The high commissioner of the United Nations for Human Rights has published a press release in which yes report The serious concerns of the United Nations experts regarding alarming reports and complaints of serious violations of human rights against Palestinian women and girls in the Gaza and West Bank Strip, including sexual and rape violence.
According to the information received by the experts, women and girls Palestinians would have been subjected to rapes, sexual violence, and arbitrary executions, often together with their family members, including children, within the Gaza Strip. The experts expressed shocks for the relationships that indicate deliberate attacks and extrajudicial killings of Palestinian women and children, some of whom, according to what reported, kept pieces of white fabric in his hand while they were killed by the Israeli army or by the affiliated.
United Nations experts highlighted the arbitrary possession of hundreds of Palestinian women and girls since 7 October, including defenders of human rights, journalists and humanitarian operators. According to reports, many prisoners have undergone inhuman and degrading treatments, including the refusal of basic necessities (such as absorbent, food and medicines) as well as serious beatings. Cases of sexual violence have been reported, including cases of rape, with prisoners presumably subjected to searches by male officers of the Israeli army and threatened with further sexual violence.
In addition, there is disturbing news of Palestinian women and children, including babies, who disappeared after contact with the Israeli army, some of whom are transferred by force to Israel. Experts have asked for an in -depth and impartial investigation by underlining that these acts would constitute serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, potentially equivalent to crimes pursuable pursuant to international criminal law.
"The managers must be held responsible", underlined the experts, "and the victims and their families deserve full repair and justice". United Nations experts also urged an immediate action to face these atrocities and guarantee the protection of Palestinian women and girls in the Gaza Strip and in West Bank.
Fonte: ONU OHCHR (19 Febbraio 2024), Israel/oPt: UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls, http://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against