By the way #115: Israel wants to invade Rafah in the way of 'final solution' Nazi - The New Democracy

Author: Redação de AND
Categories: Plantão Palestina
Description: Check out the program 115 of the program by the way
Link-Section: category/plantao-palestina/
Modified Time: 2024-02-21T15:05:31-03:00
Published Time: 2024-02-21T15-05-29-03-00
Sections: Plantão Palestina
Tags: A Propósito, palestina
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-02-21T15:05:31-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg

The Program 115 of By the way It dealt with the planning of the Zionist State of Israel, still in progress, to invade the city of Rafah, Palestinian region of the southern Gaza Strip. In the program, the city's invasion plan prepared by the Sionan Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's War Cabinet is compared to the “final solution to the Jewish question”, prepared by the Nazi state in the early 1940s.

In addition, a program also dealt with the military actions of the Palestinian National Resistance, Israeli crimes, USA veto to the proposal of ceasefire prepared by Algeria in the UN Security Council and diplomatic friction between Brazil and the State of Israel .

The national section was devoted, in addition to coverage of the friction with Israel, to news of the indigenous resumption in Viamão, Porto Alegre, and the brutal police slaughter committed by the PM of Paraná Shock Battalion in Londrina. Check out the program below.
