agro -export companies of agriculture semi -feudal and their remnants.

Will continue
